• Published 9th Jan 2015
  • 2,230 Views, 32 Comments

The Vagaries of Fate - Sparky Brony

A former foe is reborn in a new body, how will Twilight and the rest react to this apparent enemy who has no memory of what happened?

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Chapter 2.

The walk to Ponyville is very tiring. So tiring that, eventually, I end up on Twilight's back. I nearly fall asleep on the purple winged-unicorn's surprisingly comfortable back. Her friends are with us. They spent quite a bit of time talking to the zebra. With her curious way of speaking, always in rhyme, I found that I liked this Zecora. I am almost fully asleep when Twilight's magic gently lifts me off of her. I blink my eyes several times, taking in my new surroundings. I look up, and up, at the building in front of me. This is a castle, and it's huge!

"You live here?" I gasp out.

Twilight smiles at the awe in my voice, "Yes, little one, I live here. And until we find your home, so do you."

My ears fall, "In this gigantic castle?"

She nods. The massive doors open, revealing unicorn ponies in golden colored armor. They bow to Twilight, though they eye me for a long moment, until Twilight clears her throat, causing them to jerk in surprise. I walk past the obvious guards, staying close to Twilight. I keep a hand touching her, mainly to make sure that she is still there. All of this feels like a dream. We walk through many hallways, with doors everywhere. This castle is amazing. All built of some kind of crystal. She eventually leads me to a throne-room. I look around, once again stunned. There are six thrones here, with symbols matching those on each of these six ponies' flanks. The ponies disperse, settling into each of the thrones. I turn, looking curiously at Twilight.

She smiles at the look on my face, "Little one, I am the Princess of Friendship," she giggles a bit. "What would a Princess of Friendship be, without her friends by her side?"

I subside. She seems to know what is going on in my head. A dragon pops up from a small throne next to the one with Twilight's symbol on it. "Twilight, so did you find what Zecora came into town all upset about?" He skids to a stop. Getting a good look at me, he yelps and runs back to the throne, hiding behind it.

Twilight tsks, "Spike." Her horn alights, and the dragon is lifted by her magic. He's set down in front of me, "This isn't Tirek. She was in the Everfree Forest. She somehow made her way to Zecora's house, so Zecora came and got us. It's that simple."

The baby dragon trembles in front of me, "She looks like him."

Twilight sighs, "I know Spike, and I have my own doubts," She looks at me severely, then her eyes widen as I wilt. She comes forward and nuzzles me. I grab her muzzle and hug her tightly, a bit of a laugh enters her voice, "She sure doesn't act like him."

Spike comes up, and he giggles as he hugs Twilight, "If you're sure, Twilight."

I feel her body tense up. "I hope so, Spike," she murmurs.


Only a few hours later, I'm out hiking with Twilight. She doesn't seem to be in any hurry; taking her time, keeping an eye on me as I pad sedately along next to her. We make our way outside of Ponyville, me keeping a hand on the purple Alicorn. What is she going to show me? I keep my eyes peeled in curiosity as we journey. Eventually we come to an area of broken ground, where the grass is stripped away, the remnants of huge explosions. I gasp as we draw closer to the torn fields. I can feel the thrum of the magic that was used here. Looking closer, I get another surprise. Hundreds of ponies are working all around here; earth ponies, with shovels or other digging implements, as those curious symbols on their flanks, along with unicorns, and even pegasi. They are smoothing out the ground, taking jagged rocks and laying them down, or moving them around.

"They are repairing the damage done by the battle, since it was so close to Ponyville," Twilight answers my unasked question. Something in her voice makes me look up at her. Her eyes glisten with unshed tears.

"What is all of this, Twilight? What happened here?" I ask plaintively.

She looks around at the ponies industriously working for a long time. Finally, she kneels down to look me in the eye, "This is where Tirek and I fought."

I gasp, looking around with new eyes. I see where magical beams struck the ground, gouging out whole sections of earth, scattering it everywhere. Over one way, it looks like part of the work is done, and ponies are pulling carts behind them. There are ponies in the carts, scattering seeds around as they roll. Others walk behind them, every one having a plant of some kind emblazoned on their flank. Everywhere they walk, I see plants growing, behind them luscious grass pushes through the soil. Their magic hums, and it feels as though my own bones are vibrating in response to the magic all around me.

My musings are interrupted by a sob. I quickly turn, only to see tears streaming down the princess' face. I come up and hug her the best I can, "Oh, Twilight, I'm so sorry."

She rubs a fetlock across her muzzle, sniffling a bit, and peers at me, "I don't know if you are related to Tirek, but his greed, his desire for our magic, is what did this. I was forced to defend the ponies, and I did my best." She looks at those who are working for a long while, "But, my best, even with the combined magic of all of the Princesses of Equestria, wasn't enough. We fought to a standstill. I couldn't stop him, and he couldn't defeat me. So he used my friends as leverage." Fresh tears well up. I move closer once again, only to be waved away, "He offered me my friends, in exchange for the Alicorn magic."

I'm shocked, "Did you give it to him?"

She nods.

"But, how is it that you are here, and he isn't?"

She smiles sadly, "Because, there is a stronger magic, one that is greater than he ever could have imagined. The magic of our friendship. You've met the ponies that are my best friends. A lot of the other ponies in this town are my friends as well. We fought for them, we fought to save them. We defeated him, to protect them." She looks wistfully at the broken ground, then points at a nearby mountain, "You see the hole in that mountain?"

I look and nod. She continues, "He threw me, bodily, into that mountain, then flew at me. He barreled through the mountain, with me."

I shudder, tears welling in my own eyes, "But why? Why are you showing me this, Twilight?"

"I want you to know the devastation that he wrought. What he did to hurt us," her voice gets very quiet. "What he did to hurt me," she adds in a whisper, as a tear falls.

I nod seriously, "I don't know if it helps you, Twilight, but I'm sorry for what he did."

She sniffles a bit, and looks at me for a long time. Finally, she nuzzles me, "Thank you, Enigma."

"Enigma?" I ask, a little perplexed.

She smiles, "I've decided on a name for you, since you don't seem to know your own. I can't very well go around calling you 'little one', or 'hey you'. Enigma works." She stops, looking unsure, "Do you like it? I could think of something else if you don’t."

"I think Enigma works for me. Thank you, Twilight."


We are making our way back into town, when a voice calls out, "Hey there Twilight." She stops, watching as three fillies approach, one from each of the three pony tribes. The yellow one, with the red hair and pink bow on her head, is in the lead, smiling at the purple Alicorn.

"Oh, hi girls!" I watch her expression. She seems truly happy to see these foals. I step out from next to Twilight, making myself more visible to them as they trot up to us.

All three skid to a stop, as one. The white unicorn, with the purple and pink mane, squeaks out, "It's Tirek! He's back!"

They scramble to turn around and run away, only to be caught in the Alicorn's magical aura, "Girls, this isn't Tirek. We just found her, but she's not the monster that took away your strength."

The three calm down after another moment of struggle. Twilight sets them down, and they all approach me. I see that they are more my size as they pace around me.

"She's a centaur," The orange pegasus, with the purple mane, growls. She paws the ground, her wings extending.

"Are you sure she's not Tirek, Twilight? She looks an awful lot like him," the earth pony says.

"I think she's cute," the unicorn chirps.

They stop, the white unicorn pushing her face into mine, "What's your name?"

I gulp a little, and look at Twilight, who gives me an encouraging smile, "I don't know what my name is, but Twilight is calling me Enigma, so I guess that's my name now."

"Enigma," the unicorn sits down, saying the word a couple of times quietly. She seems to be trying to get a feeling for the texture of the word. Then she brightens, "I'm Sweetie Belle, and these are my friends: Scootaloo, " she points to the pegasus, "and Apple Bloom. I'm glad to meet you." She holds out a hoof.

I look at the outstretched appendage for a time, unsure of what she expects of me. Finally, I tentatively reach out a hand and shake her hoof. She smiles kindly at me, which draws a smile from my own lips. I glance down, "It's nice to meet you, too."

Apple Bloom seems to have gotten over her trepidation. She bowls Sweetie Belle over, both of them tumble end over end, laughing. Then Scootaloo gets into the mix, all three of them wrestling with each other. I can't help but laugh, as they keep play fighting. When they finally part, Apple Bloom chimes up, "We're the Cutie Mark Crusaders!"

I frown, "The what now?"

"The Cutie Mark Crusaders! We're on a mission!"

"A quest!" Scootaloo adds.

Sweetie Belle finishes with, "To get our cutie marks!" She squeaks a bit at the end, causing me to laugh in spite of myself.

They seem surprised by my confusion.

Apple Bloom comes up to me, "You do know what cutie marks are, right?"

Twilight steps in, "I haven't had time to talk to her about cutie marks yet, girls. I don't think centaurs get them. At least, Tirek didn't have one."

All three look crestfallen for a moment. "Oh, we didn't know," Apple Bloom says, somberly.

I smile, "Well, Cutie Mark Crusaders, if anyone deserves a cutie mark, I'm sure it's you three."

They all smile at me, then Twilight speaks up, "Alright girls, it's getting late, why don't you head for home?"

The three girls laugh, running off, jumping over each other, and bouncing around, always full of energy. Before they get too far, Sweetie Belle stops to call out, "Nice meeting you Enigma!" She smiles as I wave to them. And then, they are gone.

"They're nice. I like them."

She watches where the departing ponies went, "I like them too."


It's been a few days at Twilight's castle, and I've been her near constant shadow. I've met all the staff at this castle, and the guards that were sent by Princess Celestia. Best of all, I've gotten to meet Twilight's friends. I really like all of them, especially Pinkie Pie. That pony can make anyone laugh, and will do almost anything to make that laugh happen. I'm always happy when Pinkie Pie is around.

I'm resting comfortably, chatting with Spike. He's really happy today, since he's been able to introduce me to his comic book collection. I turn to look at a new arrival, my jaw dropping to the floor. The pony before me has to be the most regal being I've ever seen. Creamy white coat and feathers, pastel mane wafting in an unfelt breeze. I freeze, looking at Twilight. The purple Alicorn hops off of her throne, and canters over to the gleaming white Alicorn.

"Princess Celestia, you came!" she exclaims, nuzzling the other pony.

Princess Celestia, in return, shows just as much affection for Twilight. I actually smile in spite of myself, seeing how affectionate these ponies are. Princess Celestia's voice rings out, pure and beautiful, "Princess Twilight, you asked for me to come, so of course I came."

They spend a long moment catching up, then Twilight turns and looks at me, "And now, for the reason I asked you to visit." Her voice raises in pitch, and volume, "Enigma, would you please come here?"

I smile at Spike, who reaches out a claw, grasping my hand quickly. He and I have become pretty good friends over the last couple of days. I take a deep breath, then walk slowly to the Princesses.

"Princess Celestia, this is Enigma," Twilight introduces me.

The larger Princess stops and looks at me, for a long while. Finally, she speaks, "Greetings, young Enigma."

I attempt a curtsey, spreading my hands and kneeling with my forelegs, this brings a smile from the ethereal being.

Twilight steps forward, nuzzling me quickly. I think she can tell how nervous I am. She turns to the taller Princess, "She apparently found her way to Zecora's hut in the Everfree. Zecora came to us, and we ended up bringing her here. So far, she's really been a joy to have around. She's very smart, and is a voracious reader."

I blush at that. Without any memories to call my own, once Twilight showed me the library and introduced me to the books there, I was quite gratified to find that I could understand them. Since then, I've spent hours reading every day, along with the comic books that Spike enjoys so immensely.

"I was a little worried, after our encounter with Tirek. But she doesn't act like him." Twilight continues.

Celestia lowers her head to peer at me for a long time, then she smiles and looks at Twilight, "I'll admit I am wary as well, considering you found her in the Everfree Forest." She stops, continuing to look at me, a frown fixing itself on her muzzle. I find myself fidgeting under her scrutiny. I force myself to quiet my hands, to stand still in front of this member of royalty. Finally, she smiles again, "But I have faith in you, Princess Twilight. You and your friends found her, and I trust you to do the right thing by her."

I let out the breath I didn't know I was holding, and end up getting nuzzled again by Twilight. Celestia seems to notice her affection, "Like a daughter to you, right?"

Twilight blushes furiously. She looks at Princess Celestia for a long moment, "What do you mean, Princess?"

The white Princess steps close to Twilight. Surprisingly, her face is also flushed, "When you came to be my personal student, for the first time in your young life, you were going to be away from your family for an extended period. I must confess, I had more than a few maternal thoughts regarding the new unicorn taking up residence in my castle. I was able to watch you grow, to mature into the young lady you ended up becoming. Then I sent you that spell from Starswirl. You surpassed all of my expectations, and were able to complete that new magic, allowing for you to be raised to an Alicorn." Her smile becomes wistful, "And, you have been able to make a life here in Ponyville, you have gained friends. You have grown up under my care, Twilight Sparkle. And now, you have your own little one to care for. She may not be your child, but she is as important to you as any child you bore would be."

Twilight's brow furrows in thought. I look at her for a long moment, all of her concentration seems to be internal. Then, finally, she seems to see me, and she brightens. Once again, I'm the recipient of a nuzzle from the purple Alicorn, "You have a point there, Princess."

I look at Twilight, "I'm your child?" Still not understanding exactly what she means.

She hugs me tightly, "Both yes, and no, Enigma. You may not be my child directly, but I'm going to raise you." She sighs, "The best that I can."

I think about what was said for a long time, finally I jump and hug her, "I think I like that. I think I like that a lot."

Our moment is interrupted by a guard rushing in. The gray pony stops in front of the princesses. Bowing deeply, "Princess Twilight, Princess Celestia, I have news."

Celestia looks at Twilight, who nods slightly, the guard pony continues, "One of the staff has fallen ill."

Twilight looks confused, "They should be taken to the infirmary. Why bring this to me? Surely the staff doctor can handle this."

The guard looks bleak, "This isn't some common illness, Princess. His strength is gone, and his cutie mark has disappeared."

Princess Celestia's head jerks back in surprise. Then, to my shock, she takes a long look at me. "Let us check on this poor pony."

In moments we are galloping through the castle. I'm hot on Twilight's hooves, as we head to the infirmary.

Twilight takes the lead, Princess Celestia hanging back, watching her former student as she approaches the pony lying on the infirmary bed. The earth pony is covered, but seems to be in pain. I peek at him; he seems older than dirt. He coughs, and the unicorn doctor paces up, scanning the patient with his magic. He sighs, looking at Twilight. After a moment, he tosses his head, directing us away from the patient.

"I'm not certain what happened to him. He came in looking like all of his magic had been drained."

Twilight gasps, "Like when Tirek stole the pony's magic?"

He nods.

Twilight looks at me, her expression unreadable. Then she looks at Celestia. I think she's looking for guidance. Celestia's face remains expressionless. After a long time, Twilight looks at the doctor, "Please, do what you can for him."

We finally leave the infirmary. I find myself thinking furiously. I didn't do this, I know I didn't. I've only met that pony once, and that was when I was introduced to the staff. I remember that he is a groundskeeper for the castle. I don't even know how to steal the magic of ponies. But somehow, this pony's magic is gone.

Twilight drops back from her mentor as we walk, moving up next to me. She keeps her voice low, though I'm certain that Celestia can hear every word, "Enigma, I don't see how it would be possible, but have you spent any time around that pony?"

I shake my head, "No, Twilight. I only met him the once."

She thinks for a long time as we walk, finally she nuzzles me, "I know, sweetie, I just had to be a hundred percent sure."