• Published 9th Jan 2015
  • 3,086 Views, 13 Comments

Heritage - FaelaArts

An ancient Dragon meets a young Princess

  • ...

All that remained.

Celestia shook below the towering form of the oldest Dragon in history, wondering why she had let her sister put her up to this. While they were Alicorns, and stronger than regular ponies, Celestia seriously doubted even she could defend herself against such a monster. She jumped as it blew a gust of wind that nearly blew her away, and two golden eyes slowly opened.

“Why do you disturb me?” The voice shook the cave, and Celestia crouched low, shivering in fear, unable to speak. Celestia had no doubts, she was going to die here. Briefly, she noticed a dragonfly buzzing beside the Dragon, being ignored. Gulping, Celestia realised she had no choice but to try and speak, and force words to escape her mouth.

“M-My sister dared me to enter the cave. I-I’m sorry for bothering you.” Celestia silently hoped the Dragon would let her go, but seriously doubted that would be the case. The Dragon glanced toward the dragonfly as it buzzed in a strange pattern, before looking back toward the Alicorn, and bringing it’s head closer. Celestia screeched, and hid under her hooves, knowing she was going to be eaten.

“You can relax, I am not going to eat you.” Was that a hint of amusement in the voice? Celestia slowly looked up as the eyes dimmed, and she realised that there was amusement hidden behind it. The Dragon found it amusing she thought he was going to eat her. That enough made Celestia stand up, and take a better look at the Dragon.

Rippling purple scales, golden spikes going down its back, and eyes consumed by amusement. Celestia glanced toward the back of the cave, seeing a Dragon skeleton curled around a nest of some sort. Glancing back, she watched as the Dragon followed her gaze, and his eyes softened.

“She was my mate. I will follow her soon.” The Dragon looked toward Celestia curiously, and glanced once more to the dragonfly as it buzzed sporadically. Celestia frowned, tilting her head in confusion. Just what was going on.

“Tell me, pony, do you know the tales of Spyro?” The Dragon waited, and Celestia shook her head. No, she had never heard of somepony named Spyro. The Dragon seemed to accept this, closing his eyes as he absorbed this fact.

“So I have finally outlived my legends…” The Dragon paused, and looked toward the nest, putting a claw to his chin, musing. The dragonfly’s buzzing grew insistent, even trying to block him as he reached into the nest, and pulled out a single egg. Turning, he held it toward Celestia, who hesitantly took it in her magic. Or she tried to, her magic rolled off it. Picking it up with a hoof instead, she was surprised by how light it was.

“That is my son, he is inert, destined to never hatch, despite the life throbbing in the egg. Only a strong magic pulse could ever hope to hatch him, and so I bequeath him to you, the pony who chanced upon me as my life draws to a close.” The Dragon laid down once more, eyes dimming. It was as if that one movement had drained him of all his energy.

“But…” Celestia wasn’t sure what to object to first. Why was this Dragon giving her an egg? What possible reason would he have to do so? Dragons were ferocious, and never even spared ponies a glance. And yet, this one seemed to be highly intelligent. Were all Dragons like this? Could they be reasoned with? Slowly, the Dragon turned his gaze back to her.

“There is nothing more I can do for my son. His only option prior to your arrival was to grow up as a Dragon. But now, he can grow up as a pony, and maybe learn to overcome his instincts. My blood will not help him now, as it slowly begins to stop beating through me. You are my last hope at his chance for a life with meaning.” The Dragon closed his eyes, and the dragonfly came to land on the snout.

“But, what can I do? I’m just a pony, and I know nothing about raising a baby.” Celestia held out the egg, trying to get the Dragon to take it back. However, as she watched the color slowly begin to drain from the scales, she wondered if it was too late to do so. The Dragon breathed out, giving a final breath.

“Goodbye Sparx. Goodbye son. Goodbye…” The Dragon finished breathing out, and was gone. Celestia felt a tear come to her eye, despite not knowing much about the Dragon. The dragonfly dimmed, laying on the Dragon’s snout. Celestia decided it was probably wise to excuse herself. Stepping outside, Celestia bit her lip, and narrowed her eyes as she looked to the egg.

Spyro, she would remember the name.

Celestia closed the ancient book carefully, her magic the only thing holding it together. Smiling sadly, she remembered the Dragon who had given it to her, a female called Ember. Celestia had been lucky, as that Dragon had been close to fading as well. Celestia pulled out a brand new book, filled with blank pages, and began to rewrite the ancient book, word for word.

“Your legend lives on, as does your son,” she spoke to herself, letting a sad smile fall on her face. Celestia had much to thank the Dragon for. If she hadn’t met him, she would have never tried to negotiate peace between ponies and Dragons, earning them a treaty that was lasting lifetimes.

A scroll appeared above her head, and she caught it with her magic, opening it and reading the letter. To her surprise, it was Spike that was sending the friendship report this time. Celestia smiled warmly, and glanced out the window. One of the clouds almost looked Dragon-like in shape, she smiled.

Celestia finished her task, and let her magic fade on the ancient book, watching it crumble to dust. Covering the new book in a dozen spells to keep it from aging as quickly, she slotted it back into place on her private shelf. Turning, Celestia walked out of the room, and wondered what legends would be made about the son of the Dragon.

For she had no doubts the Dragon would be proud of his son.

Author's Note:

This is my headcannon.

Comments ( 13 )

Well written and interesting. I'm not a fan of the dragon's name being Spyro, though. I find it a bit silly and it takes out a lot of the seriousness of the story. Still, I tried to think of it in a good light even with that hindrance toward my opinion of it, and found I still liked it. The idea of dragons and ponies being very far detached from one another, and that this dragon really was going to just die alone with his unhatched son, until a random pony walks in... It was good. ^^

Not sure about the Spyro cross over But, i do like the your idea for the origin of Spike's egg. After every ep with dragons i have wondered why Celestia had a dragon egg. As well as why was Twilight's first test was to hatch a dragon of all creatures. To me Spike has been gradually climbing the ranks on my favorite character list. I think the reason why is like Luna not a lot is known about him. So I can wonder and imagine his origin and possible future. In fact my personal favorite fics are usually to do with him. Like For the Ones we Love, Subconscious Desire and, A Dragon's Pride and a Mare's kindness, to name a few.

Will Spike face Malefor and the Grublins and resurrect everything that the Dragon Realms (Equestria now) had lost?

5483827 Story's a one shot, forgot to mark it complete ^^'

Very unfortunate that this is an one-shot because I recognized the crossover and frankly, this is a GARGANTUAN butterfly.

Spike being not only the descendant of Spyro but being purple like him means he inherited his curse ; this means he is the destined Dark Master of the generation, infused with the ability to control all forms of magic and, above all else, black magic. It also means he is destined to destroy the world and will struggle with growing madness, increasingly becoming violent and insane until he become a puppet for the Dark Realm's prophecy unless he can find a way to break it.

... which speaking of and judging from the scene Spike's egg was discovered in, something Spyro failed to (the implication being that he snapped and killed Cynder in his madness and that he's willingly letting himself die as to avoid becoming completely consumed by the curse, like Malefor was).

I do think it would be a major butterfly if Spike was pretty much packing enough black magic to make Sombra look like a puppy and had a destiny that would horrify Tirek and Nightmare Moon alike. He's pretty much, cosmically, saddled with the role of being the very opposite to the Elements of Harmony and the Princess of Friendship...

A cool little story. As a Spyro fan I appreciate it.

Not a bad story. Fairly well-written for a padded one-shot. My only issue was the first paragraph.

Celestia shook below the towering form of the oldest Dragon in history, wondering why she had let her sister put her up to this. While they were Alicorns, and stronger than regular ponies, Celestia seriously doubted even she could defend herself against such a monster. It breathed out, a gust of wind that nearly blew her away, and two golden eyes slowly opened.

That last sentence felt inappropriately placed. The first paragraph is the most important because it tells the reader what the story is going to be like. I thought there were going to be errors all around, but that was the only one I found that bothered me.

7921739 It does? I must be blind, I'm not seeing it sorry It seems fine to me ^^

7922311 The first two sentences talk about how Celestia's afraid that she can't defend herself, then it shifts to the dragon waking up. Now, if you're going to do something like this to make the scene horrid, you have to be specific on the wording choice. It would have been more effective if you said something like

She jumped as it blew a gust of wind that nearly blew her away.

Even if you don't like that example, it makes the scene more suspending according to the protagonist, Celestia.

It breathed out, a gust of wind that nearly blew her away, and two golden eyes slowly opened.

I read this over and over to make sure; the comma after 'out' is inappropriately placed. If you don't see it, try pausing after every comma. If the pause feels good, it's a well-placed comma. If the pause feels inappropriate, you might want to take it, out (see what I did there? :D).

I'd say the second part of the sentence

two golden eyes slowly opened

can be fitted in a simple second paraph. Usually, the introduction should at least be more than two paragraghs. Too long makes the story undesirable, too little might be a sign of a story that doesn't care where it goes.

Just trying to be helpful. Forgive me if I come off as rubbish in the muck.

7922311 And as an absolute Spyro fanboy, I can say that this story has an excellent premise and that I did enjoy.

7923029 Oh I follow you now! I accidentally changed perspectives mid paragraph! Whoops!
Thanks for spotting that!

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