• Published 27th Jan 2015
  • 4,964 Views, 60 Comments

All That Glitters - ellie_

Adagio Dazzle and Sunset Shimmer do not realize that they share each other's torment...Yet.

  • ...

A Dazzling Opportunity

A smug smirk dances on my lips as the atmosphere thickens, the tension becoming palpable as the two men stare each other down. What started as a small remark—a quip bordering on malicious intent and witty humor—has now turned into full-fledged insult and slander. Their shared anger is so petty that I hear familiar snickers behind me, amusement written all over Aria and Sonata's faces as our pendants begin to glow. I revel in the anger, soaking up the negative energy as the emotions begin to crescendo.

I'm jolted out of my euphoria when the door suddenly slams against the wall.

"Dammit, I'm late again!" our manager bursts across the threshold, slamming down his suitcase and running his fingers through his messy hair. "Ungrateful daughter of mine...You know she took over my job as the conductor of the Canterlot Orchestra?" we nod half-heartedly as he loosens his tie from around his veiny neck. "She was running around with that useless, uncouth girlfriend of hers on the job!"

I lift a brow in amusement, but don't bother voicing a response.

"Bah, never mind that! We got a tour to kick off, for God's sake!" he flops onto the chair next to the producer and beat maker, eyeing them wearily with clasped hands. "And not too mention this new album coming out! How is that going?"

"Well, Mr. Melody, he—" they both begin, slitted eyes meeting each other's.

"We don't have time for this, people! This tour is starting in two days, if I may remind you. We need to review the album and get out of here—I don't have time for your petty arguments; you're both useless enough as it is!"

With a sigh, he buries his head in his hands. The two men exchange a look in agreement; get this angry man out of here. I suppress a laugh at their stupidity and instead settle for sitting across from Legato, wanting to get out of the presence of such idiots already.

"We've reviewed the album twice over and everything seems fine," I inform him and he nods.

"Good, good. But there is one more thing, something concerning the tour itself," he gestures for Aria and Sonata to sit and they do so, taking the seats behind me. "Management is saying we need something big. Something that wows, something that...stands out from most other bands."

A single sheet of paper is slid in front of me, and I glance it over. Many suggestions from more fanmeets to holograms are listed in the hopes that it would booster our popularity.

"What about tacos?! Everyone loves tacos!" Sonata pipes up from behind me and I roll my eyes.

"Only the worst people like tacos, Sonata," Aria grumbles. "Figures since you are the worst of the worst."

"That's not what you were saying last ni—"

"Girls!" I hastily cut them off, the menacing sneer silencing them immediately.

Aria scoffs and turns the other way, Sonata continuing to poke at her when our manager scoots his chair up closer. I catch the hint, leaving the two to squabble behind me.

"I've been talking with the team about some possibilities. You guys have been a huge hit in Canterlot, but now you need to take over the whole nation. You're capable of it, for that I'm certain, but you're going to need something fresh to make you stand out from the competition."

I nod in agreement, mind whirling and turning. He's right—we have been immensely popular in Canterlot. The citizens here are so easy it's almost laughable; add a good beat with swaying hips and you're suddenly the top hit! But, it will be harder to sway the whole of Equestria. While we have fans all over the country, we're talking about complete domination. Number one hits, legends, stars—and all the energy that would be at our expense! My gem pulses at the thought and I bite my lip.

"Management truly wants something that the fans themselves will go nuts over."

My mind flashes gold and red, and a smirk tattoos itself onto my face.

"You know, I think I might have just the perfect idea," I reach up and caress the ruby hanging around my neck. "Do you think I could talk to management myself?"

He lifts a brow.

"I'd like to sing them a little song. You know, just to help...persuade them."


"I need to do a mic check, can you get this quickly?! More lip gloss for Sonata as well, she licked it all off!"

Utter chaos has erupted throughout the entire backstage, every person from the lighting crew to the makeup coordinators running back and forth, shouting their commands and needs. I lounge at my vanity peacefully—legs crossed and eyes closed—as various hands flitter over my face and hair, accessories being slid onto my wrists as the last ringlet of my hair is perfected.

"You useless DJ!" I hear our manager scream from outside the door, my eyes rolling on their own accord. "Get to your spot and quit messing around with my daughter!"

More so than usual, I find my fingers caressing my pendant. The ruby is pulsing softly, the energy from our opening act mounting up the crowd's excitement. Trixie and the Illusions are a popular enough band on their own, and having them rev up the audience is already proving to be a successful endeavor. But that has always been the case with Canterlot—it's almost laughable how much energy we soak up from the citizens just walking around town.

Though, this was not always the case. When we were first banished here, it was almost impossible to even sing, let alone feed. That dreaded wizard's magic drained our powers in that last battle. It was glorious, but it was a supernova that we paid the price for. Our voices were too strained to even speak the first years we were here. But after we regained our craft and had rested our worn bodies, it was time. And how easy it was!

This world is nothing like the Equestria we were accustomed too. Ponies value friendship and love—but that doesn't exist here. The people of this world are cynical and selfish and spiteful. We don't even have to sing for people to do our bidding half the time! If there's a gain for them, they'll do whatever it takes. Though I will always resent the fact that we were exiled, I am secretly grateful that the old fool didn't have a clue where he sent us. I hope he's rolling over in his grave, knowing that we have more power than ever...

"Miss Adagio?"

The timid voice that cuts through my internal dialogue makes my eyelids snap open. I shift my gaze expectantly to the girl peeking out of the door.


"You're on in five and Mr. Melody is outside..."

Rising from my seat, I make my way towards the exit and jostle the girl out of my way. As promised, Legato is already in the hallway, foot tapping impatiently as he checks his watch. The moment he spots me we begin walking, pace matched as we stride towards the main stage. Trixie's song steadily grows louder and louder the closer we get, the hall reverberating in time to the beat. The whispers of power cause goosebumps to erupt over my skin as the hazy green glow emanating from our destination thickens with each step. Two pairs of heels come up from behind me, Sonata and Aria following my lead with knowing smirks painted on their lips.

"Everyone is all set on Adagio's plan?" our manager asks hastily as we come to a halt. "Just like we practiced?"

We all nod in unison, hearts palpitating. Trixie yells out a distinct parting shout and the familiar wave of serenity begins to travel through my veins.

Only a few more minutes.

"Brilliant. Now get out there already! Adagio, main stage. You two, behind the curtain as planned. Let's kick this tour off already!"

"Don't screw this up," I warn my two members, but they're already used to my criticism, eye rolls and smiles meeting my icy glare before they are shuffled off to their positions.

With an adjustment to my mic and a deep breath, I turn to the door to my right and cross the threshold. I travel below the stage, following the path that's shrouded in pure, raw want. It's all around; the air is electric with the audience's frenzied energy. I wonder if she is out there. Pausing, I shake my head and mentally scold myself. Now is not the time for thinking about her. If she is, my need for her will be sated soon enough. My plan is a guarantee for that. Smoke and green intertwine above me, seeping out through the cracks and reaching out to me, as desperate for my ruby as I am for her. But both needs will be quelled in good time. Halting at my spot, I wait intently—eyes closed and shoulders back—and listen.

Only a few more moments.

The distinct whir and click of the mechanics compete with the blood rushing in my ears, but it effortlessly wins. I can't detect a single sound, so I steadily count, as practiced, not missing a step as I watch for my signal. The engineer gives me the thumbs up and I lift the mic up to my lips. Adrenaline begins to flood my veins, my predator response to the oblivious prey above me as the platform underneath my feet jolts forward. Lights flash above me and the roar of the crowd deafens the machinery as I'm suddenly lifted into the air, the nerves and confidence clashing together as the glowing from my necklace transforms into a steady shine.

Only one more second.

Two voices begin to harmonize above me, the teal and violet on either side of me. As the stage slowly begins to open up for me, my fingers coil around my mic tighter and I take another deep breath.


A veil of dazzling gold showers over me as I burst onto the stage. Screams and shouts sprinkle across the audience, but most try to refrain from it as I start off strong and come over the top of the harmony, the fans already reveling in our song. Voices weaving and intertwining together effortlessly, we watch as the audience quickly slips under our spell, entirely enchanted and blissfully swaying to the beat. Stepping forward, I undulate to the steady thumping of the beat. Hands reach out to me as I kneel down in front of them, too far away to ever touch but enough to drive them insane. Smiling, I drink in the attention as I tease them, purposely distracting myself from a certain combination of red and yellow that just has to be amongst the crowd.

Languidly rising back to my feet, I swivel on my heel and strut back towards my members, hips swaying evocatively to the beat. The room seems to be filled to the absolute brim with their passion and the raw power seeping from their pores, and I can not help the feral grin that stretches over my lips. It's all for us—the cheering, the singing, the wanting. In this moment, we are the absolute beginning and end to each and every one of them, and that fact sends shivers bolting down my spine. It's almost dismal that the first song is already beginning to come to a close.

On normal occasions, the guilt and heartache caused by that lovely girl has eaten me alive by now. But this time I feel nothing but pure bliss as my voice crescendos. No rage, no anguish, no turning away; this time, it will be different. The shimmering spotlight focuses on me alone as I let my eyelashes flutter over my cheekbones. Two more counts, and I let all of my inhibitions go. Tilting my head back, I release the true power of my voice, my curls quaking and bracelet shaking from the intensity as the audience's roar begins to overpower the volume of my voice. I taper off with a smile tugging at the corners of my lips.

"Thank you!" Sonata jumps up and down, waving to the fans.

This sends them spiraling into an even deeper frenzy, and I wait patiently, my eyes combing over the crowd as I finally grant myself permission to look for her. Meticulously scouring the various anonymous faces, my heart skips a beat when I spot her in the second row, gaze settled on me.

"Alright, enough," Aria groans, the overextended cheering subsiding as I step forward.

A dramatic pause has everyone on the edge of their seats, and I teasingly bring the mic to my lips while taking a needed breath.

"Welcome, my little Dazzles, to the Glittering Tour!" every person present erupts with a cheer, and I wait for a few moments before holding a hand up. "I know you are as excited as we are, and we will return to the songs in a moment."

The tension rises in the room, murmurs questioning what's going to happen next floating around the concert hall.

"But," Sonata giggles and rocks on her heels.

"We have something special before that," I smirk and step to the edge of the stage, extending my hand out and pointing to the her.

The audience gasps loudly as I curl my fingers and meet her eyes.

"You there," her mouth falls open in disbelief and a shiver runs down my spine, hair standing up on the back of my neck. "Come up on stage."

Author's Note:

So this was not as adequate as I wanted it to be...

Heyo~! Wow, that was a long wait for this, huh? Couple story interludes in between it but it's here so ta-da! :rainbowkiss:

Hopefully the wait was worth it, and the next chapter will be up soon enough. This is going to be like a five chapter sort of deal anyways, so even if you wait a long time, the chapters will be moving fairly quickly and stuff...Yeah I can't write chaptered stories to save my life! :twilightsheepish:

Like it? Love it? Hate it? Despise it? Tell me in the comments and drop me a thumbs up! :heart:

P.S. I did take the name 'Legato' from the story Syncopation. Bonus points if you can spot the not so secret OTP and figure out who the manager is!

Comments ( 60 )

So I haven't even read this yet, but as soon as I saw the cover art with your name by it pop up in my feed -

Edit: and yes, the goosebumps were real at the stage-lift and anticipation scene.

Spot the OC?

> Manager's last name is Melody
> Classically-trained daughter
> DJ significant other

Hello, Octavia's dad. =p

"That's not what you were saying last ni—"

implied affection betwen Aria and Sonata? check.

well, this is a good start. a really good start. everything was top notch. as usual with your stuff.
and don't worry about chapters and stuff, you can only get better.

Why is it that the detail about them feeding off adoration, and the chaos being merely entertainment, makes the setting SO much better? And loved the trio dynamics. The focused, the grumpy and the crazy, and SonArai as a bonus point.

One again great job ! I loved it, can't wait until. The next chapter :twilightsmile:


Octavia x Vinyl is best ship besides Rarijack and Adagio x Sunset. Extra points for Sonata x Aria.

So this was not as adequate as I wanted it to be...

Shut up, it's awesome.

Cheddar and Bacon. You couldn't have made a better tasting ship.

Haha well I left on a cliffhanger so you'll come back...
LOVE ME :flutterrage: :heart::heart:

Glad you enjoyed it! Cheers to you too :moustache:
And yes, this will indeed be both POVs if that's what you meant to say..? On and off between Adagio and Sunset :rainbowkiss:

Yes! I love The Lego Movie!! :rainbowlaugh:
Thanks for reading - glad you enjoyed it!

Yasssss! :raritywink:

Yeahhh the counter never can keep up with my awesome readers :moustache:

Thank you! I've been seeing you around a lot so I appreciate it :rainbowkiss::heart:

Hope it'll be worth it!! :pinkiehappy:

Ding ding ding, we have a winner! Haha I just couldn't resist adding my OTP in here :rainbowlaugh::heart:

And you are correct! Yes, he is a bit less...well, in the original fic, he was super nice and approving of OctaScratch. Now he's a cranky manager :raritywink:

I agree with everything you said!! :rainbowkiss::heart:

Yes, I'm glad people are appreciating all these OTPs I've thrown in...
And I'm super happy you think it'll only get better because I hope you're right! Thanks for reading :twilightsmile:

Yes, yes, yes - I'm glad that you like the dynamics! It's not very canon for the Dazzlings to feed off of adoration and loving energy, but I like to tie it in with anger. I guess anything negative they feed off of but all positive things directed towards them (adoration, pumped up for their concert, entranced..) they feed off of too :twilightsmile:
Either way, I'm glad you liked it so far! :heart:

Y-you created an account for...me? D'aww, you are too kind! :raritystarry:
And yes, you're the first to point out that she's still evil. I'm sure you'll enjoy what I have in store with that little morsel, but for now you shall have to wait! Hope it'll be worth it :raritywink:

Hehe, well I won't shut up but thank you very much for thinking it's awesome! :pinkiehappy::heart:

Love it, love it

Thank you :twilightsmile:
And can I just say that I love your icon?!? :raritystarry::heart:

Your welcome, and thank you, but the real thanks goes to Jack-a-Lynn

My God, girl, you are a writing machine; this is totally going on my Read Laters.

I hope you enjoy it when you read it! :pinkiehappy::heart:

"That's not what you were saying last ni—"

WAIT, WHAT? :rainbowlaugh: Bonus taco points for Sonata!

This seems fabulous, dearie, as I expected from you. Cannot wait for more. You've got me sailing Sundagio.

Yuuuuuus! Can't wait for more!

Yes...good...you are falling under the siren spell...

W-wait, wha? :rainbowderp:


On a more serious note, thank you so very much! It truly is an honor from such a talented author! :rainbowkiss:

Yay! Me too haha! :raritystarry::heart:

5557926 Aww, darling, you didn't have to say that~ :twilightsheepish::heart: Honestly, you're equally as talented.


IT'S HERE!!!!!!!!!!


Awww yeah! :rainbowkiss: Glad you love it- anticipate the following chapters!! :heart:

5557362 So this was a great first chapter :).

Loved it.

Oh, and using Octavia's dad as the manger? good easter egg XD.

Heh, eeyup :eeyup:
Thanks for reading - glad you enjoyed it! :heart:

DIS GONNA BE GUD! :pinkiecrazy:

Congratulations on the feature!

And thank you so much for sidestepping the too-shy-to-talk cliche. Confident Adagio is best Adagio.

Damn right! :yay:

I agree completely! I just couldn't write her Fluttershy-esque at all!
And thank you :twilightsmile::heart:

I wasn't expecting to see this so soon. And don't be so hard on yourself... This was a great opener, especially with that cliffhanger. Daaaaaamn. I'm wondering if you're going to switch perspectives each chapter or stick to Adagio... can't wait to see what she has in mind for Sunset. :raritywink:

'Tis here. 'Tis finally here (not that the wait was all that long). So far, so awesome. I loved some of the little bits here and there, like Sonata having eaten her lip gloss, and what definitely appears to be Octavia dating Vinyl (one of my favorite ships). Not a lot in the story so far, but this setup... man, this setup is primed to go places. Awesome places. You have my attention—or, rather, more of it.

Well I'm glad you enjoyed what I didn't ha ha! :raritywink:

And I will be switching perspectives so it will be Sunset's the next chapter! :heart:

Gahh I can't get enough of your comments! Actual feedback and I'm super happy you're enjoying my work so far! :pinkiehappy:

And yes, I'm all about the small details like that because well...life is pretty dynamic, so my stories should be as well! Also I'm a shipping fiend so I can't really help myself :raritywink:


Oh my God... :pinkiegasp:

This is so beautiful.

I love everything about it and you should be proud ellie! :twilightsmile:

Not a bad chapter! I've been waiting for this for a while, I can't wait for more! :pinkiehappy:

And it's obvious that the manager is Octavia's dad

Awesome - that makes two of us that can't wait :raritywink:

And hehe, yes it is pretty obvious! :rainbowlaugh::heart:

I now have a need for this story continue

Wonderful chapter can't wait to read more.

Thank you very much :twilightsmile:

so good can't wait for next chapter :rainbowkiss::yay:

Haha, I'm very sorry, but I do not ship it! :fluttershysad:

Working on it now! :pinkiehappy:

Dont know why i cant post comments on my pc, but i love your fic, reading it since the first part, and i love it since the beggining, waiting for the next chapter :yay:

Great, thank you for reading!! :rainbowkiss:

oh my GERSH I just NEED a friggin Aria x Sonata side story from this! It could describe "last night":ajsmug::raritywink::twilightsheepish: or go a different direction as long as it happens I am more than satisfied. Words cannot describe. Take 5 :moustache:

Still a better love story than twilight (and flash for all you flash haters)

Oh God.
Oh My God.
I want more of this. And I want it now, dammit!

(No really, I totally want more of this. Take your time XD(

YAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MOAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE YOU AND THIS FIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


IT'S FUCKING HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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