• Published 13th Jan 2015
  • 3,092 Views, 42 Comments

A Tale of Two Dusks - New Beginnings - keaton-furman-prower

Dusk Shine helps Sonata Dusk rebuild her life. Is he up to the task?

  • ...

Off to School

Sonata yawned as she lifted herself out of the bed. It wasn't quite as comfortable as the many luxurious hotels she had slept in during her time with the other sirens, but it was much better than sleeping on the cold concrete floor in an abandoned alley.

Once again, her thoughts went back to her sisters. How were they faring without their music to bend people to their will? Were they able to find some other way of subsisting? Or had they too been reduced to living on the streets?

And, perhaps most important of all... why did she even care? They had been cruel to her, kicking her out as soon as she became more trouble than she was worth. She should have been positively excited at the idea of them getting what they deserved.

So why wasn't she?

She sat in the bed, thinking about why she was feeling the way she did. She was pretty sure she had never worried much about anyone other than herself. And yet, ever since the Battle of the Bands-

The Battle of the Bands!

She remembered it so clearly; the Rainbooms had sung their music to stop the Dazzlings, and they had responded with their own music, coming incredibly close to victory. But then the Rainbooms had created that huge magic alicorn which blasted them with that magic rainbow. Then their pendants broke,and the three sirens were left powerless and had to flee.

After that, Adagio and Aria had made sure to let her know just how worthless they thought she was.

Sonata pushed the thought out of her mind. What she really wanted to know was what the magic rainbow had done to her. But how could she possibly find out? She couldn't just ask the Rainbooms about it. They probably still thought of her as the evil singing tuna from another dimension.

Except for Sunset Shimmer.

A smile quickly spread across her face. She was on friendly enough terms with Sunset, and maybe, just maybe, she could help her become friends with the other band members. Then she might just have a chance of finding out what exactly they had done to her.

She got out of bed and began to search through her clothes. She had a lot to do in school today.

A shiver went down her spine as she remembered how she and her sisters had manipulated everyone at Canterlot High. The students were likely to still remember, and she doubted most of them would be as forgiving as Sunset. Being brainwashed by a singing sea monster from another dimension tended to do that to people.

This then led to another, even more unpleasant thought.

Dusk Shine did not know about the Battle of the Bands. At least, not yet. But sooner or later, she would have to tell him. How would he react to the knowledge that the girl who he had let into his house out of the goodness of his heart was a siren? Would he still be willing to accept her? Or would he be shocked and angry? Would he kick her out and tell her never to return?

Sonata shook her head. That was a matter for another time. Right now, she had to think about what she would do at Canterlot High.

Dusk Shine yawned as he made his way through the hall towards the kitchen. He was mostly just trying to get something to eat, not particularly bothered by whatever may have happened the day before.

Even so, he couldn't get over the feeling that he was forgetting something important.

“Good morning, son.”

Dusk turned his head in the general direction of the table, and saw his father, Night Light. He was drinking his morning coffee, and seemed to be waiting for something.

“Morning, dad.”

Night Light swallowed, and put his mug down.

“So, I hear we have a guest.”

At that moment, Dusk remembered what had been bothering him.

“Oh... yeah, that's right,” he said, as his cheeks began to turn red.

Night Light watched him intently, waiting for him to elaborate.

“Look,” Dusk said finally. “I know it was a rash decision on my part. But she was living in an alley, and she didn't have anyone else she could turn to. I mean, she needs me.”

“She needs you?” his father asked while raising an eyebrow.

“What?! No! I meant that she needs someone to help her get back on her-”

Before Dusk could continue, his father began to chuckle.

“Relax, Dusk. I was just making sure you're doing this for the right reasons.”


“To be honest, Dusk, I'm just happy that you're finally making friends, instead of wasting all your time on those silly conspiracy theories.”

Dusk decided not to mention his suspicions concerning Sonata's school.

“With that said, I do expect your friend to follow the rules, and also to help around the house. If she wishes to stay, she needs to show that she can be responsible and productive.”

“Sure! No problem!”

Dusk and Night Light both turned towards the doorway. Sonata was standing, fully dressed and carrying a backpack.

“Don’t you worry, Mr. Dusk’s dad! I’m totally gonna be a responsitive and productible member of your house!”

For a moment, neither Dusk or his father spoke. Night Light regarded the blue-haired girl, considering whether or not she was trustworthy. After a moment, however, he smiled at her.

“Well, as long as you can keep that promise, I see no reason why you shouldn’t stay with us.”

The blue-haired girl grinned and nodded.

A short while later, Twilight Velvet was driving Dusk and Sonata to school. Dusk had offered her the front seat, but she had declined the offer.

“So, you go to Canterlot High, correct?” asked Velvet.

“Yeah!” said Sonata. “I mean, you can take me there, right?”

“Of course, dear,” said Velvet. “I always take Dusk to school, and his school is even farther away!”

“Okay,” Sonata replied, briefly wondering what school Dusk went to.

The car quickly arrived at Canterlot High, and Sonata got off.

“So, I guess I’ll see you later?” she asked.

“Sure,” said Dusk. “We’ll be here for you.”

Sonata smiled, and walked off towards the building. As she made her way, however, she began to feel a chill crawl up her spine. As she looked around, she saw everyone around her glaring angrily at her.

“Um… hi?”

The others simply huffed and looked away.

“I’m sorry about what happened at the-”

The students began to stomp off angrily, leaving the blue girl alone. she sighed in resignation, and began to walk alone.

“Hey, Sonata.”

She then perked up upon hearing her name. As she turned around, she saw Sunset Shimmer standing before her. She had abandoned her usual attire in favor of a light blue blouse with a translucent yellow skirt, blue leggings, and a new jacket which had orange stripes around the arms, as well as new boots that matched her jacket.

“Sunset!” Sonata said as she hugged her enthusiastically. The red-haired girl smiled and hugged her back.

“I didn’t think you were going to be back,” Sunset said.

“Me neither,” said Sonata. “I mean, I was mostly just here because my sisters wanted to come here to get their magic back, and now nobody likes me.”

“Hey, don’t let that bring you down,” said Sunset. “Nobody liked me either back when I became a demon, but now people are starting to become friendly. It will take time, but sooner or later you’ll have more friends than you can imagine.”

Sonata smiled, though only for a short while.

“By the way… I have something important to ask you.”