• Published 3rd May 2015
  • 1,792 Views, 15 Comments

Light and Darkness - Evil Twilight

Even the most caring and loving of ponies, have a dark and evil side that's waiting to be unleashed.

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Chapter IV: The Wolf Mare

Princess Luna and Shining Armor looked at the moon as it fell upon them. They knew these next few hours might be uneventful but they were still going to wait out the entire night if they had too.

The royal guards were patrolling around Ponyville silently so they didn’t disturb any of the sleeping ponies. Shining Armor was slightly shaking in his royal purple armour, nervous as heck on what this wolf actually looks like and what powers it may possess.

“Princess L-Luna,” Shining Armor said still slightly shaking in his boots.

Luna looked over at him. Unlike Shining Armor himself, Luna was standing there as still as a stone wall. “Yes Shining Armor?”

“I’m not going to lie, I’m slightly nervous about this supposed wolf. And what if this wolf goes after Twily?” Shining Armor was still looking straight ahead.

Luna sighed in slight announce as she looked straight ahead again. “I put two guards right next to Twilight’s library just for you Shining Armor. If anything they’ll flash the designated signal for reinforcements to arrive over there. So don’t worry, she’s in good hooves.”

Shining Armor stopped shaking at what Luna just told him. “Thanks for the reassurance Luna, it’s just kind of scary you know?”

Luna nodded. “I understand completely.”

Both looked sight ahead as the moon rose higher and higher overhead. The bell tower right by the school rung indicating twelve in the morning. Luna got more serious now knowing this because this may very well be the time in which the wolf finally reveal itself.

Roughly half an hour past after striking midnight and nothing happened, but that was about to change.

Shining Armor saw something flash out of the corner of his eye, he turned his head to get a full view of what it was. The distress beacon was going off right outside Twilight’s house.

Luna and Shining Armor along with five other guards rushed as fast as they could over to where the beacon was to see what was going on.

The beacon shortly died not too long after they started dashing towards Twilight’s house so they knew right off the back something was wrong.

Once they got there, the guards that were supposed to be guarding Twilight’s house, were gone. Luna, Shining Armor, and the five other guards started to look around the area to see if they could find the lost guards, before marching into Twilight’s house.

“This is bad,” Shining Armor said as he met up with Luna again in front of Twilight’s house.

“Tell me about it,” Luna said as she looked at Twilight’s door which was closed. “Do you think maybe they went inside to see if anything might be wrong with Twilight?”

Shining Armor studied Twilight’s door. “I suppose it’s possible, why don’t we go in and see, shall we?”

“Let’s,” Luna said as she pushed open Twilight’s door with her magic.

Luna told the five guards to wait outside just in case something were to happen and they needed some sort of protection from the outside.

They walked in and found it was completely dark. Shining Armor looked around and saw a multiple candles across from them. Shining Armor shot all of them with a quick beam of magic to light them all up to illuminate the room.

Once the room was finally illuminated, they proceed to start searching around for Twilight.

The first thing Shining Armor does it quickly run upstairs to see if she’s in her room. Luna watches him run upstairs and stays downstairs to see if she could possible find something worth mentioning.

Once Shining Armor finally reached upstairs, he soon found out that his sister was missing. His horn illuminated the entire room as he started to freak out and look around to find something, anything that he could use to help him find his sister.

After about five minutes of looking, the search was found futile and Shining Armor ran downstairs to try to get Luna’s support.

Thankfully Luna was still looking through some of Twilight’s books as he ran downstairs to try to get Luna’s attention.

“Princess Luna!” Shining Armor called out having tears in his eyes. “Twilight’s missing!”

Luna looked wide-eyed at him. “What? We must find here! She must be around here somewhere!”

Just then, a mysterious voice called out from above. “Right above you.”

Both of them looked at each other before looking up at the ceiling. Attached to the ceiling black figure with sharp teeth, and purple catlike eyes.

“Hello Shining Armor, and you Luna,” the beat said before jumping down in front of Luna. “We have a score to settle.”

The beast jumped on Luna and lunged at her neck. Shining Armor having quick reflexes shot the beast off Luna and pinned it to the wall with his magic.

He ran up to the beast who was smiling evilly, he had tears in his eyes are he could barely think of words to say. “Wh-who are you and w-what have you done w-with my sister?”

The beast laughed. “Oh your sister is gone, she’s only with you during the day! During the night however, it’s all us.”

“What in Tartarus are you?” Shining Armor yelled getting closer to the beast’s face.

“You see Shining Armor, after Nightmare Moon over there was defeated,” the beast glanced at Luna, “the dark power within her had nowhere to go so we invaded Twilight Sparkle’s body.

“We’ve been resting in here for a couple days, getting our strength back. And once we saw Luna walk into Twilight’s house, we knew that was the perfect time to strike. We got really excited which caused neural seizures to go to Twilight’s brain which caused that coma a couple of days ago.

“Now as you should know we can only take a host during the night, that’s another reason why Nightmare Moon wanted to inflict eternal night, so she could have that power forever. So we can only ravage over Twilight during the night. And the best part is, she won’t remember a thing!”

Shining Armor got in the beast’s face. “GET OUT OF MY SISTER WHATEVER YOU ARE!”

“Sorry to say ‘brother’, but that isn’t possible! You see, since Luna is an alicorn, she possesses why more magic than a stupid unicorn! So, it was much easier to merge with her magic, and now we can be separated, not even with the elements of harmony! The only way to get us out of her, is to kill her!”

Luna stepped up. “Shining Armor.”

Shining Armor threw Twilight to the other side of the room. She hit the wall and fell down on one of the candlesticks. She was able to react in time and quickly get off and put the fire out on her fur in time.

“Oh you’ve asked for it Shining Armor,” Twilight said before picking up Shining Armor with her magic. “Prepare to see your spine outside your-”

Twilight was quickly cut off by Luna ramming her in the side horn-first. Luna was able to penetrate her skin and drive her horn into Twilight’s side a couple of inches before Twilight flew right into the adjacent wall.

Twilight fell down and found it hard to get back up. Her side hurt like heck and she was losing badly. There’s something Luna was doing to drain her magic because Twilight couldn’t use her dreadful magic like she originally could on Flash Sentry and all the other officers.

“I think it’s time to put her in her place,” Luna said before grabbing Twilight with her magic and slamming her down on the floor in front of her.

“Gladly,” Shining Armor said as he was preparing to end Twilight. Right before he shot the magic bolt, something hit him, this was his sister. The sister that he loved so much, cared for, help raise, about to end her.

He remember waking up to his sister and her calling him is ‘B.B.B.F.F.’. It was the most adorable thing he has ever heard and he missed it more than anything when he found out that Twilight had moved away from Canterlot.

His horn began to dim as a tear fell down his cheek. “I-I can’t do it,” Shining Armor said as he looked away.

Twilight grinned at this and shot Shining Armor with a bolt of magic. It could have been powerful enough to blow his head clean off but she wasn’t at her full strength.

Shining Armor flew back and hit the wall next to the door. The guards outside heard this and peeked in. Twilight was just about to lung at all of them when she felt a sharp pain in her side again.

She looked over and saw that Luna had conjured a sword and stabbed it right into Twilight’s side. “It’s over,” were the only words that Luna could think of.

Twilight’s vision became blurring as Luna made the sword disappear, the support of the sword was the only thing keeping Twilight up so she fell right onto the ground.

“NOOOOOO,” the beast said as a dark mist flown out of Twilight’s eyes and mouth and disappeared into nowhere.

“That’s the end of that,” Luna looked up and said as she walked over to Twilight’s body as it began to turn back to normal.

Shining Armor got up and quickly ran over to his sister who was lying on the floor, barely breathing.

Twilight had the strength to look back up at her brother say a couple words to him. “Sh-Shining Armor, how-how could you?” Twilight could barely get out the words before her head fell on the floor, and her eyes began to slowly shut, indicating that she has passed away.

“I’m-I’m sorry Twilight,” Shining Armor said as he got up from his sister’s body and looked at Luna. He knew this was the only thing to do so he wasn’t mad at her. There was no escaping this, her death was inevitable. However he just wish he didn’t have to view it.

“Princess Luna, what, what do we do know?” he said with tears and his eyes and looking down at his dead sister.

Princess Luna also shaking tears from her eyes looked up at him. “I, I don’t know. Her friends are going to be upset once they find out what happened to Twilight. I think we should go to Canterlot and inform Celestia of this tragedy.”

Shining Armor nodded. “I think that’s the best idea. Well, we can’t just leave her here after all.” Shining Armor couldn’t take his eyes off his sister’s body.

One of the soldiers from outside stepped up. “We can guard the house while y’all are away.”

Luna looked over at him. “That would be nice, thank you.”

Luna and Shining Armor wiped their tears as they walked outside. Thankfully it wasn’t morning yet so everypony was still asleep. Which was the perfect time to head to Canterlot Castle.

“We will make sure nopony gets into the library Princess,” the same guard called out.

“Thank you soldier,” Luna said before both Shining Armor and herself vanished with the help of Luna’s teleportation spell.