• Published 6th Jun 2012
  • 18,188 Views, 97 Comments

Across the Universe - Darth Atrox

A message makes it to Equestria, and it's out of this world.

  • ...

The Signal

Disclaimer: I don’t own My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, nor do I own The Beatles. I am just a fan.




Twilight ground her teeth roughly while simultaneously tapping her hoof against the desk she was sitting at. Wasn’t this a library? She was trying to check her checkout list, and see if there were any overdue books. What was stopping her? A purple and green baby dragon that was knocking his head back and forth to some nonsensical noise that dared call itself music!

“Spike! This is the last time I tell you to lower that radio!” She snapped. “I don’t mind you listening to…” She paused, dramatically establishing her distaste. “…that music, but you have to remember: during business hours, respect the library’s rules! No loud music!” She exclaimed irritably.

“Sorry Twilight.” Spike apologized, sufficiently cowed. “It’s just, listening to Dubstep just get’s you so pumped up! It’s like fifty espresso shots!” He exaggerated.

“How could you listen to that anyway?” Twilight questioned. “It just sounds like noise to me.” She huffed.

“I don’t know…It just pumps me up, gets me excited!” He explained. “I just think it’s really great. A lot of people really like it too. Remember Octavia Pie? Pinkie’s sister, with the Cello? She did a collaboration with DJ PON-3! And she plays classical music!” Yeah, Twilight knew about that. She wondered briefly why a successful musician like Octavia would collaborate on anything with the off-white DJ.

She returned to her work, reviewing various calendars and checking various logs. Just as she established a good rhythm, something else interrupted her.


“AAAAAHHHHH!” Cried a terrified Twilight.

She turned and saw Spike fiddling with the radio.

“Spike! What was that!” She demanded.

“I-I don’t know, Twilight! Honest!” He was just as scared as she was, though, probably because he thought he was in trouble. “It was working fine a second a go.” Static continued to pour out of the small radios speakers. “Look, none of the stations are working!” He turned that knob back and forth, each station providing the same static. Just as Twilight was going to demand Spike shut the darned thing off, it settled and began to play normally. Only this time, it played something they’d never heard before. It started off with what sounded like a stringed instrument being played. Then it settled on a simple chord progression and other instruments joined in. Then lyrics started.

Words are flowing out like

Endless rain into a paper cup

They slither wildly as they slip away across the universe.

Pools of sorrow waves of joy

Are drifting through my opened mind

Possessing and caressing me.

Jai Guru Deva. Om

Nothing's gonna change my world

Nothing's gonna change my world

Nothing's gonna change my world

Nothing's gonna change my world

Images of broken light, which

Dance before me like a million eyes,

They call me on and on across the universe.

Thoughts meander like a

Restless wind inside a letter box

They tumble blindly as they make their way across the universe.

Jai Guru Deva. Om

Nothing's gonna change my world

Nothing's gonna change my world

Nothing's gonna change my world

Nothing's gonna change my world

Sounds of laughter, shades of life

Are ringing through my opened ears

Inciting and inviting me.

Limitless undying love, which

Shines around me like a million suns,

It calls me on and on across the universe

Jai Guru Deva.

Jai Guru Deva.

Jai Guru Deva.

Nothing's gonna change my world

Nothing's gonna change my world

Nothing's gonna change my world

Nothing's gonna change my world

The strange music slowly faded out, before starting again. It went on for hours.


It was 3 days since the radio incident. It became quite apparent that it wasn’t an isolated incident. Everywhere in Equestria---no, around the world---there were reports of radio’s failing and producing the strange music. Naturally, Twilight was doing her best to figure out what caused the incident in the first place. And she had. It was a possibility that she thought of early on in her investigation, but she shelved the idea. It seemed too ludicrous.

But now…?

It was probably the solution.

Ponylock Holmes said it best: After the impossible has been eliminated, the remaining, no matter how improbable, must be the truth.

And the truth shook her. To her core.

Now, she was in her library waiting for her five best friends. She had to share her theory.


She stepped towards the door. Upon opening, her friends came into view. First was the hardworking Applejack. She stepped through the threshold with a polite “Howdy.” Then Rarity with a “Hello, Darling.” Pinkie just jumped right, as happy and bubbly as ever. Perhaps she extended a greeting, but with her fast speech, Twilight didn’t hear anything but a garbled mess. Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy stepped in together, although Fluttershy was little behind, as though she were hiding behind Rainbow.

“H-hello, Twilight.” Fluttershy greeted.

“How’s it going, Twi’? Is this gonna take long? I got a new trick I’m working on, it’s guaranteed to get me into the Wonderbolts!” You can guess who said this.

“Hello girls. Thanks for coming on such short notice.” She began. There was no point in beating around the bush. “I believe I know where the radio transmission came from.” At this, they perked up. “Two hours after the original transmission, I received a letter from Princess Celestia. In the letter, she asked me to investigate the strange radio transmission, because it wasn’t just affecting Equestria. It was affecting the whole World.” She paused to let the information sink in.

“Wait, ya’ll are tellin’ me that that weird song was all over the world!?” Asked Applejack.

“Gem Fido, Dominion, Dragon Badlands---anywhere where radio communications exists, the song was heard.” As if to prove her point, Spike walked in and revealed dozens of newspapers. Most were in a language the ponies couldn’t read, but the ones they could read read: Strange Music Takes Over Radio!

Or something to that effect.

“Um, why was this such a bad thing Twilight? I thought it was a very nice song.”

“Yeah, It was pretty cool. Why you hatin’ Twi?”

“It was very well done. Beautiful even.”

“I loved it so much I recorded it! Can’t wait to play it at parties! *GASP* Since you figured out where it came from, we should totally have a ‘Three-cheers-for-Twilight-for-figuring-out-where-the-song-came-from Party!’”

Twilight shook her head at Pinkie’s actions. “My point wasn’t that it was a bad song. I thought it was great, too. But…I don’t believe this music was made by anything…terrestrial.” She said. Silence reigned.

“Come now, Darling. You can’t really believe that aliens made that music.”

“I can’t think of any other explanation.”

“Couldn’t the radio signal have been amplified by magic? A magical boost could definitely get the job done.” Asked Applejack.

“That was my first thought too. But I figured if that were the case, The Princesses wouldn’t have asked me to figure out its origin. Any unicorn worth their horn could cast a simple honing spell. Once I eliminated that theory---I DID test it, just to be sure, by the way---I spent some time researching and thinking up reasons on why a signal was transmitted, one who doesn’t have a creator by the way, and how it was amplified to such a degree.”

“And how does all of this lead you to believe that aliens made a song and sent it into outer space?” Applejack asked.

“This.” Twilight said simply. Using her magic, she levitated a vinyl record and placed it onto a record player then set it to play. Instead of music, a strange series of tones emanated from the speaker. They played in a continuous rhythm. It was as if the sound was going in circles. Twilight shut off the record player.

“What you all just heard…was a star.” She was met with blank looks. A second later, they were all laughing.

“Silly Twilight! Stars don’t make noises!” Laughed pinkie.

“I thought you were smart, Twilight! Even I know stars don’t make noise! Wouldn’t it be loud all the time if it was up there making sounds!” Guffawed Rainbow Dash.

Twilight rolled her eyes. “Stars DO make sounds!” She cried. She was in “lecture mode” and her friends were all focusing on her intently. “Stars are a mass of Hydrogen and Helium which are in a constant state of Nuclear Fusion and Fission! This enables the star to radiate things like heat, x-rays and, yes, radio waves! We can’t hear it because their frequency is too high.” She finished in a huff.

“Oh. Sorry Twilight.” Apologized Fluttershy.

“There’s no need to apologize. I shouldn’t have yelled.”

“Well, what now Darling?” Questioned Rarity.

“Spike! Take a letter.” Said Twilight.


Earlier today, Celestia was bored out of her wits. All day long of nothing but nobles squabbling like children with her playing referee got frustrating very fast. Then a letter from her talented pupil, Twilight Sparkle, piqued her interest. She was claiming to have figured out the cause from the radio disturbance from three days ago. That was interesting. She claimed to need to meet with her privately and was deemed highly classified and urgent.

What could have frightened this girl so much?

So, now that Twilight and her friends have secured a confidential meeting with her, well, Celestia was very shocked.

“Do you truly believe that an Extraterrestrial civilization composed this music and beamed it into outer space?” Questioned Celestia.

“Well, it might not have beamed, specifically. It could be simply a stray radio wave that made its way to us. I am convinced that this is alien, because if it wasn’t, well…where are the real perpetrators? Why would somepony write beautiful music, then figure out how to send it to every radio in the world, and NOT take credit. If this was an attempt at publicity, why is no one claiming the music as their own? And why would a star signal be sent along with it? One that does not match your star?” Questioned Twilight.

Celestia slowly nodded. “Can you play the song again?” As she asked, Celestia went over to the balcony and opened its doors. She looked out to the night sky.

Words are flowing out like

Endless rain into a paper cup

They slither wildly as they slip away across the universe.

Pools of sorrow waves of joy

Are drifting through my opened mind

Possessing and caressing me.

Celestia focused on the star signal jumbled in with the beautiful music.

Jai Guru Deva. Om

Nothing's gonna change my world

Nothing's gonna change my world

Nothing's gonna change my world

Nothing's gonna change my world

She charged her horn up with her magic.

Images of broken light, which

Dance before me like a million eyes,

They call me on and on across the universe.

Thoughts meander like a

Restless wind inside a letter box

They tumble blindly as they make their way across the universe.

She searched. And searched. Desperately scrying for the star.

Jai Guru Deva. Om

Nothing's gonna change my world

Nothing's gonna change my world

Nothing's gonna change my world

Nothing's gonna change my world

It was gigantic. And empty. The cosmos. It was like trying to find drop of oil in the ocean.

Sounds of laughter, shades of life

Are ringing through my opened ears

Inciting and inviting me.

Limitless undying love, which

Shines around me like a million suns,

It calls me on and on across the universe

She could feel her magic---her connection to the stars fading. WAIT! THERE!

Jai Guru Deva.

Jai Guru Deva.

Jai Guru Deva.

Nothing's gonna change my world

Nothing's gonna change my world

Nothing's gonna change my world

Nothing's gonna change my world

Allowing her magic to return to her, Celestia fell back onto her haunches a tired mess. Her little ponies surrounded her, begging to help. Bless their hearts. Then she looked Twilight dead in the eyes.

“I found it.” It was all that needed to be said.

They were not alone. The universe contained more life than they previously believed. And the beings…they were beautiful. They were out there.

They just needed to be found. If they were still there, that is.

The signal could have been billions of years old. The beings may not be occupying the same planet anymore.

Perhaps even their entire species faded away as well.

But Twilight will try. Oh, yes. They all, will try.

Author's Note:

On February 4th, 2008 NASA beamed The Beatles's song Across the Universe into deep space in the direction of Polaris, which is 431 Light years from Earth. Let’s hope someone out there hears it.

Comments ( 97 )

The Beatles....


Now we just need to broadcast "Here Comes the Sun".
Or maybe just confuse them with "I am the Walrus"


Screw it, just send them all the songs!

703754 Send them Revolution #9.....


Hmmm....I don't want to know what they will think about that song...
Perhaps they would think we are trying to brainwash them?

Beautifully done.

703777 Perhaps....or perhaps they might find it as a beautifully well made psychedelic/avante-garde track and will eventually build up a bunch of conspiracies as to what the real meaning track is...



We send them Dragonforce and melt their faces off.

And Pinkie gets Andrew WK.

And thus the world ends.

I just had this small gleam feeling in my heart while reading this, & that ending? that just left me with a smile on my face.

...I like where this is going.

Incredible. I'm a die-hard pony-beatles fan. :pinkiehappy:

if it was me, i would continue this fic...
just sayin.

it's that good!

431 years...
talk about lag!

Contination to this beautiful piece of literature is hoped for, wanted and demanded.

But, ummm, whatever you want to do is fine.:yay:

EDIT: Wow, this was your first story no this site? Excellent work, fellow author. :pinkiehappy:

Your ending left me charmed.:twilightsmile:

Beatles are always awesome!

That was pure awesome, The Beatles and Ponys the perfect combination. :rainbowdetermined2:

My heart, I haven't felt so many feels ever since I read My Little Dashie.

Hello everyone!

Thank you so much for your support and kind words. My goal was only to get about 10 likes on this story. But, needless to say, it shattered that goal! 39 likes and 30 favorites!? Wow. It's an honor.

Now I'm kind of hoping to see this in the featured box. lol, a guy can dream, right?

And then a human starship apears in orbit around the planet. :pinkiegasp:

Gem Fido and the Dominion, eh? Love seeing subtle references to other fics. I also love the Beatles. :ajsmug:

Pretty neat story. Kinda old-fashioned sci-fi. I like it.

I want a continuation.

The though of the sophonts of Pony-Earth and the sophonts of Our-Earth making contact via songs would be amazing. Perhaps they send the Equestrian anthem?

704316 not 431 years 431 light years by the way very very long time

Sincerely the Doctor

yes but radio waves travel at the speed of light, so ergo 431 light years would take a radio wave 431 years to traverse.

Nothing's gonna change my world.

I feel lonely and sad now.

Comment posted by Xelak deleted Mar 31st, 2013

1436508 Why did you link to poker on facebook. :facehoof:

No clue. I honestly don't remember what picture I was trying to post.

Since no one has posted it in comments yet...

Complete? This just begs to be continued. Good job BTW.

Man, I remember the night scientists sent Across the Universe into space on the song's anniversary. I was young and it was the first time I had ever heard the song. It instantly sealed my love for the Beatles.


Well, sorry Author (The Reaper ), my suspended disbelief only goes so far and that's far less than 431 years. You see, Radio Waves are not an efficient transmitter of information over great ranges. To send a message (with our current level of tech) more than just one or two lightyears, would require special radio equipment to focus the radio signal into a much narrower beam. At the ranges you're talking about, I am skeptical if the signal would arrive as anything other than that annoying background static you hear between channels. You know what that is? Stars and pulsars, etc, banging out signals much 'louder' than we could currently hope to replicate.

I appreciate what you're trying to do here, but the basic premise here is fundamentally flawed. :twilightblush:

This was a very interesting read. It did have a moment where it lost me, but I got back into it as I read further. Nice story, nice tackle on the 2008 NASA song beaming (which I never heard about).

you must be fun at parties :trollestia:


So what would happen if the ponies got their hooves on something more concrete, like... the Voyager 1 or 2 space probe and it's golden disc?

I'm thinking Luna spots it first and brings it down safely without it burning up in the atmosphere first. Twilight and every other scientific pony goes bonkers over it. Then they all work together to try and backtrack the probe's journey to Earth (we did supply a nice map with it after all).

Considering distances involved and the pokey speed of the Voyager probes (only about +38,000mph), we (humans) would most likely be long since dead or moved on from Earth unless some cliched cheat is used such as a gentle wormhole that does simply tear it to pieces and spit the atomic sized particles out at relativistic speeds.



(rhyme time)

2941143>>2941143 I'm not good at that.

Just keep spamming Beatles stuff.


Hey man, he didn't make up the idea. NASA did, and they probably know what they're doing.

2941252 The principle (as I understand it) is, that societies on par with our own, with radio telescopes, would turn to the heavens, aim their telescopes at our star and hear these signals. As for its effectiveness...
*looks out window at the night sky*
Nope, still nothing. :applejackunsure:
The facts are, the program is a long shot at best. Those at SETI know this, they acknowledge this fact.

Now, I've got no doubt that this is an entertaining story (given its vote-counter), all my statement is, was that it broke my suspension of disbelief. The wonderful thing about magic - and also a lot of Sci-fi - is their authors don't explain sh*t. That's the trick! 431 years? Too specific, and it breaks the story for me, as someone who has a basic knowledge of working radio-transmissions...

My inner beatlemaniac is screaming for joy.

This should totally be expanded. Great idea there. Some hiccus in grammer and pacing, but that can be chalked up to it simply being a quick one shot.


Now I'd just like to see a sequel to the story where the ponies and humans meet up :pinkiehappy:

Somehow I feel that this Is just the right amount of "H" in an HIE story.
Also, you reminded me that The Beatles are a thing that exists. Thank you for that.


(sorry for the late comment)

431 years is exactly how long it would take for a signal being beamed at light speed towards a star that is 431 light years away.

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