• Published 15th Jan 2015
  • 758 Views, 6 Comments

I'm gonna make you smile! - Red and Black Alicorn OC

One day in Ponyville, a pink pony was busy going around on her daily business.

  • ...

I'm gonna make you smile and I will brighten up your day!

It was a nice day in Ponyville. The birds were twittering, the bees were buzzing and the townsfolk were walking around, sharing smiles with everyone they saw. But the biggest smile sharer in all of Ponyville was, undoubtedly, Pinkie Pie!

Pinkie Pie was strolling through Ponyville, undoubtedly searching for the materials to make another wacky party of hers!

Pinkie Pie exchanged smiles with a number of different friends, like Bon Bon and Vinyl Scratch. She continued to walk through Ponyville with a large smile until she found the stand that she was searching for.

"Hi Applejack, I've come here for some of your superlicous, delicious and most fantasticular apple pies!"

The young cow girl chuckled and gave Pinkie Pie a warm smile.

"Hey there Pinkie, I got your order of six apple pies and eighteen apple strudels, what is it your plannin' now? Another spectacular party o' yours?"

Pinkie Pie giggled and tossed her hair back.

"It's a surprise!"

Applejack smiled knowingly.

"Ah, so another suprise party to welcome a newcomer, ah see."

Pinkie Pie smiled at Applejack but then paused awkwardly.

"Um, Applejack, I didn't bring a cart with me, do you have one that I could borrow?"

Applejack laughed.

"O' course ah do sugar cube, we'll come over to Sweet Apple Acres and get one from the barn. Mah brother could pull it, if you like."

Pinkie Pie gave Applejack a grateful smile.

"Oh thanks AJ! Your the best!"

Applejack smiled.

"Ah do mah best, now come along, we'd want to get your order in on time, am ah right?"

And with that the two ponies started to head off towards Sweet Apple Acres. The pair smiled and chatted as they walked along the path.

"So yah ain't gonna say anything about this party, not even who it's for?"

Pinkie Pie giggled.

"My lips aren't going to open up Applejack, not a single word!"

Applejack bowed her head down in defeat.

"Okay okay, ah get it, it's a surprise."

"Yes, and it's going to be a good one!"

Applejack chuckled.

"Ah'm sure it will be Pinkie."

The two ponies had reached the barn house and Applejack shouted out across the large field of apple trees that made up the orchard.

"Hey! Big Mac! Come over 'ere, Pinkie needs a cart so we can deliver our goods!"

Five seconds later a red coated stallion emerged from the trees and walked over to the pair of girls.


Applejack smiled.

"Go an' get a cart from the barn and go to the stall, that's where Pinkie's goods will be."

Big Macintosh gave his younger sister a nod and walked over to the bright red barn. Applejack looked at Pinkie Pie.

"Go with mah brother to the stall and take all of the stuff you ordered."

Pinkie Pie smiled.

"Thanks Applejack, I couldn't have a better friend then you!"

Pinkie Pie leaned in towards Applejack and gave her a tight hug and Applejack returned the hug. Pinkie Pie gasped for a second and broke away from the hug. She opened up her satchel.

"I almost forgot, how much will it cost?"

"For a friend like you, I can give you a discount... So about twenty bits should do the trick."

Pinkie Pie smiled and took out twenty bits and placed them on Applejack's hooves.

"Thanks Applejack, your the best!"

Applejack smiled.

"No problem Pinkie."

She smiled and waved her goodbye as she walked towards the barn house. Pinkie Pie waved her off as Big Macintosh walked out of the barn, with a cart following behind him.

The two ponies reached the stall and Pinkie Pie gathered her goods from the stall. She placed them in the cart carefully, making sure that none of the treats got harmed. Once she had finished she smiled at Big Macintosh.

"Thanks Mac!"

Pinkie Pie leaned in and whispered into his ear.

"Your the best, but don't tell Applejack that, because I've already told her that!"

Bid Macintosh nodded.


He was waved off by Pinkie Pie. She smiled as she placed the wooden handle in her mouth as she pulled the cart towards Carasel Boutique, her next destination.

She stopped outside the glass window and let the handle drop out of her mouth. She walked over to the door and slammed the doors open.

"RARITY!!! I'm here for the banner!"

Pinkie Pie waited for a few seconds before she heard a reply.

"Hello Pinkie dear! I'm just coming down now!"

A few more seconds later Rarity emerged from the top of the stairs and placed hoof after hoof, delicately, down the steps of the stairs.

"Hello darling! I see you've come here to collect your banner, I assume?"

Pinkie Pie nodded enthusiastically.

"Yes please Rarity!"

Rarity smiled at Pinkie Pie.

"Okay darling, just wait here while I go upstairs to collect it."

Rarity climbed up the stairway for half a minute and came back down with a large pink rolled up piece of fabric, presumably the banner. Pinkie Pie gasped in utter surprise.

"This is amazing! Thank you Rarity!"

Pinkie Pie leaped into Rarity, who seemingly forgot that Rarity was holding the banner. Pinkie Pie and Rarity flew across the length of the room and slammed into the side of the wall.

Pinkie Pie immediately jumped up and thanked Rarity again.

"Thank you Rarity!"

Rarity slowly stood up, a bit dazed after what had just happened to her.

"Oh, it's alright deary, but make sure you don't leap towards me like a timber wolf, okay?"

Pinkie Pie chuckled awkwardly.

"Yeah, sorry about that."

Rarity, finally undazed, replied.

"Don't worry, come on let's get this banner into your cart."

Rarity levitated the banner up in the air and walked through the Carasel Boutique's front doors. Pinkie Pie followed behind her and watched as Rarity let the banner fall from her aura's grip.

"There that should do it! But Pinkie, may I ask, why did you ask me to write down that on the banner?"

Pinkie's smile grew wider.

"It's a close friend of mine who you haven't met yet!"

Rarity smiled.

"Your full of craziness, aren't you?"

Pinkie Pie giggled as she held the handle of the cart in her mouth.


Rarity smiled and waved Pinkie Pie off as she walked away with the cart following behind her. Pinkie Pie took three minutes to get to Sugarcube Corner.

She opened the doors and walked through them, successfully managing to squeeze the cart through the double doors. Mrs. Cake and her husband had said that they were going to the park with Pumpkin cake and Pound cake, so she could set everything up without anyone knowing.

Pinkie Pie placed the apple strudels and apple pies down on the table patiently. Once she had emptied the cart of all the apple products she pushed the cart to the side and walked to the counter.

She picked up the grand cake up from the counter and carefully placed it in the centre of the table. She then walked behind the counter and through the door leading into the kitchen.

She went to the fridge and opened the little door. She took out a bowl of punch and balanced it on her nuzzle. She carefuly walked to the other side of the kitchen and opened up a cabinet.

She used her two hoofs to steadily pick up the plastic cups and, with a surprising amount of grace, managed to walk through the doors and around the counter.

She placed the punch bowl down and placed the plastic cups along every space across the table, making sure that each of the guests would have a cup each.

Pinkie Pie rushed back into the kitchen and back to the table three times, managing to bring a large platter of cupcakes, some napkins, one each to pair up with a cup and a large bowl full to the brim with toffees and fudges and other sugary treats.

Now all that was left was the banner.

Pinkie Pie knew that it would've been easier if she had asked Rarity to help out with the banner, but Pinkie Pie knew that she would prefer it if Pinkie Pie done it all by herself.

Pinkie went into the cupboard to collect the expandable ladder and she placed it against the wall. She steadily climbed up it with the banner and a nail in one hoof and a hammer in her mouth.

She placed the loose that was attached to the banner against the wall and struggled to hold it up while she got the nail in position. When she did that she aimed the hammer at the nail and striked against it, her suprising strength managing to keep the nail firmly in the wall. Pinkie did the same thing yet again, but this time on the other end of the room.

Pinkie Pie put the ladder back inside the cupboard with the hammer too. She walked towards the closest seat to her and sat in it. She then looked up at the banner above her and saw the words:

Happy Birthday Pinkamena!

Author's Note:

In case you didn't know, the name of the chapter is a line from the "Smile song".

Comments ( 6 )

*sigh* I'm so sick of people portraying Pinkie as a killer. It makes me sick. You had me up until I saw the sequel. I'm sorry.

5505554 okay, I can see why you think that

Ooh, interesting~!

So, she's throwing a party for her literal other half? Intriguing...intriguing indeed!

Now, I for one do not like Pinkie being portrayed as a murderer...all the time, that is.

If its in a video, I honestly can't handle it; fan fic? Screw 'dat, I'mma readin' the whole mother load!

Very good job. :twilightsmile:

5505554 Nice way of putting it. I myself thought that the cutie mark Hasbro had placed on Babs Seed was just another excuse to increase the number of people portraying her as a killer (a lot of us bronies, including me, were, mercifully, not doing that). I, in fact, have posted two threads telling Hasbro they need to put her up for sale because they have misused her and greatly misunderstood her potential; see them here and here.

I approached a moment not unlike the one in which Jim Henson's Muppet Show attracted the interest of the late Sir Lew Grade with one of my attempts to convince Hasbro that they greatly harmed the character's momentum:

I am with you! Babs has the potential to be a great character but Hasbro is crushing that. Of all the cutie marks they could have given her she got a pair of scissors. Scissors! This is injustice! :flutterrage:

- Sheltie Paws

6344252 Woah... *looks at comment* never expected this old fiction to gain any comments 30 weeks after the day it was published.

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