• Published 16th Jan 2015
  • 4,557 Views, 52 Comments

In the Service of The Princess of Friendship - bookplayer

Twilight knows what her role is. But her friends have roles to play too... maybe one too many.

  • ...

One Friend's Decision

Twilight opened the door to the throne room in her new castle, her eyes scanning around the circle of monolithic stones that happened to have places to sit on the front of them. Spike had said Applejack asked to meet her in here. Twilight thought her library, or even the castle kitchen, would be more comfortable, but Spike said Applejack had refused.

She spotted Applejack looking up at the apples on her throne. Hoofsteps echoed through the nearly empty room as Twilight approached, she didn’t need to announce her presence, but Applejack didn’t look up. As Twilight neared, Applejack cleared her throat.

“Twi? I came here ‘cause there’s somethin’ important I gotta tell ya’, and I reckon it’s the sort of important thing this room’s here for.” Applejack finally looked over at her.

Twilight nodded, feeling a slight tension in her muscles at her friend’s serious demeanor. But she fluttered her wings and forced a smile. “Sure! I mean, this room should be good for something, right? It’ll probably work better for important things than relaxing… these thrones are really uncomfortable.”

Applejack smirked and eyed her throne. “I reckon they are, but somepony’s gotta sit on ‘em. That’s why I’m here, as it turns out. I made up my mind.”

“About… what?”

“This.” She nodded toward the throne. “You remember I was none too happy to be givin’ up the Elements of Harmony, right?”

“Of course. And I think we’re standing in some solid proof that drifting away from each other was a silly worry.” Twilight relaxed and smiled.

“Yeah…” Applejack closed her eyes and bit her lip. “I dunno if ya’ noticed, but I work a lot.”

Twilight raised an eyebrow. “You’re kidding.”

Applejack smiled a little. “Well, I always been a right friendly pony, too, to all the folks in town. But when we got the Elements… havin’ a bunch of best friends takes time. Time I never really tried to make before that. My element was kinda… a rope. Pullin’ me towards you girls. Then my cutie mark was a rope in the other direction, towards my farm. With both of ‘em, I could balance, I was just as much in one direction as the other. When we gave up the Elements, I just had to try and balance myself, makin’ sure I was givin’ as much to y’all as I was to my farm. I reckon it was workin’... maybe not quite as easy as with my element in the back of my mind, but I was gettin’ by.”

“You’ve always been a great friend. I know I can depend on you for anything in the world.” Twilight said, but a tiny worry about the direction of the conversation buzzed around her mind like a gnat, just barely noticable and all the more annoying for it.

“Good. I reckon that’s how a friend oughta be.” Applejack looked down, which did nothing to ease Twilight’s mind. ”But there’s other folks that depend on me, too… sometimes that’s hard.”

“I know. You really run that farm for your family. And Apple Bloom, well you’re practically her--” Twilight stopped as she noticed Applejack just barely cringe. She went on more carefully, “I know you two are close. Is everything okay?”

Applejack nodded. “Just fine. I just… I need to finish talkin.”

“Go ahead…”

“Well, now this ol’ heap of rock popped up. And Princess Celestia said you’d need us all to be Princess of Friendship, and there’s that big ol’ throne there with my cutie mark, and… it’s big, ain’t it?” Applejack looked up, maybe at the tall stone, maybe at the high ceiling of the room, Twilight wasn’t sure. “This is bigger than bein’ a good friend to you girls and sometimes slappin’ on a magic necklace.”

Twilight swallowed. “It might be.”

Applejack nodded. “That’s a decision for me, Twi. Things are outta balance, and they ain’t goin’ back. Something’s gotta come first.”

“I understand.” Her mouth felt dry as she said it. “You never asked for this, and your farm… well, it’s your family, your cutie mark.”

“I know that. Sweet Apple Acres is my home, and as much as my folks need me, I gotta take care of things,” Applejack said, full of certainty.

Twilight’s stomach felt queasy. She’d been so happy when she got her title, finally understood her place as a princess. But her place came with six thrones spread equally around a circle. Princess Celestia’s words seemed to echo in her head, what is a Princess of Friendship without her friends?

“On the other hoof…” Applejack said, taking a deep breath, “I always been pretty darn hooves on there, gettin’ stuff done myself. I was talkin’ to my cousin Fritter about whose farm she’s gonna be at for harvest. I was about to tell her me and Mac were fine, then I started to wonder if I could be sure of that.” She tapped the base of stone with a hoof. “So, I got ponies we can call to help, and Mac’s there to keep an eye on things, and Apple Bloom’s gettin’ smarter and stronger every day... I reckon a pony that’s got a throne oughta learn when to tell somepony else what to do and leave ‘em to do it.” Applejack wrinkled her nose.

“I know what you’ll give up to help ponies. I can’t let you do that just so I can have a castle and be a princess,” Twilight said softly. “This isn’t what you want, is it?”

Applejack shrugged. “It ain’t what I expected, that’s for sure. As to what I want… I want my farm to make money, and my family cared for. But, as much as I don’t wanna admit it, I ain’t the only pony who can make that happen. And I wanna help you be the princess you oughta be, and spread magic all over Equestria, and when it comes to it… this magic castle seems to think I’m the pony who oughta be doin’ that. My cutie mark’s right here.” She swallowed and looked at the three apples. “It feels like… like the same thing. Like bein’ here’s my special talent, too.”

Twilight looked down at her own cutie mark in the center of the circle. “I think I know exactly what you mean.” She looked at Applejack with a wan smile. “You know, I never expected to be a princess. I always thought I’d spend my life doing magical research. Rooms full of books, late nights writing new spells that might advance magic for everypony in Equestria… My cutie mark was on the tree of harmony, and here on my throne, and this feels right. But some days, I feel like that other life, that’s where I was supposed to be. Like either one would be right, but my path led to this.”

Applejack nodded. “You get it.” She looked Twilight in the eye as she went on, “So, that’s what I wanted to tell ya’. I’m still gonna be livin’ on the farm, and runnin’ it best I can, but… I’m at your service. First. All the way, if you need me. Magic friendship stuff is my business, and on my down time I’ll get to farm some apples.”

“I guess I do need to ask you for that… thank you,” Twilight said. “I mean it, Applejack. I know how hard this decision was for you. You and the other girls didn’t just help me become a princess, you’re what makes me a princess. I need all of you.”

“Well, I reckon if I was gonna make a princess, you’re just the princess I woulda made, so I got no regrets there.” Applejack grinned and gave Twilight a nuzzle. “Now, I best be back to the farm. I gotta talk to Mac about hirin’ some hooves and keepin’ them in line. Maybe that oughta’ be my first magic friendship job, teachin’ my brother to talk to other ponies.”

Twilight giggled. “You really do like a challenge, don’t you? Good luck!”

As Applejack turned to leave, Twilight’s eyes fell on the other thrones. She couldn’t help but linger on the three diamonds that belonged in a posh Canterlot boutique, then the rainbow lightning bolt that was supposed to be under a Wonderbolt’s flight suit.

“Applejack?” Twilight called. Her voice echoed through the chamber, much larger than she felt.

Applejack stopped and turned to her with a smile. “Darn it, ya’ need me already?”

Twilight had to smile, but it fell quickly from her face. She nodded towards the other thrones. “You’re not the only pony who’s going to have to make this choice, are you?”

Applejack followed her stare, and took a deep breath. “I sure hope I am, Twilight. Maybe they’ll find some way to make it balance.”

“If they can’t?” Her ears started to droop, that queasy feeling from earlier returning.

“I can’t answer for them.” Applejack walked back to Twilight and leaned against her. “I know I had to look deep for this, at the things I really wanted for me, for my family, and for you girls and Equestria. What I found is what I told ya’, but everypony’s different. Heck, If Apple Bloom was a bit younger, or I didn’t have Mac around… I mighta had to come up with somethin’ else.”

Twilight nodded slowly. “I guess it will depend on where they are if they have to make a choice.”

Applejack sighed and looked at Twilight. “I know I’d never blame ‘em for whatever they decide.”

“I won’t either…” She nuzzled Applejack. Feeling her friend next to her, warm and solid, brought a smile to her face. “But I am glad to know I’ll never be alone here.”

“You know it.” Applejack smiled and nudged Twilight towards the door. “Now come on, let’s get outta here. We both got stuff to do today. I’ll bet ya’ two bits there’s some book you wanna be readin’ that I pulled you away from.”

“I am not taking that bet.” Twilight smirked. She walked with Applejack out of the large, cold chamber to return to her much more comfortable library.

Comments ( 50 )

Reading it again is no less feelsy than the first time. Stupid eyes... stop burning!
I am so glad to see this again. Here were my exact words.

In Service of The Princess of Friendship: This story. Oh yes, this story. Please flesh this the hell out a little more, because I want it to be visible on fimfic so I can fave it harder than a diamond drill.

Faving this so hard. :heart:

This story comes down on the feels pretty heavily, but I am not sure if it really feels tragic.

That must have been an incredibly hard thing for Applejack to say. :fluttercry:

That was actually a mistake. Baby Trixie grabbed my mouse as I was putting it in Slice of Life, and the next one down was Tragedy. :applejackconfused:

Thanks! I'm glad you enjoyed it (and equally glad I didn't ruin it by extending it bit. I admit I was the tiniest bit worried.)

That is so adorable I think I might die. :rainbowkiss:

bats #6 · Jan 16th, 2015 · · 1 ·

A very interesting little look into some of the ramifications of season 4. Applejack's always been Twilight's second-in-command, and knowing her, there really isn't a different answer she would give, but you know it's a hard answer to give, anyway. She's a pony who's always all-in when it's something she believes in. It's somber and thoughtful without getting maudlin. A lovely little story.

Comment posted by RTStephens deleted Jan 16th, 2015

Wait, actually, I do! I liked it a lot, and I feel really bad I don't have a ton of words to dump here :/

This... really liked it. The kind of great story that says so much in so few words. I feel like the conversation could have gone on for pages and pages, but it didn't. It was succinct, to-the-point, just like the ponies involved.

Great job, Book! :ajsmug:

Have you ever considered submitting this story to Equestria Daily? You can find out how to do so here. Also, will this be part of a series?

Excellent work, as always. I really enjoyed this. It felt so real. Good job on making the characters feel alive, and adding depth to them in such a short story. :twilightsmile:

Feels nice with the expansion. More of the whole picture when you throw in the other points to consider including some of Twilight's thoughts as well.

Zaphod #13 · Jan 17th, 2015 · · 11 ·

Oh my freaking god, why are there so many stories about the mane six beings friends? :rainbowhuh: :rainbowhuh: I swear that every time I load the main page there's another story about Twilight and Applejack, or RARITY AND RAINBOW DASH!! And they're not even giving so much as an eye flutter?? :flutterrage: It's like, do you people really think these characters don't spend all their time kissing???? :flutterrage: Like two characters can ACTUALLY get together and not have it devolve into sloppy, ill-considered makeouts?! :trixieshiftleft: :trixieshiftright:

This makes me sick to my stomach. I'll be taking my viewership AND MY UPVOTES ELSEWHERE. :rainbowwild: :rainbowkiss: :rainbowwild:

I liked it. Short and sweet. Well, not sweet as much as kinda sad but short and sad sounds lame.

I always think people downplay Applejack's wanderlust. She did leave home when she was a filly for a reason, y'know. She likely came back because she was only a kid and understandably, felt a bit lonely and scared. She hadn't even earned her cutie mark back then. So I think part of her reasoning for 'serving' Twi (I use the term lightly since I can't think of a better one) is because it gives her just the right amount of adventure without her having to abandon her family duties.

5513922 I hope you're not serious, but honestly sometimes I can't tell. Internet people are strange creatures with no determinable boundaries to their behaviors, and nothing can be ruled out.

I'd like to give you a definitive answer, but I feel that it might ruin my mystique. You be the judge. :ajsmug:

5513922 You're trying too hard.

Now you're catching on, pumpkin. Gold star.

Hoofsteps echoed through the nearly empty room as Twilight approached, she didn’t need to announce her presence, but Applejack didn’t look up.

This is a pretty awkward sentence.

Anyway, this was still a nice piece, apart from a little bit of awkward exposition at the start. Good job. :twilightsmile:

5514138 Well, you've pretty much cleared it up regardless.
You cheeky bastard.

I wrote a review of this story. You can find it here.

Agree with 5514324 about there still being a bit of clunkiness here, but I definitely enjoyed it. Seeing your characterizations of Applejack and Twilight is always a pleasure.

The Applejack stuff was good, but to me the best part of this piece was the bit at the end where Twilight thinks about Rarity and Rainbow being faced with the same choice. It's powerful because it's so personal, which you've done a great job setting up with Applejack. There's very little exploration you can really do on their situations, because neither Twilight nor Applejack have much standing to address them. It's a small thing, but it fixes a lot of narrative tension in my mind, because I both want more and know that more can't be satisfying unless it's told from Rainbow's or Rarity's perspective. That lack of resolution is what's sticking with me most, in all of this.

Yeah, the uncertainty there - and knowing Applejack has her back - I think really helps to seal the deal on the piece.

OH THANK GOD!!! A story in the feature box that's actually GOOD!

*weeps with joy*

Short, but a proper and well-reasoned slice-of-life. :twilightsmile:

5514592 I can be forgiving about an awkward sentence here and there when the story's plot is well-constructed and the characters are true to their natures.

Those traits are becoming a 'rarity' these days. :raritywink:

5513922 I see what you did there. :trollestia:

I have that rare ability to read sarcasm.

But I'll bet someone will write a sequel where they have an orgy later. Ah heck, it's probably already been written and posted by now. :rainbowlaugh:

This is a good examination of one of the big themes of the show - growing up and taking on more responsibility. Especially for Applejack - responsibility is one of her major themes. Being a team of magical heroes who keep saving the world is actually a big responsibility and they shouldn't be surprised that it takes time away from their other pursuits.

I'd love to feature this in Nonpareil Fiction, if that's okay with you.

I'd love to second this, even though I'm not a member of Nonpariel Fiction.

Loved this story. You got the tone just right, and Twilight's reflection on Rarity and Rainbow Dash at the end really tied everything together. Thanks for another great story. :twilightsmile:

I don't usually submit to EqD, but I'll consider it! Thanks for the suggestion!

While I realize the show is primarily about shipping, sometimes writers will look past all the meaningful glances and obvious romantic tension and write about the characters being friends. I know it's a different take on things, but I hope people who are interested in that can enjoy it! :ajsmug:

It's absolutely okay with me! I'd be honored.

5513320 5513420 5513467 5514324 5514026 5514592 5514875 5515001 5515731
Thanks you guys! It's been a while since I wrote something without shipping, it's nice to know that I can still do a decent job of it. Heck, it's been a while since I posted anything at all, so I really appreciate all the nice comments!

EqD have a word minimum of 2500. :fluttershysad:
However, maybe you guys could figure something out...?

As with much of what EQD does, the 2500 minimum is less of a rule and more of a guideline. We're willing to publish things under 2500 words if we think they're outstanding—we just don't publicize this much, because we don't want a huge spate of these things coming in, and stories under 2500 words have a considerably higher bar to clear (just like stories that don't follow the other guidelines).

I'd be unlikely to evaluate a bookplayer submission if one came in, simply because I'm biased, though personally I think (1) we've published less worthwhile stories at this length, but (2) I still think this'd be a hard sell, and I'd much rather see some of bookplayer's other, stronger work at EQD personally.

I do like this story, but that's my opinion on this one.

5514324 I'd probably amend the comma to a semi-colon.
i.e. Hoofsteps echoed through the nearly empty room as Twilight approached; she didn’t need to announce her presence, but Applejack didn’t look up.

That would fix it from a grammatical standpoint, but the sentence still remains rather awkward.

I liked this. Applejack's dilemma, and her reaction, reasoning, and decision all made sense. I was tense, reading the first half, wondering along with her about what really mattered—not just to her, but to everyone. I wasn't sure if she would or wouldn't. In the end, I do believe the choice she made fit her character. Quite a lot, done with a few words.

Well this was really nicely done, I can tell why our fearless leader wanted to feature it on Nonpareil.

It really made me think about the effect Twilight Sparkle as a whole has had on her friends' lives. I'll see you at the next chapter.

This kind of something I've thought about ever since the end of season 3. It's one thing to get wings, it's another to be a "princess", and it's been profoundly unclear what this will mean to this day, but it seems quite likely to be a somewhat engrossing responsibility. I remember reading fimfics that had Twilight becoming headmaster of some school, or archmage, or just a generally respected field researcher of some kind, but those kinds of stories stopped appearing (at least as frequently) when the princessification rolled around. I kind of miss the things people would come up with, worldbuilding-wise, before this narrowing of the possibility space. It's a good point that this is something that also affects all her friends, in ways that are harder to quantify.

Such is progress.


Thanks for writing this. :ajsleepy:

This was a nice read. Thought-provoking as well, as to how the others would react to the change :trixieshiftright:

It was a nice surprise to see this pop up in my notifications - it's always a pleasure to read your stories :twilightsmile:

That was actually rather painless. I went into this thinking AJ was going to pick farm before Twilight. :rainbowderp:

I really liked this story. Applejack is just perfect here. Tough decisions. Realistic goals and ambitions. Alltogether strong.

I like it.

As a general observation (not aimed at this fic), it seems kind of strange that the equestrian government doesn't have them on retainer or similar. In short, it seems obvious that they should be paid in someway.

Growing up, taking new responsibilities and managing old ones, and not making a drama out of it, I like it.

I didn't read the original story, but the length seems about right now.

I reread this today after reading another story about a similar subject matter. This story set a high bar for such things, and I'm glad for it, and was sad that the other story didn't end up measuring up.

Incidentally, well played on anticipating Applejack's views of duty in Brotherhooves Social.

Reading this and Good Ponies Don't, Do They? back-to-back really showed what a difference a year could make in terms of writing quality in a conversation piece.

I was going to read this one now because it's short, but Bookplayer just made me cry earlier today with "Wisdom is Just Growing Old", and my nose is only now finally getting unstuffy.

Great interactions between characters

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