• Published 20th May 2012
  • 2,071 Views, 35 Comments

Spike ( Attempts to) Throw a Bachelor's Party, and Ends Up Becoming a Drug Dealer - Namechanger

All Spike wanted to give Shining Armor was the best party ever, but at what costs? Literally.

  • ...

Drugs and Cake

Spike made his way down the street, so confident. He needed cake, but where could he get some? Maybe he could ask around, he was sure that somepony would have an idea to get some fast and easy.

Something caught Spike's eye, in one of the alley ways between two buildings. There was some old pony wrapped in a plastic bag, covered in dirt, and had a cup filled with some coins. He was lying next to a box.

"I'll ask that fine looking gentlecolt!" he said to himself in hesitation.

He ran over to him in broad daylight, knelt down and tried to get his attention by poking him with his sharp claws. He was swatted away by the homeless pony, but Spike wasn't going to take 'no' for an answer.

"Hey mister, I couldn't help but smell y-... I mean, 'see' you from across the street, and I was wondering if you could hook me up with some cake for a party I'm going to."

"Cake, you want some cake? It'll cost you some dough, if you know what I mean," The old pony croaked out.

"Sure, I have a blank check! What do you need?" Spike said, matter of factly.

"Seven hundred bits for one bag."

"Bag? I didn't know you could hold a cake in a bag!" Spike was dumbfounded, but this colt said he had cake, and Spike needed it. He rushed over to the bank, explained who he was to the clerk, argued with him, grabbed a sack full of money when the clerk wasn't looking, and ran back to the old colt without anypony noticing.

"I think this is seven hundred, or more. Just keep the rest, now where is that cake at?"

"Here you are, my scaly friend, don't use it all up at once or you might OD!"

"OD? What the hay does OD mean?" Spike had no clue, he just guessed it meant 'Overly Delicious' for the cake.

The pony handed I'm a big bag of some white powered stuff and it had a sticky note attached to it that said 'CAK'.


"Uh, I asked for cake, not sugar, I want my money back!" Spike demanded. Was this some kind of joke?

"Nah, trust me man, that stuff is some strong cake, bro. That will keep you going for weeks. You will get your money's worth!"

"Whatever, man, maybe I can just put this in some punch or something."

Spike held the bag in his hand and ran over to Pinkie's party room at the palace. Spike opened up the doors to find Pinkie darting around the room with streamers and balloons. She was a speedy pink bullet, until Spike burst in and ran to the middle of the room.

Pinkie ran over to him and said; "What's up, Spike? Isn't this wonderful, the Princess said that I get to hold the reception and Princess Cadence came in with Twilight and she said she liked my party if it were for little foals and I said thank you and she walked out with Twilight and Twilight seemed upset, but I don't know why she seemed upset, I'm just so happy I get to do this, I mean, it's not like everypony gets to do this, host the royal reception of a royal wedding, this is going to be the best wedding ever, don't you agree because I totally agree! Guess what rhymes with agree! Glee! Shmee! Dee! See! Lee! Me -"

"PINKIE!" Spike exclaimed, wiping all of Pinkie's sweat and saliva off of him after her party rant.

"So, do you need something?" she jumped up and down in excitement.

"I was wondering if you could spare me some party favors for the bachelor party, do you have any extras?"

"Hmmmm, nopey dopey lokey, Spike Wikey, I have been so busy with the party, I think I have used them all up! There is a party store, though, down the road, you should try out there!"

"Fine, I'll try out there."

"Okey dokey lokey!"

Spike walked back to the door, when Pinkie saw what was in Spikes hand.

"Speaking of dopey... Spike, what do you have in your hands? Is that... Sugar?"

"Well, the colt outside gave this to me, he said it was cake, but this doesn't look like any cake I have eaten." Spike handed the bag to Pinkie, and she dabbed a bit of it onto her hoof, then licked it.

"Spike, I can tell you this; that is defiantly not cake." she laughed at him, but a nervous laugh.

"Well, then this is pointless, I might as well give it to somepony else." Spike moped.

"NO!" she started acting very serious, "Listen, Spike, you can't show this to anypony unless it's me, it can be our little secret, okay?"

"Gee, Pinkie , if you want the... Whatever this is, you can have it." he motioned to the door.

"No, Spike, I can't, you seem like a less obvious person to be holding onto this, you need to keep it, but only use it on special occasions, I guess we all had to grow up one of these days." Pinkie handed the bag to Spike. "Let this be a lesson in responsibility for you, Spike, stay put of trouble, please."

"Okay, Pinkie, I'll go try the party shop, where exactly is it?"

"I think you can handle yourself Spike, so I think you can go on your own. It's in the part of Canterlot that you don't want to end up in if your carriage breaks down."

"What, Marelem?" Spike asked. Marelem was renowned for the most arrest, busts, and attempts at almost anything the Canterlot Royal Guard have written down.

"Ya, but with that stuff your holding, you'll blend right in!"

"What exactly is that stuff, anyways?" Spike asked, still wanting an answer for what he had purchased.

"Let's just say that it is cake, okay?"

Spike huffed and walked out of the door. He was heading to Marelem, crime center in all of Canterlot.