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Pinkie Sense!?!?

As the darkness at the heart of the Everfree Forest stirred in the wake of John's fury, another force was preparing to move against it. The force known far and wide as Pinkie Pie.

“Ookie dokie lokie,” hummed Pinkie Pie as she stepped back from her drafting table to behold her work. Sprawled out across her desk was a lovingly detailed schematic of Ponyville Town Hall. Similar plans covered the walls and hang from the ceiling, each one a different location spanning all of Ponyville. The sight of it all made her smile.

This is what Pinkie Pie lived for, while she loved her parties and the smiles of her friends, she loved planning the parties even more. The thrill of anticipation and preparation, the cooking and baking, making list of all the ponies to invite, and scheduling the entertainment. Everything took time and dedication to prepare and for Pinkie Pie, creating a party was just as important as enjoying one.

For many of the ponies in Ponyville, the idea that Pinkie Pie actually planned her parties would be hard to believe. Pinkie's parties seemed to come out of nowhere and while nopony would complain about them, most didn't know of the work that she put into them, but that didn't bother her. So long as everypony had fun and smiled, she was happy.

“The only thing left is to give it a name,” mumbled Pinkie Pie, unable to decide on a name. Her eyes drifted from her plans, scanning each one for an idea; for inspiration. As she looked around the room her eyes fell upon her bed, and was met by a peculiar sight. In her bed, nestled underneath her comforter and atop her pillows, lay a simple stuffed animal.

The stuffed animal was a monkey in a white suit with a glass fishbowl over its head. “What are you doing here Mr. Alien Monkey? You don't belong here,” yawned Pinkie Pie as she cradled the small toy. “You're not my toy silly. You belong to the Cakes' foal. You'll be the foals very first birthday present.”

When Pinkie returned to the drafting table, with Mr. Alien Monkey in tow, she looked at her schematic and a light bulb went off above her head. Placing the toy aside Pinkie grabbed a quill and set to name the party when all of a sudden the ceiling light flickered off. “Shoot,” cursed Pinkie Pie as she plucked the fresh light bulb hovering above her head and grabbed a ladder. After switching out the bulbs Pinkie returned to her desk and wrote.

“Welcome to Equestria and Ponyville Mr. Alien Monkey from your Bestest Best Friend Pinkie Pie!!!”

Pinkie smiled from ear to ear, giggling with glee as she held the schematic in her forward legs. “It's perfect!” she exclaimed. Until she saw the middle word in the title, “Whoopsie.” With a flick of her quill the name read.

“Welcome to Equestria and Ponyville Mr. Alien Monkey from your Bestest Best Friend Pinkie Pie!!!”

'You're an idiot!'

Pinkie's smile all but disappeared, “What do you want?”

'You already know. Why not give it to me?'

Pinkie breathed deep and gathered her courage, “Because you'll hurt my...”

'Ah ah ah. Our Friends.'

“They're my friends!” snapped Pinkie, “Not yours.”

A twisted giggle filled the room, 'Maybe they should call you Stingie Pie.' Pinkie Pie turned around and looked towards her bedroom mirror. Normally she'd see her reflection, a young mare with a bright pink coat and curly mane tail, but not this time. This time her mirror showed a young mare with a dull pink coat and limp mane and tail, the mirror showed her alter ego. Pinkamena Diane Pie. 'Aw, did I hurt your feelings?Come on...show us a smile!'

“I don't want to show you a smile,” replied Pinkie. “You don't deserve one.”


“You. Don't. Deserve. One.”

'You ungrateful...' grumbled Pinkamena. 'Who was it that talked to you on the farm? Me! Who was it that listened to your problems with your family? Me! You're nothing without me!'

“Stop it...” said Pinkie, her voice trembling.

'Don't tell me what to do!' raged Pinkamena, 'You owe me!'

“Leave me alone,” cried Pinkie Pie.

'Why you!' screamed Pinkamena as she lunged forward.

“Ah!” screamed Pinkie as she closed her eyes. When the blow came Pinkie kept her eyes shut waiting for more, but nothing happened. When she opened her eyes she was looking at herself, her normal self.

Pinkie Pie looked at the mirror in confusion, her heart racing; even faster than usual. A second ago she was a good meter from the mirror, now she was right next to it, looking at herself. The same curly mane and tail and bright pink coat. “Thank goodness,” sighed Pinkie Pie as she tried to settle her nerves.

After a few minutes of breathing her heart slowed to a normal rhythm, but no matter what she did her body wouldn't stop shaking and bouncing. After a while Pinkie realized what was happening. “Oh no...Twilight? I have to tell Twilight!”

As Pinkie Pie galloped out of the room, her reflection in the mirror remained watching as she left, 'Oh yes, things are finally getting interesting.'

Oblivious to anything else, Pinkie galloped at full speed from Sugarcube Corner on her way to the Ponyville Library to get Twilight. In fact she was so focused on getting to library that she failed to notice that the very pony she was looking for, was leaving Carousel Boutique. “Pinkie? Where are you going?”

“Twilight?” asked Pinkie Pie as she stopped on the dime. “Thank goodness I've found yoooOOOoooUUUuuuUUU...,” said Pinkie Pie as her body began to shake again.

“Pinkie, are you okay!?” asked Twilight as Pinkie convulsed.

“OooooOOOoohhhHHHHhhhh yeeeEEEaaaaAAAhhhHHH,” rattled Pinkie Pie as she came down from her episode. “It's just my Pinkie Sense.”

Twilight's worried face fell even further, “Pinkie Sense? Oh no what's happening?”

“Darling? Did you need something else?” called Rarity before she peered outside. “Oh, Pinkie dear sorry. How are you this evening?”

“Good Evening Rarity,” said Pinkie.

“Girls!” yelled Twilight. “Pinkie what's going on? That wasn't a normal case of Pinkie Sense was it? Was it a doozy?”

“Yeah, and whatever it is it's going to happen at Fluttershy's.”

“Is Fluttershy okay?” asked Twilight as Rarity looked on in horror.

“Fluttershy's fine,” said Pinkie Pie. “It's John that's in trouble.”

Twilight wasted no time, “Alright, we've got to move. Rarity I need you to go get Apple Jack while Pinkie Pie and I get Rainbow Dash. We'll meet up at Fluttershy's and we'l...Rarity what are you doing?” asked Twilight as Rarity ran inside.

“Just grabbing a few things,” replied Rarity as she put on a matching set of boots. “Can't go around looking drab with all of our fans watching, can I?

Twilight looked confused, “Rarity?”

“Darling. Don't you remember what John said? We're being watched, our adventures told to millions of onlookers awaiting our heroics. I cannot simply disappoint my fans by looking anything less than fabulous!

Twilight's jaw hang to the floor, “Rarity we haven't time for this. Pinkie says there's a doozy happening. John might been in serious danger! Remember when we told you last time about how Pinkie predicted a hydra attack!?”

“Darling, please. It's the middle of winter I doubt that a hydra is going to attack,” said Rarity as she tied a scarf around her neck, “How does this look?” Rarity examined herself in the mirror and smiled, “Perfect. Besides, we can't go running out in the middle of the night without proper clothes. Here, take these.” said Rarity as she levitated a scarf and a set of boots for the two other ponies.

“Thank you Rarity, but we have to hurry,” stressed Twilight as she helped Pinkie Pie with her scarf. After she put on her own boots and scarf, she saw Rarity lift up a particularly large suit bag that she folded on her back. “What is that?”

“This is a gift for John,” said Rarity with a smile. “While we were at Fluttershy's I looked over John's clothes and found that none of it was meant to wear during winter. Honestly it's like he was dressing for summer or something.”

Twilight sighed, “Is there anything else you need to before we get going?”

“Yes,” said Rarity as she walked towards the door. “What about Sweetie Belle and her little friends? They're having a sleep over at Sweet Apple Acres? How do I get Apple Jack without them noticing?”

“Rarity please,” giggled Twilight, “they're just fillies. Besides it's midnight, they have to be asleep by now.”

“Right...” said Rarity slowly, realizing that she'd have to handle the C.M.C. On her own. “Well then, if that's settled let's be off?”

“Right, let's get the others and we'll meet up at Fluttershy's. Hopefully Fluttershy will be home and we can prevent whatever Pinkie's sensing.” After a quick nod from the others, the group broke and ran to gather their friends.

While Rarity ran towards Sweet Apple Acres, Twilight and Pinkie Pie ran towards Rainbow Dash. The pair of ponies ran in silence through the town, side by side until Pinkie looked over to Twilight. “Hey Twilight?”

“Yeah Pinkie Pie?”

“I...I was wondering...do you think Rarity is right? Do you think that they...that John's people are watching us? Like...right now?”

Twilight could see Rainbow Dash's home coming into view, “No, I don't think so. Remember that he also said that they weren't watching us directly. He also said that they were only vaguely aware of us. Why?”

Pinkie Pie didn't say anything until the arrived under the clouds making up Rainbow Dash's front porch. When Twilight looked to her, Pinkie gave a forced smile, “No reason...I was just thinking I should hold a party and invite them! It will be kinda weird but I thought they'd like! What kind of invite should I send?”

'She's been acting weird tonight,' thought Twilight as she looked up and began casting a spell. After a second of concentration Twilight's maroon magic encased both herself and Pinkie Pie, “Alright Pinkie Pie, prepare for a ride.”

Pinkie Pie had just enough time to tilt her head before a flash went off and she found herself standing atop of the clouds. “Ooohhh that was fun!” exclaimed Pinkie Pie as she bounced on the clouds. “Can we go again!?”

“Maybe later Pinkie Pie,” said Twilight with a smile, “remember why we came here?”

“Yeah the party!? No...wait, what was it?” Pinkie Pie began to mumble when her body shook and bounced from her spot on the balcony to the front door.

Twilight looked confused for a brief moment before she followed behind the vibrating pony, “Alright Pinkie Pie, do you want to knock or should I?” Pinkie Pie, nodded her head but her bouncy means of propulsion stopped just short of hooves reach. “Okay, I guess the honor's mine.”

With Pinkie Pie bouncing to her left Twilight trotted up to the door and gave a quick knock. Never having knocked on the pegasus' door before Twilight couldn't fight her shock when thunder echoed from inside. “Gah!”

Pinkie Pie giggled uncontrollably as Twilight hopped away from the door like a frightened cat. Twilight gave Pinkie Pie a stern look, but before she could say anything a floodlight shinned down upon them. “Who's there!?”

With the floodlight blinding them, neither Twilight nor Pinkie Pie could see who it was, but the voice was unmistakable, even if it did sound nervous. “Rainbow Dash? It's me, Twilight! Pinkie Pie's with me could you turn off the lights!?”

“Nice try!” shouted Rainbow Dash, her voice shaking. “Only pegasus ponies can walk on clouds and everypony in Ponyville is asleep! Yo....You better tell me who you are or I..I'll come get you!”

By this time Pinkie returned to normal and she and Twilight exchanged worried looks. “Uh...Rainbow Dash? Are you okay, you're acting really REALLY weird?”

There was a brief silence, “Pinkie Pie? Is that you?”


“Prove it!” yelled Rainbow Dash, “Tell me something only Pinkie Pie would know!”

Pinkie Pie scratched her chin for a second and looked confused before saying, in Rainbow Dash's voice, “Pinkie Pie's my bestest best friend and I'm definitely going to show up for her party for John!”

“Uuuuggghhh,” groaned Rainbow Dash. Seconds later the floodlight turned off and Rainbow Dash opened her door, but only a crack. When she saw the others she opened her door and urged them forward, “Hurry! Get in!”

Not wanting to upset Rainbow Dash further Pinkie and Twilight hurried inside. Once inside the pair realized just how upset their friend really was. Her mane was greasy and mated; even for her, her eyes were bloodshot and she recoiled from every sound in the house. “R...Rainbow Dash a...are you okay?”

“Okay!?” yelped Rainbow Dash, “O..of course I'm okay! I...I mean who wouldn't be?” Rainbow Dash fidgeted a bit and kept licking her lips, “It's...It's not like somepony is watching me all the time...right?”

Twilight was at a loss, 'She's worse off then either Pinkie or Rarity.' Failing at finding any comforting words Twilight approached Rainbow Dash and wrapped her in a hug. And that was all it took. Whatever fears Rainbow Dash had been welling up came bursting out, she sobbed and gasped into Twilight's shoulder between breathless sentences about her fear of being watched. “Sshh, it's okay Rainbow Dash. It's okay.”

Pinkie soon joined the group hug, “Come on Dashie, it's okay. Right Twilight?”

“Yes,” said Twilight as she broke the hug. “Rainbow Dash. Look. Is this about what John said?” Rainbow Dash gave a tearful nod, “Okay listen. Do you remember everything he said about his people and the show about us?”

“Not...Not really,” sniffled Rainbow Dash, looking down embarrassed.

“Rainbow,” sighed Twilight. “John said that they weren't watching us all the time, they can't watch us all the time. The show is more or less fairy tales involving us. Just ideas about what we might do in certain situations.” Rainbow Dash didn't look convinced, so Twilight went with a different approach. With a wink to Pinkie Pie Twilight circled around Rainbow Dash and said, “Or maybe you're right. Maybe they are watching us all the time.” Rainbow Dash tensed and shook, “So when are you going to go to Rarity's to talk fashion?”

The out of the way question snapped Rainbow Dash back to her senses, “What?”

“What?” asked Twilight jokingly. “I mean after-all, John did say you'd pick up fashion as a new hobby. Of course you would have to give up on joining the Wonderbolts. That is what John said after-all.”

Tears of fear and sorrow, quickly changed to ones of anger and determination. “I'd never give up on the Wonderbolts! I don't care what he says!”

“But he said he saw it?” asked Twilight, trying to egg her on.

“I don't care what he saw!” roared Rainbow Dash as she took flight. “I don't care what any of them saw or see! I'm going to live my life and if he don't like it he can GO BUCK HIMSELF!!!”

Twilight Sparkle and Pinkie Pie both took a step back in shock. “Rainbow!?” cried Twilight.

Rainbow Dash huffed and puffed in anger a bit before she realized what she said, “Ohmygosh. Ohmygosh. Ohmygosh. I'm sorry guys. I...I can't believe I said that. What was I thinking?”

Twilight coughed into her hoof, “Yes, well you weren't in your right state of mind.”

As the trio of ponies stood looking at each other, an awkward silence filled the room. “UuuuUUUuuuhhhhhHHHhhhh, gggggGGGGiiiirrrRRRLLLllsss?” said Pinkie Pie as she began to bounce again.

“Pinkie Pie? What's going on?”

“Rainbow Dash, remember when we told you about the hydra attack?”

Rainbow Dash thought for a second before nodding, “Yeah, is this the same thing?”

“Yes,” said Twilight as she levitated Pinkie Pie so she didn't destroy Rainbow Dash's home. “Pinkie's “Pinkie Sense” says that a doozy is going to happen at Fluttershy's and John's the one in trouble.”

“John's the one in trouble?” asked Rainbow Dash. Twilight, still holding Pinkie Pie, gave a nod, levitating Pinkie Pie accordingly. “So what are we waiting around for? Let's get a move on!”

“Okay,” replied Twilight as she lifted Pinkie Pie out the door. “We'll have to hurry. Rarity went to go get Apple Jack, and they're probably half way to Fluttershy's.”

Sweet Apple Acres

“Come on Apple Jack?” begged Apple Bloom. “If me and the others go with you we might get our cutie marks!”

“Yeah!!” yelled Scootaloo and Sweetie Bell.

“No means no, Apple Bloom!” replied Apple Jack. “N'ah get t'ah bed. Now!”

The Cutie Mark Crusaders gave a dejected sigh and made their way upstairs to Apple Bloom's bedroom. Apple Jack watched as they walked up the stairs, ready to give an stern look should they turn to follow them, which they did. After the three fillies disappeared behind the opening to the second floor, Rarity opened her mouth to speak only for Apple Jack to put a hoof up to silence her. In a whisper Apple Jack said, “Do what ah do.”

After that Apple Jack began trotting in place, Rarity after a moment nodded in understanding and followed in step. The sounds of their hooves echoed out load at first but after a few steps Apple Jack softened her steps unto silence, with Rarity acting along. Once the sounds stopped scuffling could be heard upstairs.

“Alright Crusaders, let's follow them!?” said Apple Bloom as she ran down the stairs only to run smack dab into her elder sister who's eyes smoldered under the lip of her stetson. “Hey Apple Jack, we..uh...we were just coming to say good night, right girls?”

Scootaloo looked from the pleading Apple Bloom to the angry Apple Jack, “It was her idea!”

“Yeah!” agreed Sweetie Bell before running upstairs leaving Apple Bloom to the wrath of her sister.

“Traitors!” roared Apple Bloom as she shook a hoof upstairs. Once she finished Apple Bloom turned and faced her sister. “Ah'm sorry Apple Jack.”

Apple Jack gave her sister a cool look, “Bed. Now!” Apple Bloom tried to object but Apple Jack cut her off by slamming her hoof to the ground. “NOW!”

Apple Bloom didn't say another word as she ran up stairs. Apple Jack said nothing but after a few seconds she let out a weary sigh. “Come on Rarity. Let's go.” Rarity said nothing but followed Apple Jack out of the house. “By the way, Rarity, Thanks f'er wakin' up the youngen's. Ah'd just gottin' 'em t'ah sleep.”

“I'm sorry, Apple Jack. I tried to think of a better plan but I couldn't.”

Apple Jack stopped just out the gate to Sweet Apple Acres and gave Rarity an annoyed look, “So y'ah figur'd ringin' the door bell was ah better plan?”

“Yes well,” answered Rarity as she tried to look dignified, “basic manners must be observed regardless of the circumstances.”

Apple Jack shook her head, “Come on Rarity, let's just get t'ah Fluttershy's. If'n this is anythin' like the last time Pinkie sensed ah doozy, John's gonna need our help.”

“Very well,” said Rarity as the pair broke into a gallop. “You know that they're going to follow us right?”

“Yeah, ah know,” sighed Apple Jack. “Hopef'ly we can lose 'em by runnin' fast enough.”

Rarity gave an unconvinced look, “You don't believe it do you?”

“No, but ah can hope.” The pair of mares didn't need to look back to know that three little ponies were following their tracks.

“Great plan Apple Bloom,” cheered Sweetie Bell as the group ran behind the two older mares.

“Yeah,” agreed Scootaloo. “Too bad that we had to leave you to your sister like that.”

Apple Bloom giggled, “Yeah, but Apple Jack needed to think she scared me enough for to stay behind.” The trio of friends followed silently throughout Ponyville proper and out through the opposite side of town. The trip had taken a while but the girls had kept themselves busy thinking of what kind of cutie marks they'd receive for following the others.

“I'll bet we'll get spy cutie mark!” whispered Apple Bloom excitedly.

“Oh oh, maybe we'll get a detective cutie mark!” said Sweetie Bell.

“Or maybe a...hey what's that thing?” asked Scootaloo as she saw a creature holding Fluttershy. They could hear strange sounds and gasps, but in the dark of the night they couldn't see who was gasping. “Is...is it hurting Fluttershy?”

Before either Sweetie Bell or Apple Bloom could say anything, Rarity and Apple Jack broke into a full gallop and were soon joined by Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie; all of whom seemed to charge at the strange creature in the distance.

The three fillies shared a nod before whispering, “CUTIE MARK CRUSADERS, CREATURE CATCHERS! YEAH!!”