• Published 17th Jan 2015
  • 9,712 Views, 71 Comments

You're A What?! - TheNewYorkBrony

Sunset and Adagio reveal to Human Twilight what they are.

  • ...

This Can't Be Happening

Twilight approached the horse statue in front of Canterlot High shortly after eleven. That was the time Sunset Shimmer had told her to meet her there. Adjusting her glasses, she took deep breaths to calm her nerves.

The older girl hadn't said much about the meeting, just that she had something to tell her and that she was bringing a friend. Whatever that meant.

Reaching the statue, she saw Sunset standing under it with another girl she didn't know. She walked up to them, and gave Sunset a wary smile as she shoved her hands in her pockets. "So...what exactly is it that you needed to talk to me about?" She asked.

"First," Sunset said, gesturing to the girl beside her, "Adagio, Human Twilight Sparkle. Human Twilight, Adagio Dazzle."

Human Twilight? Why was Sunset referring to her as 'human' Twilight? She was just simply Twilight...yes? Why the need for adding 'human' in front of it?

"Wow," Adagio said, rubbing her chin and examining her up close and personal. (Too personal if anyone asked Twilight) "You're right, Shimmer. She is a spitting image of that other one."

The other one? What other one? As far as she knew, she was the only Twilight Sparkle in the world! What on earth were they trying to say?!

"Okay, someone wanna tell me what the heck is going on? What's with this 'other one' stuff and why did you call me 'human' Twilight?" Twilight pushed her glasses up on her face with a deep frown.

"Uh...well...." Sunset started, "That's kind of what I wanted to talk to you about." She ran a hand through her two toned locks and sighed. "I know this is going to sound ludicrous but, there's another you."

Twilight was taken aback. More by confusion than shock. "Another me? That's impossible! There's only one me and that me is well, me! What are you talking about?!" She watched Adagio and Sunset share a look.

"Twilight, this other you isn't from this world. She's from a different world, a world full of sapient ponies." Sunset told her firmly. "Ponies...Ponies like me."

Twilight just stared at her. "What?" She whispered. "What?" She then repeated, this time a little louder. She put two fingers against her temple. "Are you seriously trying to confess to me that there is a world beyond us full of talking ponies, and that you come from it?!"

"I know it's a lot to take in, but it's true." Sunset said softly. "I was a unicorn and Adagio was a Siren hippocampus thingy." She pointed to the statue behind them. "And that's the portal to it."

Twilight snorted. "Oh so now you're going to tell me hippocampi exist?! What's next?! Pegusai control the weather and the moon and the sun don't rotate on their own?!"

Adagio frowned. "Hmmph. I'm over a thousand years old, you know. I could be your mother three hundred times over." She said, folding her arms. "Show some respect."

"A thou-" Twilight spluttered. She spun around to look at Sunset incredulously. "And how old are you?!"

Sunset raised her hands defensively. "Don't look at me, I've only been here for three years!" She sighed. "And yes, pegasi control the weather and the sun and the moon are controlled by Princess Celestia and Princess Luna." Sunset replied. "Look, I know you don't believe us-"

"Believe you?!" Twilight shouted, starting to become hysterical. "First of all, it's not scientifically possible for anyone, let alone horses to control the sun and the moon! The moon has a gravitational pull to the Earth and the sun doesn't move, we revolve around it! You really expect me to believe that you are a unicorn from, from-" She blinked. "What is this place even called?!"

"Equestria," Sunset corrected her.

"I'm from Aquastria, the land below the sea. Haven't been there in years," Adagio added conversationally, examining her nails. "Real shame, the seaponies are lovely creatures to torture."

"Torture?!" Twilight repeated, she turned to Sunset. "What the hell is she talking about?!" She demanded, waving her arms wildly. Twilight wasn't one to curse, (If one could even consider hell a curse at all,) but this whole thing was just so...bizarre.

"Equestria is a land full of magic." Sunset explained. "Unicorn Magic, Pegasus Magic, heck, even Earth Ponies have some Magic. And we have lots of creatures like hippocampi and hydras, ursas, and a bunch of other ones I can't remember."

"That doesn't explain the torture!" Twilight reminded her.

"I was getting to that," She responded, rolling her eyes. "There's good magic and there's bad magic. Me and Dagi, well we used to possess some really bad mojo. I turned into a she-demon and she was a Siren who fed off the misery and strife of others. Now she's a human who feeds off of hamburgers and tacos."

"Yes, thanks to you and your...friends..." The former Siren said, playing with the (now useless) amulet around her neck. "Though do tell the human how me and my idiots had our powers for hundreds of years while you only had it for all of twenty minutes."

Sunset made a sound that sounded like a dog growling. "Long story short I kinda sorta brought an ancient artifact belonging to you, the other you, who's a princess by the way, through the portal." She tapped the smooth marble behind her. "I wanted to use it to take over Equestria with an army of high school students turned ponies."

"You brought an ancient artifact from another world into this one and you didn't think of the negative consequences that it would have had on you?!" Twilight asked in pure disbelief. "And don't you think it would have been completely futile to go back into a world you haven't been in for years to battle princesses who control the freaking sun and moon?!"

"Huh." Sunset blinked. "When you put it that way, it almost sounds asinine and half assed."

"That's because it is!" Twilight shouted and Adagio deadpanned in unison.

"And what's that thing around your neck?" Twilight demanded, pointing to Adagio.

"Oh this? This is where my power used to come from. But thanks to Shimmer and the other you now all I have left is this little piece of what it used to be." Adagio snarled.

Twilight shook her head. "I'm not even gonna ask."

"Anyway, I have proof that everything we've said is true." Sunset pulled out a tome from behind her back that had the same design on the cover of it as the one on her shirt. "This, is how I communicate with the other you." She said, presenting it to Twilight.

"It's just a book." Twilight said flatly. "I don't understand how anyone could- What are you doing?!"

"Telling Twilight of the current situation," Sunset responded, scribbling something in the book. Twilight couldn't make out what it was, but to be honest it all looked like a bunch of squiggly lines.

"And done." Sunset said, dotting what Twilight assumed was a period. Moments later, the book buzzed like cell phone, and Twilight just stared in awe as Sunset opened it. The older girl handed it to her with a smirk. "It's for you."

Twilight's eyebrows furrowed but she took the book anyway, her eyes not believing what she was seeing. "Either she has really bad hand writing, or this is in a different language because I can not read a single word this says."

"Oh! Forgot you can't read Equestrian," Sunset said apologetically, taking the book back.

"Equestrian?" Twilight mouthed to herself but let it go. She was honestly so done right now she didn't care anymore.

"I'll read it to you," Sunset said, clearing her throat.

Dear Twilight,

I am writing to you to show you that Sunset Shimmer is not lying. Everything she is saying is true, and you should listen to her. Also, get some friends. Being a social shut in isn't fun.

Twilight blinked. "Did...Did I just get insulted....By myself?"

"Appears so," Adagio told her, giving her a once over. "Though she's not wrong, you look like you spend your nights in a basement lab coming up with conspiracy theories."

"Ahaha," Twilight laughed nervously. "You don't say..."

Author's Note:

Something little i had in my head at 1 am.

Comments ( 71 )

Technically, the sun does move, and I believe Adagio would likely be older than 1000 years.

Aside from the nitpicking, it was cute, even if the dialogue war got a bit grating towards the end.

I never saw the movie, and really have no plans to, but before it even came out, I was aware that the Dazzlings were not ever ponies. Yet it seems that 99% of the fandom is unaware of that fact. I only read this to see if you were that elusive 1%, so thank you for the rare treat.

Apparently Twilight isn't a fan of the multiverse theory. :raritywink:

Also, Twilight is a really bad princess of friendship if she just insults people who don't have friends like that. :ajbemused:

That's pretty funny.
Not that I'm greedy or anything, but you could have been to ask me if you can use the image.

Twilight insulted by herself? Whoa... Anyway, this is pretty funny.

I also think that Alternative Universe tag is wrong, since fanfic doesn't change canon events

5516090 It's different if you were insulting yourself, if you can't be honest with you who can you be honest with?

Comment posted by TheNewYorkBrony deleted Jan 17th, 2015

That was funny. Would have been even funnier if human twilight kicked the portal and fell through it.

Well, that's one way to do it. Would've been funnier if Pony!Twilight had passed through the portal and given Human!Twilight a jump scare, but that's just my humble opinion.

5516413 both of these are glorious. Too bad i was half asleep when i wrote this. I would have used at least one

Some pretext would have been nice.

You made my day just by writing that.
There is always room for more chapters...

5516427 Eh, don't worry. Your story, your decisions, and it's decent as is.

Well, one quibble that I should've mentioned; where you used the word 'sentient', you probably should've used 'sapient'.

hm...this should be interesting

I like the premise of this and the direction it takes, but it saddens me that it is just a one-shot
What brings about Sunset telling Human Twilight everything?
Why bring one of the sirens into it?

Not exactly important-How can Pony Twilight read English? (which she did so in the library at Canterlot High in the first movie)

I just have so many questions and may just even make my own fic to answer them

Twilight blinked. "Did...Did I just get insulted....By myself?"

:facehoof: I am never going to live this down...

I advise re-watching Ponyville Confidential a little more closely again.

Shame it's only a one shot, this is REALLY entertaining!

Dear Twilight,
I am writing to you to show you that Sunset Shimmer is not lying. Everything she is saying is true, and you should listen to her. Also, get some friends. Being a social shut in isn't fun.
Twilight blinked. "Did...Did I just get insulted....By myself?"

My favorite part of the story. :rainbowlaugh:

needs a sequel.

Too forced, too rushed, too derivative, doesn't really feel like a story in its own right.

5518483 eh. They all can't be winners. :rainbowhuh:

5516016 You beat me to it! I was going to say the sun wobbles and zooms through the galaxy.

5518498 I thought the story was alright, but Twilight doesn't react how a true scientist would. I would explain more, but I've been commenting all night and I can't even think straight.

I was a bit disappointed in this one. It sets up an interesting premiss, but never actually does anything with it. It feels more like a first chapter than a short story.

I have to agree with the majority in the fact that this either needs more or continued in chapters. Overall it is a wonderful idea that could be expanded upon later, but needs expansion.

Poor Human Twilight. Being the only sane one in two universes.
Have a mustache good author :moustache:

Where'd that cover pic come from? :rainbowhuh:

5520380 there will be second chapter that expands on this idea more.

You had me curious. Now, I am intrigued.

A nice oneshot, but I prefer a more serious take on this concept.

Twilight snorted. "Oh so now you're going to tell me hippocampi exist?!

Twi, if your hippocampus doesn't exist, you need to see a brain surgeon ASAP. Write it down because, well, you're not going to remember to.

I'll be honest here, I went against the grain and gave this a thumbs down. There's just no context for why they're doing this. How did Human!Twilight and Sunset meet? Why did she bring Adagio? Why did Adagio even agree to come? She's clearly still evil (still thinks of torturing seaponies as fun) and still seems to begrudge the heroes. Neither of them have any motivation to say this, either. I can't imagine Sunset would like even more people to know her shame, and why would Adagio care enough to say anything at all?

Some of this could be forgiven if the comedy was handled well, but it's really just kind of flat.

now that message from Twilight to Twilight. Is that really an insult or just a self-recrimination? :trollestia:

Nice one. Looking forward to more if you are still planning on that.

X3 Why is twilight believing sunset shimmer?

She's from a different world, a world full of sapient ponies.

Two spaces instead of one

Pegusai control the weather and the moon and the sun don't rotate on their own?!


Yeah. This is hilarious! I love the Aquastria idea!

Maran #44 · Mar 8th, 2015 · · 1 ·

I was searching for a story specifically about Human Twilight finding out about the magical stuff, and found this. I love the concept, obviously, but it's underdeveloped and reads like either a first draft or a short chapter of a larger story. For example, we don't know why Sunset and "Dagi" are friends now, or how they came in contact with Human Twilight. Also, some of the dialog feels a bit forced. "What's next?! Pegusai control the weather and the moon and the sun don't rotate on their own?!" seems too wildly insightful for Twi; it's more like something Pinkie would say.

Love the idea. Execution could use some work. Maybe a touch of fleshing out. Perhaps some video footage of one of the incidents in question. Both took place in front of a bunch of High School Teens. Don't even think of telling me not one of them didn't record at least one of those with a phone.

5741355 Fair enough, though if we're operating under Dresden style magic, technology might have been failed, though I seem to recall most of them being mind-controlled at the time. On the other hand, since they all seem to remember what happened, it could be that technology just didn't record it. Not unlike vampires not having a reflection.

Kinda short, but still good

one of the best idea i have seen

Are you planning on expanding this series, because if you are, then you should do it. It would be awesome for Twilight and her friends to actually team up and work together.

-The Character

"When you put it that way, it almost sounds asinine and half assed."
"That's because it is!" Twilight shouted and Adagio deadpanned in unison.

lol a hippocampus thingy... I actually looked this up, having forgotten 'hippocampus' refers to more than just brains.
"There's good magic and there's bad magic." I don't know if I agree with this premise... it seems less the nature of the magic and more the direction of its use. I'd think hippocampi magic and unicorn magic could possibly be used as a division, but Sunset has unicorn magic... and both corrupted the magic of friendship/harmony to wield as their own.
Sapient v sentient: 'sapient' is definitely the more correct word, but there is use for how widely-known 'sentient' is
what others said about showing evidence: Rainbow Dash (or someone) had a video of the transformation on her phone... could've been used.
I really liked this, for all the flaws mentioned in the comments of others. I didn't find issue with the dialogue or the humor, but I am curious about the motive (for everyone involved), Adagio doesn't seem to have much reason to be there and feels like a prop. I think I saw something about upcoming chapters though and that's exciting because this has potential to go anywhere and that'd be amazing. :eeyup:

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