• Published 18th Jan 2015
  • 4,981 Views, 78 Comments

Something lost, Something gained - natis120

After a horrifying accident, the newest princess in Equestria is left blind. Rainbow Dash blames herself for Twilight's loss of vision. Along the way, the two begin developing feelings for each other.

  • ...

Chapter 3: When lightning strikes

"Rainbow Dash!!!" BOOM! "AHHHHHH!!!"

"TWILIGHT!!!" The alicorn princess fell to ground, her fur, scorched, her wings, damaged.

A rainbow maned pegasus flew down, and landed next to the scorched alicorn princes.
She was breathing heavily looking at the princess next to her.

"Twilight! Wake up!!!" The pegasus said as tears streamed down her face. "NO! Twilight! Please, wake up!!"


Rainbow awoke with a surprised yelp as thunder struck outside her home. A lightning storm raged outside. It shook Ponyville to its core with its roaring thunder.

Rainbow sighed, she had caused that storm outside. It was the result of a ruined 'normal sky clearing' day. Striking Twilight with that thunder cloud had delayed the whole process of clearing the skies yesterday, causing the clouds to start rumbling and pouring their rain and lightning on the citizens of the small village of Ponyville in a chain reaction.

Everypony was given instructions to stay indoors until the storm stopped, to avoid more lightning accidents.

Rainbow got on four hooves and started moving away from her room, still groggily she smacked her lips a few times before stretching her wings and flying down the stairs.

She yawned as she entered her living room and took a book off her personal small bookcase, courtesy of Princess of eggheads and her best friend, Twilight Sparkle. She plopped down on one of her cloud couches and looked at the cover of the book she had selected off her bookshelf, Daring Do and the lost amulet of Pythocorpia.

She opened the book on the first page and stared at it. Written on the first page was a small note to the prismatic pegasus from her egghead friend. As she stared at the note, tears swelled up in her eyes. Her best friend was now blind because of her, because of clumsy, little, stupid her.

"Why Twilight?" She asked herself, "Why did it have to be you?"

"Why not me instead?" She kept asking herself, "Why save me?"

"I could of saved you and yet I didn't!" She told herself, "You would've been fine!" "Sitting next to me, discussing Daring Do books with me."

Tears fell down her beet red cheeks, "And now we can't even do that because your blind and you can't see!"

"And it's all my fault!" Lightning crashed in the background as Rainbow held the book tightly in her embrace as tears quickly came down her face.

"I'm so sorry Twi! I truly am!" She wept, "I really am!"

Knock knock knock

Rainbow looked at the door, Wha? Who would come up here with such a storm raging outside?

She pushed her thoughts away as she put the book down slowly next to her in the fluffy cloud couch and wiped her nose and eyes with her other hoof.

"I-I'm c-coming!" She yelled in a hoarse tone.

As Rainbow got to her hooves and made her way to the door, the knocking became louder.

"I said I was coming!" Rainbow yelled again as thunder struck in the background.

Rainbow opened the door to find (to her surprise) the least expected...


The timid pegasus gave Rainbow Dash a shaky smile as she asked, "C-can I c-come in?"

Rainbow nodded, "Sure, come in."

Fluttershy walked inside her friend's cloud home with shaky steps.

"What were you doing out there anyways? It's pouring." Rainbow asked her.

Fluttershy frowned, "Well, after you left the hospital you looked so sad and it just broke my heart."
She smiled a bit, "I figured I'd come and keep you company... If it's okay with you of course..."

Rainbow smiled warmly at her friend, "Thanks Flutters. I d like that. But first, let's get you a towel."

Fluttershy's smile disappeared, "No no no! It's okay really, I'm fine."

Rainbow's eyebrow shot up, "Really? Then why are you shivering?"

Rainbow Dash smiled triumphantly as Fluttershy sighed, "I guess getting dry couldn't hurt..."

Moments later, Fluttershy, snuggled in a towel, and Rainbow Dash, sat in one of her cloud couches.
They were both reading a Daring Do book in silence while sipping hot chocolate.

Fluttershy broke the silence, "You should do this with Twilight someday..." She said quietly.

Rainbow frowned, "How? She can't read anymore, remember?"

Flutters looked at Rainbow, "You can read it to her instead. I'm sure it'll make her very happy!" She said with a small smile.

Rainbow thought for a moment, It isn't a bad idea... Plus, I'm sure Twilight would like it... Why not?

Rainbow took a small sip of her hot chocolate, "Sure, why not."

"Great! When will you do it?" Flutters asked, taking a sip of her hot chocolate leaving a 'mustache' in its wake.

Rainbow shrugged, "Dunno, probably tomorrow..."
She giggled as she caught a sight of a Fluttershy's new chocolate 'mustache'.

"Uh...Fluttershy? I think you have something over there." She said as she pointed at the chocolate 'mustache' on Fluttershy's muzzle.

Flutters blushed as she licked the 'mustache' off. "Um...thanks..." She said as she blushed harder.

The rest of the night was spent laughing and talking in between the two friends.
Eventually though, the storm stopped and Fluttershy parted to her home with a hug and a brief 'goodbye'.

Now, Rainbow Dash lay in her bed thinking to herself, Goodnight Twilight. I'll see you tomorrow...

The prismatic mare smiled softly as she extended her hoof and turned her bedside lamp off.

Author's Note:

Hello guys! I'm sorry I took so long to release this chapter! :twilightblush::twistnerd:

But anyways, I hope you guys enjoyed it nonetheless. Thanks for reading! :twilightsmile:

Comments ( 18 )

6096368 Yeah... Sorry for taking so long to release it... :twistnerd:

6097376 Just don't end up like me, waiting months to update one of my five stories... :twistnerd:

As long as you finish it I don't entirely care how long it takes for the chapters to be published this is a really god book so far

6147499 Yeah, I know but thanks though. :twilightsmile:

6109509 I'm flattered, thanks!

Even if the writing itself could use some work, I actually want to see what comes next. So you have my like and my tracking.

Thank you! I'm happy you enjoyed it. :)

I hope to see more of this it is very cute and i like the ship.

6386112 Thank you! I'm happy you like it. :)

Quite a different plot then I am used to... but, I like different, and different is usually good.

Keep up the good work, m8. :moustache:

6524444 I am happy you are enjoying the story so far. :pinkiesmile:

7238751 i would say that and once i get my answer then freak the fuck out.

new chapter please

Please update sometime soon... please..?:fluttercry:

I know how rainbow feels. I unintentional caused a friend to go blind too during a science project. After that event i wouldn't talk to anyone, not even the teachers. I felt so guilty of ruining her life.

That must have been hard for you.
I am so sorry you had to go though that. :ajsleepy:

I need new chapter…it been 5 years…..:fluttercry:

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