• Published 20th Jan 2015
  • 7,915 Views, 143 Comments

An Apple for Ya Trouble - ellie_

Rarity might not accomplish what she set out to do this particular Sunday, but she might just gain so much more.

  • ...

For a Pretty Girl

"My, my," I flatter the lady in front of me, not able to help admiring her poised perfection. "You are absolutely gorgeous—and your outfit has such a stunning combination of hues!"

She bats her long lashes before covering a soft chuckle with her hand

"Oh wait," another giggle has the lady's mouth stretching from ear to ear. "That's me!"

"Rarity, sweetheart, if you're done admiring yourself, we can get going now," says a voice from beyond the bathroom door just as I stifle an unladylike chortle.

"We always get interrupted, now don't we?" I quickly swipe lip gloss over my smile. "Coming mother!"

Adjusting my bangs one more time, I make sure they are nothing less than perfection before stepping away from the mirror, my mother in front of me with a twist of the knob. She shakes her head, that soft smile that I've come to despise gently mocking me before she offers her hand.

"Come on now, Rares—"

"Rarity, mother, my name is Rarit—"

"Yes, sorry my little 'lady'! I always forget that my daughter is truly a Canterlot girl," she winks at me and I hold back an uncouth scowl, resorting to crossing my arms instead as I follow her out of the house. "Come now, take my hand; I don't need you getting lost on the way to the market."

"I walk there by myself all the time," I murmur under my breath, purposely forgetting that ladies never mumble.

But, as always, she decides to ignore my quip, instead commenting on how lovely the summer season is this year. And as per the norm, I nod at all the right places and make the correct gestures as we make our way down the familiar dirt path. Though I may be physically by my mother's side, I ignore her light conversation, my thoughts wandering off.

In my mind, I'm dancing amongst patterns and fabrics and opportunities. Like every Sunday, I've forgotten the world and have entered the studio in my mind, bows and skirts and necklines and lace sending my heart aflutter. Oh, how I adore Sundays! By the end of the week I've collected my allowance and spare change and, as promised, am taken to the fabric shop. Ponyville is true to its name; being a one-horse town, there's a limited supply to my demand. But, by a wonderful stroke of luck, a shop far more exquisite than any candy or toy shop opened up not too far away from the central farmer's market a few months ago! Thank goodness it did too, I'm not sure what else I would have done to stay "in"!

"Now, sweetie pie," we suddenly come to a halt, my daydreams bursting into fairy dust. "Meet me in about an hour or so right here. I'll be buying groceries, so if you don't have enough money for something, you know where to find me."

"Of course, mother," I pull away from her grip, jewel tones and fine linen reflecting in my eyes.

"Have fun, honey!"

I do not voice a response, instead settling for concentrating on the elegance of my strut as I prance across the dirt path, my intentions zeroed in on the absolutely darling shades of magenta and cobalt draped in the window when suddenly...

"Watch out!"

A flash of rainbow and I'm suddenly lurched forward, my gangly limbs awkwardly catching my fall as I spin a full half circle.

"Rainbow Dash!" I screech, her fading chuckle making me ball my hands up into fists. "Have you no respect? This outfit took a week to make, and don't get me started on my hai—Oh my."

I stand upright, aware that my spin has me facing the opposite side, and the tomboy vanishes from my thoughts as I stare at the building in front of me. It's across the path and tucked in just enough that it never caught my attention. I passed by so many times yet I never had the absolute delight of spotting the most beautiful piece I've seen all season! My gaze stays locked on the mannequin in the window as my eyes widen, feet working on their own as I step lightly towards the door, hand outstretching to pull the door open.

The ringing of a dainty bell signals my arrival.

"Hello and welcome to—oh!" I barely notice the woman as I round the corner, my mind focused on one thing. "A little girl with fine taste, I presume? Welcome to my shop, dear."

I faintly detect an accent as I move towards the window, a smile tugging at the corners of my lips.

"Why yes, madam. One who has an interest in," I clasp my hands together in joy when I step in front of it, a small squeal escaping my lips. "This!"

The shop owner steps up from behind the counter and laughs warmly.

"That, my little lady, is a one-of-a-kind wide brim from an exclusive boutique in Canterlot," she muses and sparkles begin to dot my vision. "I'm not quite sure you could afford this hat though, sweetheart. But that's quite an eye for fashion you have there!"

Smile faltering, I find the compliment ineffective at buffering my disappoint. I have enough money, I reach for my wallet and pop it open, I just have to! Not only is it the perfect shade of blue, but the size and shape and rose accent is something I'll never come across again. This hat just has to become mine!

"How much is it?"

"I'm sure it's too mu—"

"How much?"

Her eyebrows rise in amusement, but I can tell she's taking me seriously.

"Fifty bits, darling."

Glancing into my wallet, I feel my heartbeat race as I begin to count. Bit by bit, I find myself drawing closer and closer to fifty, but also running out of coins. A wave of nervousness floods over me as my cheeks sting red, my tone hopeful and my stomach flipping.

"Forty, forty-one, forty-two..."

But my anxious state soon dissipates, elation making me bounce on my tippy-toes as I finally come to the end.

"Fifty!" I titter, glancing up at the lady with my wallet stretched out to her. "Fifty bits for the lovely hat!"

Her poised façade suddenly crumbles as her mouth hangs open. But it doesn't stop her from snatching up the coins and smiling in delight, an amusing dance taking her back to the main counter.

"Oh my, little girl, you are always welcome here, darling!" she exclaims, hurrying back over to the hat. "And I believe that this," she gracefully lifts the hat off of it's perch, "Is now yours."

Delicately gripping the edges, I turn to the full length mirror to my left, my eyes lighting up when I realize that this hat is even more perfect than I first thought. Simple, refined, elegant; the right shade of blue paired with a perfectly tinted rose attached to the delicate white silk. I've never seen such a beautiful hat—I know Ponyville hasn't either. It's hard to contain my glee as I lift the hat up and carefully place it upon my head. I meticulously begin to adjust it; tilt a little here, watch the crafted curl of my bangs, shift it a bit...

"Perfect," I beam at the mirror, not regretting for one moment that I won't be able to purchase fabric this week.

"I must say, sweetheart, you sure do know how to wear a hat," the woman muses and I delicately curtsy. "Do come back soon, dear!"

Yes, yes I do know how to wear a hat, and now this exquisite piece has found a worthy owner. I step back from the mirror reluctantly, not wanting to leave but knowing I've got a world to impress. It would be a shame to keep this beauty inside and away from the eyes of others; no, it is a star and it will shine brightly!

"Thank you, madam. I hope I can come back soon as well."

With a smile and another small adjustment to my hair, I grip the door handle and prepare my strut.

Ponyville's waiting, Rarity.

Another delicate chime indicates my departure, and I carefully close the door behind me before facing the crowd. Poise. Elegance. Sophistication. I repeat these three words to myself as I gracefully stride out into the general public, a few eyes already being drawn to the top of my head. I'm radiating with refinement as I stride down the path towards the main market. Pride swells up in my chest as many stare in jealousy or awe—sometimes both—and a few whispers of approval reach my ears. I'm glowing and shimmering like a diamond, nothing able to bring me down...

"Oh my goodness!" I exclaim as a sudden gust of wind blows up from behind me. I clap my hands onto my head, forgetting about my composure entirely, just wanting to save my precious hat. "Wait, no!" I shout when I realize I'm too late, the burst of wind easily caressing the wide brim off into the air, too high for anyone to reach. I watch desperately as the current carries it off. Do I run after it? Of course! But I don't want to scuff my shoes, the bows were Nonsense! This wide brim is not only exclusive, but more expensive than the bows five times over; not too mention that mother will be disappointed if I waste my allowance! Biting my lip, I decide that it's now or never. As carefully as I can muster, I begin to run after my hat. In the few seconds I wasted, though, it's gone even further down the path, almost out of sight by now. I whine when I accidentally step in a small puddle, mud lining my shoes. But I continue to march on, tip-toeing in vain as I try to keep my beautiful hat in sight.

But, by the time I've stumbled into the main market, it's too late. Only clouds dot the sky, the blue sky mocking me with its matching shade to my lost hat. Jutting my lip out, I try to hold back the tears welling up in my eyes, my fists clenched and eyes squeezed shut.

Of all the worst things that could happen this is the. worst. possible. thing! Where is a fainting couch when you need one? I couldn't possibly soil my outfit on the dirt anymore, no matter how dire my situation! I sigh, settling for angrily crossing my arms. And just when I thought this was the best day of my life too! What could ever live up to that one-of-a-kind, Canterlot wide brim?! I doubt I'll ever see anything like it ever again...The outfits that were going to be made for it, the people who need to see it, the—

"Um, 'scuse me, uh, miss?"

I hadn't realized I'd started crying until I am shaken from my thoughts.

"Uh," the voice that interrupted my internal lamenting sounds from my left, and I glance over, my eyebrows knitting together. All that's before me is an apple cart, not a soul in sight. Have I gone crazy? Is this truly it?

"Are you talking to me?" I ask.

"'Course Ah am."

The cart shifts ever so slightly as a flash of blonde jumps over it. A small squeal slips from my lips which is returned by a hearty laugh by the little girl now sitting atop the cart. I blink for a few moments, surprised by both her arrival and her beauty. Her eyes are like emeralds...

"Not too long ago Ah caugh—"

"Pardon me, but don't you mean I?" I can't help but interject and she looks at me funny.

"Yes, yes I suppose I do," my eyes lock in on her adorable freckles when her nose scrunches up. How charming. "But as I was sayin'; a big ole' floppy hat flew by a couple moments ago. Woo, it was goin' mighty fast!"

I'm so lost in wondering how fine her golden locks feel like that it takes me a moment to realize what she's saying.

"But then I saw such a pretty little miss cryin' and put two 'n two together."

"Wait! My hat! Did you catch it, per chance?!" I gasp, unable to hold back my excitement when she pulls my gorgeous item out from behind her cart, my hands snatching it up from her grasp. "Oh my goodness, thank you very much! Oh my! How am I going to repay you? You're my hero!" I hug the hat to my chest, making sure to keep it secure and away from the breeze.

"Hah, I figured a pretty hat was for a pretty girl," she swings her legs as she laughs. "Which is why I won't be takin' no rewards—wasn't a big deal, anyways, 'cause it made ya stop cryin'."

My hand unconsciously shoots up, and I carefully wipe at my cheeks, black mascara streaks staining my fingers.

"Goodness, I must look like such a mess. My apologies, I'm usually much more put together," I cringe but she doesn't seem to mind, happy smile never faltering. "I'm Rarity, by the way. I've never seen you at school, but you must be in my grade?"

"Name's Applejack. Pleased to make your acquaintance, Rarity. And I actually just moved back here from Manehattan where I was stayin' with my aunt and uncle so I'll be attendin' school in no time!"

"Manehattan?! My, my, Applejack, we are going to be the best of friends!" I clap my hands in delight and her grin widens.

"Glad to hear it, sugarcube. Say, since we're friends, how 'bout an apple?"

She gestures towards the pile to her left and grabs one up.

"Oh no, it's quite alright, darling."

"No, really. Have one," the combination of her beaming face and juicy apple is quite hard to say no to. "Let's say it's an...apple for ya trouble!"

"Oh alright, you've convinced me. Thank you very much."

Taking the apple, I lift a brow when I realize its shining red is more magnificent than the bow adorning my hat. It's strange to think that such simple things are as beautiful as this designer piece in my hand. Just a simple apple, such a normal girl...I take a step back out of her way just as she jumps down from her perch, her face now even clearer when next to mine. Hmm. Perhaps my outfits inspired by this hat can wait? I'm feeling rustic with a touch of class. I bite into my apple and nod.

"Yes...Yes we are going to be just the best of friends, Applejack."


"And that, my darling, is how Applejack and I met."

I clap lightly as Rarity does a small curtsy.

"Does that suffice as an answer, Sweetie Belle?"

Nodding, I get up from her bed and hug her.

"'Course, I don't remember a thing about ooglin' myself in the mirror and all that stuff about ribbons," Applejack suddenly interjects and Rarity scoffs.

"Well, perhaps I did add in a few of my own details," she giggles and Applejack rolls her eyes, though nothing can hide her loving smile. "But it was still the best day I ever had."

"How romantic! No wonder you two are such good girlfriends; it's like in the movies!" I squeal and bury my head in my sister's shirt.

Rarity hugs me back tightly as a matching grin creeps up onto her face.

"Now, now; we've had our disagreements," she shakes her head slowly, eyes lost in Applejack's. "Though...we are quite perfect, aren't we?"

"We sure are, sugarcube."

Rarity's dreamy sigh puts a small smile on my face and I take it as my cue to leave them alone. No doubt she's going to be inspired again!

"Well, I'm going to play outside then, sis!"

"Have fun, Sweetie darling!"

"We'll prepare some dinner soon enough, sugarcube!"

Clambering down the stairs, I recount Rarity's tale in my head as I run outside. Hats and markets and daring chases...It's like a story! I giggle to myself as I run out onto the main path.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa!" a voice comes up from out of the blue. "Watch out!"

Something suddenly shoves me forward, the action so fast that it's hard to find my balance as I teeter forward...The world tilts a little and I watch as the ground quickly gets closer and closer...And then I'm suddenly completely still, the grass almost touching my nose and warm hands holding my waist. I squeal as I'm suddenly shifted upright, the world back to how it used to be.

"Are you alright? Sorry, I wasn't looking!"

I gawk and almost trip over the scooter at my feet as I stare at my savior, a girl about my age with short, magenta hair.

"H-hi," I twirl my hair nervously. "I'm Sweetie Belle..."

Author's Note:

Y'know, I'd like to think that Equestria is one big lesbian land and that's why there's so few stallions...

SoOooOoo, what'd you think? :pinkiehappy: Like it? Love it? Hate it? Despise it? I want to know, so leave a comment and a vote!

And for those of you who are like, "Where the hell is my SunDagio sequel to the sequel :twilightangry2::flutterrage::raritydespair::trixieshiftright:?!?!?" do not panic! This was just a little something I whipped up while I'm working on the SunDagio. It's hard for me to write chaptered stuff because I obviously get distracted...:twilightsheepish:

Despite everything, I hope you enjoyed it :twilightsmile:

Comments ( 139 )

I believe this is the art source you are looking for http://glancojusticar.deviantart.com/art/Thanks-379706065

A delightful story. I admit I was slightly disappointed to see that it wasn't the SunDagio sequel, but I'll certainly never complain about more well-written Rarijack.

Y'know, I'd like to think that Equestria is one big lesbian land and that's why there's so few stallions...

The best kind of headcanon

This is so awesome! Like, my 2 OTP's in one story! Thank ya madam! Thank you so much! :yay:

nice story I was a bit surprise by the fact it was a back story though but nice over all

Thank you very much, kind sir :moustache:

I apologize for the lack of sequel, but I'm glad you still like RariJack! :pinkiehappy: And yes, yes it most certainly is the best headcanon :rainbowlaugh:

Aww, you're too kind! :raritystarry:

That was exactly my goal, so I'm glad it sounded like "Little Rarity" most of the time! I'm happy you enjoyed it :pinkiehappy::heart:

Noo~ Thank you for having some awesome OTPs :raritywink::heart:

Yay I surprised someone! Haha I always like that element :rainbowlaugh:
Glad you liked it!

Thank you very much! Glad it was a strange, but helpful coincidence :rainbowderp::heart:

Noooo..... Thank you more for writing this story!

Awesome! Heehee I agree 100%~ Thanks for reading :heart:
Thank you, oh great and powerful one :raritywink::heart:
Thanksss. :rainbowkiss:

I can truly say that I enjoyed this, gives you a strong feeling when you know that these characters will grow to become who they are now. Character growth, I love it! :heart:

Ah great! Glad you enjoyed it :raritywink:
I definitely wanted to perceive the characters as closely as I could so I'm glad that it worked out! :heart:

Great! Glad you did :twilightsmile::heart:

It was a good story, and I really liked it.

But how did AJ's family live in Manehatten, and Granny Smith had lived in Ponyville for a very long time before AJ?


(I'm really joking, but seriously dough)

Glad you liked it!
And well...I suppose I just kind of added in that bit from 'The Cutie Mark Chronicles' where Applejack briefly lives with her Aunt and Uncle Orange in Manehattan :twilightsmile: Sorry for the confusion!
But thank you for reading and enjoying :heart:

I liked it. Also I will upvote anything with Scootabelle because I am a chump.

Heehee ScootaBelle is the best filly ship! :heart:
And thanks for reading :raritystarry:

Come buy our orchard fruits,
Come buy, come buy:
All ripe together
In summer weather,
Morns that pass by,
Fair eves that fly;
Come buy, come buy

Wow! Im impressed! I don't usually don't find a 1st person point of view mlp story.... Awesome! And I must agree with something... There aren't so many stallions in ponyville so I'm guessing half of the population is Lesbian.... :rainbowlaugh:

Oh my gosh - 'The Goblin Market' right?? i hope so, I will look like a fool if it's not
But I take it you enjoyed? Haha hopefully! :raritywink:
Yes~ realistic headcanon is realistic :rainbowlaugh:
And I'm glad you enjoyed it! I mostly write 1st POV so...yup! :heart:

Wow! This story was really really good!

I'm not really a fan of shipping Rarity and Applejack, but you may have changed my mind! :twilightsmile:

I don't read a lot of first person stories but this one was amazing!

Hopefully we can see a sequel of this in Sweetie Belle's POV

I'm off to read your other stories!:pinkiehappy:


It's a cute little thing. :pinkiesmile: Good job.

Goblin Market probably isn't that appropriate, thematically, but your story happened to make me think of it.

Wow, um... this has only been on this site for a couple hours (at most), and it's already hit the feature box. Congrats! have a Ditzy:derpytongue2:

Ah, yes. Goblin Market is a gem, but it's a bit more...grim than this :rainbowlaugh:

And thank you! Glad to hear you enjoyed it :raritystarry:
Yes I'm as surprised as you!! But thank you, nonetheless :twilightsmile::heart:

This was a rather cute little story, though I confess some surprise that it hit the feature box as fast as it did, especially with a low follower and story count. Very good job.

Trust me, I'm even more surprised! Haha honestly :derpytongue2:
But I'm glad you enjoyed it so thank you for reading!

Well, I hope you like getting your notifications blown to smithereens.

Anyway, great work on this piece. Strong composition and well, definitely a simple piece to read before I read a paper about ecosystems.

Have a like and a favorite.

I most certainly do :raritywink:

And thank you very much! Glad I could entertain you before, well...that :twilightsheepish: haha!

5530730 Eh, all in the life of an English major. I'm used to it. :rainbowwild:

Can never have too much Rarijack, I tell you hwat.

Taking this story into my headcanon along with the bit from Crystal Empire, and now I've got this mental image of Applejack dropping these slightly-cheesy romantic lines on Rarity over the years, and Rarity just eating them up.

Agreed and agreed! That's an adorable mental image!! :rainbowkiss:

Thank you and I'm glad you enjoyed :pinkiehappy::heart:

A nicely written little story... it's nice seeing these in the featured box. Well done :twilightsmile:

Aww, thank you very much :heart:

I must say, normally I'd just leave a like for these types of stories and be done with it. But this...this was different in an incredibly good way. This was beautifully done and I thoroughly enjoyed it. I'm not sure if it was the characterization, the overall presentation, simply RarityxApplejack, humanized ponies, or just a mix of all those, but I cannot leave this story without faving it. Excellent job Ellie.

Well my most sincerest of thank you's then! :raritystarry: Whether it was one, more or all of those things, I'm glad you enjoyed it nonetheless! :twilightsmile:
Thank you! :heart:

A cute little story about one of the best ships is the best way to start the day :ajsmug::raritystarry:

Good job :raritywink:

Thank you so much ohmygosh I'm such a big fan of yours!
Truly, it means a lot~ :raritystarry::heart:


"Pretty hat for a pretty girl."
"Good things are better when they're a rarity."

Just... years of lines like this. Never running out. Rarity melting.

I never really thought about what would a Young RariJack story look like. (Despite GlancoJusticar and WhiteDiamonds fanarts)
Now I know : it triples the cuteness of the ship ! :rainbowkiss:
I didn't knew RariJack could get this cute, we need more stories like these !

Well, this was certainly interesting. But I like it, I suppose.

That was lovely.

Aww, thank you :twilightsmile: They certainly are the cutest :heart:

Well I'm glad you gave it a chance and even more happy you liked it! Points accepted happily~ :pinkiehappy:

Glad you think so - thank you for reading :raritystarry:

Thank you~! :rainbowkiss:

I actually took time to read this. I don't often read other stories on this site but I must say I found this one to be enjoyable. Very nice.

Well thank you very much :twilightsmile: Even better that it was a fruitful endeavor! :heart:

Speaking of, does this mean Rarity and Applejack were together before Sweetie and Scootaloo even met ?
Is this early season one ? Is this an alternate universe ?
Did the RariJack happened before the ScootaBelle ? :rainbowderp:

Well...yes, I suppose it would mean that RariJack happened before ScootaBelle happened! There's no real "canon" for how Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle met, they were just together at the party underneath the table when they met Applebloom so I just kind of created my own canon and ran with it :rainbowlaugh:
It's not really an AU, but I suppose maybe it could be interpreted that way!

The D'awwws I agree ponyville is full of mare/mare couples which is why there is so few stallions in the show.

Loved it
Slightly confused on who was who at certain points.
Would read again
I approve these shippings

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