• Member Since 20th Nov, 2014
  • offline last seen 1 hour ago


Behold, the coming oblivion. 'Twas the end of our era, and the beginning of our great work. -Emet Selch


I was just a simple member of the brony fandom with a lot of ideas and the skills to turn them into artwork. One of those ideas was a original character of a wolf I named Rufus. Then one morning; everything changed when I actually meet the character I made in a dream. And he had an important message to tell me.

You’re going to be turning into me.

Now, I need to get to Chicago with my brother and two of our friends as soon as possible. Hopefully, there is a explanation for this as well as a way to turn us back. Because right now, we have no idea what the heck is going on.

Part of the OTverse by MidnightChaos

On Hiatus until I come up with an update that feels like I'm not rushing anything

Chapters (10)
Comments ( 107 )

Good going, much faster tempo than my, can't even publish mine cause I'm only about now writing about the transformation, and I'm on chapter 2! But I like the idea of somepony turning into something we haven't actually seen in the show.

You know? the title call. Follow the Wind. it remind me. Follow the Star
and the Image remind me Dust story. also. i like it.

5531226 Glad to hear it. I always wanted to try something different when it came to turning into different species and I think I hit the nail right on the head with this one

*open's Fim*
*looks at Feed*
*sees another story*
[Insert epic spit take]

5532378 YES! LET US GUIDE THIS YOUNG PUPIL TO GREATNESS! and maybe to a pit stop for a few chimichangas. I'm feeling a bit peckish.


With yours and gray's skill and my frequentness, we shall mold this here wolf:eeyup:

fox pony...... damn it I've been playing FNAF too much, I let my mind immediately jump to Foxy.

5571291 lol xD. For me, I've been doing a bunch of Elsword playing as the Asura. Still, I like it when coming up with original ideas

Yep. The fight scene flows a lot better now.

And I'll say it again; you're plan sucked, Raven. Next time you won't have super powers to save you!

Damn it, I really need to get to work on my next chapter

My marks pulsed wildly and when my palm hit his chest, it flew him backwards to where he hit his head against a wall and was knocked out cold.

Raven learned a new move: Force Palm.

5574051 my thoughts exactly.
5574171 it appears so xD

The image of Shay climbing into his pocket while he sleep is adorable.

5603240 AHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAH, I can't take it. I'm laughing and dying of cuteness. A breezie? really? OMG that is so something I should have thought of. Damn you know how to think outside the box.

I broke the box, does that count?

What does that even mean?

What box did he break?

The blue one, why?

That was the ice box, we now have no place to store ice cream!

Yay, we have to eat ice cream as soon as we our hooves on it!

That also means we only get ice cream during winter and none during summer. Angle, can you repair that thing?

I think so, but it will take months.

If anyone needs me I'll be eating ice cream.

I really hate him sometimes.

You have a wrench?

It would be awesome if you could get a drawing of what Rufus looks like, colored and everything. Just a little suggestion.

5603240 Damn Cuteness!!
5603672 Heh, thanks. Breezies need some more appreciation around here
5603825 :yay:
5604354 Yeah, only problem is that I can't draw wolves (that are four legged)

5604830 Ya should try to commision one, that was what I meant in the first place, lol.

5604849 Yeah... Right now, I'm trying to work on some writing for the next chapter for Swords, Sorcery, and Shenanigans. So that'll have to wait

. . . so now all i thinking of is what's her name from SAO. Kirito's A.I. daughter.
5604877 i could try drawing him. but knowing me, ill mess it up somewhere. but i have my own story, to work on.... and rewrite...

‘Well, of course she does. She’s the parent. Therefore, we must RESPECT HER AUTHORITY!'

best line ever besides

Shay. Still dressed. Now the size of the palm of my hand.
‘Honey!! I shrunk the kids!!!’

This was a good chapter.
:eeyup: eeyup
Thank you big mac

I sighed a little as the song on the radio finished and it transitioned to the next one. ACDC’s Highway to Hell. For some reason, I thought that the radio was playing roadtrip based songs to rub in the fact about us having to travel all the way to chicago. At this rate, the trip could last hours

i predict that the next song is "life is a highway"

5700711 *Gives me ideas* Now that is a good one

I should get back to "From Brony to Pony?!"... Well, I really have a lot to write today, see ya in writer hell!

Ah, an update. This was great, I forgot that Tao was there for a while, and had no idea who she was. I remembered though. Good job.

5814314 well... Lets just say, I been here for the last 3 months. Rewriting my first chapter of my story about 4 times already. So, yeah welcome to writing hell. Enjoy your stay. :pinkiehappy:
Well the moment has passed, Back to work.

5815745 Writing hell. It's warm at least... But I just can't get the creative juices flowing, it's not a writers block... just plain laziness. I played games all day, and tomorrows my birthday, maybe then I'll be more motivated to write?

5815753 Yeah, its the same for me. :( Dota and counter strike are way too addictive

This reminds me I should get back to my own fic... Thanks for the SAO ref though... That made me happy....:pinkiesmile:

By any chance is this the chesterfield mall in Missouri

Just a wild guess :)

5890118 Otay Ranch Mall in Chula Vista, California

…… Brain, that was suppose to be a rhetorical question.
‘And I gave you a rhetorical answer.’
…… How do you function?


He forgot to mention that his OC was a Breezie.

Oops. Kind of a big announcement, that.

Shockwave was able to control electricity since the Neuroelectric energy ran through his scales.

Oh my God. Shockwave is a kirin Cole MacGrath?

My markings began to lit up as I let my power flow through me and gripped the tool tightly as it took the form of a Katana in my right hand.

That won't work. You either remove "began to" or change "lit up" to "light up"

5945152 thought someone would notice sooner or later

ONLY the best references can end a chapter.

No disappointments here.

DONT BE LONLY im here for you:pinkiehappy:

Shhh shhhh it's great as awase so keep it up

Pulls hand up for a thumbs up and all I see is a hoof looks at hoof trying to think of what to do. Looks at hoof in concentration and I look like im constipated trying to poop when a finger sprouts of hoof I now thumbs up to you

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