• Published 20th Jan 2015
  • 1,035 Views, 15 Comments

Twilight's Fetish - MoltenXKid

Tired of boring nights in the bed, Twilight inadvertently and unwillingly takes a journey to discover what she likes to do in the comfort of her own bedroom.

  • ...

Let's Watch and See

Twilight, Pinkie, and Twilight's still sleeping stallion all laid in the bed in silence. Both mares still had cream of the non-stallion variety stuck in their manes. With one huge lick-that many ponies liked- Pinkie cleaned the mess on her. Twilight ,on the other hand, took the time to clean her mane. She made sure no cream was anywhere in her hair, besides, she got enough in her hair earlier.

"Pinkie...I don't think this is going anywhere..." Twilight let out, "I'm pretty sure these kinks work for others but-"

"Shut your mouth, Twilight! We only did two kinks! Not even half...not even a quarter...not even a quatrazillionth of the one thousand kinks!" Pinkie interrupted, shoving her mane into Twilight's mouth."

"Alright...alright. It's just...these aren't my style..."

"I know exactly what you need!"

"Nonononon!"Twilight grabbed Pinkie before she launched into the air, "What I need is something a little more normal..."

"Well, what's normal to somepony could be abnormal for you. It's all about perspective, Twilight," Pinkie responded while slowly drifting to the ground.

"Well...normal to me, you know. If we are to continue this, I need to start slow."

"Hm...I think I have just what you need."

Pinkie then launched into the air again, and opened her legs wide. From her gaping cavity came a light that blinded Twilight; she had to shield her eyes. Slowly, the light began to fade away and Twilight could move her hoof from her face. When she did, she noticed she was at the edge of a doorway with a low-light coming from the other end of the entrance. She hesitated before looking in, yet a hiss stopped her.

Twilight looked at the other side of the doorway to see Pinkie standing there also. She had a look about her that said, keep quiet and watch. Or it could have been the sign that was hanging around her neck.

"Pinkie...what's going on?" Twilight asked.

"Well, you said you wanted something more you speed, so I brought you here to Rarity's house!" Pinkie replied.


"Just look around the corner, and keep your mouth closed." Pinkie warned, "They don't like to be watched."

Twilight nodded as she looked around to the corner. In one split second, her jaw jawed dropped as she saw her friend Rarity laid out on her bed. She was wearing black lingerie that Twilight could only assume she made herself. It hugged every part of her body in the right places and covered enough of the already naked pony form to make her more desirable.

"Alright,darling, "Rarity spoke while rubbing herself...on her thigh, "Don't keep me waiting."

"Alright, sugarcube, " Twilight heard a familiar voice said, "Just I don't think this here getup is for me."

"Look, I made this just for you as a way to spice up our meeting nights. Now come out here and show momma how good you look."

The slow tapping of hooves could be heard as an orange pony into Twilight's view. The mare had a blush on her face brighter and redder than any apple. Her lingerie was designed like Rarity's except it was white and had small cutouts of fabric in the shape of apples. The mare took out her hat and placed it on top of her head, covering her embarrassment.

"Come now, Applejack. No need to be that way. Now come here and let's make that blush even brighter."

The next second, marshmallows mixed with apples to create some sounds of passions and love.

Twilight's mouth was still agape. She had always knew Rarity and Applejack had a thing for one another but, but she didn't think it bloomed into something. Pinkie had a smug look on her face and a hoof in between her legs. (Perhaps he leg itched?) Twilight turned to Pinkie and tried to stop Pinkie from doing whatever completely innocent thing she was doing, yet the kinky pony didn't. She continued until a small moan-like noise escaped her mouth.

"Darling, I know we are getting active, but it's a little early for a moan."

"Sugarcube...that wasn't me...I thought it was you..."

"No, you know I like things to be a bit rough before I start letting out pleasure noises."

The two ponies, who bodies were interlocked, connected two and two together and jumped out of the bed.

"PINKIE!" They both hollered in unison as they ran outside the room, "We told you not to peak at us anymore."

Without hesitation, Pinkie grabbed Twilight's with a very moist and sticky hoof, and ran. The other two interrupted coitus ponies stopped in their tracks once the saw their friend ,Twilight, fleeing scene with a leaking Pinkie blur pulling her away.

"Twilight?" Applejack questioned, "That's weird..."

"Think of it this way: It's about time she's finding herself."

"That's true...ya think she'll tell Rainbow or Fluttershy about our arrangement?

"Like it'll matter. The things those two do together...we are barely a splash compared to their wave."

There was a small silence before one spoke again.

"Round two?"

"Round two!"