• Published 21st Jan 2015
  • 605 Views, 5 Comments

Pinkie Pie's Trial - arcanelexicon

Pinkie Pie goes on trial for her crime. Will she be exiled? Will she be found guilty?Will there be pie? Let's find out...

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The Trial Begins

Darkness. Cold. The blackness of space.

Suddenly a disembodied voiced announced "LET THERE BE LIGHT!" to the nothingness around it, ending the silence.

The sound of a switch being thrown pierced the veil of silence. Amidst the darkness, a blinding light came and searched for its quarry. It found its prey, and underneath the harsh light, sat a pink earth pony. The poofiness of her trademark mane gone, leaving nothing but straight, limp hair. Her eyes downcast, not a glimmer of joy in them. Her fur, a muted pink, as if the happiness that she brought upon the world was sucked out of her, leaving an empty husk.

"Pinkamena Diane Pie, you have been accused of the crime of breaking the fourth wall numerous times during the the show, in the comics, and in countless fanfictions. If found guilty, punishment for such crime is banishment. Your existing toys will be immediately recalled, and future toys will be cancelled. We will also release canon stories of you being exiled for your crimes, which will undoubtedly lead to the fanfiction community shunning you. What have you to say in your defense?"

There was nothing but silence from the one known as Pinkie Pie, no movement to betray her actions.

"Very well," said the disembodied voice. "You will be tried by a tribunal of seventeen ponies.We will be the ones who will decide your fate, but I will have the final say on your punishment. Let the trial commence."

Somewhere, the number sixteen lighted up, then the sound of another switch being thrown screamed across the silent room. A new light focused and, underneath it, seated behind a desk, was a brilliant orange earth pony, wearing a grayish mulberry business coat and a pink scarf. She gave Pinkie Pie a stern glare and then turned on her microphone.

"Greetings, I am Ms. Harshwhinny, and I represent the 'order' of the show. As we all know, the show's backgrounds, foregrounds, music, plot, and characters must maintain this order. Even the Discord scenes were carefully planned to show the minimum amount of chaos to make filming easy, but at at the same time, just have the right amount of chaos in it, in order to show to our viewers a world on the brink of destruction. That being said, with Discord now reformed, I would soon find myself out of a job if this show was too orderly. We need laughs, gags, and comedy aplenty. Thus, I vote not guilty. And as for those who filed this case in the first place, there is only one thing I could say."

What happened next shocked the other unseen members of the tribunal. They never imagined it would come out of her. Something so blatant, that Ms. Harshwhinny could be put on trial for breaking character. She blew them a raspberry.

The light faded, and a green '16' illuminated and floated on Pinkie's right.

Pinkie Pie sat there, unmoving.

The next member of the tribunal came into view. Another earth pony with a rose for a cutie mark. She look absolutely radiant in the light, like a perfect blooming rose.

In a soothingly seductive voice, she spoke "Hi, I am Roseluck, and I'm going to keep this short and sweet. As we all know, every rose has its thorn, and this saying greatly applies to Pinkie. She might not be like the rest of the Mane Six, but she has qualities in her that endears her to everyone. I vote not guilty."

Once again the light faded and this time a green '10' illuminated and floated next to Pinkie.

The next member of the tribunal was a mint blue unicorn with a blue and white mane.

"Hi!" she said in a perky voice. "My name is Minuette, also known as Colgate." She then pointed to her cutie mark. "This here represents time, but in my case this represents..." Her eyes then narrowed and if one were in that certain place and time, one would feel all the warmth bleed out of them, to be replaced by the cold, dark touch of death. "Deadlines" she continued, but this time in a voice so devoid of life and emotion. With her blue fur, she seemed to be a personification of the end of all things.

"With the way you continually break the fourth wall Pinkie Pie, you give heart attacks to the writers of the show, the comics, and fanfiction. They have to think of ways to write you in a "Pinkie Pie" way. This takes time, and has resulted in a lot of missed deadlines. Therefore, in order to reduce the sheer number of this missed deadlines, I vote guilty!"

Once again the light faded but this time a red '5' illuminated and floated on Pinkie's left.

"There will be a slight change for the next vote" said the disembodied voice." They will speak as one, but they will cast two votes. You may begin, numbers six and seven."

Two lights illuminated this time. One focused on a unicorn with an electric blue mane and white fur. The other light focused on an earth pony with a dark gray mane and grayish fur.

"Wassup! Wassup! My name's Octavia Melody! Ugh, Vinyl" said the gray mare in a deadpan voice that was undoubtedly trying its best to imitate the loud, obnoxious voice of the DJ.

"Aww don't worry 'bout it Octy." said the unicorn. Then, in what could amount to be a very bad Hoofstralian accent, she said "Ey dare mites, nem's Vainyl Scratch.."

"I DO NOT SOUND LIKE THAT VINYL!" screamed Octavia.

"Suuuuuure you do" said Vinyl.

"Moving on" replied Octavia. "I do the music on the show, while Vinyl here does the sound mixing, and Vinyl, if you please, as I cannot seem to summon the same rage like you do..."

"THAT PONY DRIVES US BONKERS!!" raged Vinyl. "With her playing ten instruments! Her parties! Her MUSICAL NUMBERS!! HER...!!"

"That's quite enough, Vinyl" said Octavia.

"We have our work cut out for us. The orchestral score is no problem for me, but having me and Vinyl, even with her magic, play ten instruments at once is maddening. We cannot allow this to continue. Either that, or we need more ponies in the sound department. However, with the budget unable to bolster our numbers, and with season six production starting soon, we can no longer tolerate the stress this imparts on us, and we vote.."

Octavia stood up and Vinyl did the same and in unison they both said their votes. "Guilty."

The lights once again faded, and two red numbers, a '6' and a '7' once again illuminated, and floated towards Pinkie who sat there motionless, eyes still downcast, and mane still limp. Poor Pinkie.

Another light, another member of the tribunal. This time it focused on a brown earth pony with a dark brown mane and he spoke in a Trottingham accent.

"Allo! Allo! Name's Doctor Hooves, and like my colleague, Colgate, I too deal with Time. But unlike my colleague here who deals with the dead...erm...lines, I deal more on time spent explaining how our show, and how our universe works to our dear viewers and readers. When it comes to Pinkie, for all the trouble she causes, she can easily be summed up in one point seven eight seconds, and three words with two variations. Those words being "She's Pinkie Pie" or "It's Pinkie Pie." Those words are enough, that it has already been accepted as canon, and helps reduce the time of having to explain her. Therefore I vote not guilty. Allons-y"

The light then faded, and a green number '14' floated next to Pinkie Pie.

"Alright, that's enough for now. Court is in recess and will resume in two hours as the author's pizza has arrived." said the disembodied voice.

"So far it is a tie with three votes guilty, and three votes not guilty, with eleven more votes to go. See you all in two hours. Hey writer, can you pass me some pizza?"

Pinkie just sat there, probably paralyzed with fear...

Author's Note:

"You think people would find out who I am?" asked the disembodied voice.

I hope not. Tagged some of the tribunal members but not you.

"How's the rest of your fics doing?"

The first one needs more likes while the second one needs more views

"Shameless self promotion on the authors note?"


"Well the two hours are up! I'll see you after the trial!"