• Published 9th May 2012
  • 11,506 Views, 1,246 Comments

Wings for a Pony - Brawney Hooves

The tale of Rainbow Dash's adopted earth pony son for his quest to obtain wings.

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Chapter 1

The sky over the Everfree forest was still, almost motionless…until a Rainbow streak came through with a force that could have broken the sound barrier. The streak was going too fast for anyone to get a good look at who it was, but the rainbow color however was a dead giveaway. The trail belonged to Equestria’s best flyer, and more recently the newest recruit to the Wonderbolts; a young and brash mare by the name of Rainbow Dash.

She was flying at top speed completely ignorant of the world around her. She shut her eyes and enjoyed the wind flowing through her rainbow mane. Eventually her wings had grown tired, so she slowed herself to a casual speed. She looked down spotting birds hovering above the trees thinking how small they looked from where she was. Suddenly a whining noise hit her ears causing her to come to a stop in mid- flight and cover her ears with her hooves. She couldn’t imagine what could make such a horrible noise as she continued to bury her hooves deeper into her ears trying desperately to drown out the sound.

As she struggled to listen however she realized what the sound actually was; it wasn’t whining it was crying, the crying of a baby foal somewhere in the Everfree forest. Dash began to quickly scan the tops of the trees and locate the source of the distressed infant, and after a minute of searching she came to a clearing and propelled herself downward. After landing she scanned her surroundings until she saw a path leading into the forest. Dash flew to the road and listened, trying to determine where the crying was coming from. Fortunately the foal was making it easy to find with its crying; and she sped off into the forest as fast as her wings could carry her. She knew that if she was looking for this baby, something else would be looking for a meal. Finally after for what seemed like hours she came across a destroyed carriage on the side of the road.

From the look of the crash it had been rammed by something, something big and ill tempered; As she began to imagine what could have done this much damage, she was brought back to reality by the crying she came to inspect in the first place. The crying was coming from inside the damaged carriage which Dash zipped to with blinding speed. The door was jammed by the force of the blow but in addition to being the fastest flier she was also one of the strongest. With some effort she managed to pry open the warped wooden doors, revealing a small bundle with the face of a light yellow colt no older than a year crying his eyes out. Rainbow looked around to see if any other ponies were around or if there were any creatures ready to attack before she lowered herself into the carriage. Then, as gently as she could, she tried to soothe the crying foal.

“Don’t worry kid, I’ll get ya’ outta there.” Using her wings to keep herself hovering she reached down and grabbed the little bundle that was resting on the seat; then gently flew herself and the baby colt into the air. Dash then looked around the area.

“Where are his folks?” Dash wondered, as she continued levitating off the ground. it was then that she realized that the baby was still crying but not quite as loudly.

“Shhh, quiet kid. You’re gonna bring something here that I don’t wanna meet.” Dash said trying desperately to keep the foal quiet, “I’ll get you somewhere safe, but you gotta be quiet ok?”

It seemed to do the trick as the colt began to settle down. Dash gave a relieved sigh, and then flew off into the clear blue sky. As she flew back she started to review her options about what to do about this baby she found, which was now giving delighted giggles. Dash had to admit as she looked into his small brown eyes he did look cute.


After five minutes of flying back to Ponyville, Dash saw the lone giant tree in the town that was the home of her friend Twilight Sparkle.

“Twilight! She’ll know what to do!” Dash flew downward to her friend’s house, careful to land on her back legs so that she didn’t drop the baby who had fallen asleep on the way over, and was now looking quite content in the mare’s arms. Dash shifted the baby over to one forehoof and knocked quietly on the door with the other. The knock was soon accompanied by her friend Twilight answering the door. Seeing her friend made Twilight’s face light up.

“Rainbow Dash, what brings…,” Dash waved her free hoof across Twilights face and shushed her as she looked down at the baby who was still sleeping. Twilight then noticed the bundle in Dash’s arm and her face contorted into a look of confusion and surprise

“Dash,” The purple unicorn said quietly, “what are you doing with a baby?”

“I’ll explain later just get the rest of the girls so we can figure out what to do.” Dash whispered taking the baby inside the library. Already inside the Library putting books in their proper place was a little purple baby dragon named Spike, who was so busy that he didn’t even notice Dash until he climbed down the ladder. He turned at the sound of the door and the sight of his cyan Pegasus friend made him smile

“Hey Dash how’s it…,” His eyes fell on the baby in the bundle, in Dashes arm “Whoa whose kid is that Rainbow, yours?” He said with a slight chuckle.

Dash rolled her eyes as she looked for a place to put the baby down. She decided to place the baby on Twilight’s bed for the time being, while Twilight left to inform the others of this odd event.

After an eternity of waiting, the others arrived. First Pinkie Pie, who was practically vibrating at the thought of playing with a new colt; then Rarity, Fluttershy, Applejack, and then bringing up the rear was Twilight.

“Where is he, where is he?!” Shouted Pinkie Pie, as she started zipping from one area of the room to the other.

“Shhhh! The little guys upstairs sleeping, Pinkie,” Dash said looking irritated.

Pinkie stopped bouncing and placed a hoof up to her mouth. As Dash came down the steps she saw that her friends were all looking at her.

“What?” Dash said raising an eyebrow.

“Ah, Rainbow care tah explain why yah brought a little colt tah Twi’s home and then rounded us all here?” Apple Jack said still trying to grasp the situation.

Dash explained what had happened earlier that day as all of them listened with wide eyes. Finally she finished, “So I was kinda hoping maybe one of you guys might have an idea on what to do with the little guy.”

She scanned her friend’s faces with a weak smile on her face, hoping to see that one of her friends would be willing to take the young colt or at least know where to find him a good home, none of them looked eager; not even Pinkie Pie.

“Sorry Rainbow but, uh, mah family can’t afford to raise another pony; all our bits have tah go towards making finale arrangements for Granny Smith. Doc says she’ll be lucky if she makes it past winter,” Applejack said glumly.

“Sorry, but I’ve already got Spike to take care of and he’s a handful enough as it is.” Twilight responded as Spike gave a small grumble.

“And I already have to care for Sweetie Belle,” Rarity said, shuddering at the thought of having another pony in the house.

“I only know how to care for my animals Dash, and I wouldn’t want the baby scaring any of the smaller creatures. S-sorry…” Fluttershy said, looking down at the floor.

Dash had a look of panic on her face as she slowly turned her head towards Pinkie Pie.

“Sorry Dashie, but I already have to take care of Pound Cake and Pumpkin Cake when Mr. and Mrs. Cake are out, and they’re a big enough handful as it is.”

Dash’s heart began to beat rapidly and her forehead began to sweat.

She wasn’t ready to be a Mom, heck she was just barely able to take care of herself. Her friends saw the worry on her face and tried to console her.

“Don’t worry Dash. It’s just until his real parents find him here,” Twilight said placing a supportive hoof on Dash’s shoulder, but Dash simply lowered her head.

“Actually I didn’t see any trace of them at the attack I…I don’t think they…” She went quiet.

“So we might be dealin’ with an orphan?” Applejack asked.

Rainbow sadly nodded, the others lowered their heads as well.

“Poor Dear, left all alone in that vile forest,” Rarity said, as a tear formed in her eye.

The room went dead quiet as each of them went about mourning the colt’s parents.

After a time, Twilight began to speak.

“Well I guess he’ll need to be sent to Ponyville orphanage.”

Dash flinched at the mention of the place, she had been sent there when her mother died, and it was a horrible place for a filly or colt to be raised.

“NO!” Dash shouted; startling her friends, “Anything but that place.”

It was then the crying of a foal could be heard upstairs.

Dash flew up with lightning speed as the others followed behind her; the baby had been awoken by the shout down stairs and was now emitting a loud and heart wrenching cry. Dash had reached the bed trying to quiet the crying infant.

“Shhh, please be quiet kiddo.” The colt continued to cry, possibly even louder than before.

Remembering what her mother used to do when trying to get Dash to calm down, she took the baby in her arms and started rocking him back and forth while making gentle shushes, until finally the colt was once again fast asleep sucking his hoof.

Dash wiped her brow with a forehoof and breathed a relieved sigh, then placed him back on the bed. She turned around, and suddenly she saw her friends standing behind her; all with heartwarming smiles on their faces. Dash stared at them in confusion.


Applejack approached Dash then placed a hoof on her shoulder.

“Yah know what yah need tah do, Rainbow.”

Dash shook her head her eyes wide and stepped back from Apple Jack.

“Me?” Dash said in disbelief, trying to keep her voice low so to not wake the baby again, “I can’t take care of a baby. I just joined the Wonderbolts, and I don’t know the first thing about foals.”

Dash immediately regretted what she just said as Twilight levitated a book to her titled ‘Foals: A Reference Guide’. Dash’s face fell as she realized that whether she wanted him or not; this colt was hers now. If it hadn’t been for the fact that her friends were watching she would have started crying herself.

‘This is so unfair.’ Dash thought sitting down on the floor almost feeling the most depressed she had ever felt in her entire life. Seeing how sad she had suddenly gotten from all this, the others gathered around Dash, giving her a group hug.

“Don’t worry Dash, we’ll help you,” Twilight said, comforting her friend.

“You’re darn tootin’,” Applejack chimed.

“Yes, we will. And besides, now I get a chance to make some baby clothes.” Said Rarity.

“I’ll help any way I can,” Whispered Fluttershy.

“Oh, and I’ll set up the play dates!” Pinkie Pie squeaked.

Dash smiled slightly at the group.

“Thanks guys.” She whispered, at least she wouldn’t be doing it alone.

The tender moment didn’t last long however as Pinkie spoke up. “Hey I just thought of something, what kind of pony is the little guy?”

The same thought struck the others as they all turned towards the sleeping bundle, he obviously wasn’t a unicorn due to a missing horn, so that left two options. Twilight used her magic to carefully unravel the colt, and after several suspenseful seconds; the blanket was completely removed. The air was still as they leaned in to see that the baby was vacant of wings as well, which meant he was an earth pony like Apple Jack and Pinkie.

Twilight suddenly gasped and her face became filled with worry “Oh no nononononono, this is bad.”

“Why is that, Twi?” Applejack asked.

Twilight turned to the others “Don’t you see he’s an earth pony. Dash is a Pegasus, and she lives in a cloud house.”

Dash’s face lit up as the realization sunk in ‘Which means he can’t live with me.’

“YES!” She cried, but quickly covered her mouth when she remembered the baby was still asleep.

Dash began to silently do a little victory dance in the air. She thought she was off the hook, but her joy was cut off however when Fluttershy spoke up.

“Um, actually I do know a house that’s for sale in Ponyville. It would be perfect for an earth pony to grow up in.”

“What are you saying?” Dash asked, giving her friend a hard stare.

“Well uh, maybe you could move…there?” Fluttershy backed away as Dash gave her an unsettling glare.

“Yeah I know the place,” Dash said, still floating in the air, “and it costs 500 bits. I don’t get my pay until next month, so unless any of you plans on paying; or a bag of money falls from the sky, he can’t live with me.”

Dash looked at Pinkie to see if her Pinkie-Sense was working, but the pink pony was completely still. She realized she had dodged another bullet, all the others started to kick the ground none of them willing to pay for the house. Then, to everyponies surprise, Apple Jack spoke up.

“I’ll pay for it.”

Everyone gasped. Applejack’s family made good money, but only enough to barely scrape by. And most of it went to fixing the farm or getting new seeds.

“But Applejack, don’t you need that money to pay for Granny Smiths, uh costs. And what will Big Mac think?” Twilight said with concern

“Yeah, I think she’ll understand. She always tells us that the old needs to make way for the new after all, and you let me handle Big Mac; he’s a reasonable pony.”

Rarity approached Applejack.

“Oh, Darling; that’s very generous of you, but I am the Element of Generosity after all. I’ll use my gems to pay for the house.” She said giving her friend a warm smile.

“Nah thanks Rarity, but this foal is going tah need a good home, and I’m willing to pay to make sure that he gets it. Besides you’ll be needin’ those gems for the baby cloths.”

The ponies laughed at the joke, then Applejack turned to the baby.

“And we earth ponies need tah stick together, don’t we widdle guy.” She said as she waggled a hoof over the baby a grin on her face.

The others looked at Rainbow Dash expecting her to be scared or angry, but instead she simply stared in awe at her friend’s generosity. She floated to the ground and approached Apple Jack.

“I-I don’t know what to say.”

Apple Jack again placed a hoof on Dashes shoulder, “Yah don’t have tah say anythin’ Rainbow.” The other ponies looked at Dash. Everything was in place they just needed her, and finally, after a long tense minute Rainbow Dash gave her answer.

“Alright I’ll take him.”

The others breathed a sigh of relief and then they all approached the little foal, that remarkably was still asleep. Dash looked at the little colt that was now her adopted son, giving a quiet sigh as he stretched his legs. She couldn’t help but let a smile cross her face.