• Published 28th Jan 2015
  • 5,388 Views, 198 Comments

Owlowiscious The Immortal Owl - sunnypack

Owlowiscious is a very patient bird. One night however, tired after assisting Twilight with her duties, he lets slip advice that he meant to say silently... oh dear.

  • ...

1 - Who said that?

Chapter 1: Who said that?

It was hard to see up here, perched in the corner of the room. I looked on with tired eyes. Twilight was performing yet another experiment. The same one. This was her sixth attempt. Mistakes in science were often small and innocuously made. A small tip of the balance here, a miscalculation there, and BANG! Everything falls to pieces.

“Owlowiscious, could you fetch me the condenser? The usual, please.”

I quickly spotted the 3/4 size condenser and gripped it in my talons. This was the sixth condenser she had wrecked.

Here you go, I muttered to myself. I dropped the condenser onto the bench with a slightly impertinent clatter.

“Thank you, Owlowiscious,” she said, oblivious to my discontent. “Could you also fetch the kit? The usual, please.”

I grumbled to myself silently as I flittered across the room to do as she bade.

Usually I would be happy to help Twilight with whatever she needed. It was a good feeling, knowing that you’re helping someone discover something new. Pushing the boundaries of our respective knowledge. I loved knowledge. I couldn’t get enough of learning something new. With how long I’ve been around, looking for something new to do was always a challenge. Luckily, I had found Twilight.

Exciting she was! A world-saving mare, with a neurotic disposition to sorting books and performing world-altering discoveries in science? Quite a unique partner if I do say so myself. I think Angel must be jealous. He has a tough task ahead, to bring his owner around, but I think he’s getting there, poor fellow. Oh well, where was I? Yes Twilight.

She’s amazing.

But this was trying my—admittedly deep—well of patience.

Twilight consulted her notes for the umpteenth time. I plopped the organic kit on the desk. This was a bit heavier so I did it carefully and I didn’t put as much insolence behind it. I don’t break scientific equipment. I’m not a monster.

“Okay,” she mumbled, bringing the notes in front of her. Her half-lidded eyes were fighting a losing battle to remain open. “Add in the phosphonium salt.”

I resisted the urge to face-wing myself.

“It’s the nitric acid and then the phosphonium salt.” My wings momentarily flew to my beak, then I quickly whipped it back to my sides. I worked on smoothing my expression. I needed to make my eyes less wide.

Twilight brought a hoof to her head as she rolled her eyes and shook her head.

“Of course!” she exclaimed, heaving a sigh of relief. “That was it! I can’t believe I missed tha—” She froze, then turned to me.

I stared back at her, trying to give my best impression of a dumb animal.

“You spoke, didn’t you.” It comes out as more of a statement rather than a query.

I continued to stare back at her blankly. My feathers were going to get all matted if I carried on sweating like this.

“Who?” I hedged.

“Don’t ‘who’ me!” she snapped.

I shrank back.

Twilight seemed to regret her outburst. She took a few steps back and took a calming breath.

“Sorry! Sorry! I’m just tired. I thought…” She sighed. “I thought you spoke.”

I watched as Twilight dragged her hooves back to her stool and set her head on the table. I felt a little bad about it, all things considered. Winona likes the ‘invented language’ game but I sometimes get tired of saying ‘who’ all the time. No matter how hilarious it was the first time. Still, I have to play the game. Rules and all that.

I really should have thought of something better to say than ‘who’.

With a small clatter, I realised Twilight had fallen asleep at her desk again. Sighing, I flittered over to a small blanket folded on a shelf. With some difficulty I manoeuvred my claws on the fabric until I got a solid grip. Then I beat my wings hard to bring the blanket out of its slot. With a flutter the blanket was drawn out and I settled it on Twilight’s shoulders.

I studied Twilight after perching on her desk. She was so stressed out. I mean true, she brings a lot of it onto herself, but it’s mostly to fulfil expectations. Expectations so many others place on her shoulders. I sighed again.

“Silly mare,” I muttered, fluffing my feathers.

A gigantic eye popped open and stared at me. Startled I fell on my backside, a couple of my feathers coming loose with how I was back-pedalling.

“I knew it!” Twilight seethed. “You talk!”

Quick! Fall back! Try something! Anything! Something witty to distract her!


Her eye twitched.

Ah feathers.


I’m not sure how many birds have been in my particular situation. I’m fairly sure that the answer should be not many. The light was bright. Really bright. Doubly so for a night creature as I. Though it pained me to do so, I kept my beak shut tight.

“Spill it, Owlowiscious. If that is indeed your real name.”

I heard the measured pacing of Twilight as she circled around me. My faceplate ensured all the sounds would track her very accurately. It also ensured that I would also hear the sound constantly when she paced in her bedroom as she was wont to do from time to time. I’d fly away then, the repetitive clopping of hooves was something I couldn’t stand for more than a few minutes.

I flicked an eye open.

“Who?” I repeated.

Twilight eclipsed my vision. Not that there was much to see, just the ceiling and such.

“Don’t give me that,” she growled, shining the light directly into my face. I squeezed my eyes shut.

Me and my big mouth, I thought to myself, angry that I had let slip the one secret that would guarantee to pique Twilight’s curiosity. I remained resolutely mute. The light moved away and I cautiously cracked open an eye.

Twilight’s mouth quirked and she drew back.

“Playing hard to get, huh? At least, that’s what Rarity would say. Hmm…”

Strapped to the table I was, I couldn’t see what Twilight was doing as she stepped away, out of sight. I heard her rummaging around in the back. Was she preparing something nefarious? Was this meant to scare me? A psychological game? Hah! I’ve lived long enough. Bring it on. I can take whatever it is. Just—

She brought out a long, slim quill. It was snow-white, possibly sourced from a swan, or some majestical creature as that. I watched as she levitated it towards me, waving it this way and that, making sure my full attention was on it.

I don’t get it. It’s just a quill.

Twilight seemed to know what I was thinking.

“This, Owlowiscious, is no ordinary quill,” she whispered almost reverently. “This is a feather taken from Princess Celestia herself. A gift to me, when I ran out of quills in a study session with her.” She flicked the quill under my beak. My eyes were locked on the feather. “This quill has an interesting background,” she continued mildly. “Because it came from the Princess, I’ve enchanted so many preserving spells on it that it is nigh impossible to destroy.” I didn’t like where this was going. The feather sounded ominous already.

“One time,” Twilight continued, heedless of my growing unease. “My brother challenged me to a fight. A game of tag. He knew I was ticklish just behind my ears. He knew.” I wanted to look away when Twilight locked eyes with me. The intensity of the exchange would have left me silent, had I been speaking.

Twilight paused for a moment. It was all sinking in. Her diabolical plot was becoming clearer and clearer with each passing second.

“So,” she resumed, waving the feather around once again. Her focus momentarily shifted away from me as she studied the feather. “I enchanted the feather. It was simple, really. Something to increase the sensitivity of the touch.” She gave me a particularly evil smirk. “I’ve heard my brother describe it as ‘painfully ticklish’... I wonder how you’ll react.”

The feather drifted closer.

It approached languidly, Twilight licking her lips as if savouring the moment physically. My eyes followed the feather, unable to move away from the terrifying enchanted instrument of torture.

Inches away, I couldn’t take it anymore.

“Stop!” I yelled. “Stop! Okay! I’ll talk! I’ll talk!”

The feather stopped, then withdrew.

“I knew it!” Twilight exclaimed throwing her hooves up in the air. “You can talk!”

I nodded, my heart still pounding wildly from the close encounter. Twilight tossed the quill onto her desk. Then she trotted forward and undid the bonds binding me to the table. I was shocked, to say the least.

“There now,” she said, grinning. “Wasn’t that easy?”

I stared at her, beak agape.

“B-But the quill! The interrogation!” I paused. “Wha-What?”

Twilight rolled her eyes. “It’s just to make you more honest with yourself.” She crossed her hooves and gave me a stern stare. “Friends don’t keep such important secrets from each other. Especially when the other thinks she’s going crazy.”

Oh. Well I guess I did go a bit far with the ‘who’ thing.

I shrugged awkwardly.

“It’s something I’ve been used to doing for most of my life. I just didn’t think about it at all.” Gosh, my voice sounded so strange after all this time. I sound like a different owl.

Twilight’s hot gaze cooled down.

“Well I suppose that’s something we’ll have to talk about,” she said, dragging the quill and notepad from the desk. “There’s so much to learn!” She started writing something but the quill snapped.

“Huh,” she said, throwing it in the bin. My eyes widened in surprised at the casual abandonment.

“Wasn’t that quill special to you?” I asked.

Twilight grinned at me and waved a dismissive hoof.

“No that was just some story I made up.”


“Okay,” I said, as I subsided. I glanced at the window. With a few quick flaps, I could be out of here. I’d have to find a new place of course, and it wouldn’t be as interesting. Not to mention the game was ruined. There were a lot of factors clamouring around my mind. The more I thought about it, the more it made sense. I should probably leave.

For some reason though, I hesitated.

“What now?” I asked, throwing everything to the wind.

Twilight’s hesitant smile broke into a grin as she took a wing into her hoof.

“Just the usual.”

Author's Note:

Weee~ I made a sequel.

It's probably not as insightful as Winona, but I wanted to keep this light and fresh.

Next Chapter: Woop de woo!

As always, my monolithic readers, thanks for reading!