• Published 17th Jan 2016
  • 11,773 Views, 323 Comments

I'm Not a Fly - Dr Atlas

A changeling walks into Rarity's boutique...only to get offended in the worst way possible.

  • ...


Author's Note:

So, I've had this idea in my head for a while ever since I saw that picture, but I couldn't really figure out how to go about writing it.
In the end, I ended up writing it like this.
Not too shabby, for my eyes, at least.
Hopefully other's won't take this story too seriously,
because Danny knows there are some out there that talk about comedy like a college professor giving a lecture.

“Well, here we are...again.”

Rarity studied the the piece of blue fabric on the table in front of her. The color, size, shape, and texture of it weren't helping her creative mind go anywhere, she had been staring at this for nearly fifteen minutes, still trying to figure out just what her first step would be. She breathed a hefty sigh, knowing exactly what she had. It was a dress designers nightmare, an artist’s disaster, an author's darkest hour, she had: Uninspiration.

“Why won’t you tell me what to do?” She asked the fabric, knowing no answer would come. She turned to her right, seeing the sewing machine and knowing that wouldn’t help her situation. She looked to her left to see something else that wouldn’t help her, which was more fabric.

She looked back at the fabric in front of her again, trying her hardest to come up with something, but, in the end, she hung her head in defeat and said, “Maybe that’s enough thinking today, I’m sure thinking is just as good as working anyway.” With that in mind, she stood up and-


Rarity snapped out of her boredom and turned to the door. “A customer?” Rarity didn’t remember any orders she had set up at this time of day, since she would be working on dresses instead, though, not in the way she’d hoped. Three more knocks were heard as she adjusted her hair and put on a faint smile, “Just a second.” She said happily as she grabbed the door and opened it, ready and willing to help in anyway possible.

“Hello there, fellow pony!” The white stallion at the door yelled. “May I come in?”

Rarity backed up a bit and raised an eye. “Um...Hello...is there something you ordered or are you just wanting to have a look around?”

“I’m just in the neighborhood and decided to visit your fine establishment.” The pony continued smiling. It was starting to bring Rarity flashbacks to what happened last week and his white coat and hair weren’t helping.

Curiosity got the best of her as she craned her head to look behind him. “Um...did you, by chance, happen to come from that one vil- wait.” She then squinted her eyes. “Where’s your cutie mark?”

“My what? OH!” The pony turned around to see nothing but a blank flank. “Uh...I-I was uh, born...without one.” His smile was getting worse.

“Born without one?” Rarity tilted her head. “You’re not born with one, darling. I mean, unless your talent involves being born, which would be very strange.”

The pony rapidly shook his head. “Nope, didn’t even get one after.”

“You mean you never found out your destiny?” Rarity starting to get a bit confused.

“Nope. Never did.” The pony chuckled. “Nu uh, no bootie mark here, yup. Sad story indeed, can’t even have one. Now, c-can I please come in and-”

Rarity gasped. “You can’t have one? Why not?”

The pony started to sweat. “Uh...I-I was born with...cu..tie...frac...ture…i...tis...Y-Yeah, cutiefracturitis, a disorder that-”

“Cutiefracturitis?” Rarity stepped back. “Darling, you mean cutie fracture. You know, when your cutie mark breaks, causing you to not even remember your destiny. You wouldn’t even remember yourself either, you couldn’t even live after something like that.” Rarity started getting suspicious with this story. “How can you have that if you don’t even have a cutie mark to begin with?”

The pony could feel the sweat on his forehead the longer he stood there. “H-How would you know what cutie fracture is?”

Rarity glared at him, starting to understand what was really going on. “Because I’m a pony.”

The pony flinched. “W-what do you mean. I-I...I am a pony. W-What makes you think I’m not.”

“I never said you weren’t…” Rarity went nose to nose with the apparent ‘pony’’.

“Oh...Well, uh...g-glad to see you know I’m not some imposter or something heheh...heh..eh?” His smile was getting weaker by the second.

“What’s your name?” Rarity asked.

“I-It’s...u-uh…” The pony looked at himself. “White...nes, shine...full...er...I-I mean, W-White Shine! Y-Yeah! White Shine’s my name...heheh, y-yeah, pretty cool name, huh?”

“Sounds very unoriginal, Darling.”

The pony was slightly offended. “H-Hey! You try coming up with a name on the spo..o-or, h-have a name you give..er, have...a...name…that...” He gulped, knowing this wasn’t working.

Rarity had a good idea who this pony really was. Either this stallion was insane, or… “You’re not a pony...are you?”

The apparent stallion sighed. “I-Is it really that obvious?”

Knowing her suspicions were correct. She backed up and yelled. “You’re a changeling!”

Once he realized his cover was blown, the disguised changeling ran right into the boutique before Rarity had a chance at slamming the door. Rarity then screamed and ran to the opposite side of the room while the changeling shut the door himself and got out of his disguises, knowing he wouldn’t need it anymore. “S-Stay back!” Rarity yelled.

The changeling started shaking. “W-W-WAIT! I...I can explain.”

Rarity glanced to a nearby table and fumbled through her drawers in hopes of finding something to defend herself with. “The only thing you’ll be explaining anything to is Twilight! The second she knows a spy like yourself is here…”

The changeling knew this was going to be bad, but that didn’t stop him from getting closer to her. “B-But I’m not a spy! I’m just-”

“AH HA!” Rarity grabbed hold of what felt like the handle. She didn’t care what it was, she just needed something to knock this monster out before he gets her. “I hope you’re ready for the smack down of your life!”

The changeling stopped. “W-what?”

Without even realizing, Rarity pointed her weapon of choice at him and yelled, “You’ll be feeling the...the…” Rarity then looked at what she was holding; blushing seconds later.

The changeling tilted his head. “Uh...what’s that? Some kinda extra horn or-”

“It’s nothing!” Rarity quickly stashed the ‘weapon’ away and continued looking for another, hoping something useful would turn up.

The changeling looked back and forth. “Look, y-you can just...let me go and-”

“I am not letting you go, not after what happened in Canterlot.”

The changeling groaned. “Oh great; this again. Listen, I know they ruined a wedding and almost destroyed that city, but all of them were probably just trying to-”

“Take over Equestria.” Rarity continued fumbling for a weapon. She even switched drawers. “We all heard what your queen said, changeling, and we won’t let that happen again!”

“I have a name.” He said, pointing at himself. “And Carl doubts they’ll try to do it again.”

Rarity huffed. “and Rarity knows they will!”

Carl decided to talk in first-ling again. “C-Can you just help me? I’m starving for queen’s sake!”

Rarity gasped. “A-Are you saying you came here to eat me!?”

Carl didn’t know how to answer that. “Uh...depends on what you mean, cause one out of the three ways you can interpret that sentence is the one I wanna do.”

Rarity didn’t even want to know. “Whatever it is, it won’t involve me! Not after what you did.”

Carl knew this situation was getting worse, but that didn’t stop him from trying. “Okay, yes, my brothers and sisters tried to take over, but I don’t wanna do the same thing, I just wanna-”

“Suck the life out of every pony you see!” Rarity realized this drawer had nothing and moved on to the other.

Carl sighed, starting to get deja vu from the other places he had been to. “Rarity; was it? We do not eat like that, we eat love and love is-”

“I don’t care what you eat! I just want you out of here before I decided to use my hooves to solve this problem, and I just got them manicured!”

“Man-i-what?” Carl had never heard of such a word, it sounded painful.

Rarity growled. “J-Just stay there!”

“This mare’s crazy!” Carl thought. “M-Maybe if I just…” Carl hoped this plan would work as he walked closer and closer to her.

Rarity realized this and started hyperventilating. “Sta-Stay back!” She said again.

“I just wanna talk about this, alright? M-Maybe you know a place where I can eat around here.”

“Y-You really think I’d let you go out after what you’ve done here?”

Carl looked around, seeing no damage. “B-but I haven’t even done anything.”

“But you will!” She yelled. “A-And when you...y-you…” Rarity finally felt it, the one thing that could save her, the one weapon that could buy her just enough time to knock him out and run to Twilight for help.

Carl didn’t notice what she had, but didn’t stop coming closer. “W-What? Are you gonna let me talk or-”

“You’re mine now!” Without warning, Rarity grabbed the flyswatter and started running up to him. Carl reacted by closing his eyes and bracing for whatever she’d do, knowing the the only thing that could happen was pain, which he could stand.

“Take this!” Rarity plunged the fly killing device on top of his head, causing the top of it to break and go right through the changeling’s horn. The changeling’s reaction went from shock and horror to complete confusion while Rarity tried pulling the flyswatter out of his horn. While she was grunting and pulling, the changeling looked up at what was now around his horn. It was at that moment he realized that pain wasn’t the worst thing that could happen to him, but something he never thought he’d experience in his life.

“Really?” Carl said in a deadpan voice.

Rarity continued to hold the flyswatter in fear that the second she let go of it, the changeling would attack her. “G-Get your horn out of my-”

“No...I mean, really?” Carl continued. “Did you really just use this thing as a weapon? Against me of all creatures…”

“Wha- What are you even-”

Carl pushed her away; the flyswatter still attached to his horn. “Is this some kind of sick joke?” He pointed at his horn. “Cause it’s not funny.”

Rarity stood her ground. “I-I don’t think you understand that we still have a fight on our-”

“NO! I don’t think YOU understand.” Carl continued pointing at the still impaled flyswatter. “This has got to be the most offencive thing that anyling-er...anypony has ever done to me so far, and I’ve been called names that would change ratings.”

“Ratings?” Rarity shook her head. “What are you talking about? And what’s so offensive about that?”

The changeling lowered his hoof to the ground, his eyes still locked with her’s. “Maybe it’s because you think we’re bugs, thinking you can just stomp on us or swatt us away like we’re insignificant flies.”

“B-But I didn’t think you were-”

“Don’t lie!” Carl stomped the ground, making Rarity flinch. “I’ve gone through so much and I’m pretty sure my brothers and sisters have also gone through too many things to count, but this!” He looked at the flyswatter again. “This crosses the line.”

Rarity backed up, not seeing how offencive this was. “It’s just a fly-”

“IT’S NOT JUST A FLYSWATTER!” Rarity flinched at his harsh words. “It’s, horrible, offensive, racist, and downright mean.” He sat down and crossed his front legs. “And here I thought ponies had respect for all creatures.”

Rarity’s jaw dropped. “W-We do.”

Carl found that hard to believe after what happened seconds ago. “Oh really?”

She stood taller. “Yes, we are, unlike changelings who-”

Carl flung his arms in the air in anger. “OH! So now you’re saying you’re superior to us.”

“What? I never said that!”

“Well, it sure sounds like it!”

Rarity was beginning to think this was all a trick to get him out of here. “Changeling, if you-”

“Carl!” Carl corrected. “My name is Carl. Why does every single pony have to call us that instead of our names, we don’t do that! We make sure to know a pony's name no matter how complicated it is.”

“Complicated? What’s so complicated about my name?”

“Okay, yours is easy since it’s just one word, but the other ponies are harder, and we at least try to say it right and not just call them ponies, because, unlike you, we don’t wanna be racist.”

Rarity couldn’t take much more of this “I...I’m not racist!”

Carl looked away, not even wanting to face the pony after telling him such a lie. “Yeah, you keep tellin’ yourself that.”

Rarity stepped closer. “Listen, cha...Carl. If you haven’t noticed, you snuck into this town just so you can-”

“Snuck in? SNUCK IT!?” Carl stomped the floor again. “What the hay am I supposed to do to get something to eat around here!? I can’t just walk in somewhere without a disguise, because, if I do, I’d probably get chased out like that other town, but...but having this happen to me?” Carl pointed at the flyswatter and shook his head. “T-This is just a new level of ponies being racist to us.”

Rarity almost lost it at that point. “Ponies aren’t racist! We try to be friends with many creatures.”

“Last I checked, you either run away screaming or cause immense amount of pain to every creature you meet.”

“B-But that’s just because ponies are afraid of creature like you.”

Carl’s jaw hung open. “Ca. c-creatures like me?”

Rarity scrunched her face. “U-Um...l-let me rephrase that, I-I meant that creatures that are like...creatures that do...monsters that...j-just a creature that acts like a monster to us make us afraid of you.”

Carl shook his head. “Does it look like I’m trying to be a monster here? No, it don’t. From what I can tell, the only monster in here is you.”


“No, the other racist pony in the room.” Carl answered sarcastically.

“H-How am I a-”

“Well, let’s see, you tried hurting me, you’ve made me feel awful, you yelled and screamed at me when I first got here...yeah, that sounds like a monster to me.”

Gritting her teeth, Rarity said, “At least I didn’t take over Canterlot.”

“Not every changeling was a part of that, you know. I was one of the one’s that arrived there to see all my siblings get flung across the sky, you act like every changeling wanted to do that. Now that’s just another level of racism right there.”

Rarity’s eye twitched. “B-but...I-I...y-you...w-we.”

He sighed, getting tired of hearing these awful things this pony was saying to him. “You know, I came in here hoping to get fed tonight, but instead, I got offended in the worst way possible. I can’t even feel the love anymore.”

“Feel the love?” Rarity said. “What makes you think I’d love-”

“OH! So now you’re saying I’m not good enough? Is that it?”

Rarity rubbed her head, getting a headache from this. “Cha- Carl. I’m not saying that, I’m just saying that you need to learn about how-”

“Like I need to learn from somepony as racist as you. You’d probably teach me about how a bug like me needs to learn his place in your society.”

“Our society isn’t like that!”

“That wasn’t the case a couple towns ago.” Carl pointed behind him. “After I left those town, I thought for sure this ‘ponyville’ place would be much saner than over there, but no...here I sit with my dignity gone and a unicorn who decided to humiliate me even more than I already have been.”

“I wasn’t trying to humiliate you, I was trying to get you out.”

“Oh, s-so now you don’t even want a useless bug like me around this place, is that it?”

“No, I just want them to stop treating me like I’m the victim here, when all I did was-”

“You smacked a flyswatter on my head.” Carl said in the blankest of tones. “If that makes you the victim here, then you ponies are insane.”

“You barged into my store!”

“I tried inviting myself in, but nooooo, you didn’t want an ugly bug like me into your precious store.” Carl breathed a hefty sigh, feeling worse by the second. “Just...how? How could a pony do something so...offensively...racist.”

“”I...I wasn’t trying to be! I-I just wanted to-”

“To what? To let me starve while you go on a enjoy your life, because mine isn’t like yours, in fact, my life is even worse now that you did this to me!” He pointed at the impaled flyswatter again. “It’s not like I’d put a saddle on you or throw a salt lick at your face.”

Rarity wanted to scream, she wanted to run as far away from this bug as possible with what he was calling her, but for some reason, she couldn’t do anything but sit on the spot and listen. “I-I’m not...I…”

“You know what?” Carl started walking towards the door. “I’ve had enough. I don’t have to take this from you.” He turned away from her and grumbled to himself, still outraged by this mare’s behaviour to him.”

As for Rarity, she realized she was practically letting a changeling leave her house. “W-Wait! Y-You can’t leave! I need to-”

Carl turned to her and put on a menacing face. “I know what you want to do. You want to keep on treating me like the ugly, stupid, horrible bug I am.” He took off the flyswatter and looked at it. “Well, I’m not gonna hear this anymore, I’ve had ponies smack me across the face, had guards chase me out of town, had ponies run away screaming the second I showed them my true self, but...this.” He threw the flyswatter on the floor. “I’m not having it! Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to get on a train and see if I can find a town that’s NOT offencive to every creature that strolls in.” With that, the changeling turned around, disguised, held his head high, opened the door, and left.

Rarity sat in the middle of the room, shocked, flabbergasted, flustered, and completely confused as to what just happened to her for the past few minutes, after several more of staring out, she shook her head and snapped back into reality, thinking of only one thing in the moments of silence in the room.

“A-Am I really racist?”