• Published 4th May 2012
  • 6,601 Views, 484 Comments

Silent Dreamweaver - -Brutus

This is fanfic about deaf pony (myself installing my life with being deaf).....

  • ...

Chapter 22

The streets of metropolitan Hoofington were as busy as ever. The streets shook with the commotion of various business carriages being pulled by powerful Earth ponies; the sidewalks echoed with the hoofsteps of hundreds of ponies chattering their day away. A newspaper stand stood at the corner, advertising their low prices for their papers and a small assortment of snacks.Shops and restaurant doors opened and closed a stallions and mares went about their daily chores or breaks. It would’ve been just an ordinary day in, Hoofington expect for one detail.

It was now center of horrible train tragedy, ponies all across Equestria were still pouring in their help in anything: food, bits, or workers who hauled off the heavy metal parts of the train, repairing the train line for next hundred miles to check if everything up to their standards or better so there wouldn’t be a repeat of this- orders of Princess Celestia. The doctors and nurses were still busying themselves with taking care the patients within the Hoofington Hospital. It had calmed down significantly as ponies were relieved that their family or friends is under best care possible; some were sent away in tears when the doctors or nurses took care in their craft with words, gently telling them that their loved ones had passed away. They then would direct them to a stallion who worked within the medical place for further discussion of what would be deceased pony’s wish: to be buried or cremated.

Away from the happiness or despair that took place in the various sterile rooms, a few floors up from the lobby, the two mares—one purple Unicorn, another maroon Unicorn—walked toward Silent’s room.The purple Unicorn, Twilight, made it to the room first and took the grace period to gesture toward the incapacitated Unicorn, who was unable to pick up anything at the moment. Twilight was taking it easy, hoping to set the mood just right for whenever Amber decides to pop in to speak her mind and, hopefully, offer an apology.

Amber just stood there quietly, wanting to wilt away then disappear from existence because Silent was right there inside the room, blocked by a wooden door and all it took to open it was to reach for the doorknob. She couldn't do it; she had hurt Silent enough, evident through his demeanor toward her, but Twilight encouraged her to speak to him despite the consequences she might face. Amber reached for the doorknob and twisted, a light push sent the door swaying open as a new bout of courage set her body aflame.

The disgraced, yet courageous mare trotted in with her heart pounding loudly, enough to feel it everywhere in her body. Her eyes fixated on the stallion in the bed. He courage dwindled at the sight of him rising and looking at her, hoof extended, sharply enough to convey, without a shadow of a doubt, that he could have her sent away at his whimsy, effectively cutting her from his life altogether. The prospect gripped her heart like stone, forcing her to waver as she approached. Amber breathed deeply to calm her nerves, the air seemed to boost her demoralized hope, but when she tried to speak, only a squeak escaped her lips. It made no difference to the deaf stallion glaring at her, but she was not trying to appeal to him. She was speaking to the purple mare beside him.

“Do you mind giving us some privacy, Twilight?” The purple Unicorn stared at Amber out of disbelief. Just when she thought she would finally learn something more about Silent and his past, she was getting kicked out of the room?! Internally she grumbled as she climbed down from the stool next to Silent’s bed, landing on her hind legs first then front to balance herself. She wanted to stay and listen, but common courtesy told her to leave since it was a private matter between the two Unicorns. Twilight wanted to tear out some of her hair as she made it out the door, closing the door gently as her emotions was raging a war out of the view from everypony who was nearby in the hallway. Deep down, the purple mare was scared of what will inspire within the walls of that room; she took it upon to herself to just wait it out for better or worse.

Amber looked around the room, anywhere but the eyes of the stallion lying before her in the bed; she couldn't handle it stoic expression. Drawing a deep breath for support, she dared to look into his brilliant emerald eyes. They were just as amazing as she remembered, they reminded her of why she pursued him that night so long ago. The maroon mare shook herself of the thoughts and began signing.

These words can't undo the dry heaves, long nights lying awake, the tears, dry mouth, shaking hoofs, and queasy stomach that you had to endure after what I did.

They can't take back the cruel sight that you saw me doing on that day. They can't erase the tears I cried. I tried so hard to rationalize it of what or why I did that, but I couldn’t find any reason.

The tension was building within Silent, it became harder to keep his even face as he searched Amber's eyes to find any hint of betrayal, any hint of falsehood, scrutinizing her every step of the way.

I didn't know how much I hurt you until I talked with your father, so that I could apologize to him, but he sent me away.

It broke my heart to hear from him how much my decision hurt you. Please, please forgive me for hurting you. I love you so much. When I think of you hurting, and when I heard you sniffling or crying, it broke my heart. I cannot stand this anymore, that’s why I seeked you out.

It broke my heart when I read your physical description in the newspaper regarding the train wreck. I thought of you leaving the world again, permanently this time, when our last memory would be... that...

Amber broke out in tears, fighting her new dry heaves and uneasy stomach- her valor of facing her fear head on began to falter as she pressed on with weak signs.

I’m baring my soul, my whole existence, it is your choice now to do anything to it: smash it apart, send it away, accept it. Anything so I could only have a meager of your forgiveness or some closeness.

I will work my heart and my flank off for your forgiveness.

Amber slowly moved closer to the bed, noticed that the deaf stallion had a tear that was threatening to break out of his eye, and stopped at the stool where Twilight sat at just earlier. She pulled it toward her with magic so she could be little bit closer to him, hitching herself up to take a seat on it

I.. Pausing for a moment, the disconsolate Unicorn was incredibly afraid of what would happen when she pushed ahead with her feeble wish, Amber shook her head slowly, deciding, at last, what to say to the placid face that bore into her soul so effectively. Silent looked on intently; Amber truly did regret what she did so long ago.

Will you forgive me?

Silent was about to answer, after giving a quick thought, but got interrupted which frustrated Amber to no end.

“Um, is it alright to come in now?” A purple head slowly popped in, her horn glowed
purple, enveloping the door with her magic, and pushed the door open. Silent cracked a smirk and nodded toward the encroaching unicorn. Then, he turned to Amber and signed with heavy, but quick consideration.

Amber, I don’t have an answer right now. But I do believe your words Amber gave a hopeful look then nodded weakly, accepted that as answer for now. Amber then snapped her attention toward the lavender mare now trotting toward his bed, her eyes showed a spark of curiosity of what had transpired within the room. It was obvious to Amber that Twilight wanted to ask either one of them about it, but out of common sense and courtesy she didn’t.

Twilight took a seat on the bed since Amber had claimed the stool in her absence. An awkward silence dominated the room; silent drummed aimlessly on his legs, Amber played with her hair while casually muttering about needing a drink which sparked a thought in Twilight's mind. Was she the reason that his addiction to liquor got worse in the first place?

Twilight wanted to have Silent get better, but not in the physical aspect alone; the accident kept him off the sauce, and it would do him good, Twilight thought, if he kept it up.

Hoping to break some ice, Amber decided to ask while signing at same time so Silent wouldn’t be left out, “Twilight, would you like me to teach you some Equestrian Hoof Language? It might make your communication issues with Silent a bit...easier in future.” Amber flashed her best smile despite the events that lead to this moment. The scholar gave her a big smile that could only stem from curiosity and excitement of learning something new, clopping her hooves together—eager and ready to learn more than Silent have taught her for short time back then.

Amber looked to Silent who nodded, much to her relief. She didn't push him per se, she was just eager to bestow upon the studious mare the culture that accompanied the deaf of Equestria.. Silent coughed uneasily, earning both of the mares' attentions. When he saw that he had it, he began making slow motions with his hoof, ones that Amber was quick to translate.

Okay Twilight, do you remember the few words that I taught you that day at that restaurant?
A nod, Twilight looked back and forth between two Unicorn, a little bit confused.

You do? Excellent! So you already have concept of signing those words, now try to string them together into a sentence. Since you are new to this, there’s no pressure!

Twilight smiled anxiously, sticking her tongue in the age-old tradition of the scholar mare whenever she tried to apply her knowledge on a task. It was cute to Silent, making him chortle. Twilight then picked up her hoof, pausing as she ransacked her mind trying to remember which words before moving her hoof to form her first sentence in ESL.

Food is..yummy and delicious. Silent signaled that Twilight did well for her first time application; Amber grinned remembering her own lessons with this big oaf—it took a quite long time because of the limited communication they had up back and the alcohol used to lubricate it..

Good job Twilight! Now I’m going to teach you some few more words, the first of them would be... This hospital sucks! It is living hell and I would love to get out of here already! Twilight’s eyes lighted up and a genuine laughter erupted whilst Silent and Amber joined her. Finishing her translating, Amber continued for the deaf stallion- still working to be his voice for Twilight. Well then, let me think— Silent stopped then looked up with puzzled expression on his face when Doctor Fleetheart walked up, levitating his clipboard as usual.

“I heard that, you know. Ahem, anyway, since you hate this hospital; I think I got good news for you. You’re going to be cleared for a discharge in a couple weeks after a few more treatments,” stated Doctor Fleetheart, glancing over the paper as Amber translated what he said to the deaf Unicorn. When the doctor was sure that the maroon Unicorn was done, he spoke up once again, “You have showed remarkable improvement in your pacing of walking, all up to a simple trotting, but I don’t recommend you to try galloping. The fact that you’re communicating with your hoof without any tire is a good sign, also.”

The doctor paused, drawing another breath as he flipped his medical clipboard. “Although there is a noticeable limp on your left hind leg, it won’t be much of a problem if you still stick with your exercise regimen for at least a month or two.” Fleetheart nodded as Amber was just finishing up her interpretation. Silent listened intently, jumping his eyes back and forth between the doctor and his ex to make sure he understood everything correctly before focusing on the medical expert who then proceeded with ending statements.

“Although, I am bit worried about some underlying problems that we might have not discovered yet, so I would like to ask you to come in once or twice a week for those two months after the discharge .I'll write you a prescription for pain killers, no more than 40mg so you won't get addicted, though.” Fleetheart paused once again to let Amber finish her job, jumping back in not moment after. “I would also like to offer you some counseling with one of our counselors because, frankly, you’ve been in a train accident and I do know that it is not something that everypony walks out of every time.” Silent loomed his tired eyes, trying to ransack his mental capabilities for anything wrong with himself before hitting into one, being unable to use his magic.

Silent somberly said magic... but Twilight was quickly there to save the day, or so to speak.

Twilight laced her voice with passion that was directed at Silent, hopeful that she would be able to use her massive knowledge of magic to teach.

“I’ll help you in anyway possible, first I think I should start you off with simple exercises which hopefully would gain your touch on the waves of magic that is circulating around us and within yourself, and,” Twilight mused for moment before moving on with her excited rant, “then possibly some levitation and turns of simple things which would help you to move on wit-” The doctor coughed with a smile, interrupting her before she went any further with her rant. Amber then took the moment to remind Twilight that Silent couldn’t hear. Twilight blushed, realizing that she went into one of her mini-rants about magic and worst of all, Silent didn’t hear a single word. Twilight will tell him that she will help with magic, but it was awkward to put that out now.

So Amber took her turn and tapped him to snap him out of his trance before telling the last words of Fleetheart.

“Any questions?” Silent just stared blankly for a minute, unable to think of anything special to say, so he just shook his head. Dr. Fleetheart nodded, flashing his cheerful grin before trotting to the HM' lines to make sure everything was operating just fine, dialing down the speed of morphine and water drips before leaving the room. Silent cast his head down, muttering something before signing to Amber with a heavy dose of sarcasm.

Yeah, I just have one question. Where am I supposed to live for the duration of those two months?

Twilight and Amber looked at each other, blinking as realization hit them.

[DONNNNEEEE! :D- MrMinimii
[... I have to edit my own sign off... Never thought I’d see the day.] - MrMinimii {XD}

[:D, heres your next chapter everypone as promised- Morfonious]

Author's Note:


My newest fanfic out there, chapter 2 coming out this week or next. (selfless advertising) :D