• Published 21st May 2015
  • 5,939 Views, 382 Comments

The Equestrian Edda - Grey Ghost

The continuing saga of Jason Hughes as he moves into parenthood.

  • ...

Finding Blueblood

Author's Note:

Crossover with Danger A Dragons "The Iridescent Element." https://www.fimfiction.net/story/285495/the-iridescent-element

"Does anypony have any ideas on how exactly we are to deal with this threat?" Luna asked the gathered royals. She was laying on her side, due to her swollen belly.

"Even the combined might of Jason and myself seemed to do nothing but annoy him," Celestia spoke, looking at the gathered group. The first Equestrian war council in centuries had been called, consisting of Luna, Celestia, Twilight, Cadance, Shining Armor, Jason, Chrysalis, and Gilda.

"Seeing as Hel had to come bail our asses out, I doubt even all of us together could take him," Chrysalis said, buzzing her wings. "It's highly logical that we should call for help."

"Jason's the expert on this sort of thing," Cadance pointed out, causing all eyes to lock on the young Jotun.

Jason sighed, reached into his cube, and pulled out the map of the realms. He laid it out over the table, gesturing for them to come in for a better look. "Now, I doubt Midgard is going to be any help. The Dwarves probably won't get involved but we may be able to commission armor and weapons."

"Will we be able to count on Hel?" Celestia asked, pointing at the goddess's realm.

"I doubt it," Jason said, shaking his head. "She won't want another Ragnarok starting before it’s supposed to..." he said, looking at the map again. "We MAY be able to get the light elves," he pointed to one of the realms. "They live here in Alfheim."

"How sure are you that they will lend aid?" Luna asked, looking very serious.

"Not sure at all, but it's worth a try," Jason said, his voice full of confidence.

"Take Twilight with you," Celestia spoke. "I give you both full authority to secure an alliance."

"As do I," Luna added, to which Cadance nodded.

"I'm going too," Chrysalis said, getting to her hooves. "I'm not getting left behind this time."

"Alright then, let's get going," Jason said with a nod as he got to his feet, putting the map back in his cube. "Wish us luck."

“You know Jay, I can’t keep doing this,” Dash sighed, ruffling her feathers, “I mean really, Faust knows if this’ll mess up the foal.” Dash glanced at her stomach before looking up at the jotun, frowning.

“Yeah, I know Dash, but you’re the only convenient way to get to Alfheim.” Jason looked up from the map, taking in their surroundings. The White Tail Woods were quiet and peaceful, very much the opposite of the Everfree. “Plus, Hodge will bring us back.”

“Good, because I’m not missing the Wonderbolts so you can go play with fairies.”


“Same thing!”

“Dash, I don’t think ‘Elves’ are the same thing as fairies.” Twilight gave her friend a look, raising her eyebrow.

“Ugh! It doesn’t matter, egghead!” Dash rolled her eyes, flexing her talons. “Are we there yet?”

“We should be in a few minutes.” Jason didn’t look up from his map, still walking forward. He stopped, looking up as an object tumbled onto his head. “Ow...”

“What the hay was that?” Dash asked, moving over to inspect it. She lifted up the object, tilting it this way and that. It was some kind of hourglass, which swirled with energy. “Think it’s a token?”

“Probably,” Jason muttered, rubbing his forehead. “Give it a shake.” Dash nodded, shaking it as hard as she could.

“Eh... nothing.” Dash shrugged, looking down at it.

“I dunno, call them or something.”

“Ok, uh, dude with weird hourglass thing I, Rainbow Dash, Bifrost incarnate, summon you!” Dash cried holding the hourglass above her head.

A portal appeared before them as a crimson and gold armored human stepped forth from it. He had a spear in one hand and a shield in the other while a war axe was strapped to his waist. A helmet with a red plume and a face mask covered his head while the rest of him was covered in platemail with scale mail beneath.

“Huh, flashy for no real reason.” Jason looked the human over, raising his eyebrow.

“Well, if you’re talking about my entrance then I have no way of changing it. If you are talking about my appearance, it’s easier to not damage anything if I get summoned like this. Not everyone thinks about the size others could be when they summon people,” the man said as he walked up to the group, “Now, Rainbow summoned me for a reason, hopefully. What can I help you with and why do you have talons? Weren’t hooves good enough?” he asked as he pointed at the metallic talons.

“They got cut off.” She glared at him, narrowing her eyes a little.

“Sorry, didn’t mean to offend. Personally, I like having claws more than my hands. I can do everything I can with hands, but can also use them as weapons. You do know that I’m a dragon, right? It was in the message.” He motioned toward the hourglass in her talons and tilted his head to the side, questioningly.

“I didn’t hear any message.” She shrugged, tossing the hourglass up and down in the air.

“Huh, well then. Allow me to introduce myself. I’m Draigo and I’m a Primordial Dragon,” he told them as he put his shield and spear on his back.

“I’m Jason Hughes, prince of Equestria, ruler of Jotunheim and Lord of Winter.” Jason bowed slightly. “We were just on our way to see some elves about a giant problem.”

“It’s nice to meet you, Jason Hughes,” Draigo inclined his head a bit and put his right hand to his chest to return the bow, “You have elves in this universe? What’s the ‘giant problem’ and is there someway that I may help?”

“Well, not this universe, we have to crossover into Alfheim and I’m sorry but I doubt you could help with the problem itself.” Jason said, shaking his head.

“Hmm, that bad, huh? Well, perhaps you are right. I can wield all of the elements, though. That includes Aether, Nether, Space/time, and quite a few others.” Draigo said as he removed his helmet to scratch his head while surveying the group before him.

“Huh, what do you know,” he said with a shrug, “Anyway, you wanna tag along?”

“Sure, seeing elves and new places sounds a lot better than appearing in a world just to be sent back right afterwards. Mind if I change into my draconic form, though?” Draigo asked.

“I’m not hauling your big ass through a portal.” Dash snorted. “So no, you can’t.”

“Well, I can be as small as Spike or as big as any dragon you’ve seen, if not bigger. What size would you prefer?” Draigo asked, as he started to change anyway.

“Just be like Spike.”

“As you wish.” Draigo’s form began to shrink as scales replaced his armor. Spines, claws, and wings sprouted and his weapons melded into his body. Soon enough a small dragon with scales that seemed to shine different colors, depending on the angle you saw them, was before them on all four legs. “Ah, so much more comfortable. I’ve spent so long like this that a bipedal form is no longer as comfy. Now, shall we be off?”

“Yeah, yeah, but you’re on your own getting back.” Dash darted into the air, quickly opening up a portal. She wrapped them up in her contrail, dragging them through. “Peace!” she called, dropping them on the ground, darting back through as the portal closed.

“Is it always like that when she sends you to another world?” Draigo asked as he oriented himself.

“Yup...”Twilight grumbled, getting to her hooves, shaking her head.

“Remind me to slap her when we get home...” Chrysalis grumbled, buzzing her wings.

“Well deserved retribution aside, how do we find these elves, or do they find us?” Draigo asked as he looked around at their new environment.

“I have no idea, never been here before.” Jason got up, brushing himself off. “Come on, best get to wandering...”

“I’ll see if there’s anything noticeable from an aerial view,” Draigo said as he took off and grew to just bigger than Celestia.

“I doubt it, Elves are masters of illusion.” Jason looked around, taking in their surroundings. “They won’t be found unless they want to be.”

“Think a giant dragon appearing in their land would make them show themselves or just keep in hiding?” Draigo called down as he circled above them.

“Why don’t you just land so we don’t have to find out?” Chrysalis asked. “There was no reason for you to go up there anyway.”

“Oh, fine. You mortals can be so touchy about things,” Draigo commented as he landed next to the group. “Any other ideas then, miss snarky?”

“Walk.” She moved past him, not bothering to look back.

“Well, duh. I meant any ideas for finding the elves if they don’t want us to find them. You know, just in case?” Draigo said as he walked at the back of the group.

“I dunno, I could start lighting the forest on fire.” Jason shrugged, conjuring up a fireball and letting it dance across his fingers.

“Hmm, that could work. Although, you are trying to get their help with your problem and that might make them not want to,” Draigo commented, his claws starting to glow a bit as he walked. “I’ll see if I can find them using Aether to sense them.”

“Aether?” Jason asked, raising his eyebrow. “The fuck is that?”

“In a nutshell, it’s life-force. The very thing that allows things to live and be created. If there’s life then there’s Aether as well as Nether,” Draigo told Jason as his claws glowed brighter.

Jason smirked. “Omnitrix, Ghostfreak.” He shifted with the customary bright flash. “Can’t detect this form.”

“Huh, I didn’t think there’d be something that is ‘alive’ that Aether couldn’t detect or affect. Well, if I think about it, there’s exceptions to everything,” Draigo said as his eyes widened momentarily when Jason became undetectable. “Think the elves can do something similar to that?”

“I don’t know. Every ‘universe’ is different. I mean, this world was made out of the body of my ancestor, things get weird here.” Jason shrugged, his voice raspy.

“This world was made from the body of your ancestor?! What the hell did you descend from, giants?” Draigo asked in amazement.

“Yes. I am a jotun. All but two of the nine realms where made from the body of the first one, Ymir, from whom all giants descend.” Jason explained.

“Dang, that’s one huge body. Any reason why you aren’t bigger? I mean, when you think giants you think of something that’s about… this big,” Draigo said as he grew to his full size. He was now about a football field long and wide enough to fit the entire group on his back with room to spare. His wingspan was longer than his body and his feet left giant indentations in the ground where he stepped.

“Because I’m twenty one, idiot.”

“Are you still growing due to a lengthened lifespan then? I was displaced like this so... yeah, no second puberty for me.”

“Why would there be a second puberty?” he asked, glaring at the dragon with his one visible eye.

“I just assumed since it seemed like you meant you are still growing since you’re so young.”

“I am not young,” Jason countered, glaring harder.

“Everyone I’ve met, so far, is young when you compare them to my age. That’s including Celestia and Luna,” Draigo said as he walked at a very leisurely pace so he wouldn’t outpace the rest of them. “Care to take a guess at how old I am?”

“No,” Chrysalis commented, looking at him. “And I doubt you’re the oldest thing in this universe.”

“In this universe I may not be the oldest thing, true. I am still very, very old,” Draigo admitted as he got a far away look in his eyes. “Being immortal the way I am has its drawbacks.”

“Oh, don’t get all sentimental on us, we have better things to do you know,” Chrysalis snarked, rolling her eyes.

“Do we? Right now, it seems like we have nothing better to do than talk and wait for either the elves to show themselves or for my magic to possibly detect them,” Draigo challenged as he continued to work his magic.

“I don’t know, but if I have to listen to yet another one of you immortal things bitch and moan about it, I’ll lose my mind!”

“Well, I’m sorry for driving you crazy. If there’s a way for me to make it up to you, besides just not talking about that subject, let me know,” Draigo said as he looked down at her.

“Well... how tasty are dragon eggs?”

“Chrysalis!” Twilight gasped, looking at her with wide eyes.

“I’m kidding,” Chrysalis sighed, shaking her head. “Ponies...”

“I may be able to create dragons, but I can’t produce their eggs. I doubt you could break the egg anyway. They’re about as hard as dragon scales, in my world, and a being of your size doesn’t seem to have the strength to break them.”

“Of course not.”

“Are you really talking about eating dragon eggs?” Jason asked, moving his eye to his back, looking at them.

“It was a change in topic. I didn’t want Chrysalis to be annoyed so I just went with it. What can that form you’re in do? I mean, it’s not ‘alive’ yet it’s not dead. It’s a curiosity.” Draigo asked to change the subject once more.

“Most things a ghost can do.” Jason shrugged. “Become intangible, phase through stuff, possess people.”

“Ah, okay. These elves are really good at hiding, by the way. I’ve yet to detect anything beyond animals and plant life. Should I push out my magic as far as I can to see if I can find them?”

“No, don’t waste your energy,” Jason said shaking his head, “We’ll find them when we find them. They’re probably already surrounding us...”

“Well, you’re right. There’s an army of, what I assume are elves, around us. They’ve just now entered the perimeter of my magic and they’re tightening their formation. Now what?” Draigo said as he tensed for a potential fight.

“Put your hands up and be as non-threatening as possible.” Jason shifted back to normal, putting his hands up. “We come in peace!” he called out, motioning for them to do the same.

Draigo followed suit as he shrunk down to the same size as Spike and stood on his hind legs, “We mean you no harm and seek your aid!”

The forest around them melted away, revealing at least two dozen elves, all aiming arrows at them.

“Nice welcoming committee,” Chrysalis snarked, putting her hooves into the air.

“Now is not the time to be snarky. Should they decide to release those arrows then the ones to survive will most likely not include you or Twilight,” Draigo told he without taking his eyes off of the impending threat.

“We’d be fine, thank you very much,” she hissed at him.

“If you say so. All I know is that you need their help, so try to be nice.” Draigo’s tail twitched back and forth nervously.

“Why are you here?” one of the elves asked, aiming his bow at Jason’s head. “We do do not take kindly to your people, jotun.”

“Yeah, and I don’t like people pointing arrows at me,” Jason responded, glaring. “We’re here to discuss Surt. I am Jason Hughes, ruler of Jotunheim.”

“I am Draigo, primordial dragon and ‘god’ of dragons for my world.” Draigo’s wings fluttered with a nervous tick as his tail continued to twitch back and forth.

“Just go back to being human.” Jason looked at him, giving him a commanding glare.

Draigo answered him by transforming back into his armored human form and placing his weapons and shield on the ground before resuming his previous posture. “Better? I’ve never been in this kind of situation so I’m nervous, sue me,” he commented, his voice now echoing a bit due to the face mask on his helmet.

“We don’t mean any harm.” Twilight gulped, holding her hooves up. “We just want to talk! I swear on Faust’s good name!”

“We come from Asgard, we would have words with your leader,” Jason insisted, not backing down. The elves conversed amongst themselves, eyeing Twilight.

“You, horse, are you familiar with one known as Blueblood?” the lead elf asked, never breaking eye contact.

“Blueblood!?” she asked, her eyes going wide. “S-she’s here!?”

“I think that answers your question,” Draigo said as he cautiously moved one foot forward to relieve it a bit.

“We shall take you to our village, but be warned, any of you step out of line, we will kill you.” The elf lowered his bow, gesturing for them to follow him into the forest.

“You heard the man, follow him.” Jason started to walk, keeping his hands up, quickly falling in behind the elf.

“Well, it’s progress. Hopefully, nothing happens in the village that we don’t want to happen,” Draigo said with his fingers crossed. He levitated his weapons and shield behind him as he began to follow the group toward the village.

“Blueblood is in here.” Their guide stopped at the door to a rather plain looking hut. “I ask that you remain inside. I will collect you when our leader is ready to meet with you.” He pushed the door open for them before turning on his heel and walking away.

“Well, at least he’s courteous...” Jason mumbled, stepping inside the hut. The smell of herbs filled the air, a rather overpowering scent, causing both Twilight and Chrysalis to cover their noses.

“That's... really strong...” Twilight coughed, shaking her head.

“How about some air circulation then?” Draigo asked as he brought his arm up and caused the air around Twilight and Chrysalis to blow the fragrance away from them.

“Thanks.” Twilight smiled before gingerly stepping further into the room. “B-blueblood?” she asked looking around. The main room was empty, with most of its table covered in potion making equipment.

“Twilight?” came the response, off in another room. “I-is that really you?” Out of the room walked Blueblood...only she wasn’t exactly a unicorn anymore. She still had her horn, only she was taller, with her fur having been turned into scales, while her tail had become that of a dragon, ending with a tuft of fur. She still had her mane, and she had blonde feathering around her hooves.

“Whoa...” Twilight blinked, taking in Blueblood’s new appearance.

“So, I guess the overload spliced you with dragon DNA,” Jason commented, stroking his beard while looking the mare over.

“Huh, anything else change besides your outer appearance?” Draigo asked as he walked towards Blueblood.

“And who exactly are you?” Blueblood asked, taking a step back.

“Before we get all lovey dovey,” Chrysalis cut in, “ I do want to remind everyone that she IS a war criminal.”

“She is? Well, is this her punishment? Being sent here?” Draigo asked as he studied the mare before him.

“No, she stopped a reincarnated Nightmare Moon from killing Celestia.” Jason sighed, placing a hand on his head. “I honestly don’t know what we’re going to do with her.”

“Well, perhaps she can be of use during the negotiations. She might know more about the elves’ leader,” Draigo suggested.

“No, she’s going to stay here until we figure out what to do with her,” Jason said firmly. He leaned on the wall, his face contorting in pain, placing a hand on his head.

“If you say so,” Draigo said with a shrug. “My name is Draigo, Blueblood. I’m like Jason, a Displaced.”

Jason panted a little heavily, clutching his head.

“Let me!” the voice echoed through his mind. “Let me out so I can feast on their bones! Disgusting, self-important creatures! Release me so that I may devour them! OUT! OUT! OUT!!!”

“Jay?...” Chrysalis asked with a frown, placing a hoof on his shoulder. “Are you alright?”

“Is the herbal stuff in the air affecting you?” Draigo asked as he turned to look at Jason.

“Forget it... I’m fine...” He shook his head, standing up straight. “No reason to worry over me, I’m fine.”

“Okay, just let me know if you want some fresh air like Twilight and Chrysalis have,” Draigo told Jason as he returned to looking Blueblood over. “You’re the first kirin that I’ve ever seen and I’ve seen quite a lot.”

“So that's what I am...” She looked down at herself, flicking her tail. “I didn’t know it had a name.”

“Yes, a kirin is a pony, or horse, mixed with a dragon,” Draigo explained as he walked around her. “Was it you or the elves that put all this herbal fragrance into the air?”

“The couple that nursed me back to health mixed a lot of herbs to aid in my recovery.” Blueblood nodded, unable to look them in the eyes.

“Ah, that makes sense. Aromatherapy is a fairly common medical practice,” Draigo said as he stopped in front of Blueblood and began to change into his draconic form.

She backed up again, not sure what was going on.

“Don’t be afraid. I’m just getting comfortable since it seems like it’ll be a while before the elven leaders are ready,” Draigo said as he finished transforming, stretched, and then laid on the floor with his forelegs crossed in front of him.

“I already don’t like them,” Chrysalis huffed, “Too secretive.”

“You're just mad they make changelings look like chumps,” Jason teased, getting a glare and growl out of Chrysalis.

“Now now children, calm down. We’ll probably be here a while, so we might as well get along,” Draigo commented without looking at the quarreling duo.

“And you be quiet,” Chrysalis snapped, “before I come over there, mister scales.”

“You try being comfortable in your original form after being in another for more time than you’ve previously been alive,” Draigo replied as he turned his head around to look at the changeling.

“Oh, cry me a river.”

“Don’t tempt me cause I really could give you a river,” Draigo replied as he summoned two orbs of water to circle around his head.

She just growled, spitting some goo at him.

Draigo batted the goo away with his tail and smirked. He then used one orb of water to clean up the goo after it had landed.

“Chrysalis!” Twilight snapped. “You're being childish!”

“Do any of you have questions that you’d like to ask Blueblood before the elves come back?” Draigo asked as he turned both orbs of water into vapor.

“Not really, bitch can rot for all I care.” Chrysalis snorted, glaring at Blueblood.

“What a lovely sentiment,” Draigo said sarcastically, “Twilight?”

“Honestly? I don’t even know where to start. She’s been gone for at least ten months. Just thinking about what to do with her is making my head hurt.”

“Okay then, I’ll let you three think of what to do with her while I learn a little more about her,” Draigo proclaimed as he returned his attention to the Blueblood. “So, any new abilities or traits since becoming a kirin?”

“I-I don’t know what you mean...” Blueblood said, looking at him, tilting her head.

“Like being fire resistant, a breath weapon, being able to eat more things, better senses, able to use magic beyond your original magic. Stuff like that,” Draigo said with a comforting smile.

“I honestly don’t know... I've been mostly thinking about going home and...” she closed her eyes, looking away.

“And getting put on trial for something that would be seen as heroism in another universe?” Draigo suggested.

Chrysalis burst out laughing. “You think she’s being put on trial for saving Celestia? How stupid are you?”

“I’m just going off of the info I’ve been given since this isn’t my universe, remember?” Draigo countered, “What did she do that was so bad? If you don’t mind me asking.”

“Oh you're going to love this. She helped a genocidal madman overthrow Equestria. For three whole days they slaughtered anyone who wasn’t a pony and refused to leave. And it is all her fault.” Chrysalis glared, causing Blueblood to flinch and whimper.

“Okay, that’s one side of the story. What’s your side of the story, Blueblood?” Draigo asked as he looked at the sad kirin before him.

“I-I just wanted to help Equestria!” she sobbed out, collapsing into a heap of tears.Twilight looked rather torn, Chrysalis just watched in disgust and Jason said nothing.

“So, you wanted to help Equestria and ended up getting used by this ‘madman’ that Chrysalis mentioned,” Draigo said as he walked over to Blueblood and wrapped his arms, tail, and wings around her in an effort to comfort her. “Please be at ease, cousin.”

“I-I’m not your cousin...” she squirmed, looking at him, deathly confused.

“You are part dragon. That makes you a cousin of mine since I’m the first dragon in my universe.”

“But...” she closed her eyes, nuzzling into him, starting to cry her eyes out again.

“That’s it, get it out of your system,” Draigo replied in a soft voice as he continued to hold the sad kirin, “They may not know what to do with you, but you are more than welcome to come with me when I end up leaving. It’s an offer, think about it before you answer.”

“I-it’s my fault! It’s my fault they all died!” she wailed, holding onto him, sobbing loudly.

“So, that ‘madman’ had nothing to do with it? I think not,” Draigo answered as he stroked her mane comfortingly, “The fact that you feel so badly about it means that you truly are sorry about what happened.”

“It doesn't matter what her intentions were, her actions still got thousands of people killed.” Jason snorted, holding his head again.

“That’s true. I’ve never said otherwise. To me, she’s just a confused youngling who had good intentions, but horrible results. Truthfully though, they are mortal and she, right now, is my kin,” Draigo said as he continued to comfort the crying mare in his embrace, “Family, whether blood related or transformed, will always get my support if I know they need it or they ask for it.”

“I can’t let you leave with her.” Jason narrowed his eyes. “No matter what, she has to pay for what happened.”

“Did I say she wouldn’t get her just desserts?” Draigo replied energetically, “She has my support, not my protection. You can punish her, but if she so chooses then she can come with me while under that punishment. I know good and well that justice needs to be satisfied, but making her feel better will help her accept that punishment.”

“As long as we’re on the same level.” Jason nodded, leaning on a wall. After a moment, he popped up the dial of his watch, flipping through it.

“Think of something?” Draigo asked as he returned to comforting Blueblood.

“No, I just... need to focus on something else...”

“Well, the elves are sure taking their sweet time. What do you think is keeping them?” Draigo asked, hoping that a change in subject was what Jason meant.

“I have no idea, what do I look like an elf?” Jason snapped, growling.

“Just trying to change the subject,” Draigo calmly responded, “You guys are doing more growling than the two draconic beings in the room. You need to learn to keep calm.”

“I am calm!” Jason snapped, his eyes glowing red as he panted heavily.

“Your voice says otherwise, Jason,” Draigo responded as he turned his head to look at the upset jotun. “You might want to get your eyes checked, they’re really red.”

“They’re supposed to be red.” He sighed, closing his eyes, then took a deep breath, trying to calm himself down.

“Uh huh, if you say so,” Draigo replied skeptically. “Anyway, what would you guys like to do to pass the time until we’re summoned?”

“We could continue the awkward silence, that's always fun.” Chrysalis laughed, giving Jason concerned looks every now and then.

“We could, but I’m sure Twilight has at least some questions about something that she’d like answered,” Draigo commented and noted Chrysalis’ expression.

“I don’t think Blueblood is in any position to answer any questions so... why don’t you tell me about yourself?” Twilight asked, conjuring up a scroll and quill.

“Well, to start, I created the dragons of my universe,” Draigo said as he swiveled his head to look at Twilight while continuing to hold Blueblood.

“And how did you do that?”

“With my dragon creation power. I can make any kind of dragon and with any amount of power so long as it’s my power level or lower. They aren’t always loyal to me, though,” Draigo admitted.

“Can... can you create one now?” She asked, looking up at him with hopeful eyes.

“Of course, I can. What are you going to do with the dragon after it’s created, though?” Draigo asked.

“Well, I dunno... adopt it maybe?” She tapped her chin, shrugging.

“Well, if nothing else I can just take him or her back with me. Now, I need some specifics. Size, winged or wingless, color of scales, any specific abilities, and so on,” Draigo explained.

“Oh well um...I dunno...”

“Okay, just think about the abilities you’d like and I’ll do the rest,” Draigo told her as he began the creation process. A draconic outline soon appeared on the floor between Draigo and Twilight. It slowly filled in with scales, claws, wings, and spines.

“Uh...maybe something elemental? Would a little bit of each be too much?”

“So, you want another version of me? I can do that if that’s truly what you want,” Draigo said as the form’s color filled in. Its body scales were gold and its spines, wing membranes, and belly scales were stark white.

“Sure I guess? But can you make it young? Maybe around Spike’s age?”

“I ask because I do wield all of the elements. I can make it as young or old as you’d like,” Draigo responded as the form shrunk down to Spike’s size.

“This is so amazing!” Twilight squealed, watching in amazement.

“I’m glad I can entertain someone with my abilities,” Draigo chuckled as the form solidified more and more, “Now, male or female. Also, do you have a preference for eye color? I leave those two for last.”

“Let’s go with... female! And eye color... uh... seafoam green!”

“Okay, a female with seafoam green eyes,” Draigo said as the dragon took on a more feminine form and the eyes filled in as seafoam green. “One last detail. If you are going to keep her then you have to name her. Otherwise, I’ll name her.”

“How about... Delta Wave?” Twilight asked, looking the little dragon over.

“Delta Wave it is. Say hello, Delta,” Draigo told the wyrmling.

“Hi, it’s nice to meet you,” Delta said as she looked around the room.

“She can talk and use her abilities, but you’ll need to teach her everything else. I may be able to create them, but giving them my knowledge when they aren’t going to be in my world isn’t something I do. That way they don’t have conflicting information. She will be a really quick study, though,” Draigo said as he examined Delta for anything he’d missed. “Also, she won’t be anywhere near my strength. She should be able to hold her own against your dragons, though.”

“Oh! This is going to be amazing!” Twilight squealed, clapping her hooves together.

“I imagine Spike will love the company,” Chrysalis said, finally smiling for once.

“I’m sure he will. Just make sure to protect anyone who gets on her bad side. I’m pretty sure they won’t last long since she has all of my elemental abilities, even she only has a tiny portion of my power,” Draigo explained and grimaced as he imagined the result of the first being to piss Delta off.

Jason was silent, his breathing steady, almost like he was asleep.

“Well, Jason seems to be asleep. Let’s try not disturb him,” Draigo noted as he looked over at the young jotun.

“Oh he’s not sleeping,” Chrysalis corrected. “He’s having a conversation.”

“A conversation with who, himself?” Draigo asked with a raised eye ridge.

“No, a conversation with the being in his head.” She rolled her eyes again.

“It’s just him and Hodgepodge now isn’t it?” Twilight asked, snuggling with Delta, draping a wing over the young dragon.

“I think... unless you count that voice of rage and bloodlust as a separate entity...” Chrysalis hummed a bit, tapping her chin.

“That might explain the glowing red eyes earlier,” Draigo commented.

“No, his eyes are just naturally red.” Twilight shook her head. “He hides them with illusions.”

“Ah, I just change mine to hide what they really look like,” Draigo explained as he watched Twilight snuggling with Delta.

A few quiet moments later, the elf returned. “He is ready for you.” He held the door open, gesturing for them to move out.

Draigo let go of Blueblood and wrapped Jason in some air to allow him to continue his conversation while they traveled to where the elf’s leader was. “Okay, let’s go you two. Jason didn’t want Blueblood coming so she’ll have to stay here with Delta.”

They got to their hooves, following him out the door. The elf led them through the village, with the other elves watching them.

“When should we ‘wake up’ Jason?” Draigo asked as they continued their journey.

“When we get there.” Chrysalis shrugged as the elf lead them into what would normally pass as a city hall.

“That’ll work. Are we seeing their king or their mayor? Cause this place doesn’t seem grand enough for royalty,” Draigo whispered quietly.

“I don’t think the elves have royalty,” Twilight commented, “I do know one of the old gods ruled over them but, who knows what’s happened since then.”

“Hmm, I see. Well, this should be interesting,” Draigo said as they continued into the building.

“Jason!” Chrysalis shouted, slapping Jason hard in the face.

“Okay, you really didn’t need to do that.” Jason glared, opening his eyes, rubbing his cheek.

“Have a nice conversation?” Draigo asked as he let Jason down to the floor.

“I don’t want to talk about it,” Jason grunted, walking beside them.

“Just figured I’d ask. We’re almost to the elves’ leader,” Draigo explained to Jason.

“We are here.” The elf pushed a door open, leading them inside. The room was rather large, with an elf in fancier clothes sitting at a desk watching them.

“Why have you come here, Jotun? I don’t believe your kind has ever been welcome here,” he spoke, narrowing his eyes at Jason.

“We hail from Asgard,” Jason started, stepping forward. “Recently, Surt invaded our realm, we were hoping you knew of a way to keep him from returning.”

The elf scoffed. “I see no reason why we should get involved with your affairs. If you offend Surt, than you should be prepared to meet the consequences!”

Jason reached into his pocket, pulling out a long spear, which he slammed into the ground, cracking it. “You once served Freyr, one of the Aesir. I am Jason Hughes, the chosen successor of Odin himself! You owe your allegiance to me!” Jason shouted, power radiating off him, giving even Draigo pause.

The elf, taken aback, quickly recovered, clearing his throat. “What is it you want exactly?”

“I want to know of anyway to prevent Surt from returning to our realm, and promise of aid if he were to return.” Jason spoke, his voice softer this time.

“I’d do it if I were you. I know I’m powerful enough to destroy this world with ease, but he feels strong enough to destroy at least an entire galaxy if not universe with just as much effort,” Draigo said as he reassessed Jason as a potential sparring partner and ally in the future.

The elf sighed, rubbing his temple. “Fine.” He reached into his desk, tossing Jason a small stone carved with a rune. “That stone was a gift from Odin himself, it should seal Muspelheim for some time.”

“Thank you.” Jason placed it in his pocket, turning to leave. “I’d stay but we have to get going, we have a war criminal to retrieve.” He walked out of the room, spear resting on his shoulder.

“Speaking of which, any idea what her punishment is going to be?” Draigo asked as he followed the spear wielding god-like being.

“That's not for me or Twilight to say. It’ll be decided by the whole of the hexarchy.” Jason shook his head, snagging a scan off of a passing elf on his way back to the hut. “Get up, Blueblood, you’re coming back with us.”

“Y-yes, of course, Jason...” Blueblood nodded, getting to her hooves, her eyes red from her near-constant sobbing.

Jason sighed, turning to Draigo. “Thanks for coming with us.”

“You’re welcome. It’s been enlightening. Should you actually need my help with something, which I kinda doubt right now, then don’t be afraid of summoning me again. Also, if Blueblood’s punishment does involve exile or something like that then you can send her to my world where I’ll be sure the sentence is carried out for its duration,” Draigo said as he glanced at the red-eyed kirin.

“I’ll keep that in mind.” Jason turned to look at him. “You ready to go home?”

“Just one last thing,” Draigo said before turning to Twilight and Delta. “Delta, you are welcome to visit me for anything. I am technically your dad. Twilight, tell anyone interested in Delta that if they break her heart or are no good that I’ll come to visit them. There, that should do it.”

“Of course.” Twilight nodded, giving Delta a nuzzle.

“Draigo,” Jason said, looking at him, “our contract is complete.”

A portal appeared before Draigo with swirling energy and there was nothing seen through it.

“Goodbye, and good luck with sealing off your world,” Draigo said as he stepped through and vanished in an iridescent flash of light, leaving behind a copy of his token on the ground.

Jason grabbed it and put it in his pocket. “Alright, now let's go home.”

“Jason!” Celestia shouted as the young jotun came into view. She rushed over, a look of horror on her face.

“What? That face just screams that nothing good is happening.” He sighed, shoving his hands in his pockets. It was bad enough he had to deal with the mess that was Blueblood but now he had something else to worry about.

“Sea Breeze of the Breezies just appeared in the throne room...” she huffed out, trying to catch her breath. “He says Eclipse is invading his home.”

Jason’s eye twitched and the castle shook as he punched a wall. “She fucking dies.” He moved past her, cracking his knuckles. He had been waiting a long time for her to stick her neck out again, and this time she wasn’t getting out alive.