• Published 29th Jan 2015
  • 790 Views, 23 Comments

Not So Quiet on the Set - IDigAPony

Our girls have finished shooting MLP:FIM for the season and they're excited about the movie. Rarity is preparing them for Ponywood, but there are more immediate issues to deal with first.

  • ...

What You're Doing

“Why should it be so much
to ask of you
what you’re doing
to me?”


Twilight was slowly swinging on the glider sofa that on the small porch in back of her bungalow.

"Let me have a look at that sugarcube,” Applejack offered as she sat down next to Twilight, “I’m pretty good at fixing things.”

“Thanks AJ,” Twilight said, sighing as she levitated the scepter into Applejack’s hooves.

The back half of all the bungalow's stuck out about 20 feet from the exterior wall of the soundstage that marked the edge of the studio property. Lush grass spread out in all directions, and the view was of the distant mountains.

The earth pony took a close look at the two parts, examining how they fit together. “Where'd everypony go?” Asked Twilight.

“Rarity went to put on a new outfit. Not sure where Fluttershy went. Spike is heading to Dash’s to see if she is coming and I think Pinkie is over at the wrap party helping re-fill the chocolate fondue fountain. I think Starlight and Maud are coming. Dang! How does this fit...oh I see.” Applejack got it to fit, but then it slipped. “Shi..”

“Shit?” Twilight offered.

Applejack turned at looked at her then burst out in laughter “thank you kindly Princess Twilight.” Twilight smiled broadly and gave her a brief nod.

“So anyway,” Applejack continued, still chuckling as she gingerly tried to line them up again, “Do you reckon you’ll be waving this around much or will you just be keeping it in a crystal case over the mantle..?” she shot a sideways glance at her friend and raised her eyebrow.

Twilight recognized the teasing but scowled at her just the same, squinting her eyes and pursing her lips. Applejack looked back at her and did the same. Both of them were younger siblings with older brothers so extended staring contests were nothing new. Applejack, however, felt she was at a disadvantage. Twilight's scowl was incredibly cute. Though she held out an impressively long time, in the end Applejack couldn't help but smile.

"You win Twi. You sure are a tough one." Applejack held a hoof up for a bump. Twilight's return bump was less than enthusiastic as was her victory smile.

“Are you okay sweetie?” AJ asked softly.

Twilight, looked away. Her friend scooched over on the couch and put her arm around the princess, pulling her close. Twilight rested her head on AJ’s shoulder, her ears folded down. Applejack looked into her eyes, the pain there stung the earth pony’s, heart.

“Aw, come on now little princess, tell your honey girl what's wrong."

Twilight hated when her friends called her that, but between her and Applejack it had become a sort of private code. Twilight’s name for Applejack was Honeygirl when AJ was the one in need of some caring.

Twilight, her eyes full of tears could barely speak, “Oh AJ, I’m so stupid!”

“Hey there,” Applejack hugged her closer. “I know that, it's why I'm here, somepony's gotta keep you outta trouble."

When Twilight didn't respond, Applejack leaned forward to look at her. "You wanna lie down?"

Twilight nodded.

Applejack shifted and Twilight turned and lay down on her back, resting her head in Applejack's lap. She turned her face away and focused on the mountains in the distance.

“C’mon, Twi, it weren’t that bad.”

Twilight’s voice was high and pinched as she fought to answer through her tears. “Yes, it were. I made all of you look terrible, I shamed the five of you and the Princesses and I made such a fool of myself.”

Applejack's way was different than her friend's. The earth pony did her best to hide her feelings away. Twilight worried about what others thought of her. It wasn't that she was worried what they'd think of Twilight Sparkle, although she was very self-conscious, it was how she represented her office as the Princess of Friendship. She'd gone along with Rarity's idea only as an act of friendship. To some ponies, this really wasn't that big a deal, but to Twilight it was. She felt she couldn't afford to look like a fool and she couldn't take the humiliation. Applejack knew she was a very gentle soul but had a heart of a lion.

Twilight sniffed and turned her head toward Applejack. She was clearly struggling to keep her composure. Applejack shifted in her seat.

"Am I hurting you? Do you want me to move?" Twilight asked sincerely.

“Nope. I'm right here little princess, where I'll always be until till I die or you tell me to go.”

Twilight looked at her angrily, accusingly, "That's not funny Applejack!" Twilight's anger quickly turned to pain and her chin began to wrinkle. She reached down and grabbed a small pillow from the couch and pressed it to her face and in a moment she was sobbing wretchedly.

Applejack had been angry with herself before, but she had never hated herself more than she did at this moment.

There had been an afternoon years ago, it was just after Twilight had transformed into an Alicorn. The hours of excitement and celebration had passed and the Mane 6 had been walking through Ponyville together, laughing and joking. Clouds had begun to move in and most of the ponies who were out started to head for home before the storm began. As they passed the 6 friends, many of them called out congratulations to Twilight and that they were looking forward to the coronation. Scootaloo suddenly shot by on her skateboard and Rainbow Dash joked about buying a crash helmet for Twilight, now that she could fly. As they were all laughing, Scootaloo stopped and turned to them. "Twilight doesn't need a helmet Rainbow Dash, she's an alicorn, she's gonna live forever now!" While most of the ponies laughed and nodded in acknowledgment, Applejack closed her eyes in dread, then she looked at Twilight, watching and waiting. Twilight smiled and blushed, then suddenly her smile faded and a look of utter horror came over her. As the other's laughed, listening to Dash riff on Twilight's trouble with flying, Twilight's eyes, in a terrified panic, immediately sought out Applejack. The look on the earth pony's face confirmed that she knew exactly what Twilight had just realized. While Twilight would live forever, her friends would not. Their eyes locked and the anguish that Applejack saw in her friend's face that moment would never be equaled. Applejack felt as though somepony had torn her heart from her. Twilight put her head down, turned and ran as fast as she could from them. Without a word, Applejack took off after her.

"What's wrong with her?" asked Pinkie "Maybe too much excitement."

Dash's expression was clear, as was that of Fluttershy and Rarity. They had all suddenly realized the same thing. Dash landed slowly, the tears already spilling from her eyes. Rarity was holding Fluttershy who was weeping. Then it hit Pinkie. Her hair slowly softened and was soon no longer curly, but hung straight, draping over her shoulders. None of them said a word.

"Sh-shouldn't we go after them?" asked Pinkie softly.

Rarity looked at her with a sad smile. "I'm afraid this time only Applejack can help her."

The four of them embraced and for the first and last time, the wept for this, the worst pain, their dearest friend could know.

Thunder rumbled in the distance and the sky grew darker.

When Applejack finally caught up with her, Twilight was sitting by the gate of Sweet Apple Acres, She had stopped crying but her eyes were very bloodshot and puffy and her ears were pressed hard down against her head. Her breathing was shaky and the occasional sob would break through. She sat with her back to Applejack. The farm pony walked up behind her and sat, land watched her mane as the wind played lightly with it.

"I'm so sorry Twilight."

"H-h-how long ago did you figure it out?" Twilight asked, not turning around.

"Uh, well..."

"HOW LONG?!!" the question burst from her, shattering the silence. Several dozen birds suddenly took flight, startled by Twilight's cry. A clap of thunder echoed off the distant mountains. The sound of large single raindrops began to spat against the soft earth.

Applejack hung her head, replying softly "Before you landed."

"Well this idiot princess just figured it out, and I'm the one that's supposed to be so damn smart!"

"Did you wanna take a walk in the orchard?"


"Oh, I thought that's why you..."

Twilight was shaking her head, unable to speak.

"You came here because it's where we first met."

Twilight nodded.

That was all Applejack could stand. Her heart almost breaking for her friend's pain, she finally broke down. The sky opened up and the rain became almost deafening.

Applejack walked around and face Twilight. The young princess looked up and into her eyes. Applejack took off her hat and put it on Twilight, who's mane was plastered to her face and cheeks. The princess slowly shook her head side to side and began repeating the word "No." A bolt of lightning shot across the sky, thunder boomed across the valley, but Twilight couldn't stop sobbing and repeating"no" over and over. Twilight looked into Applejack's eyes. pulled her close and screamed "NO!!" as she sobbed uncontrollably and held her tight..

Somehow they made it inside the barn. There they held each other and cried. Applejack tried to calm her but it was no use, so the farm pony spread a thick layer of straw on the floor, spread out a heavy wool blanket, helped Twilight lay down on it, then climbed in next to her and pulled another thick blanket over the two of them. Twilight was on her side and Applejack came up behind her and pulled her close. Twilight grabbed her hooves and pulled them tight around her. The storm continued to rage throughout the night and Applejack quietly told Twilight that it would all be okay, over and over until both were asleep.

In the morning they were awoken by the bright sun and the smell of apple/blueberry pancakes. Big Mac suddenly came around the corner and into the barn with a huge checkered blanket and spread it out on the floor. He was followed by Granny Smith with a push cart full of covered plates and Apple Bloom who carried a large jug of syrup. Next was Rainbow Dash carrying a huge jug of cider, Rarity had the coffee and Spike carried the milk, Fluttershy had a bowl of fruit salad and Pikie Pie had cookies and an enormous chocolate cake. They all sat down as if it was an ordinary Saturday morning and joked and laughed and complained and gossiped and relaxed. Nobody talked about how much they loved each other, or asked how the two of them slept or if they were feeling better or alright, or if any of them could do anything to help.

The subject had never been mentioned again by any of them.

Until now.

Applejack, not knowing what to do, pulled Twilight close to her and held her and rocked, apologizing over and over. After awhile, Twilight calmed down and Applejack leaned back and looked at her friends face. Twilight's eyes were red and puffy and her muzzle was covered in mucus. Strands of hair from her mane were stuck to her cheeks. She looked up at her friend and stared hard. Applejack didn't say a word.

"Promise me one thing," Twilight's voice was in deadly earnest. "Promise me you will never leave me Jacquline Apple. I'll do whatever I need to to make that happen but you must promise me this."

Applejack opened her mouth to protest but as she looked deeply into Twilight;s eyes it all fell away. "I promise you Twilight Sparkle," she said softly, "with all my heart and all my soul," she continued, her voice choked with emotion it was barely a whisper, "I will never leave you."

Twilight suddenly relaxed and smiled. She sniffed a little then said simply. "Okay."

A towel materialized and Twilight cleaned off her face and mane.

Applejack suddenly knew what to say.

"You will NEVER guess where I was before I came by here. I mean before I went to the bar then came over here."


“I was at Rarity’s fixing to have sex with her.”

Twilight’s eyes became as big as saucers and her pupils became very small.


“Well, I heard some of the Crusaders saying things that they’re too young to know about. I know it's from all this Ponywood nonsense and I guess I kinda lost it. I was way past angry so I got all made up by Powder Puff and put on the Applejewel getup. Then I grabbed that huge dildo Rares got us and marched over to her bungalow. I was sure as shootin gonna put an end to-”

“That WHAT?!!”

“Didn’t I show that thing to you? Rarity brought one for us to leave around our apartments once we got to Ponywood. We were supposed to look like we were crazy enough to share it in case any of our new Ponywood friends dropped by. You should see your face Princess, your expression is priceless. Anyway, I went over there to, well...” Applejack trailed off.

“Have sex with her, you said,” Twilight reminded her. Her voice suggested she didn't find it all that funny.

“Well, yeah,”

Twilight looked at her for a few moments.

“So? What happened?”

“What do you think? Nothing,” she answered with a little smirk, “At first she thought I was kidding, see-”

“Weren’t you?”

“I don’t know. I mean, remember me? Element of honesty? I knew it I weren’t mentally prepared to go through with it, she’d see through me in a second. Course I knew she’d call my bluff.”

“But what if she hadn’t?” Twilight asked, pulling away from Applejack.

Applejack felt a tiny flame of anger inside and her stomach tightened. She had just about had it with this stupid Ponywood stuff and now Twilight was getting on her about this?

“What are you talking about? Of course, she would have! You think Rarity would have sex with ME? That’s a hoot!”

Twilight paused, scowling. Her expression began to slowly soften, then she smiled, then smirked and finally she started laughing.

"What?" Applejack asked, smiling, but sounding a little annoyed.

"Nothing, nothing. You're right. Of course Rarity wouldn't have sex with you. How ridiculous!"

"Whadda ya mean ridiculous?"

"Well, you said it yourself. There was no chance she would call your bluff, then she'd have to have sex."

"With me..."

"With you."

"And I reckon that could just never happen. Is that what you're sayin?"

"That's what you just said."

"Well that's a might different! You don't think Rarity would ever have sex with me? What, am I too ugly? Too uncouth? Too smelly? Too dirty? Too sweaty?"

"No, of course not! You aren't all that sweaty..." Twilight's smile could no longer hold back her laughter and she started cracking up.

"Why you little fucking bitch!" Applejack said, reaching down and tickling Twilight's ribs.

"Fuck you pony girl!" Twilight was barely able to say it, as she squirmed and laughed.

"Kiss my ass princess!" Applejack kept tickling her. Twilight squirmed and giggled, trying to fight Applejack off.

"Enough, enough, I give, I give." Twilight cried out, panting. Applejack stopped, then looked down at Twilight with a smug expression on her face.

Twiligt gave a little pout then said, "Yeah, like she'd ever even kiss you." Then she quickly covered up, expecting another onslaught. But none came.

“Who’s to say she didn’t?”

Twilight's laughter slowed. "What - she kissed you?"


"No, I didn't think so..." Twilight rolled her eyes.

"I kissed her."

"Oh did you?" Twilight asked, working hard to sound cute and flippant.

"Oh yeah, I did. She really seemed to like it too."

Twilight sat up and turned toward Applejack. She looked at her friend, a small frown on her face.

"What about you? Did you like it?"

"Hmmm, let me try to remember..." Applejack was enjoying this.

"Wait, so you kissed another mare - Rarity no less, and you don't remember it? Just how many mares do you go around kissing?!" An edge of anger had crept into Twilight's voice.

"What do you care?" Applejack asked, suddenly feeling very nervous.

"Well, I, uh... Don't! I don't give a damn! Go kiss all the damn mares you want to!"

"REALLY?!!" Applejack asked, sounding excited. Inside she was trembling madly, her stomach knotting tightly.

"Yes REALLY!" The tone in Twilight's voice told AJ she may have gone too far. Twilight sounded truly upset. "You've made out with Rarity,, who is next on your list? How about Fluttershy? Maybe Rainbow Dash?"

"Can I kiss you?" Applejack tried to keep her voice from shaking. Twilight did't notice.

"Go ahead, go... wait, what?"

"You. Can I kiss you?

Twilght tried to shrug. It came off looking like a tiny seizure. "I suppose," she said rolling her eyes. "I mean don't strain yourself or anything, and don't expect too much, I mean compared to Rarity." Twilight was trying to sound playful but she was suddenly a nervous wreck, not that Applejack noticed. Her body was shaking.

"Let's f-find out princess."

"Y-yeah, let's" Twilght tried to sound snotty and it was pretty convincing.

Appejack leaned forward, turned her head slightly and gently pressed her lips to Twilight's. The softness and sweetness were just what Applejack had expected and what she was so scared of. She rolled her eyes and hummed a little, as if she were judging the quality of the kiss, but every nerve ending in her body was suddenly overloaded. Everything came into sharp, crystal clear focus. This kiss was all there was. Nothing in her life compared to this feeling. Utterly lost, the young pony turned her head slightly to the right, feeling the gentle touch and wondering what Twilight was feeling. This would have to end soon and then what? Applejack realized she didn’t care. Twilight wasn’t pulling away and that’s all that mattered. Knowing she would have to be the one to break, she leaned back, attempting a clever smile. She found she couldn’t speak. After a moment her senses returned to her.

"Uh, well, that wasn't bad."

Twilight was frozen to the spot, staring blankly at nothing. Then she looked at Applejack and let her jaw drop slowly. Applejack looked at her, waiting, not having any idea what to say next..

After a moment, Twilight's mouth turned up into a smile then she laughed out loud and punched Applejack lightly on the shoulder, “You silly pony! You call that a kiss? Try this!!” Twilight’s expression became an exaggerated goofy leer as she leaned forward and taking Applejack’s head between her hooves, pressed her lips firmly to the earth pony’s again in a mock display of what they called a “wowzer” kiss. Applejack, her eyes wide open, looked into Twilight’s staring, playful eyes. WIth a sucking SMACK, Twilight pulled away. Now it was her turn to smirk.

“How do you like THEM apples, farm girl?!” Twilight asked just before she burst out laughing and gave her friend another playful shove. “Didn’t see that comin, did ya? You are too funny AJ!!” Twilight, her cheeks flushed and eyes bright, laughed happily.

“Uh, yeah... I reckon I am.” Applejack said, looking away.

“And look at you now! Acting like you’re all woozy from kissing me! You crack me up! Thanks for cheering me up Honey Girl, no one can do it like you.”

“Heh-heh, yeah Twilight, Just trying to get you out of your funk. Looks like it worked.”

“You’re the best best friend ever!” Twilight said, leaning over and hugging her.

“You too…” Answered the blonde pony softly.

“Know what? Why don’t we head over to the party? I’m ready for a drink!” Twilight said as she stood up and stretched. She walked a over and pulled the screen door open. "You coming?"

"Uh yeah, sure"

The two poines walked through Twilight's bungalow toward her front doof. As they stepped out onto her front porch Applejack stopped.

Actually, Twi, I'm gonna head over to my place for a second, I gotta use the little filly’s room…”

“Don't be silly - go use mine. I'll hang out and wait for you."

"No, you go on ahead,"

“You sure?"

"Yeah, go on now, I'll just be a second."

"Okay, if you're sure. See you there," Twilight said and then paused, "And don’t go kissing any strange ponies! You’re MINE now...” Twilight paused, looked around and leaning toward Applejack whispered, “...bitch!” Twilight said, laughing.

Applejack smiled and nodded. With a wink, Twilight turned and trotted off.

Applejack watched her head toward the opening in the plastic picket fence that led to the party area. She watched her friend giggle as she stepped onto the fake grass and do a little dance as the stiff plastic blades tickled Twilight’s underhoof. She watched Pinkie run up to her and give her a taste of a chocolate bar that had been dipped in the chocolate fountain and then sprinkled with chocolate sprinkles. She saw the polite smile and the dainty nibble, then saw Twilight offer a bite to Pinkie who finished it in one bite. She watched Twilight laugh. She watched Starlight Glimmer come up and give her a big hug, followed by Trixie. A part of her was terrified that Twilight was going to look over and catch her staring, yet another part wished she would. Another part wondered what would have happened if Rarity had called her bluff. She watched Donut Joe and Flam dancing together then saw Joe, who upon seeing Twilight, ran to her and give her a quick kiss. Applejack thought about the softness of Twilight’s lips. For a moment she thought she saw Twilight steal a glance in her direction.

The blonde pony turned and went inside Twilight’s bungalow.

As she entered the bathroom, she noticed on the floor in front of the toilet, was Twilight’s modesty suit.

A modesty suit was also called a “sweatbox,” a term coined by Rainbow Dash due to the effect it had on a certain part of mare’s anatomy. The name stuck, despite the new, far breezier second-generation suits. Designed as a custom one-piece form-fitting bathing suit that came about halfway up the chest, it had a layer of the pony’s fur on the outside. As every pony’s coat was brushed out each morning before shooting, the hair was collected. It was cleaned and then unicorns bonded the fur to the sheer lycra like material. The suit had a thin, long, neodymium magnet “zipper” sewn into opposite seams that ran down the front from the top, then down the front, then under and between the legs and up to the underside base of the tail. When the two magnets were lined up it was impossible to tell where they joined. The bond was exceedingly strong and only by passing a specially charged magnetic stone over it, could the suit could be “unzipped” from either the top or bottom. This allowed the wearer to use the bathroom without having to completely remove her suit each time.

The purpose of the suit was to hide the pony’s genitals from the camera. When worn, it was completely indistinguishable from the pony’s actual coat. It was effective 90% of the time. Oddly if certain wavelengths of light beyond the visible spectrum were amplified, the inside of the suit would catch the light and gloriously showcase everything the pony was trying to hide -in living color.

The male pony’s anatomy kept his reproductive organs tucked up next to his abdomen when in its relaxed state. The surrounding coat there did an adequate job of concealment, though if you took a good look, you got a good look. Naturally taking a “good look” was considered both incredibly rude and more than a little odd.

To urinate, a stallion or colt would simply to spread his rear legs to either side. This would tilt the musculature of his genitals downward so that as he went, he would avoid splashing anything on himself. Their modesty suits were absolutely necessary while in front of the camera just out of propriety.

With the females and their anatomy, it wasn’t really necessary, until it was, then-then it really was. The fur that covered their pubic mounds did more than an adequate job of hiding everything. Even the natural center part that occurred along the cleft could be hidden.

Unless they were actively involved in a scene, most background ponies, with the exceptions of the pegasi, were not required to wear them.

Twilight had clearly pulled it down and kicked it off when she sat down to go. Under it was a piece of paper with a list of words typewritten on it. Applejack sat down, leaned forward and picked them up. It was a list of “Ponywood” words that Rarity had given to each of them. There were a number of additional words written in by Halter. Just like Twilight to study to the very last minute before her big entrance.

As Applejack held Twilight's suit she noticed a pleasant but powerful scent of Twilight. She examined it, caressed the layer of Twilight’s coat. It was perfect and the hair was luxuriously smooth. Looking around the bathroom, she noticed all sorts of hair grooming products and coat shampoos and cleaners. Twilight was forever trying new ones and reporting back to them all the results of her research. Her toothbrush rested neatly on its own little rack and a clear plastic cup sat next to it. Applejack looked over at the bathtub. She found herself thinking about how good a bath would feel right now, especially how good a little “stress relief” would feel while soaking. She imagined Twilight in that tub relieving her own stress. The thought lingered. She looked down and chuckled as she saw that she was still caressing Twilight’s modesty suit and wondered whether she should fold it and hang it up for her or if it needed washing. Out of habit she lifted it up and gave it a quick sniff and blinked hard. She looked down at it, discovering she'd sniffed a rather personal place. Another sniff confirmed that they absolutely needed washing. Applejack balled them up and tossed them into the hamper on the other side of the bathroom. She missed, and after a few moment's stood, picked them up and dropped them into the empty hamper.

After washing her hooves, Applejack checked herself in the mirror. She took off her hat to look at her hair.

Sure could use a brushin’

Applejack picked up one of Twilight’s many brushes and pulled it through her mane a few times. As she did she noticed the bottle on one of the shelves. It was VO6 - “For the shiniest, most manageable mane ever!” Applejack had seen the new ad’s for it and Twilight said she loved it. Applejack gave a few quick sprits to her mane and drew the brush through it several times.

Woah! Will you look at that? That really does look good!

The earth pony trotted out to the hall and had a look in the big mirror there. She was pleased with the results and trotted toward the door. As she reached for it, ithe door suddenly opened. It was Twilight.

“Oh! Uh hi AJ,” said Twilight stepping into the room briskly, She looked up at her friend and stopped, looking into her eyes. Neither of them spoke for several seconds. Then suddenly Twilight blushed deeply and went on, “I, uh, gotta go too, I guess, heh-heh,” Twilight said, starting toward the bathroom. “You, uh. go on out to the party, everypony is looking for you,” she called back. “...and I told them you’d be right out.” Twilight ducked quickly into the bathroom, then poked her head out and looked at Applejack as through studying her, then smiled, "And NO kissing!" she said laughing, then took one last long look at her friend, ducked back in and closed the door.

“Oh, uh, okay Twi, I’ll see you out there…”

Applejack stepped outside onto the soundstage and pulled the door shut behind her. The party had started in earnest and AJ could see most of the cast and crew were there. As she walked toward the gate Diamond Tiara approached her with Pip.

“WOW Applejack! Your hair - it looks amazing! What did you do?”

“Thanks, Diamond, I used that V06 stuff. Twilight had some in her bathroom. You really think it looks good?”

“Absolutely. It’s nice to see you without a hat on too!”

“Oh my gosh! My hat! I left it in Twi’s bathroom!”

“So what? You look fabu without it,” said the young heiress, sipping a drink.

“Thanks, Diamond, but I don’t want to forget it there. I’ll be back in two shakes of a tail.”

Applejack trotted back to Twilight’s bungalow. She knocked lightly on the door but there was no answer. She gave the knob a twist. It turned but when she went to open it, she found the dead bolt had been engaged. She walked over and peered in the window.

That’s weird. I could-a sworn the drapes were open before… Well I’ll get it from her when she comes out.

Applejack turned and headed back to the party.


Dash’s bungalow door was painted cyan with a single outline of her profile and mine in black. Spike stood there contemplating it. He’d stopped by to check on Rarity who had asked him to find out Dash would be showing up to the wrap party.

His contemplation was initiated by a conundrum- her door wasn’t quite closed. Why was that? What should he do about it? Should he knock or just walk in? If he snuck in he could pull that prank on her. He owed her one and he’d been planning it carefully. But still, it was really impolite to just walk into somepony’s bungalow like that. He decided to knock...just not too loud.

No answer. He gave the door a little push, peering around it into her living room. Empty. He listened, but there was no sound. He stepped into the room.

“Rainbow Dash?” he asked meekly. Then he noticed the trail on the floor. It led from the front door and chronicled her journey as she undressed on her way to the shower. The first item was her water bottle which lay empty the light beige carpet. Used to clean up after Twilight, he picked it up without thinking. A little further on was her sweat band. Using his tail to hook it he flicked the band into the air and caught it in his claw. Next, he found her towel. As he clenched it with his toes, he could feel the dampness. He glanced around as he brought the towel up and grabbed it with his other claw. Finally, outside the bathroom was her crumpled modesty suit.

Spike stood, looking at it in disgust. These suits were not only expensive but required great care to keep the fur from falling out. Dash had clearly just stripped them off and stepped out of them on her way to the shower. He bent over and picked them up, carefully laying them atop the growing pile in his arms. They were damp and their scent was strong. He’d picked up Twilight’s enough times but they were never as damp as these. He grimaced in anticipation, but after a moment he noticed something. While Twilight’s suit stank after a day under the lights, (there was no denying it). Dash’s didn’t. Well they kind of did but the scent was robust and kind of spicy, almost exotic. If he had to pick a way to describe it, it would have been “funky, but in a healthy kind of way.”

Warm moist air with a hint of her fragrance floated out of the bathroom. Clearly, she’d finished her shower. He listened carefully and thought he heard some noises coming from her exercise room. Her clothes still bundled in his arms he walked down the hall then hesitated. He didn’t know what he’d see and since he hadn’t been invited in decided to play it safe. Carefully he peered around the corner.

Dash, her back to him, was hanging by her forehooves, grasping the trapeze bar the crew had surprised her with the previous year. They’d bolted the pulleys to the 10 foot ceiling and put in a system with a crank that let her raise and lower it to whatever height she wanted as well as rotate it to face any direction. Right now it was at a height where she could hang from it while her rear hooves dangled inches above the floor. She’d turned it so that she faced the mirrored wall three feet in front of her. Her head was tossed back, her eyes were closed. Spike guessed she was in some kind of meditative state.

In the mirror’s reflection, Spike could see the front of her body. Grinning diabolically he thought about trying to sneak across the floor and tickle the soft center of her underhoof. As he plotted he let his eyes trace down her back. Even relaxed, her shoulder muscles and her pectoral muscles, were incredible. With her wings were extended in a stretch, as they were now, all the supporting musculature of tendons, ligaments, and muscles were engaged. Her physique was astoundingly beautiful. She seemed so light and graceful when she flew, but Rainbow Dash was an incredibly powerful pony. To many, Dash seemed to have an out of control ego, but to really know her, was to understand that it was all a joke. All her bragging was tongue-in-cheek. If you took it seriously, then the joke was on you. All you had to do was work outward from her loyal heart and you’d get an idea who she really was. And this physique did not happen on its own. Rainbow Dash worked extremely hard to keep herself in shape, harder than most of her friends knew.

Now, with a flawless grace, head back, she drew her wings in. The motion was slow and perfect, like a ballerina. The comical expression on Spike’s face slowly dissolved, as all thoughts of the prank evaporated. He just stood there in awe, holding her laundry.

Eyes still closed she tipped her head forward. She slowly let the bar slip from her grasp, lowering herself to the floor and placed her full weight on her back legs. Spike watched as the muscles in her haunches and legs shifted taking the full load of her body’s weight.

Her eyes still closed, she leaned forward, placed her forehooves against the mirror and stepped back, stretching her legs wide, assuming a spread-eagle position. She lowered her head, letting it completely relax. As she did, her rainbow mane, still damp from the shower, spilled forward, Now, starting at her back hooves, she rolled forward, sending a very slow wave up her body, arching out her flank, then slowly thrusting it forward as the wave made its way up her body. undulating until it reached her forehooves.

Spike stood, frozen and slack-jawed, all kinds of bells and whistles were going off in his head. The scent from her clothes and the sight of her body, glistening like that made him dizzy and made his stomach and hips ache. It was a feeling that had started happening more and more in the last year. Rarity could set it off pretty much any time, but at some point or other all of the Mane 6 had. Well 5 of them anyway. It had never happened with Twilight and he was pretty sure it never would. He sure never wanted it to.

It had started way back during the time when he had gone on the real dragon quest that the episode had been based on. The first night, after all the teenage dragons thought he had fallen asleep they began talking about female dragons. They said this one was hot and that one was hot. After awhile he began to realize that they weren’t talking about their fiery breath. That had been his first exposure to how little dragons are made. Ironically the first chance he got to speak to an older male dragon about what he’d heard, was when they’d filmed the episode about it. He tried to ask the actor who was playing Garble.

The actor was very nice and tried to educate him without embarrassing either of them. Spike kind of got the idea but still, there were several key points that eluded him. Especially why any dragon would want to do something like that in the first place.

Now he was beginning to find out. This wasn’t like a crush, that was how he felt about Rarity, these feelings ran far deeper and were a whole lot different. Even a little scary. Was she really the same pony that used to dragon sit him? The same pony he and Pinkie used to pull all kinds of pranks with? Could this vision be the same Rainbow Dash? Spike began to think he understood the kind of “hot” Garble had been talking about.

He let his eyes trail down the front of Dash’s body, reflected in the mirror. His gaze went slowly past her chest, pausing for a moment on her stomach and the rows of muscles that ran horizontally across it. He became aware that his heart was hammering in his chest, and felt his face burning. Her hips were just, so... smooth and tight. His stomach felt as though it was vibrating, leaving him feeling both excited and lightheaded with the fear of what he was about to see and what would happen if she caught him. Then he felt that other things start to happen. The last week with all the talk about sex in Ponywood had peaked more than his interest.

In the dim light, he could make out the soft mound down there between her legs. Every mare had one He squinted…it wasn’t a solid mound though. He had a vague idea of what was there but only from what he’d heard Garble talking about...there! Was that it? He began to tremble uncontrollably. That other thing was out now and he couldn’t do anything about it. He lowered the clothes to cover it. He looked closer at her. He saw something like an open cleft where her coat had been brushed out into a center part…

...She raised her head slowly and turned to look at him. Her expression told him she had no problem with his voyeurism.

“So my little dragon,” she said, looking him up and down, her gaze suddenly pausing part way down, “you certainly growing up,” she purred, turning and slowly walking toward him. He stood, smiling at her with a sophisticated grin, as she circled him, flicking her tail, lightly snapping his legs with it. “If only you knew how long I’ve dreamt of this day,” she looked him over slowly, “So," she paused, "now you want to see what goes on under my suit?. Do you want a little lesson in perfect pony anatomy? Well, my little love, you’ve certainly picked the right pony because she’s all ready for a little game of show and tell…”

The noise behind him snapped him out of his dream and before he could think he found himself buried under a pile of laundry, mostly towels. From under the clothes, he heard Dash’s muffled voice from across the room.

"Who are you and what are you doing here?!" Dash demanded.

"I’m sorry Ms. Dash, I was just here to take your laundry."

Spike didn’t recognize the voice, it wasn’t Bertie, the older pony that cleaned the ponies bungalows and did their laundry, but it was definitely female and she sounded young.

"Why are you in here and why are you doing that? Aren’t you like a production assistant or something?"

The poor filly sounded terrified. “Y-yes, I hoped you wouldn't mind. I know that Bertie won’t be in until later and I overheard someone in wardrobe say that since they’re wrapping today they’d be laundering every piece of clothing in the wardrobe so I thought it might be a good idea to get things washed before the rush and you were so nice to me earlier and you’re kind of a hero of mine and I just wanted to show my thanks and…” she was on the verge of tears.

“Woah, Woah, woah, take it easy there kid, it’s cool. It’s Saffron, right? Sorry if I came off a little harsh there. You just surprised me. I was doing my yoga without my sweat box, uh I mean my modesty suit on," she paused, then she suddenly stopped.

“Spike? Is that you under that pile? Those your feet sticking out?”

She didn’t sound too angry, more like curious.

“They are! Spike! What are you doing?!”

Now she sounded angry.

Spike parted the pile of laundry and peered out with a worried grin “Uhhh…Hi, Rainbow Dash...”

At the sight of her less than pleased expression, he pulled a towel back over his face.

Saffron interrupted, "Oh he was just being a dear and helping me clean up your bungalow. He was carrying your laundry for me.”

“Well, you need to be careful. Like I said I was in kind of a revealing position and Spike here is a little young, well it's kinda privacy thing, if you know what I mean.” Dash's voice was tinged with anger, a tone Spike knew and he was more than happy to keep that towel over his head, not to mention around the rest of him. Fortunately fear was very effective way of getting things below his waist to calm down. He figured he was safe as long as he was surrounded by all the laundry. The poor mare, whoever she was, was getting upset. Her voice was shaking and once she started talking she seemed unable to stop.

“Oh yes, of course, I understand and I’m really sorry. Don’t worry, his arms were full with your sheets and towels and clothes, I don’t think he can even see where he’s going.”

“Oh, okay, well that’s good,” Dash said, not sounding quite as cool as she’d hoped to.

Spike, very relieved, finally let out the breath he’d been holding. When he inhaled again he realized that the furry thing pressed against his face was Dash’s modesty suit. Its scent filled his nose and suddenly that thing started happening again. But something else filled his mind. He really wanted Rainbow Dash. In the back of his head he had a vague idea what he would do but right then he wanted to hold her and kiss her wherever she’d let him. The thought struck him as both very weird and very...he didn’t know but he knew it was something he really wanted, his fear notwithstanding. In desperation he pulled the load he was carrying tighter against his face and inhaled deeply.

"Is that really you under there Spike?” Dash asked with a chuckle as she started to take the laundry from him. “Spike? It’s okay, you can let go now...Spike??”

Finally, he let go, his hands dropping to his sides. The laundry was still waist high, though he didn't care. He looked up at her, his eyes half under their lids, his mouth a slack smile. “Hi again Rainbow…” was all he could manage to say. He was about to say “You are the most beautiful creature ever born. I love you.” but Dash interrupted him

“Spike, what is with that crazy look on your face? Is like Rarity behind me or something?” Dash said with a slightly confused smile.

“Who?” the little dragon asked.

Dash looked quickly at Saffron, a hint of panic in her eyes. “Are you sure he didn’t see anything? You know I was spread eagle and leaning up against the mirror.”

“Yes, I’m sure. He had that pile in front of his face the entire time. Maybe he’s a little light headed from lack of air? He probably doesn’t even know where he is.” As she said it Saffron stepped down hard on Spike’s tail.

“OW!” he cried, snapping out of his daze. The pain, like fear, managed to override his desire.

“Oh Spike, I’m sorry! You poor thing!” she quickly pulled him around in front of her, her back to Rainbow Dash. She glared at him but kept her voice friendly “First we invade Ms. Dash’s privacy…” she paused, her eyes still intent “...and now I step on your tail.”

Spike clued in, “Uhhh Rainbow? Am I at your place? I kinda got lost…” he said, not quite as dreamily.

Dash looked the young dragon dead in the eye, raised her eyebrow and said "Yeah, nice try Spike..."

Spike chuckled weakly. Saffron patted his head. “Twilight Sparkle sure is lucky to have a number one assistant as polite and helpful as you, Spike. I guess we’d better get to the laundry before the party ends and the ponies from wardrobe take over the machines.” Saffron said, smiling. “In fact Spike why don’t you just go to the party. You can escort Ms. Dash. I can take care of the laundry. Oh, if they have any of those tiny watercress sandwiches, and if you wouldn’t mind, maybe you could wrap one in a napkin. Just leave it on my clipboard on the table near the bathrooms. I’ll get it later after I finish this.” Saffron beamed with delight.

“Listen, kid - first, stop calling me Ms. Dash. It’s Rainbow or Dash, or your royal coolness, Second, forget the laundry. Third, you are totally coming with us to the party.”

“Me?! At the MLP wrap party? Oh no Ms, I mean Rainbow. I couldn’t. I wouldn't know what to say, I’d be way too starstruck. Nopony knows me, and I’d be way too nervous. I can’t even believe I’m in here talking to you. Please just let me do your laundry.”

“Okay, here’s the deal, you and old Spike here take that one load and dump it in the machine. Then you come to the party. Got it?”

“I don’t know…”

“If you don’t, I will have Twilight levitate you from the laundry room out to the soundstage where we will make you dance the tango with Discord. If you think I’m kidding, ask Spike.”

The horrified look on Spike’s face confirmed every word she’d spoken.

“I guess so. We’ll be out there in 10 minutes or so. Is that ok?”

“Yeah, 10 minutes flat. 11 means you and the D are doin the T.”

“Okay.” Saffron laughed nervously.

“Now get that stuff to the laundry double time. I gotta go do my mane,” she said and started to walk toward the bathroom. Spike stared at her perfect retreating rump.

“Oh Rainbow?” Spike called out.

Dash stopped and turned around, smiling. “Yeah Spike?”

I love you more than anything I’ve ever known. You are everything I could ever dream of wanting….

Spike's eyes were still on her rump.

“Uh Spike? Eyes are up here. Were you going to say something?” Dash's eyebrow went up again.

“Oh, uh yeah. Rarity said to tell you it’s off. She said Tom so we don’t have to act like spoiled brats anymore. She said she’ll fill you in at the party.”

“Yeah, I know. It really suc- uh stinks I was rocking it with the whole brat thing. Aaaanyway.. See ya later... hot stuff” she said seductively. Spike's eyes bulged. Dash chuckled.


The noise from the soundstage faded as Spike and Saffron made their way to the laundry room in the basement. As they walked down the wet concrete ramp that led to the laundry under the lot, the smells of detergent and fabric softener began to get stronger. Saffron’s hoof steps echoed off the hard walls and Spike fought for the courage to speak. He had no idea what to say. Had she seen him? How much? Did she know what he was doing? Finally, he drew a breath and trying to keep the tremors out of his voice, said “I just wanted to thank you back there. I mean, well, not that I was doing anything, you know…”

“Don’t worry Spike, your secret’s safe with me. You’re getting to that age when cute young females are interesting. I have a younger brother, believe me, I know. When I was in high school my friends used to come over. We’d sit around my room and he always seemed to find an excuse to join us.”

Spike let out a mighty sigh of relief. Just watching a cute young pony, that’s all I was doing, yeah, that’s all…

“He’d bring snacks and drinks, anything to try to catch a glimpse of what you were trying to catch a glimpse of back there. It’s totally normal and with ponies as cute as the Mane 6, it’s gotta be tough. And Rainbow Dash has some amazing physique.”

The blood had drained from Spikes' brain. She knows! She knows I was trying look at Dash’s thing! I’m dead, I’m so dead!! Wait till Dash finds out!

“Yeah… she sure does,” he sighed, trying to keep the fear out of his voice. “You know she would have killed me if she thought I was spying on her, which I wasn’t. I mean at least I didn’t go in there with the idea of seeing her, like that. But if she found out, death would be the easy way out.” he pleaded his case.

“Well don’t you worry, it will just be our little secret, Rainbow doesn’t ever have to know.” she smiled at him.

He wanted to jump for joy and give her a big hug and thank her endlessly, but he just smiled back at her and decided right then and there that he really liked her.

“Thanks, Saffron, you’re a true friend.”

The cement walls inside of the enormous laundry room had been painted as a mural, depicting the filming of various scenes from the adventures. Spike found himself looking at one of the images of Dash. She was dressed for the Second Galloping Gala and dancing with Discord. He sighed. Then he remembered Celestia laughing at Discord's joke about Twilight’s flying skills. As he looked at the image of Twilight he suddenly realized he should do one last check in the bungalow for laundry.

“Hey, Saffron? I just need to run back to the bungalow for a second to grab any last things that may need washing. This laundry is going to be crazy once that party’s over. I’ll be right back.”

“Sure Spike, see you soon.”

Spike nodded and took off back to the bungalow at a quick pace. He could see the party and as he passed by it most of them called out "Hey Spike, where ya goin? Come on and join the party!"

"In minute guys, got one more thing to do."

"Oh hey there Spike," called out Applejack, "See if you can grab my hat when you go in there. I think I left it in the bathroom"

"Sure thing AJ"

Spike bounded up to the bungalow and just as he stepped up on the porch, the door opened and Twilight came out. He was glad to see she was very calm and relaxed and smiling quite contentedly.

“Hi, there number one assistant. Coming to the party?”

“Hey Twi, just grabbing any last laundry before wardrobe takes over the laundry room.”

“Ooh, good idea. Do you mind if I don’t help? I just want to relax.”

“No problem, After I dump my stuff in the machines, I'll grab Saffron and come back to the party.”

“Oh, that new girl, Saffron. I’m really looking forward to meeting her.”

“She’s REALLY nice Twilight. I know you’ll get along great. See you at the party.”

“Sure thing Spike,”

Spike ran to his cave and grabbed a few towels. Everything else was clean. He headed into the bathroom, checked the hamper, and pulled out the modesty suit. Then he noticed another suit hanging from the shower curtain bar. He went over and pulled them down. He saw that the bottom was wet and a little slick.

“UGH!,” he said aloud in exasperation, “SOAP! Dang it Twilight knows these suits can only be cleaned by a trained unicorn! She’s not supposed to wash these herself!! She must have spilled something in her lap. ...and this has gotta be soap. I hope the fur doesn’t all fall out. Especially in this part of the suit!” He examined it closely. “Yeah, she definatly must have spilled something in her lap. Those unicorns are gonna rip me a new one when they see this. Ohh, she's really gonna get it from me!”


Rainbow Dash sauntered up to the table where Applejack, Rarity, Twilight, Fluttershy, Trixie, Starlight Pinkie, and Big Mac, were sitting..

“I’m glad you finally decided to show up Ms. Dash,” said Rarity, clearly a little tipsy. “And just where’s my little Spikey Wikey?”

“Oh he’s with that new girl - Saffron. He’s helping her do my laundry.”

“Actually he’s grabbing the last of our laundry before wardrobe takes the room over.” Twilight took a little sip from her champagne glass and smiled. “He shouldn’t be too long, Just a few towels and my “hot box,” she smirked. Suddenly her eyes flew open wide, “My hot box!!” she yelled, and leaped off the stool. She almost ran straight into Spike. He had Applejack's hat on his head.

“Twilight!,” he scolded, holding up the wet suit by the crotch, “You know you shouldn’t use soap on these!"

Twilight's face had suddenly gone bright red. She reached for the suit, trying to at least hide the crotch. Spike snatched it away, but still held the crotch aloft. Twilight was clearly getting very upset.

Spike continued his tirade, "If you spilled something in your lap it’s okay, but you’re supposed to take them straight to the unicorns in wardrobe to professionally clean them with magic! Now they're going to give ME all kinds of grief! Next time we film, if all the hair falls out of your crotch, don’t come crying to me!” Spike snapped. Then he turned and trotted quickly off toward the laundry.

Twilight’s face had never gone as red in her life as it did now.

Fluttershy was a close second, Rarity and Pinkie just laughed out loud, Rainbow was laughing so hard tears were streaming down her cheeks.

Applejack tried to change the subject, “Hey Spike!: she yelled out at almost full volume, “Thanks for gettin my hat!”

"UGH! Sorry AJ, hang on." As he turned to toss it to her, Spike dropped Twilight's other modesty suit. DAMNIT!!" he yelled. Applejack looked at the second suit. She didn’t say anything but scowled in confusion, then looked over at Twilight. The little alicorn had her head down, her face in her hooves.

Rainbow Dash yelled out, “Hey AJ, give that hat to Twilight, she may need it for when we do summer stock if the unicorns can’t fix her suit - and NOT for her head!!” The cyan pegasus then collapsed on the ground in hysterics. Applejack saw that Twilight’s ears had folded back and she was hiding her face and knew she was going to make a run for it. An idea came to the farm pony.

“Hey Rainbow - you want that ding dong back? I got it here in my saddle bag.” Applejack opened the flap. All the mares quickly gathered around to see it. They all giggled and gasped. Trixie screamed. “Applejack! Holy sh-!” but she caught herself. The mares looked over at Applejack and began to tease her about why she had borrowed it in the first place. “Hey, a pony has needs, you know!” They all laughed and kidded and nudged each other. Some whispered and pointed at the blushing blonde earth pony.

Cheerilee looked in the bag and shrugged, Then she looked at Big Mac, raised her eyebrow and smiled. He was glad no one noticed how he blushed, they were all either making cracks at Applejack or looking at Dash who still lay on the ground, laughing. Mac saw that some of the mares, now on their 3rd glass of wine getting a little nasty with their comments. AJ took it but Mac could see it was really hurting her. Then some drunk mare shouted “AJ, wasn’t there a second one? Where you keeping-” Mac immediately jumped it at twice the volume.

“Hey Rainbow - Is that ding dong thing really yours? Asked the big red Clydesdale peering into the bag. “That little thing is really kinda cute.”

“Whoahhhhhh!” went up the chorus from the mares as they all looked at Big Mac. Applejack looked at him with a relieved smile. He smiled right back at her and gave her a quick wink.

“Wha-?” Dash asked from the ground, “What’s a ding dong?”

“I think Mac’s asking if that’s your dildo, darling.” Rarity asked, teeing up for the punch line.

Fluttershy smiling innocently, commented “Or maybe it’s your darling dildo…” which was pretty much whacking the ball all the way to the green. She glanced over at Twilight to see if it helped. Nopony was watching the young alicorn anymore. Her ears were slowly unfolding. As she wiped the tears from her red eyes with the back of her hoof she looked at Fluttershy and Mac who were standing together. She smiled gratefully at the two of them. Fluttershy smiled back and winked and Mac returned the smile and gave a nod.

“WHAT?!!” objected the cyan pegasus, jumping up into a hover and glancing into the saddle bag. “That’s not mine! I don’t have one of those!”

Twilight smiled and sniffed then took a deep breath and said with a smile “Ahh, so you really ARE a mare after all!”

That was it. The whole table burst into uproarious laughter. As Rainbow Dash yelled back at them, Applejack glanced at Rarity who was smiling at her. Applejack looked back puzzled. Rarity’s expression reminded Applejack of how she looked when she’d said that thing about the “sweet mystery of life” back in her bungalow. Rarity rolled her eyes at Applejack then motioned with them toward Twilight. The young princess was looking across the table at Applejack, it was clear the little alicorn was on the very edge of controlling her emotions. Suddenly as she looked into Applejack’s eyes, an intense feeling of affection and gratitude was so clear that it moved the earth pony to the edge of tears. Twilight mouthed the words “Thank you.” Applejack, blushed, smiled and rolled her eyes.

Then Twilight mouthed three more words. For the second time, that night Applejack wasn’t prepared. In her mind, she heard Twilight's voice and the impact were more than she'd expected. The smile fell slowly from her face. Somewhere inside she became vaguely aware that she had started to lose a battle she hadn’t known she was fighting. Seeing that Twilight’s expression had become one of concern, Applejack blushed and smiled and mouthed the same words back to her just as she caught the first tears with the back of her hoof before anypony had noticed.

Comments ( 1 )

I had an idea of where I thought this was going to go. That went out the window with the rewrite, but it's not really a bad thing in my opinion.

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