• Published 5th May 2012
  • 964 Views, 25 Comments

Thunder and Lightning - UnweptSchlipps

Loyalty holds no bounds, huh? Well when it comes to family, Dash finds that hard to believe.

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Fluffing Up

The sound of laughter filled the skies as the two pegasi playfully twirled around, spiralling towards their new destination. It was around 9 o'clock when the Carousel Boutique's pink rotunda came into view. The flag located atop the tall tower fluttered in the slight breeze. It was still morning, so the sun was still rising in its high arc over the village. And, of course, white clouds still floated across the bright sky, unattended by the weather patrol.

Rainbow and Lightning touched down in front the boutique's front door, still chuckling and giggling. Dash gave the door a sharp rap, and inside they could hear the muffled voice of Rarity, saying, "Sweetie Belle, could you be a dear and get that?"

Then the door swung open, revealing a small, white filly with a kind smile on her face, saying happily, "Welcome to the Carousel Boutique! Oh hi, Rainbow Dash, my sister's been waiting for you!"

The cyan pegasus patted the small pony's mane, and said, "Nice to see ya, squirt!"

But Sweetie Belle didn't answer back, for her eyes were trained on the lightning bolt-tailed stallion that followed Dash into the shop. Lightning Flash gave the filly a friendly wink, saying, "Hola, little one. Name's Lightning Flash."

"Whoa, I like your…your…mane!" the little filly said excitedly, obviously captivated my Lightning's electrifying look.

From the top of the stairs, Rarity popped her head out, some measuring tape held in her teeth. Upon seeing the two pegasi, her eyes widened in joy, and she spit out the tape before going down to greet them. "Rainbow, darling, I'm glad you could make it!"

"Yeah, why wouldn't I make it?" Dash questioned proudly, staring at some of the elegant dresses and mannequins strewn around the store.

"Don't take this the wrong way, dear, but you have a bit of a…lazy streak. But I'm glad you could pay a visit. And I see you've brought your cousin along too!"

Rarity glanced over at Lightning, who was engaged in a conversation with Sweetie Belle. The stallion heard his name, and he said nicely, "Don't mind me, girls. I'll just be over here while you two do whatever you need to do."

"Oh nonsense, Flash, I'm sure I can find something for you around here. I do need a stallion to model some suits. Perhaps, if you'd like, you can help," Rarity answered.

Upon hearing this, Dash gave a nervous laugh and asked, "But, uh, we're still on for that makeover thing, right?"

"Of course, Dash! Why ever not? In fact, let's get to it right away! We'll start with your hair, oh it's all tied up in knots, when was the last time you brushed it? I simply cannot let my friend go out—." As Rarity chattered on about exfoliating and moisturizing, all Dash was thinking was, What did I get myself into?

While giving Sweetie Belle a piggyback ride, Lighting called out to his cousin, "Good luck, Dash!" Then, mocking Rarity's posh accent, he jokingly added, "I'm sure you will look dazzling, dear!" Normally, such a remark would put a smile onto Dash's face. But for now, it only added to her anxiety.

Rarity led the unsure pegasus into a dark room. The unicorn flicked the light switch on, revealing hair care products and make-up lined up neatly on shelves stretching across an entire wall. And across from the door was a vanity mirror, complete with sparkling lights and jewels, with a little swivel chair sitting in front.

"Wow. That is a loooot of make-up," Dash said, staring at the many bottles aligned neatly across the shelves.

"Yes, my own personal collection. I am quite proud of it if I do say so myself," the eloquent unicorn said happily. "Well, first things first, your hair. By the time I'm finished, all the stallions will be drooling at your hooves!"

Then Rarity's salon treatment began, starting with a wash of Dash's rainbow mane. Once giving it a thorough shampoo and rinse ("When was the last time you've given your mane a good wash, Rainbow?"), Rarity took a plush white towel to dry it off.

Then she sat Rainbow Dash, who was busy looking extremely uncomfortable, into the red leather chair. Magically wielding a brush, Rarity began to comb the many knots out of the pegasus's unruly mane, much to the chagrin of Dash herself.

As she stroked the brush through the rainbow colored hair, Rarity said, "I am so glad you brought Lightning along with you. You see, I've been absolutely swamped with orders for gentlecolts' suits, and I haven't been able to find a good model for them. Why, I've even resorted to trying on those suits myself! Which is why I am very grateful your cousin could lend a helping hoof."

"Yeah sure…I guess he'd be happy to help," Dash said boringly.

"And it looks like Sweetie Belle has taken a liking to him as well," Rarity continued. "And I'm sure that if she likes him, her friends love him as well."

Dash gave a small cough and said in a respectable tone, "Yeah, it's, uh, nice." I just thought it was me that they looked up to.

Upon realizing what she had just thought, Dash shook her head, prompting a curt scoff from Rarity. But Dash wasn't paying attention, for she was already saying in her mind, What am I thinking? I should be happy for Flash! He's my cousin after all.

She was so deep in her thoughts that she didn't notice Rarity smearing a light green paste all over her face. When the slimy mixture accidently got into her mouth, however, the pegasus immediately switched back to reality, saying, "Whoa, whoa, whoa! What is this stuff?"

"Oh relax, dear! It's just some paste to help your complexion and clean your face. Don't worry, Applejack had the same reaction when she first did this, but that's another story. Now hold still, and close your eyes," Rarity said reassuringly.

Reluctant, Dash sat back down and let her friend place something circular on her eyelids. "Ummm, so what exactly is on my eyes now?" she asked.

"Oh, calm down Dash! They're just cucumbers, nothing bad." Then Rarity wiped her hooves on the towel and continued, "I'll just let you sit there for a little bit and let the products do their work. Sit tight!"

As the elegant unicorn slid out of the door, Dash answered, "Okay then. But it's only for a few minutes, right?" But she was too late; the unicorn was already out of the door. Just for a few minutes, Dash thought, trying to assure herself.

But the few minutes turned into half an hour, and still she sat there. Soon, the pegasus slowly began to drift back into sleep. After all, on any other Sunday, she would still be laying out on her fluffy bed, underneath her warm blanket, sliding in and out of her dreams…


Dash woke up to the bitter taste of sweat and skin-care products. She jolted up in the chair, the cucumbers sliding off her face, babbling, "Who, what, how the—?" It took the pegasus a moment to realize she was still in the make-up room, the vanity mirror still dazzling with bright light. Dash checked the clock hanging in the corner of the little compartment; 10:30.

"That was some nap," Rainbow said to herself. She began to wonder where Rarity had gone. Then she heard the voices from outside the room, chatting away.

"What about this tie? Too tacky, too bright?" asked the shrill voice that no doubt belonged to Rarity.

"Oh no, I think it goes perfectly with the contrasting darkness of the suit. However, the, uh, cuffs seem to hug a bit close to the skin. Maybe you could make the sleeves larger, or of course you could use a French cuff instead of a regular button-fasten cuff. It'll give the suit a more formal look as well as making the sleeve less tight around the edges. But, y'know, you're the expert, not me," said a smooth voice, both humble yet confident. No way, the cyan pegasus thought. She stealthily made her way over to the door, crunching the cucumbers underneath her hooves, and cracked it open just a smidge, so she could peer out of it.

Outside was Rarity, her spectacles sitting on the bridge of her snout, peering over at a figure standing on a pedestal. It was Lightning, who wore a lime green dress shirt, a white tie around his neck. Rarity then proceeded to dress him in a smooth black vest and a dark gray formal jacket, complete with a matching green handkerchief. Rarity began to ponder for a second, as if something was missing, until a bright smile flashed across her face. As a final touch, she bestowed upon the stallion a gray fedora hat, which fit snugly on his head.

As much as Dash did not want to, she had to admit that Lightning looked absolutely stunning. But for some reason, that only made her crease her eyebrows uneasily.

"Perfect! You were right Lightning, it looks spectacular. Don't take this the wrong way, but I had no idea you had such an eye for fashion!" Rarity exclaimed, excited.

"Gracias, Rarity. I've been traveling around Equestria and seen some great places for fashion; New Colt City, Las Haygas, Maredrid, Marcelona, Syd-neigh, and I've kind of learned a lot, " Lightning said.

Upon hearing the names of these fashion capitols of the world, Rarity clapped her hooves together, saying, "Oh, you simply must tell me about it. What did you see, who did you meet, how were they like?"

Rarity kept bombarding him with questions as Dash watched from her little viewpoint in the corner. She kept listening to her cousin speak of his great adventures around the fashion world, learning how to sew, how to drape, haute-couture, etc. She saw Rarity listen intently to every word, every detail. And she could do nothing but watch like a helpless little filly, unsure of what to do. It was as if something began to stir in the pit of her stomach, and it only made her more anxious.

As she observed her friend become ever the more engrossed in her cousin's fascinating story, Dash's fires of loyalty burned brighter, just like the glimmering light of her cousin's gentle, hazel eyes.

But that loyalty could only go so far.
