• Published 21st Jun 2015
  • 26,195 Views, 1,143 Comments

A New Flame - The Zebra Hybrid

A human named James is transported into Equestria with some surprising results. First installment of the Hybrid Universe[Displaced Story]

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Act 2: A New Obstacle

Frozen North

I pick myself up off the snowy ground and looking to my left to see Malefor doing the same. Our attention was turned to a laughing Discord floating down in front of us. That name though...why did it sound so familiar? It didn't matter now though, he was blocking me and Malefor's way to the Crystal Empire and we had to get past him.

I look to my left to see my darker half sending glares at the creature above us, who was sitting in a lawn chair sipping on a glass of lemonade. I already know that I'm going to get a headache because of this guy. Discord glances in our direction floats downward, in front of me and Malefor.

"I'm surprised dragons," he says in a cocky tone, "You managed to tank that without a scratch."

"What the hell do you want with us!?" exclaimed Malefor.

"I'm just doing a little favor for a certain princess you might know."

My eyes widen, "Luna," I spat, "Now I know where I heard your name. Fluttershy told me about you. Aren't you supposed to be a good guy now?"

Discord's face dropped to a frown once I mentioned Fluttershy's name, "Don't you dare speak her name! You don't deserve too! You were the one that hurt dear Fluttershy! Because of you she hasn't been her kind self!"

I feel my stomach fill up with guilt, he was right. Fluttershy was probably devastated when she heard of my disappearance, and was probably depressed because of it. But this was all going to change once me and Malefor reach the Crystal Empire. "You right." I start "I did hurt Fluttershy, and I take full responsibility. But I'm trying to make it right if you let me and Malefor pass and get to the Crystal Empire than Fluttershy can be happy again."

Discord was silent for a few moments, I could tell the gears were turning in his brain until he answered, "I told you not to say her name." he says maliciously as the air around me and Malefor grew even colder as we both got into defensive stances in the snow "It doesn't matter what you two do at this point. You still hurt Fluttershy and made her cry and for that the both of you will die here!"

Me and Malefor barely had time to dodge as a lighting bolt fell from the sky and struck where we once were, creating an explosion of snow and plasma. Discord roared and summoned more as me and Malefor tried our best to avoid as many as we can. There was no way we could reason with this guy which meant we had to fight him head on.

"James," called out Malefor, "We have to go full power or we'll literally be fried."

"Right!" I call back as I dodge another lighting strike and gain a little distance from the Spirit of Chaos and Disharmony. I start to channel the magic in my body as I felt myself grow large and my horns grow longer. I instantly transform in to the form back from Manehattan and charge Discord with my horns covered in orange flames. Discord casually throws up a shield as I collide against it knocking me off like a pinball and sending me into the snow below.

I watch as Malefor charges as well in his transformed state and launch a torrent of purple flames at Discord but it seemed to have no effect on his shield. Once the flames died out Discord was no longer there, me and Malefor look around trying to spot him. Only for Discord to appear behind Malefor and swat him down with a giant mallet as the dark dragon collided with the ground next to me.

The both of us nod to each other and spread our wings and charge Discord once again, I teleport behind the Spirit of Chaos in a torrent of flames and catch him slightly off guard. This was enough time for Malefor to ram Discord in the gut knocking the wind out of him with me following up with a tail swipe knocking him away. Discord recovered and sent a glare at both us.

"If that's how we're going to play this game." he growls and summons two boxing gloves on his claw and paw, "The let round 2 commence!"

Me and Malefor barely saw him move as he was right in front of us delivering a right hoof to my jaw and sending me back a few in the air. I quickly regain myself in the air and watch as Malefor dodges a swipe from Discord and returning one of his own, I fly towards the two only to be slapped by Discord's tail and Malefor being kicked back to the snow covered ground. I immediately jump to the side as Discord came crashing to where I once was. This guy really wants to kill me and Malefor.

I ignite my large horns in magical flames and charge the Spirit of Chaos only for him to grab them and try to push me back. I glance over his shoulder and watch as Malefor stands to his feet and fires a blast of purple flame in our direction. The blast connects and me and Discord are blown away. Malefor starts to continue his barrage of flames not giving Discord time to recover, but to our surprise his purple flame had started to be encased in ice. Malefor stopped his assault and we both saw Discord with his talon holding a now purple pillar of ice and yawing as if he was bored.

With a might swing from Discord the pillar of ice came in our direction causing me and Malefor to take flight once again taking the fight back to the skies. Discord met us up there and sent shards of glass in our direction me and Malefor could only block as the shards scraped and pierced our scales. Fresh scrapes with blood leaking out of our bodies were a indication stating this this fight wasn't in our favor. Even if we are in our transformed state.

"Are these really the two dragons that bested Princess Luna?" taunted Discord, "To say I'm sorely disappointed. Here you two are all powered up and you can't even handle little ole' me? Come on Malefor you simply bested both the princesses in Canterlot, what happened? You sure were getting tossed around by Luna in Manehattan and now being tossed around now."

"Fuck...you." hissed Malefor.

"Such vulgar language," responded Discord, "I can now see why your the darker half of James here. Speaking of which, you have been beaten down your entire life and almost killed have you? Almost died when you first came here in fact, by some wimpy timberwolves! Then lets not forget Canterlot, then being beat by that dino-like dragon in Manehattan, then being beat by Luna in Manehattan even though you pulled through with the win. And out of all that you state that you were protecting the ones that you cared for when in reality you were really hurting them more."

I look down unable to say anything,"Alright that's enough!" shouted Malefor.

"Why!" retorted back Discord, "Do you really think that you and Trixie are friends?"

Now Malefor stayed quiet as Discord continued, "Do you really think after all the things you've done! In all honesty she probably were happy you left her on that train. And do you really think helping the changelings will bring back the wrongs you've done?"

Malefor stayed quiet before turning his head to me, "James..." he weakly says, "you need to go to the Crystal Empire. I'll stay and buy you some time."

My eyes widened, "No way! We could barely scratch him even in our transformed states now you want to fight him alone! Let me also remind you that if you die then so will I!"

"I know! But I have a feeling that this Discord would want to kill you personally and I'm guessing it's because of Fluttershy."

"Y-You don't think they they were..."

"I don't know what to think. All I know is that I can maybe buy you enough time to get to the Crystal Empire. The worst he can do is knock me out so I'll live. You on the other hand he will kill without a second thought judging by the way he is acting. Go help our friends our friends I'll join you as soon as I can."

I swallow the lump in my throat and nod, "Fine." I squeeze down as I powered down to my regular form and quickly shot off through the sky toward the Crystal Empire.

"And where do you think you're going!" shouted Discord as he was about to give chase but was cut off by Malefor and was struck by my darker self's horns and blasted away. I didn't bother looking back and was only focused on what was in front of me as I tune out the roar from Malefor and yells of Discord echoing in the distance.

Crystal Palace; Crystal Empire


That what was heard in the throne room as the four dragons, Rarity, Applejack, Trixie, Cadence, Shining Armor, Celestia and Luna all stood in silence. Ever since the two princesses walked through the door the tension in the room rose dramatically, it took Bash all the will power he had to not lunge at the princesses at that very moment but he knew that he would only cause more trouble.

Cadence cleared her throat deciding that the silence had gone one long enough, "Well, I guess we should get started. Obviously we are all here to discuss about the recent events that's been happening. Now me and Shining would like to hear Auntie Celestia's and Luna's side of the story."

Before Luna could open her mouth Celestia cut her off, "I'll be the only one speaking," started the white alicorn receiving a glare from Luna but ignored her younger sister and faced the dragons and the three ponies, "I would first like to deeply apologize for our actions back in Canterlot. It was unjust of us and shouldn't have jumped to conclusions."

Bash scoffed as he received a elbow to the side by Sam. Celestia let out a sad sigh knowing that this wasn't going to be easy but continued, "What happened in Canterlot is true, the darker half of James, named Malefor, escaped his prison and engaged in combat with James. It was then me and Luna learned that if one of these dragons died then the other would perish as well so..."

"So we gave the order for their termination," stepped in Luna with an irritated expression,"and I don't regret it. I made the decision to sacrifice two dragons for the sake of our subjects. Is that so wrong? It was then that Malefor then helped James escaped Canterlot, probably made a deal with the dark dragon and since then the two have been murdering our guards."

"Now that's bullshit!" exclaimed Bash as he stepped in front of the group, "You know you're twisting this story against us!"

Luna stepped forward as well, even though he didn't want to admit he was terrified by Luna's power and if they fought he would be destroyed, "And you are telling me none of you have killed our guards while in Equestria?"

"W-well..." stuttered Bash as Luna gave a smirk.

"As I thought, you dragons are just as barbaric as I remembered you."

"That's enough!" exclaimed Shining, "I think we should hear what Trixie and the dragons have to say."

"Wh-Why me!?" asked a shocked Trixie.

"You're the only one that Malefor seems to trust," stepped in Cadence, "and from what we heard about him, he isn't exactly....the friendliest dragons around. Could you please tell us why he is fond of you?"

Trixie stood silent, she never really thought that Malefor liked her. At most probably as a partner but nothing more, but.....he did keep her close when they went to the changeling hive and sacrificed himself to hold of Luna so she could escape with the others. The blue unicorn looked around all eyes on her before she nodded and started from where she first encountered Malefor in her carriage.

Crystal Empire Train Station

Once the colorful train came to a complete stop, Twilight, Fluttershy, Derpy, Rainbow Dash, Bolt, and Pinkie Pie wasted no time exiting the train. The group ignored the protest of ponies as they pushed them aside, due to the only thing in focus is to get to the Crystal Palace and save James. The three mares, known as Fluttershy, Derpy, and Twilight, heart's were racing as they sped along the road.

They were so close to seeing the purple drake again but yet so far when they heard that the princesses were coming here as well. The group of ponies and one dog, paid no mind to the crystal ponies sending greetings their way and kept their focus on the palace ahead of them. They then came up to the gates of the palace only to be stopped by a pair of crystal guards.

"Halt, we're afraid that we can't let any of you in." said the guard.

"Why the hay not!" exclaimed Rainbow.

"Their royal highness's are in an important meeting at the moment and wished not to be disturbed." replied the other guard.

"Can you please let us pass," started Fluttershy, "It's really important."

"I'm sorry miss, but I have my orders."

Twilight stepped to the front of the group, "Then here's my order, let us pass. By order of Princess Twilight Sparkle."

The guard's eyes widened before quickly nodding and apologizing before sending a signal to open the gate letting the group on the castle grounds and through the front doors of the Crystal Palace.

James flew as fast as he could as the Crystal Empire came closer into view, he was almost there. Just a little bit more. Sadly his celebration was cut short as he barely dodged a blast of magic from behind. He turned around to see Discord gaining behind him with his eyes glowing yellow in anger.

Malefor was behind in his regular form giving chase as well. James' face instantly went serious and focused the magic in his purple wings, setting them ablaze and increasing his speed. Malefor watching James did the same as well passing up Discord and flying by the purple drake's side. The two looked at each other and nodded before turning around as thier mouths glowed orange and purple.

The two launched their attacks sending out pillars of orange and purple flame, before becoming into one . Discord didn't have time to dodge as the giant blast struck him. The Spirit of Chaos screamed in pain and anger as the burning sensation started to spread across his body as he was sent of far in the snowy wilderness.

The two dragons panted in exhaustion before giving each other a high five.

"*pant*....Jesus...*pant*.."said James.

"*pant*...we should...*pant* probably get going.....*pant*before that son of a bitch.....*pant*comes back." replied Malefor as James nodded and the both took off toward the Crystal Empire. They were surprised as they passed through the shield just fine but they groaned as they saw the citizens screamed in terror of the two dragons heading toward their city. The guards however were mobilizing at the city gates.

"Well, I guess we tried, huh?" sadly said Malefor.

"It was a good run." replied James.

The two kept flying forward until they were met with a barrage of crystal arrows.