• Published 6th Feb 2015
  • 472 Views, 5 Comments

To Dance A Dream - Poet Knight

A dance pony's life is changed after a chance meeting

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You have to plod before you trot.

Glamdancer gazed out of the taxi Opalescence had acquired for them. The earth-pony stallion pulling it had appeared to be surprised when Opal whispered their destination to him, but had acquiesced in the end. Glam had assumed it was because not many cabs went out where they were going, and she was right. The scenery outside the taxi had changed from Manehattan's heavy urban look to a more palatial setting, with few houses on large gated properties. Manicured lawns and topiaries led to grand houses of very well-to-do ponies. The had been traveling for some time now, however the stallion did not seem to be slowing his pace any which worried Glam that they still had a ways to go. Are we going to Fillydelphia by taxi? Glam's worries were lessened by the fact that Opal was unconsciously holding Glam's hoof in her own.

"Back at the club, your coat and mane were a different color when I first saw you. An illusion was it not?" Opal's sudden question startled Glam out of her reverie.

"Um, yes. One of the club owner's underling casts it on all the dancers every night if they're willing to pay for it. It's meant to protect the dancer's identity." Glam looked at Opal as she answered, the other mare was absently looking out of her side of the taxi.

"But I think I recall seeing you without the disguise in the cage...." Opal's voice trailed off in thought.

"Well, the illusion is okay as long as your doing small spells like levitation; but I guess my teleporting broke it." Glam squeezed Opal's hoof, causing the other mare to turn her head. Opal looked first at their held hoofs, before looking up at Glam's face and the smile there.

They sat like that for a few seconds before the taxi pulled into a carriageway leading to a very large manor-house. The manor was crafted out of pure white stone and glass with a pair of large, heavy wooden double doors in the front. Glam's jaw dropped open at the sight, she had never been at a house this huge. She wondered first if even the noble manors in Canterlot were as big, and second if the driver had maybe gotten the address incorrect. The second was assuaged when Opal announced, withdrawing her hoof. "Ah, we're here."

Opal exited the taxi and motioned for Glam to follow her as she paid the driver. Glam gathered her satchel and, thanking the driver, trailed Opal up to the doors. As they approached, one of the doors opened to reveal and older stallion wearing a tuxedo coat with long tails. The stallion greeted Opalescence with familiarity, "Welcome home, Miss."

"Thank you Prim, it's good to be home." Opal then turned and gestured to Glam. "Prim, this is Glamdancer. She is a close acquaintance of ours. Glamdancer, this is Prim Dotage my family's butler."

"A pleasure." The older pony smiled. "Ah, Miss. I should warn you, your father is home and does not seem to be in the best of moods. He and the rest of your family, save young Miss Dot, are in the front sitting room."

Father's home AND in a foul mood? The only times he's been that were when Iri joined the guards, he lost that huge land bid in Seaddle, and the rumor that Lumi had gotten... oh dear.... "I see, thank you Prim. Glam, can you wait out here till I see if everything is okay?" Opal moved through the doorway and into the manor without even waiting for a response.

Prim leaned out and whispered to Glamdancer, while pointing a hoof to the side of the door opposite from the one he stood in. "Best to wait over there, it'll be less awkward and quieter."

Glam simply nodded and moved to where he had indicated. Breathing in calming breathes while watching the taxi leave back towards the city. Why do I feel like I'm in trouble?




Opal checked her appearance before entering the sitting room. As she crossed the threshold, she could tell something was off. Her father was pacing, a newspaper he wasn't looking at was held in his aura. The russet color of his coat nearing a deep brown as he fumed. More papers were scattered on the the dinette table. Her mother was sitting stiffly with a paper held in front of her, sipping tea from her cup, her face showing strain she would never have let be seen in public. And her older sister Luminescence was lounging on the sofa farthest from their parent's seats. She was also reading a paper, but with a smirk on her lips.

Opal decided to not step further in, ans instead announced simply. "Hello family."

"YOU!" Her father's bellow as he turned on Opal shocked her. "What do you have to say for yourself, young lady?"

"How could you bring this shame upon our household." Her mother chimed in.

"I... I don't understand. What are you talking about?" Opal looked bewilderingly between her parents.

Her father shoved the paper he held in front of Opal's face. Glaring back at her was a picture or herself and Glamdancer locked in a passionate kiss inside a cage. It was the main feature in the paper's society section with the header: The Eminence of Fillyfoolers! Glancing at the other papers, Opal saw they were from different publishers and tabloids, and all ran similar images.

Realizing that the pictures had to have been taken last night at the club, Opal could help but grimace. Reading a bit of the article, Opal balked. It described her willfully entering the cage and not only kissing another mare, but more intimate actions. "It... It's not what happened! I swear it!"

"So your saying you did not kiss this mare?" Her mother inquired.

"Well, I did but...."

"Opalescence Eminence, how could you! To believe that my daughter would willingly climb into some cage in some seedy nightclub and start kissing some random mare!" Her mother screamed her frustration at the end of her rant. Putting her teacup and paper down, Opal's mother stormed up to her.

Seeing her sister smirking and giggling at her predicament gave Opal a bolster she much needed. "I didn't climb into the cage, mother, I was teleported into it. And while the club was indeed seedy, the mare was not random. Her name is Glamdancer, and she saved me last night."

"What do you mean saved you? And what do you mean teleported?"

"I was roofied by some stallions at the club. Glamdancer came to my rescue, first by teleporting out of the cage then teleporting us both back into it. All I remember after is that she got us out of the club quickly."

"Where were you sleeping last night?" Her father's tone was softer, but still held an edge.

"Glamdancer took me to her place, and I went to sleep in her bed."

"You mean to tell me that you spent the night in that mare's bed? Please tell me she had the decency to sleep on the couch or floor." Her mother interjected in a calmer tone.

"No, she slept in it too."


"It's not like that mother! Her place was simply too small for her to sleep elsewhere."

Her motherly instincts taking over, Social Eminence pulled her daughter into a hug. "Well, I'm glad your all right of course. But please tell me dear, why in Equestria would you kiss this mare?"

Pulling gently out of the embrace Opal blushed slightly, "Because I think I like her mother."

"Like? As in like-like?"

"Yes, mother, like-like."

"But not love?" Her father asked, his anger seeming to have left him.

"Well, I haven't spent all that much time with her to know if it's love or not."

"How long have you known her, dear."

"Well mother, remember that story I told you about the two mares at the cafe a few weeks ago?"

"Yes, I... Oh sweet Celestia!" Her mother turned away as pieces fell into place.

"And a few days after that I came upon her practicing, we talked and she gave me some dancing lessons."

"Well,... at least we can send her a thank you card and you never have to see her again." Her father grinned.

"Actually...." Opal almost giggled at her father's reaction to what she said next. "I told her, that since she let me stay her place, she could spend the night here. She's right outside the front door."

"You what? Why?" Her sister piped up with disdain as her father looked flummoxed.

"Because we are good ponies; and good ponies keep their words, repay their debts, and can be generous to those befitting." Opal replied in haute recital of their fillyhood society lessons.

"Well said, my dear." Her mother complemented.

As her father was about to say something, Prim Dotage entered and announced that dinner was ready to be served and Dot had returned from school. Her father sighed in defeat. "Alright, Prim. Set Opal's friend up in the first guest room,... and set an extra place at the table."