• Published 14th Feb 2015
  • 1,954 Views, 44 Comments

Peachy Pie's Very Special Somepony - VitalSpark

Sunny Daze helps her best friend look for her very special somepony.

  • ...

The Only Chapter

"Peachy Pie! Peachy Pie!" someone was calling. The golden filly opened her eyes and groaned. She pushed her amber locks away from her face. It was the weekend. Why couldn't her mum just let her sleep?

She rolled out of bed and looked at the calendar on her wall. And today of all days! She wished she could go back to bed and sleep through to tomorrow — pretend Hearts and Hooves Day never happened.

Peachy Pie ambled down the stairs to the breakfast her mother had laid out for her. Oat flakes were not her favourite.

"Remember, dear, I have to go to work, so you're going round to Sunny's for the day," said her mum. "So eat up. We have to get going soon."

Was that today as well? Oh well, at least that was something. Sunny Daze was Peachy Pie's best friend, and probably going to be feeling just as lonely as her today.

Peachy Pie had helped Pipsqueak pick out the perfect present for Apple Bloom a few days ago. And she knew that Rumble had a soft spot for Scootaloo. Twist would be making a batch of candy for Truffle Shuffle. (Peachy had no idea what she saw in him: Twist was hardly the prettiest pony in class, but she could do better than him.) And of course every colt in class would be fawning over Diamond Tiara, Silver Spoon, and Sweetie Belle. Probably some of the fillies would be too.

Who would ever be Peachy Pie's very special somepony?

Peachy Pie finished the last of her oat flakes before slurping up the milk from the bowl.

"Okay, time to go now," announced her mother, picking up her keys. The two ponies trotted out the door, turned left onto the street, and walked three buildings along to Sunny's house. Peachy's mother knocked on the door.

"Oh hi, Cream!" Sunny's mother answered the door with a friendly smile. She called up the stairs, "Sunny! Peachy's here!"

Peachy's mother distractedly flicked through her saddlebag, looking for something. "Thanks for looking after her, Fry, you're a life-saver!"

"It's really no problem," Sunny's mother chirped cheerfully, "they more or less look after themselves now anyway. They're not foals anymore." She bent down to address Peachy Pie. "Happy Hearts and Hooves Day, Peachy! So have you got any cards from any special someponies?"

Peachy Pie looked away. Why did she have to be reminded?

"Oh, she's being bashful," said Sunny's mother, addressing Peachy's mother again.

At that moment, Sunny Daze bounded down the stairs, a big grin on her face. "Peachy!" the pale orange filly called, excited to see her best friend, even though they'd been at school together the day before, and would be again in a couple of days.

Peachy Pie trotted past Sunny's mum and gave her friend a quick hug. The two ponies trotted up the stairs. "Bye, dear!" Her mother's voice came floating over Peachy's shoulder.

Sunny Daze, almost bounced up the stairs. "So, have you gotten any Hearts and Hooves cards today?"

Peachy Pie's ears drooped. "No," she answered glumly.

"No, neither have I," said Sunny, instantly appearing less full of the joys of spring. Once the two ponies had arrived at her room, Sunny walked over to the bed and pushed some papers off it to make some space. She swept them underneath the bed and then sat on the side, tapping the space next to her with her hoof. "Come and sit over here," she said to her friend.

The two ponies sat and talked about school, and their friends for some time before the conversation came back to Hearts and Hooves Day.

"I'm fed up of not having a very special somepony!" Peachy Pie got up and started to walk up and down between the bed and the over-full desk.

"Well, what are you going to do about it?" asked her friend, leaning back on the vacated part of the bed.

"I'm going to find my very special somepony today," a determined Peachy Pie said with a stomp of her hoof. "You mark my words! With Celestia as my witness, by the time the sun goes down, I will have found my somepony!"

"Wow!" Sunny's eyes were wide with surprise. "You're really serious about this?"

"Yup." Peachy looked out of the window at the blue sky. "By sundown."

"Then you're going to need my help," insisted her friend. "Where do we start?"

"Well, we're fairly unlikely to find my very special somepony in your room, aren't we? We need to get out of the house. Will your mum let us go and hang out in town?"

"I don't know." Sunny looked from side to side uncertainly. "I suppose we could ask."

The fillies walked down the stairs and found Sunny's mother in the kitchen.

Sunny approached her mother, with her eyes wide and a look of expectation on her face. "Can we go out for... ummm... a picnic?" she asked.

Her mother looked up from her reading. "You know how my hay fever gets this time of year, Sunny."

"I know, but you don't have to come, do you? We'll be careful. We won't go far from home. And we'll stick together."

"Hmmm..." Sunny's mother grasped her chin with a hoof, as if that would help her come to a decision. She reasoned that they were both very responsible fillies for their age. And Ponyville was the kind of place where nothing bad or dangerous ever happened. She looked at the girls who were putting on their most irresistibly pleading expressions. "I suppose so," she relented. Both girls grinned from ear to ear. "But you need to promise to be good, to stay near the house, and to come straight back if anything seems wrong."

"We promise!" screeched the fillies in unison, bouncing up and down on the spot.

Sunny's mother busied herself packing some food for the picnic. Two little saddlebags, each containing a hay sandwich, an apple, and a small bottle of milk.

Sunny found a notepad and pencil.

"What's that?" Peachy's eyes shot open in surprise.

"It's a list of potential someponies," said Sunny who had started scribbling names.

"Let me see!" demanded Peachy, reaching for the notepad.

"No, I don't want to bias you." Sunny snatched it away.

"Awwww!" Peachy scowled. That was so not fair!

"Your picnic's ready!" called Sunny's mum from the kitchen. The two ponies collected the saddlebags, thanking her profusely. Sunny gave her mother a kiss on the cheek, and the two friends trotted down the garden path.

Sunny clearly had a plan, so Peachy followed her. Straight to the house next door.

"Wait. What are we doing here?!" Peachy Pie asked.

"Visiting your first potential someponies," answered Sunny, like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

Peachy looked confused. "But this is your aunt and uncle's house, isn't it?"

"Not them, silly!" Sunny walked to the door, about to knock. "I'm taking you to see Green and Shady."

Green Daze and Shady Daze were Sunny's cousins. Two older colts with identical blue manes. Peachy had to admit to herself that they were shaping up to become pretty handsome young stallions.

"Your cousins?" asked Peachy. "Sure, I'll date one of your cousins. That wouldn't be weird at all, would it?" she added sarcastically.

"What's wrong with them?" Sunny frowned, her ears drooping a little. She held back her hoof: if Peachy wasn't interested, there would be no point in knocking.

"To start with, I hardly know them. And from what I do know of them, we have nothing in common. They're also quite a bit older than us. My very special somepony should be someone our age, someone I can relate to," explained Peachy Pie.

"Oh," said Sunny, looking deflated. She took out her notepad and struck lines through two names. "So, nopony who's much older than you?" Sunny sucked on the tip of her pencil. Peachy Pie shook her head. Sunny struck a few more names off her list. "And I suppose nopony who's much younger either?" Peachy Pie shook her head again. Sunny struck some more names from her list.

"Okay," continued Sunny, perking up a bit, "this next one's a real cutie, and more our age."

The two ponies trotted out of Sunny's uncle's garden and towards town. They stopped outside the video game arcade. "Look." Sunny pointed a hoof inside.

Peachy Pie peered into the arcade. "Archer?!"

"No, I meant Button," said Sunny Daze, gesturing into the arcade again. "He's cute, right?"

"I suppose so." Peachy Pie looked at him bashing the controls of whatever game it was that he was sat in front of. "But he's obsessed with video games. When he's not down here, he'll be playing them at home."

"What's wrong with video games?" Sunny Daze looked hurt. "I play video games. You play video games."

"I know…" Peachy turned to her. "But Button plays them all the time. All. The. Time. He'd never want to spend any time with me. I want a special somepony who wants to be with me. Somepony willing to give up their day for me."

"Alright, Princess Demandy-Pants." Sunny Daze smiled. Her curiosity was piqued though. "Why did you think I meant Archer?"

"Well, you pointed at her." Peachy gestured at the blue filly with a bow and arrow cutie mark. "And she's pretty cute."

"I hadn't even considered putting any fillies on the list — I just assumed you were looking for a colt." Sunny started scribbling more names on the list. "I suppose that opens up some more possibilities. So, what about Archer?"

"Video games," answered Peachy.

Sunny sighed. "OK, come along."

The two fillies trotted off in the direction of Ponyville Park.

* * *

"Look," whispered Sunny Daze, peering out from behind a tree.

"What am I looking at? And why do we have to whisper?" Peachy Pie looked around the park.

"Ssshhh! Look!" Sunny gestured with a hoof.

Peachy Pie saw two pegasus ponies having a picnic. "Rumble and Scootaloo?!"

"Yeah," whispered Sunny, "I was going to just suggest Rumble, but after the whole Archer thing, I reckon just pick either of them."

"I'm not going to break up an existing couple just to find my special somepony," said Peachy. "What kind of a pony do you think I am?"

"I hadn't really thought of it like that," admitted Sunny Daze. "No, you're too nice to do something like that."

The two ponies decided to take a break from their hunt and walked around the pond. A white stallion in a straw hat was fishing. He didn't look like he was catching anything. Their friend Firelock (apparently "too young") was sailing a toy boat and let Peachy and Sunny have a turn too.

* * *

"So what exactly are you looking for in a special somepony?" asked Sunny Daze as the two ponies trotted along the road.

"Oh, I don't know." Peachy tried to picture what her special somepony might look like, but her mind drew a blank.

"Well, you've already said somepony our age. Somepony who wants to spend time with you. Anything else?"

"Somepony that's kind and generous. Somepony that makes me smile when I'm feeling sad. And somepony that smiles when they see me too!" Peachy Pie closed her eyes, trying to imagine being with that special somepony. "Somepony I don't feel under pressure to talk with, and do things with. Somepony I can just relax and be me with."

As they walked around a bend in the road, Sunny turned with the road, but Peachy, her eyes still closed, walked straight off the edge. She felt a pull on her tail, and opened her eyes. In front of her was a sheer drop (several ponies high!) into a muddy wallow. Peachy watched as her saddlebag fell into the mud with a splat. "Oh no!" she cried as the bag disappeared into the gloop. Her back legs were still on solid ground, but her front legs were suspended in mid air. Suspended by Sunny who had caught her tail in her teeth just in time. Peachy backed up carefully.

Peachy threw her front hooves around her friend, hugging her.

"Watch where you're going, will you?" Sunny broke away from the hug. "You scared me half to death there."

"Sorry." Peachy sheepishly scratched at the ground with a hoof.

The two ponies walked on, arriving at the playing fields. Some of the colts from school were playing baseball.

"OK, how about First Base?" Sunny Daze pointed at an orange colt with a blue mane.

"What? He has zero personality," objected Peachy Pie, shaking her head.

"Plum Star?" Sunny gestured towards a member of the opposing team.

Peachy frowned, half remembering something she'd heard about the purple-haired colt. "He's cute, but Sweetie Belle told me he once made her cry."

"Urgh!" grunted Sunny. "Nopony is good enough for you."

Peachy Pie's stomach started rumbling. "I'm hungry."

"OK, let's sit down and have some lunch," suggested Sunny, looking around for somewhere to have their picnic.

The two fillies ambled over to a bench to sit and watch the game. "D'oh!" Peachy Pie buried her face in her hoof. "I lost my lunch, didn't I?!"

"Never mind," said Sunny cheerfully, "you can share mine." She ripped her hay sandwich in half, and passed the slightly bigger half to her friend.

"Thanks, Sunny, you're the best!" Peachy Pie chomped down on the sandwich hungrily. Sunny's mum made wonderful packed lunches.

Once they'd finished the sandwich, the ponies shared the apple and milk too. Peachy sat and watched the rest of the game while Sunny went through her list, crossing out names, occasionally thinking of new ones and noting them down, often to cross them out later.

At the end of the game, they walked back into town. Sunny had reached the point of suggesting almost every pony they saw as a potential special somepony, and Peachy was managing to find objections to them all.

Zipporwhill was too young. So was Dinky Doo. Featherweight was too skinny. Rainy Feather was too yellow, but Bloo was not nearly yellow enough. Snips and Snails... just... no.

* * *

It was the end of the day, and the two fillies had been trotting around so much that their hooves were sore. They came to the large orchard that lay across the road from their homes. This was part of the block of land that Apple Bloom's family had set aside as a sort of nature reserve for fruit bats and other creatures that enjoyed apples. Ponies were free to help themselves to an apple or two if they could find any that hadn't been gobbled up by the wildlife. They walked around the orchard, looking for apples.

"I can't believe I haven't found anypony." Peachy looked at the ground and scratched a hoof in the grass.

"We've found plenty of ponies," pointed out Sunny. "It's just none of them were good enough for you."

Peachy Pie looked at her best friend. "You think I'm being too fussy?"

"I didn't mean that." Sunny searched the branches around her. "You're a special pony, and you deserve somepony that will make you happy."

Sunny spotted a couple of apples and twisted them off the branch they were growing on with her forehooves. They both slumped down at the base of an apple tree, leaning on its trunk and looking out over the orchard.

The sun was beginning to set, and the sky was ablaze with vivid yellow, orange, red, pink, and purple streaks.

Sunny passed an apple to Peachy. "Don't be sad though."

"I'm not sad," said Peachy, before taking a bite of the apple.

Sunny looked at her friend and saw that she looked perfectly content. She didn't think Peachy looked sad — if anything, she looked happy. Sunny thought about their day and smiled, because even if they hadn't found Peachy's very special somepony, they'd had a lot of fun together.

The two friends watched the sunset together.

Author's Note:

Happy Hearts and Hooves Day everypony!

Comments ( 44 )

This is certain one adorable little fic involving two very underloved fillies and I honestly love how you portrayed them as well.

Ah, the first entry into our Hearts and Hooves Day Contest, and, all-in-all, a very much delightful one-shot if I do say so myself. I do have a question: how old exactly, in terms of, let's say, human years, do you envision Peachy Pie and Sunny Daze as? I only ask because throughout the fic, they both seemed oddly nonchalant about the idea that Peachy could be into either fillies or colts, but if I knew what you thought their age was, it might make a bit more sense to me. I hope this isn't coming across the wrong way, and I'll admit I myself don't know much about how early in life people are very certain of and comfortable with their sexuality, but it was just a little odd trying to envision two fillies from the show being this comfortable when they're probably, at most, 13 or so, with bisexuality as a normal concept (just because that's right around the age where kids are, very often, though admittedly not always, just starting to think about those more mature concepts of sexuality). Again, I really, really, REALLY hope this question isn't coming across the wrong way; one author to another, I'm honestly curious about your creative input here that went into determining this behavior from these two characters.

Now, I will admit that, as a creative choice, it would have been a lot more problematic for me if the ending had gone where I thought for 95% of the fic it was going to go. The ending still kinda went where I thought it was going, but it was a lot better than I thought it would be. Instead of being some sort of Hallmark/Lifetime Channel movie-like ending where "the love-of-her-life was right in front of her all along," you kept it refreshingly ambiguous, which I appreciated for a couple of reasons. For starters, as I mentioned before, they're still kids, they can hardly be expected to have everything as far as something as important as their love lives figured out entirely in one afternoon. Second, it remains up in the air whether or not this fic is even about romance; these two could easily become each other's very special somepony in the future, but it could just as easily be a fic about two best friends being there for each other, or it could even be about both. It's just really nice that the ending didn't have a definitive answer; it kinda felt like, say, the first act of "The Fox and the Hound." Whereas later in life, Copper and Todd start worrying about adult responsibilities, the animosity they're supposed to have for each other, and, in Todd's case, falling in love and raising a family, all those adult things, in the first act, all that matters to them is finding a good friend and having fun with them. That's what kids do, they enjoy the simple things for simple reasons, and that's alright, cause they've got their whole lives to figure stuff out like who they're going to spend the rest of their life with. So yeah, like I said, the ending was a pleasant surprise given that, for a lot of the fic, I thought it was going to be a lot more cliche.

As for the rest of the fic, I have no really major complaints. Grammar and spelling were sound, the pacing was fine. I just realized you must've set it on a Saturday since it's clearly the weekend and they said they'd be back at school in two days, so that's very clever, you set it on the same day of the week as this year's Valentines Day, very clever indeed. I could gripe that Peachy felt really picky at times, BUT at the same time she's a kid; finding a special somepony's still gotta be a very new concept to her, and c'mon, we were all kids once and really picky about a lot of things, so it felt like accurate behavior as well. She's not at a point where the idea of 'opposites attract' would make much sense to her, though as a minor complaint, it did seem like, even though some of her complaints were superficial at times, others she'd put a lot of thought into. Again, this goes back to my earlier question of how old these two are supposed to be? But whatever, it's a minor point at best. Overall, this was a really cute fic that I very much enjoyed, and thanks for contributing it to our contest, VitalSpark!!! :twilightsmile:

P.S. As an author who writes about background ponies (e.g. Derpy, Time Turner, etc.) myself, bonus props for using two very, very, VERY under-utilized background characters as well. Just always nice to see as many canon characters as possible getting some fan love. :rainbowkiss:

5625031 To be perfectly honest, I haven't thought too much about how old they are. The same age as the CMCs, but depending on what point in the FIM time line you place it, how old is that? Certainly after season 4 because "Bats" is referenced.

My headcanon is that the gender ratio in Equestria is fairly skewed. (Seriously, what proportion of the ponies you see in the show are male?) So lesbianism and bisexuality are commonplace and not ideas that a young pony would be unaware of. (I've also written a fic starring Trixie where this is mentioned, though she's specifically after a stallion, partly as a status symbol, and partly because she wants to start a family.)

It is indeed set on a Saturday. It kind of needed to be so that they could wander around town all day instead of being stuck at school. The fact that Valentine's day fell on a Saturday this year was just a bonus.

I'm glad you liked the ending. It was hard to find the right balance. Some of my earlier drafts didn't drop enough hints, and one or two pre-readers missed the point of the ending and thought it was a sad story. :(

Thanks for your comments!

5624953 Thanks. There are literally only two or three other fics that mention Sunny Daze on this site, and none with Peachy Pie. (There are a couple of fics that use one of those names for an OC though.) I thought they deserved a little love!

Ah, thank you, that makes perfect sense. While the "there's a major female-male imbalance in Equestria" idea's never been a part of my own head canon, I have always liked the idea for fanon material that sexuality preference isn't a contentious issue in Equestria (mostly because of the realities of shipping in this fandom, but also because it's just refreshing not having to deal with that issue in a fantasy land when it's talked to death in our own reality, and this coming from a conservative Christian, mind you :raritywink:). So yeah, it makes perfect sense that if sexuality isn't really a contentious issue in Equestria, it wouldn't be odd in the slightest for younger ponies to think of something like bisexuality as a perfectly normal thing. Thanks for the clarification, that makes Peachy and Sunny's behavior A LOT easier to understand. :scootangel:

Have a like for sheer adorability.

Super cute and i loved it it was so romantic... :twilightsheepish: okay maybe not i guess.

Is the end implying that Peachy Pie wasn't fond of any colt or filly because she has feelings for Sunny Daze that she hasn't realized yet?
Because that's the way I interpret it. :twilightsmile:

Very nice and beautiful story! It was a very relaxing read and I feel all happy now. :)
And it's wonderful that you have made it that way that Peachy and Sunny considered fillies as special someponies too. :)
This story gets a favourite from me for the reason named above and because it's one of the few (if not the only) fanfiction about Sunny and Peachy. :twilightsmile:

5629940 The ending is intentionally ambiguous. We realize that Peachy and Sunny are potentially suited to each other, but it's left open to interpretation as to whether they realize that themselves.


I thought so and I love it how subtle you hinted on that. :heart:

So I decided to read this story again and thought that it was pretty sweet. Great to see two fillies spend a great time with each other. :heart:

Author Interviewer

Come down hard on Truffle Shuffle why don'tcha? :(

I adore how you ended this. I was just expecting her to realize that Sunny was her VSP all along. :)


Come down hard on Truffle Shuffle why don'tcha?

Moi?! That was Peachy Pie's opinion of him, not mine! :scootangel:

I was just expecting her to realize that Sunny was her VSP all along.

Maybe she will some day.

It's an interesting concept but I think the story is boring.

Up until they set out looking, the story lacks a hook to catch my attention and comes across as bland. It was well paced, however, and worth reading to that point to get to what really entertained me. Characterizations start to show, and tension around whether the friends might end up together starts to build. It's a fun treat to see the careful attention paid to well- and lesser-known background fillies and colts and their relationships as well. My favorite part was the ending. :rainbowkiss:

Thanks for a super cute story.

5701105 Thanks! If I had to choose one story that I'm most happy with, it would probably be this one. I'm sad that not as many people have read it as some of my other stories, but those who have seem to have broadly enjoyed it at least.

5701148 I hope your story gets more views soon. It's been added to the featured folder in Foalcon.

I'm already a fan of both Peachy and Sunny, and I've had to point out their non-OC status to people myself after using them both in one of my own stories. Clearly, I need to give this a read. :twilightsmile:

It's very cute and I upvoted it, but I do have some minor nitpicks:

Sunny is the filly with the golden mane, Peachy has the orange one. (Note the cutie marks.)

Boysenberry is a girl. (You can tell from the shape of her face.)

Other than that, it's a nice read and I'll be adding it to some groups so other people can check it out.

I didn't get a chance to drop one of these the last time I was here, :twilightsmile:


Sunny is the filly with the golden mane, Peachy has the orange one. (Note the cutie marks.)

I don't actually refer to the girls' mane colours in the story. The descriptions of them being "golden" and "pale orange" refer to their coat colours, not their manes. Their coats are of such similar colours that "golden" or "pale orange" could frankly refer to either of them.

Boysenberry is a girl. (You can tell from the shape of her face.)

I agree that Boysenberry looks girlish, but according to mlp.wikia.com is a colt. I tend to treat that site as being authoritative in such matters — I know it's a community-edited wiki, and far from perfect, but I'm the kind of person that likes to have an authority to appeal to for such things.

Other than that, it's a nice read and I'll be adding it to some groups so other people can check it out.


My issue in this case is that the pic they're showing isn't the foal that practically everyone else in the fandom refers to as "Boysenberry". For some reason they have her as "Unnamed Earth Filly #2"... but a search under the "Boysenberry" tag on Derpibooru turns up her pics.

I was actually expecting the ending to be that Peachy Pie decides that Sunny Days should be her special somepony...
Then again, that probably would have been a bit clichéd...

Finished reviewing for the Goodfic Bin. Accepting due to it being very, very nice. Decision is here!

Congratulations! This story is now featured on the front page of TGB. :twilightsmile:

5716241 It looks like somebody else has cottoned on to the Boysenberry confusion, and his name on the wiki is now "Plum Star". I'm going to edit the story to update his name.

Peachy Pie

"Oh hi, Cream!" Sunny's mother answered...


5977628 Did you figure out Sunny's mother's name too?

Ayy, I read a lot of your other stuff, mainly of the mature variety, but this is so adorable! I really would like to see a bit of a longer, perhaps multi-chapter fic about how these two slowly realize they were right there all along. Honestly though, anything more with them would definitely be welcome! :rainbowkiss:

5977965 I did, but it didnt make me laugh as much. I read it during my lunch break and the guys in the shop were like wut? :derpyderp2:

5978777 I've thought about it. I think at some point later in the year I might do a poll to see which of my stories people want a sequel for. This story is a definite candidate.

5978815 Ooooh man... that might be a tough choice, but I'd probably choose the non mature story over the clop. I'm a sucker for cutesy, slowly developing romance.

Annnnd you just killed me with adorableness...
How dare you D'x

Nice story!
Twas awesome sauce!

Thanks. I think it's my favourite story that I've written.

6219936 You're very welcome!
Its a very nice story well done ^v^

"OK, how about First Base?" Sunny Daze pointed at an orange colt with a blue mane.
"What? He has zero personality," objected Peachy Pie, shaking her head.

This sounds like a jab at Flash Sentry. :rainbowlaugh:

This was so cute! :raritystarry::rainbowkiss:

You know, I believe you are the first person to notice my little joke there. :twilightsheepish:

I'm glad you liked it.

6701705 :rainbowlaugh: Considering they have a similar color scheme...
*decides to write a story with Peachy Pie and Flash Sentry*

I like how seamlessly you eased into their "bi" acceptance and respected the intelligence of your audience enough to not have to shove her final decision down our throats.

For me, it gave the story a very naturalistic feel. This was a sweet little read!

Thanks. I've written quite a few stories on this site now but this one remains one of the handful I'm proudest of.

Full review here, but in brief: a really pleasant, show-tone fic with a very nice ending. An easy upvote.

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