• Published 4th Feb 2015
  • 1,788 Views, 35 Comments

The Luna Problem - Meep the Changeling

The rulers of Equis's other nations gather to discuss a possible war due to Luna's return, where an uninvited leader reveals the world's true enemy.

  • ...

The Threat

Author's Note:

This is a world building piece in tended to build up my AU for you guys and provide a glimpse of life outside Equestria, as well as give you a look at the villein behind in the web of plots that is my collection of stories.

Hope you enjoy!

Imperial Palace, Neighpon City
October 17th 2000 EoH

The noon sun shown down upon the palace courtyard where six banners were hung with the respect due their nations. Each one was a work of art unto itself. The care and love of fledgling nations had been poured into their designs. In the hundreds of centuries since their creation, the nations represented by those six banners had become the greatest nations on Equis. Each one held sway over enough land, people, and resources to do nearly anything their leaders wished. Or even worse, to accidentally do things their leaders did not wish to.

In ages past as tensions between the nations rose their leaders began to fear the possibility of a horrendous war. A war so terrible it would destroy everyone involved and damage the very world for centuries to come. In the hopes of avoiding such a war, the great nations of Equis agreed to form a guild for the sovereigns of all great nations which would be bound by a diplomatic code of conduct.

The Sovereign's Guild and its code were essential to ensuring world peace. For the vast majority of all international incidents the Guild had prevented hostilities between major nations. But that was only the smallest of Guild achievements. In recent times the world leaders had called for a Council of Nations to find ways for the grate nations to assist lesser ones.

Any Guild member could call for a Council of Nations. Attending a Council was mandatory for all members, and these meetings were held as soon as everyone could clear a day in their schedules. In recent times a Council being called for was a relatively rare occurrence. Emperor Nori Riu the Sovereign Lord of the Neighponeese Empire, had only ever been to seventeen Councils in his forty years of life. This was the first he had ever hosted.

The Emperor stood within his palace's courtyard just beneath the standard holding aloft his nation's banner. The standards were arranged at equal points of a circle around a large marble platform into which was carved many arcane runes forming the basis for an ancient summoning spell. Nori stood beneath his nation's heraldry, a simple yellow field with a red star in the middle. The same red star rested upon his flanks, and the exact same shade of yellow colored his mane and tail.

Nori was tall for a metal pony. He stood two hooves shorter than the height typical of other pony kinds, but one hoof taller than any of his people. His white coat shone as if it were polished metal and his black eyes held a measure of seriousness and duty lacking in most leaders. Nori had not been born into the Imperial family. He was a military pony born and raised. The crown was his simply because many years ago nopony else held a higher rank in the military, and the nobility were dead to the last.

Nori had fought for his nation after it has lost its Emperor, its nobles, and its greatest city all in the same moment. Neighpon had shattered, and the metal ponies split into clans. The great Empire would have faded away if not for Nori's iron hooved will and tactical ability. For preventing his nation from dying after it's heart had been burned away, Nori was chosen by his ponies as the new Emperor.

Nori knew when a situation was about to boil over. He would have been slain while uniting the Shoguns long ago if he couldn't recognize a bad situation when he saw one. This time the trouble was not brewing in his nation, it was coiling in a distant land like a viper preparing to strike. Luna Solarus, the Princess of the Night had returned to Equestria this summer.

Information took a long time to leave the Kingdom of Equestria. The nation closed its borders to almost everyone. The Tribunal, Celestia's infamous internal affairs agency had strict rules for dealing with the Kingdom. Diplomats could only talk about certain issues, immigrants had to take blood oaths to prevent them from talking about their homelands in detail, and news which left the nation was even more controlled then what was allowed in.

The great nations of the world followed the Tribunal's rules because breaking them would constitute an act of war. No questions would be asked, no opportunity for surrender would be given, Equestria would simply attack. Nori couldn't blame Celestia for these rules. He presumed it would be hard for an immortal to accept change in something shaped by her own hooves into a functioning utopia.

Fortunately for Nori, his spies were able to tell him plenty about the isolated nation. It's power rivaled that of any three nations combined, yet within its borders there was complete peace. If Equestria was as peaceful on the outside as it was on the inside Nori would not have called for this Council. But he knew from personal experience how hostile the pony nation was to the outside world.

Twenty years ago Nori had sent his lover and second in command to ask Equestria for medical aid for civilians who were injured when the old Imperial City had fallen. Three months later Nori had received his second's head on a pike, along with a note from the head of the Tribunal informing Nori that his love's tongue had slipped while making his request. The Tribunal also said they would forgive his transgression this time because he was a new head of state, but not to test them again. Celestia did not need to know the horrors which lay beyond their Exclusion Zone.

That was the evils committed by the Equestria of the past. Now the kingdom's other immortal ruler had returned and the history books spoke of Princess Luna as a general first and a princess second. Many of the metal ponies Nori ruled saw Luna as a goddess due to how she was described. She was a master strategist, a fierce warrior, and held impossible power. If the stories about her were true, Equestria would sooner or later march to war to sate the Night Princess's thirst for battle.

The leaves which covered the courtyard suddenly began to swirl around the raised stone platform at its center. Motes of light formed and gathered around the stone as the teleport circle etched into its surface glowed announcing someone's arrival. Emperor Nori stood to attention, making himself look as large as he could as his guests arrived. Since the Guild forbade any of the attendees from adorning themselves with jewels, armor, weapons, or clothing (save for species who dressed for modesty), Nori always felt a bit of inadequacy as his peers towered over him.

The first of the rulers to appear was Eirik the Red, King of the Griffons. He stood at twice Nori's height on legs which rippled with muscles even as he stood still. The king's coal black feathery coat and piercing golden eyes were intimidating enough, but with the combination of his size, strength, and dull red-brown tipped wing and tail feathers Eirik had a hard time not striking fear into everyone.

King Eirik stepped out of the teleportation circle, gave a nod to Nori, and walked over to sit beneath the Griffon Kingdom's dark forest green banner. Amusingly enough if Eirik were to rear up and flair his wings he would have matched the gold silhouette of the griffon embroidered upon his nation's heraldry. He tipped his beak respectfully, “Nori.”

“Eirik.” Nori replied returning the greeting with a slim smile.

Next was Xorva, the Zebrican Pharaoh. She was old enough to require braces on her legs in order to stand, and for her once black and white striped coat to be gray and slightly darker gray. Yet in defiance of her advanced age her orange eyes held a brightness and luster to them unseen even in the most carefree of youths.

She stepped down from the platform with the care her age warranted, only to quickly trot to her nation's banner and sit beneath its white sun emblem where she cheerfully waved to her peers, “Eirik, Nori, pleasant day for a meeting.”

The third ruler arrived before the two could return her pleasantry. Aphel Strucle, twelfth Prime Minister of Germaney trotted to his banner immanently, wings flared to appear as large and important as possible. The pegasus stallion was always one to over inflate his ego, something Nori found typical to pegasus ponies, especially the jet black coated, black mane and tailed, red eyed ones.

Aphel stood by his red, gold, and gray tri-color banner rather than sit at it's base like his peers. His stance forced his golden shield cutie mark onto everypony's eye level. Nori knew Aphel intended it to be threatening, and symbolic of his willingness to defend his nation, but it only made Nori laugh on the inside at 'Shield Butt'.

“Gutten tag.” Aphel greeted in his native tongue.

Eirik rolled his eyes, “Sit down.”

Aphel sat just in time for the youngest ruler to arrive. The ironically named High Queen of the Diamond Dogs, Old Lassie stepped from the platform almost before she had fully materialized. She wore a loose flowing black robe which complemented her long, fine white fur, and matched her uniformly black eyes perfectly. Panting lightly she adjusted her robes with her paws as she stepped to her heraldry, a single diamond clutched in an upraised paw. “Nori-friend, your court mage need look at my platform. My clothing has been rumpled by the journey, any more disruption of the spell and I could have been turned inside out! I will not leave until the spell is repaired.”

Nori dipped his head slightly in her direction, “My apologies. My madoushi is quite new to her duties. I will reprimand her later.”

“See that you do.” Lassie said dismissively as she got her clothing's minor wrinkles straitened out.

The teleport circle flared a bright green as the last ruler arrived. It took a fair bit of magic to transport her, almost more than the spell could provide at once. The Empress of Dragonkind appeared slowly, her form rendered one part at a time as the spell worked to piece her together, greatly challenged by the complex magics woven into her very body.

Empress Kyrielasion groaned as the spell finished. Her true size had to be reduced for her to fit within Nori's courtyard, her strength and weight also were reduced so she would not break things merely by touching them. The old teleport spell had never been made to accommodate draconic magic. It showed on Kyrie's muzzle in the pained expression which revealed her shark-like teeth.

Kyrie stretched her golden wings out wide, shaking the stiffness out of them before crossing to her banner in a single step. The red reptilian eye emblem on a black field matched Kyrie's own eye shape, but held none of the kindness of her green slit pulped eyes. The Empress spoke, addressing everyone before the formal Council could begin, “Once again, I must ask you to allow my sorcerers to modify our teleport spell. I swear it gets slower every time.”

“We can debate modifications to the summons spell another time.” Nori promised. Then taking a breath he quickly opened the Council with the formal words. “Today I must open the one-thousand and twenty-ninth Council of Nations to discuss matters relating to the non-member nation known as the Kingdom of Equestria. Will you listen to my words?”

One by one the other world leaders nodded. Each saying “I shall listen.” in turn progressing counter clockwise from Nori.

“I thank you for your attention, and swear to bring nether deception nor hostility to those at this council.” Nori finished, falling silent for a moment as he searched for the proper words to use for his speech.

Translation spells did not always allow for prefect communication, and the Diplomat's Tongue was quite the difficult language for metal ponies to master.

“Is this a proposal to add Equestria to the Guild? I for one, am against such an idea.” Aphel informed.

“No,” Nori said quickly, “Equestria's foreign policy disqualifies her from being a member of our Guild, even then Celestia's immortality gives her a unique and unfair advantage of boundless experience. No my friends, I have called you hear to inform you of some dire news. My supai have- apologies, my spies inform me that Princess Luna Solarus has returned to Equestria.”

There was a moment of silence in the courtyard during which the various leaders exchanged worried looks. After some time, Xorva turned to King Eirik, “Eirik, if I remember correctly your grandsire fought the Night Princess during the Griffon-Pony war. Can you offer us any important information?”

Eirik shook his head, “I can not tell you anything you do not already know. The history books are accurate. I assume Nori has called us hear fearing Luna will push her nation into another war. I for one say these fears are justified.”

“Your Kingdom lost the Crystal Empire region to Equestria, correct?” Aphel asked smugly.

“That was the past. My armies are greater than my ancestor's by a thousand fold!” Eirik snapped.

“Gentlemen,” Nori waved a hoof for attention, “You can settle your personal differences on your own time. We need to think of a way to discourage Equestrian expansion into our respective territories.”

“Indeed. While I have dealings with Princess Celestia, I for one have never met her sister.” Kyrie agreed, laying on her belly as she continued speaking, “I do however know of Celestia's regret for her sister's banishment. If Luna uses this regret to her advantage, she could lever her sister into agreeing to almost any course of action.”

“Luna was banished?” Lassie asked curiously, “I had no idea.”

Kyrie nodded slowly, “That piece of information cost the life of one of my ambassadors. It seems the Tribunal polices more than I thought. What baffles me is Celestia simply told her, knowing full well her agents would then dispose of the young drake.”

“Such barbarism! And she dares to paint my people as savages in her nations history books!” Eirik fumed clenching one talon in anger.

“Come now,” Xorva asked, “The most powerful nations of the world are all gathered hear. Equestria is powerful, brutal, and efficient. It could take on any of our nations and stand a good chance of winning, but it can not fight all our nations at once. Surly a mutual defensive treaty will solve this matter.”

“You are correct zebra, the most powerful nation is here.” A cold voice announced smugly, seemingly coming from nowhere.

The world leaders jumped as one at the voice's sudden proclamation. The fear which could be seen on each of their faces and in their very movements had appeared even before the first sentence had finished. The Sovereigns knew this voice well. Nori knew it even better than the rest of them. His eyes darted around the courtyard, searching every single inch for the voice's source.

“You are not welcome at this or any other Council Admiral!” Nori called closing his eyes as he reached out with his magic to try to sense any trace of metal.

“I go where I wish, welcome or not.” The Admiral informed. “You can stop looking for me pony. I am atop your transporter pad. So to speak.”

The air rippled around a pony sized shape at the center of the teleport circle. Shimmering blue rippling patches of light flared up for an instant as a creature of circuits and steel became visible. It resembled an armored skeleton of a feral dog, only its paws were ten-fingered circular pads, and its head held a single black glass strip rather than eyes. It was sleek, artificial in appearance, like something produced on an assembly line in the hundreds.

“You have errored in showing yourself worm!” Kyrie roared as she reared up to spit fire at the creature.

“Oh please, as if I care about one cyberdog.” The Admiral laughed, “But committing an act of violence while the Council is in session? Tisk-tisk. Looking to be thrown out of your little club, dragon?”

Kyrie huffed, smoke pouring from her nostrils as she angrily settled down.

“Say your piece and go.” Nori ordered through clenched teeth.

Eirik looked over at Nori stunned, “You of all ponies would let his monster speak?”

“Of course he would,” The Admiral said in a tone implying a smug grin, “He knows better than any of you what happens when you cross me. Clearly your nations have forgotten the lessons I taught them centuries ago.”

The Admiral's cyberdog slowly and silently stepped to the side and projected a blank holographic screen into the air above the platform. “You wish to take action against Equestria. Do so and I will destroy one settlement in each of your nations per unicorn harmed.”

Aphel stepped forewords clearing his thought, “We had not yet decided-”

“A simple defensive treaty would not have satisfied you, the pony, or the bird. You three are 'men' of action. Armed conflict would happen sooner or later, and thus I am forced to intervene. I have designs for Equestria. Nori, remind these people what happens when my plans are foiled.” The Admiral ordered each word dripping with malice.

Nori glared at the cyberdog.

“Do it. Now.” The Admiral ordered again.

Nori closed his eyes, “When our navy destroyed one of his ships which was transporting leaders of a rebellion, he vaporized Neighpai.”

Everyone present knew this. The Admiral was simply flexing his power, reminding the leaders gathered in the courtyard that he could and would play them like pawns whenever he willed it. “Good equine. Now, I am going to tell you the truth of your enemy.”

The hologram flickered, changing from a flat screen to an image of the sky over Canterlot. A glowing force shield covered the entire city, and as the image zoomed inwards thousands of changelings came into view. They slammed and smashed themselves against the shield until it finally shattered. A battle began, smoke quickly starting to pour from towers as changeling drones dive bombed the city.

“This was recorded three weeks ago. It seems Sapphire Hive's new Queen is a little more audacious than expected.” The Admiral mused, “This is one reason I did not like the terms of that trade agreement between myself and Amber Hive you may have heard of. Eliminating the ruler but not the nation can have unexpected results.”

Nori flinched, his heart speed up as he watched the hologram. For all of his power there was one thing the Admiral could not do. One limitation of his species, a curse which they seemingly could not overcome. They could not lie. Thank the gods for that. The damage they could do with their cloaking fields... Nori thought to himself.

Nori grit his teeth in anger, “This is dire news. Equestria now has a valid reason to go to war with the outside world and yet you threaten us with death if we strike them preemptively?” he demanded.

“Watch.” The admiral ordered as the hologram shifted to the interior of Canterlot Castle where both Celestia and Luna stood giving a speech, “This was recorded a week after the attack you just saw.”

The recording sprung to life. Celestia was in mid speech her mane flowing in an ethereal wind, her words and body language pleading with the ponies to whom she spoke, “...the attack committed upon us was not the work of all changeling kind. I know full well you are treating many of the changelings who live among us with hatred and cruelty and I will not stand for it! Equestria is a place of love and tolerance. Of kindness and understanding.

“There are many changeling nations, this attack was perpetrated by a single one of them. The other eleven hives of which I am aware have all written me, offering their apologies for the attack. Some have sent relief in the form of gold which has been used to pay for repairs to the city. These kindnesses have been sent to us because of how I have treated their people who come to our nation in search of food.

“Changlings eat love, as I am sure you are all aware. They need not take it by force. Indeed, many of the families of their people who have lived here for hundreds of years have lived happily off of the kindness you directed towards them! I ask you to treat them as individuals, not as a whole. Changlings are people just like you and I. Some are cruel at heart but most are not. Most changelings just wish to live in peace and not starve.” Celestia finished.

Luna stepped forewords. Nori bit his lip, dreading what her speech might mean for the world as did the other world leaders.

Luna smiled at the gathered ponies. “Indeed. I have learned all I could about the particular hive which perpetrated the attack. There is not much information, but it seems to be a case of starvation. These changelings attacked us out of desperation for food and chose us due to religious reasons. I will not lead my warriors against them. Every creature has the right to food. I have sent ambassadors to see if we can offer food to their hive. If I hear of any cruelties inflicted upon changelings by the hooves of ponies for any reason other than self defense or the defense of others I will issue charges against that pony as if he or she had committed the acts against an Equestrian citizen.”

The Admiral stopped the recording. “I will spare you the rest of the speech. But to summarize, Equestria was attacked and yet, it is not fighting back. They are seeking a peaceful solution. Do you know why?”

“I don't understand.” Eirik muttered quietly, “Her bloodthirsty nature was written-”

“Never trust books. Lies are easily penned.” The Admiral interrupted, “While Luna is a force to be reckoned with she is honorable, and operates by a code of conduct. She requires a cause to go to war. A weakness shared by all species native to this world.”

“Why show us this?” Lassie demanded.

The cyberdog turned to look her in the eyes, “You are quick to demand that which you desire. I like that. You all could learn something from her. To answer your question canine, this shows you the truth of Equestria. Or rather, half of it. This next recording was taken at the same time. I apologize for its brevity the cyberdog was forced to self destruct.”

The hologram shifted, showing the inside of a simple white room. It was decorated as plainly as it could have been. One wall was cast in nearly black shadows, giving the room a half lit, half dark quality which had to be symbolic. Three hooded ponies stood in the shadows behind individual podiums. A gray pegasus stallion dressed in a green and brown Tribunal uniform saluted the three, “My Lords, Celestia and Luna have chosen not to attack as we had hoped. In fact they have sent diplomats to attempt to defuse the situation.”

The figure on the left sighed and looked towards the others, “I told you she would not strike back. How will this make the nation look? Like a cowardly sniveling dog that's how.”

The figure in the center nodded in agreement, “It will be hard to move troops without her notice. If we kill the diplomats she sent it may force her to act.”

The third nodded, “Yes, in the meantime we should dispatch what operatives we can spare to raze the closest Sapphire holdings. Unless we act quickly that fool on the throne will- Silver Lining, there is a cyberdog cloaked over your right wing. Destroy it.”

The hologram faded to static in a blur of motion, a loud whimpering scream like an animal being impaled filled the courtyard before the hologram flickered off completely. The rulers winced, the shriek seemed to come from within their very hearts.

“I really must have a word with the engineer who designed their vocalizer.” The Admiral mused.

Moving his cyberdog back to the center of the platform, the Admiral began to monologue. “Before any of you ask, that was the headquarters of the Tribunal. You may know how they have butted heads with me for the last few hundred years. Your enemy is not Celestia, Luna, Cadence, nor any Equestrian. It is the Tribunal itself. Celestia is only aware of their existence in the most bereft sense of the phrase.

“She believes them to be a loosely connected mafia, little more than organized criminals. In truth, as you should now realize, the Tribunal is a Shadow Government, meddling in the affairs of Equestria so expertly Celestia dose not even know I exist. Think of the Tribunal as a guild with calamitous intentions for everything which is not Equestria.

“Their organization believes Celestia's benevolence would have the nation quickly destroyed by foreign powers. They are correct of course. I would have sized it long ago if I had known magic operated at a frequency which bypassed the resonance barriers my soldiers were fitted with in those days. However, the Tribunal also believes Celestia a prefect fit for ruling the nation and maintaining it as a utopia. Once again, they are correct.

“The Tribunal have worked to ensure nothing happens to destabilize that utopia to the point where most Equestrians do not even know where your nations are. Only a few even know of my species existence, and they are thought of as insane. Of course, you all know the other things the Tribunal dose. They are your true enemy as well as a nuance of mine. It pains me to admit, but I can not crush them under force without damaging resources I intend to acquire.

“Strike at them if you wish and can find an opportune moment. I could use the distraction to cripple their organization once and for all. I grow weary of talking. Do not disappoint me, lest I desire to speak to you again. Unit Kappa nine, engage self destruct. Authorization Admiral Jun Ming: twelve, seven, nine, beta.” he finished.

The Admiral's cyberdog stood up on its hind legs, a blue energy field winking into existence around its chassis. A high pitched whimper came from the thing as several small vents opened across its chassis.

“Wait!” Xorva cried, “What do you want with Equestria?”

The Admiral was silent for a few seconds then answered. “It's research on time travel and dimensional gateways in addition to the magical power needed to utilize it.”

The cyberdog suddenly became the center of a ball of brilliant white light. A mournful howl echoed off the surrounding buildings for a breathless moment as the doomed creature's terror radiated from the plasma storm within the thin energy field. Then after but a heartbeat there was science, and gray ash drifting on the autumn wind.

“So that's why mother called him 'The Merciless'.” Lassie mused to herself.

Eirik spat on the ground in disgust, his wings slightly flared in anger. “We should adjourn this Council to consider the new information. However, I vote the next Council seeks to find a way to put an end to that monster.”

Nori smiled, looking Eirik in his eyes as best as he could manage, “I agree on adjourning. I will have servants show you to guest rooms for three hours. As for our... acquaintance, you needn't worry. A certain friend of mine and I have a plan.”

Kyrie frowned, bending her neck to look Nori in the eyes, “It would be unwise to provoke him. You should know that better than most.”

“It is indeed unwise, but sometimes the right thing is not the wise thing. Nor the best thing. Let the matter sit for now. I won't talk about it in a place he can reach. It will take years for the pieces of the operation to get into place, so there will be plenty of time for any of you to object.” Nori answered.

It was not the best of plans, but it was the only plan he had with a shot of working. A lot hinged on vague hopes and speculation, but the underlying framework was already in place. Astonishingly enough, Celestia and indeed Luna had provided a piece of the puzzle. Once their efforts allowed changelings to move freely through their country unhindered, the operation would progress much more quickly.

I will have to send a messenger to the City of Amber. Queen Chari may not be aware of their efforts. The Emperor thought to himself. He turned to his fellow rulers with a grim nod, “Let us adjourn for now. I will provide communication crystals if you wish to speak with any advisers. Let's not rush forewords blindly.”

The others agreed with a nod. Their collective might had shifted focus. Celestia and Luna were no longer the subject of their fear and worry. The Admiral was many wicked things, but he was not a liar. The Tribunal was now the center of their attention. Just as he had wished it to be.


A thousand kilometers away the Admiral adjusted his holoscreen. A wave of his hand banished the six camera feeds from the projection and replaced them with a view of Equis from orbit. “I've seen enough. They will do as I will. Operator Twelve, have the drones follow each of them and record whatever conferencing they do. I will watch it later.”

“Yes sir,” Twelve replied, her voice working hard to conceal her anger at the destruction of one of her dogs.

As she issued the new orders to the remains of her pack an alert reached her interface. Unit Gamma Thirteen had picked up some thoughts of Emperor Nori's. Interesting thoughts. Thoughts which would indicate the recent increase in trade with the Amber changelings was a part of some plot.

Twelve thought to herself for a moment then slowly turned in her chair and asked, “Sir, request permission to request information.”

“Granted.” The Admiral said as he stood up from his chair and begun to walk out of the command room.

“After acquiring the Equestrian's time travel capabilities, will you destroy them?” Twelve asked.

“Yes, but not immanently.” The Admiral answered, the doors sliding open as he left, “I like to play with things awhile, before annihilation.”

The doors hissed shut. Twelve frowned, focused on the alert, the information it contained, and the notification the alert had even been sent. It took her some time to picture it all clearly, push everything through her custom software, reclassify the data as fictional, and then deleted it.

Twelve smiled as the data vanished. Her species curse had not prevented her from this little deception. A loophole had at last been found. The tiny act of rebellion brought a smile to her lips. She could share her work now. It would need to be spread slowly, the Admiral had loyal supporters in addition to slaves. But the single minded cruelty of the worst man the Final War had produced would run unopposed no longer.

Not telling you a story I made up isn't telling a lie you dog murdering bastard. Twelve though to herself smugly as she returned to her work.

Comments ( 35 )

Whats the worldbuilding tag for.

I liked it overall, though I feel the whole cyborg dog was a bit of...I don't know...downgrade? I mean, you could have just avoided the whole human thing and just had the changelings or something be the spies for the council. Normally I enjoy HIE but this one left me with a meh. Overall well done but just not my cup of tea. Carry on.

Eh left a lot to be desired in the way of more story and point of story but it wasn't a bad story...

5587621 This story establishes lore for my AU. It's exposition disguised as entertainment.

As the author's note said, this is more of an exposition dump then a story. All of my stories take place in he same AU. Think of this more like an opening cutsene, or that moment when a comic pans away fro a page or two to clue in the readers. It's here for me to point too later.

5641785 My brain is the Large Hydron Collider of fiction. Everything I read gets smashed together, broken into it's fundamental particles, and rebuilt into new things.

The worst man of the Final War, hmm? I seriously hope that he doesn't have access to certain war machines if it is the same Final War I'm thinking of...

This really is a great bit of world building. There isn't much story, but there's not supposed to be, like you said. And the background that it builds is great. I find myself rather curious how Celestia or Luna would react to learning of this awful Tribunal's actions and goals.

5690053 There may or may not be some inspiration taken from the works of David Webber. Bridesmaids 2 (Electric Boogaloo) will touch on Celestia's awareness of the Tribunal.

I thought I detected a bit of Weber. The Final War ref was a subtle one.

5813515 Yeah, you can blame NFire for that one :P

I assume Nori has called us hear fearing Luna

The most powerful nations of the world are all gathered hear.


Surly a mutual defensive treaty will solve this matter.”


This explains some things from Across the Sea of Time. If I had listened to what you said to Mugen back in chapter 8, I wouldn't be playing catch up now. :facehoof: So, the Admiral gets the outside nations to deal with the Tribunal. Later he gets to have "fun" with the ponies. Very clever.

did you misspell "apfelstrudel" on purpose

6002340 Yes I did. I spelled it given it's pronunciation to emphasize the accent being used.

6003166 its just that i am german and i didnt know what it was supose to mean.

6004022 Oh! I applogise if I offended you. That was not my intention. I lived in Welshbelig near Colone for 3 years, and while I learned to speak a little German, I never learned to read or write it.

6004081 A. You didn't offend me but
B. I don't want to be a grammar nazi (get it?) but I as a "echte kölsche jung"(real colognian guy) have the duty to tell you that you misspelled cologne. (p.s. I don't want to attack you personally, it's just something I HAD to say.) (p.p.s by the way good story)

6004196 Well naturally, I am illiterate in your homeland's language. Also great joke!

Why the fuck have I not read this?
Reading now

This raises more questions than it answers....

Sovereign's Guild? Neat idea.

Heh, this would be really surprising world-building if I wasn't already familiar with the Tribunal from the main series. Oh, the errors of reading stuff out of order. I can see why the rest of the world was described later on as being somewhat vulture-like towards the war ravaged Equestria.

Oooo, the Admiral.

That was interesting, it pretty easily explains the state of the world we see later on and how it got that way.

6200715 It's okay! No one else read this ether XD

Wow that's a lot to take in.:applejackconfused:

This is some excellent world building and it pains me to say that there are not many other authors that attempt such a vast expansion of lore in any specific media. Although the MLP community tends to build way more than other fandom so there's that.

7034171 Thank you very much ^.^ I would like to thank my irrational love of the FiM World as the source of all my crazy nonsence >> I would also love to think readers like you for enjoying my sillyness :P

It really was an exposition dump, but a good one at that. So credit where credit is due.

know that I am late to the party but found these for you. Would like to see more of this story. By the way heard anything from Nfire lately we're both bolo fans.

find ways for the grate nations to assist lesser ones [great ]
clothing's minor wrinkles straitened out. [Straightened ]
expertly Celestia dose not even know I exist [does ]
“Yes, but not immanently [ Immediately ]

What a fun read. Who is that Admiral? Forgot to read through the comments first, I'll find out in one of the future stories... well future as in chronological order... I think? :\

I would also love to think readers like you for enjoying my sillyness :P

You would be correct to think so. ^^

7504385 He's alive, just realy realy buisy with IRL work stuff.

Thanks for the info. If you happen to talk to him tell him that this old dragon and blackthunder were asking about him no reply from him expected.

OK. As you need a little boost I will now put this in the open comments. I left it off so I could see if any one else would catch it. after all this time if they haven't they aren't going to. you have a "Ming the Merciless" Are you going to add a Dash Gorgon or perhaps Flash Sentry would do?

The noon sun shown down upon the palace courtyard where six banners were hung with the respect due their nations. Each one was a work of art unto itself. The care and love of fledgling nations had been poured into their designs. In the hundreds of centuries since their creation, the nations represented by those six banners had become the greatest nations on Equis. Each one held sway over enough land, people, and resources to do nearly anything their leaders wished. Or even worse, to accidentally do things their leaders did not wish to.

I've been informed that these double as battlebanners with buffs in a pinch...or ritual components if you really need them too.

Twenty years ago Nori had sent his lover and second in command to ask Equestria for medical aid for civilians who were injured when the old Imperial City had fallen. Three months later Nori had received his second's head on a pike, along with a note from the head of the Tribunal informing Nori that his love's tongue had slipped while making his request. The Tribunal also said they would forgive his transgression this time because he was a new head of state, but not to test them again. Celestia did not need to know the horrors which lay beyond their Exclusion Zone.



Well that was a tensely written council! Nicely done and pretty plausible!

This all leaves me curious about the Admiral, along with how much of this you used or scrapped for subsequent stories.

All in all, aside from the slightly dry beginning, twas quite well written! :twilightsmile:

I like this. I love this. There was a couple typos it took me a second to process, but I know you all try your best.

This one's goin on the shelf. :3

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