• Published 5th Feb 2015
  • 3,124 Views, 37 Comments

Displaced Soul - Maddiepink5

A new changeling must struggle with the trials that comes with being a member of a "terrorist" species.

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Changelings vs. Ponies

Zecora turns to a pot lying near the doorway, reaching in and grasping a hooffull of mysterious powder. She turns back to me and throws it into the air. To my surprise, the dusty flecks do not scatter everywhere, but gently hover in midair. The zebra sits back down at her small table and begins to speak.

"You know only of the changeling invasion, but that violent assault was not an isolated occasion. Changelings have long been enemies of ponykind; until recently, they were simply out of sight and out of mind."

The specks whirl in midair, and they gather together to create a crude, basic image- a changeling and a pony, each wielding spears. Suddenly, the image begins to move. The changeling and pony fight a brief but fierce battle, ending with both impaled on the other's spears.

"The origins of changelingkind is unknown. They seem to have spawned long, long ago. Ponies fought changelings when they came to their land; back then, they hated what they did not understand."

The scene of the floating powder changes again. A group of changelings form, seemingly all identical, except for one. This changeling is tall, with a mane, albeit holey, and a small crown identifying her status. They approach a group of ponies, unicorns, pegasi and earth ponies alike, but these ponies become angry and start to attack.

"Changelings left to hide in the shadow, but ponies did not forget them, oh no. Changelings became monsters in old mare's tales, to gobble a knight if he should fail. Like Nightmare Moon, they were to keep foals in line; but the changelings were readying for battle in time."

A mare and her foal appear in the dust, with the mare reading to the foal in the bed. Yet another surprise arises from the mysterious floating particles- sound.

"So the prince stepped up and with one slash of his sword, he attacked the fake princess. The fake princess turned back into its horrible form, a nasty changeling. It died by the prince's hooves. Then he saved his princess. You see, the changeling is a hateful creature. It could never win because it could not feel the love between the princess and the prince. Good always triumphs over evil."

The sound is a bit warped and garbled, as though spoken through an old radio. The sound dissipates, and I watch as the mare tucks her foal in and leaves the room. The angle tilts a little, and I can see a changeling peering in through the window. The bug pony then slips away into the night.

"Changelings were painted as monsters, true, but nothing could compare with what they were to do. Taking over Equestria to get love, some might say, but they were also getting revenge, in a way."

The picture morphs once again, and I see something I recognize- Queen Chrysalis. The sound coming from the moving powder is low, but I can recognize the changeling's voice purring out the lines of the "This Day" reprise.

"After that incident, changelings were considered irredeemable. They were banished by all sorts of people. Griffons, ponies, minotaurs alike, used a spell of Twilight's...to set them alight."

I watch in horror as Zecora's words come true in the dust. A huge burst of light covers the entirety of a city. The scene zooms in, showing as any changelings disguised throughout the minotaur city are burned alive, their disguises burning away. The burning fades, and the inhabitants turn on the revealed changelings, chasing them out of the city.

"That's terrible!" I cry, finally finding my voice. "I don't understand... ponies are usually so nice. They weaponized friendship, for pete's sake!" I feel my breathing grow shallower, watching the awful, terrible burning spell overtake fleeing changelings, knowing that it was created by the Princess of Friendship, Twilight Sparkle. "I know... I know ponies are good. I don't want to believe they could do this..."

A moment of silence passes, then Zecora murmurs, "You...your story is true. A changeling you are not, nor from this world are you."

I blink at the sudden change in topic. "Huh? Wait... you didn't believe my story?"

"Forgive me if my had my doubts. I couldn't voice my concerns aloud. No changeling would marvel at this sight, nor be surprised at a pony setting changelings alight." She turns to meet my eyes, and they seem trusting- a certain wariness I hadn't noticed before was gone, and I felt warmth from her subsequent smile. "But, now, I will answer your question- why Twilight Sparkle would commit such a transgression. In addition to all that you have learned, Twilight's ire was especially earned. The queen kidnapped and impersonated Princess Cadence, so the experience made her view quite jaded." She sighed. "Beyond that, ponies have always treated changelings in this manner- perhaps even before ponies were united under one banner. I doubt anypony living could tell you the true origin of their hate, so your curiosity I cannot sate."

I look back to the image, which has paused in the middle of a changeling's disguise being forcibly removed. I shiver. "M-maybe I should stay with you, Zecora. That all sounds much too dangerous."

Zecora shakes her head. "It has been years since the invasion. To go to Ponyville now would be a simple occasion. The fear has since now died down, and with careful planning you will not be found."

I look down, mulling this over. As much as I'd love to meet Princess Twilight herself, I can't exactly say that I want to be burnt alive, even if that's just my paranoia speaking. Then again, what would it say if I didn't trust Zecora, who was the only reason I was alive right now? She was even going to teach me how to feed on love and disguise myself, with the help of her extensive library on magical creatures. I had no choice but to put faith in her words.

I nodded slowly. "Alright, Zecora, I'll do as you suggest." Her smile makes me feel a little more comfortable with my decision. She gestures with a striped hoof, and the powder returns to their pot. I decide not to question that magical substance. One thing at a time.

"One more thing, if I may be able- what is your age, so that you talk so graceful? You appear as but a changeling teen, but was that altered as dimensions you crossed between?"

I smile slightly. "I'm actually eighteen. Just graduated high school. I had a very cultured upbringing, and I was a bit isolated." It was an understatement, but I decided not to worry Zecora.

"Interesting indeed. You are a rare breed, when such elegance you heed." She glances over to the bookcase. "Feel free to entertain yourself. I must find certain tomes so that you I may help." She trots over and starts pulling out various books.

Left to my own devices, my gaze wanders around the hut. Unsurprisingly, it bears great resemblance to the show's depiction. Masks lining the walls, dusty mats, a tall dull mirror, vases and tomes everywhere, and yet when you know the kind and gentle owner, it feels rather...cozy. I absentmindedly wonder how long this initiation is going to take. Will it come naturally to me, or will I have to work for it...?

"Your training will take about three days," Zecora says abruptly, dropping a stack of books next to me on my cot. "To make this go faster, there is no other way. You must learn to feed and transform, and then you will become one of the swarm."

I look over the intimidating stack. As I do, my stomach faintly growls again. I look back up at Zecora, smiling sheepishly. "Can we get started on that feeding?"

She chuckles and nods, picking up the top book- I briefly wonder how she has these tomes, but one look at her hut reminds me that it's not at all unexpected for a voodoo magical wise zebra to have books on other species- and gesturing towards the door. When I stand up, I'm a bit wobbly, but Zecora slips under my casted leg and helps me to the outside.


"And that is what the book reads. Elle, are you ready to feed?"

I nod, bracing all my hooves against the ground, except the one in a cast, which is in a makeshift sling. We have adjourned to the Everfree, far enough from Zecora's hut that any mistakes won't damage her home, but close enough that her Zebrican wards keep the dangers of the forest away. I take a deep breath and close my eyes.

Since feeding is a simple task for any species, the process is simple. I focus on thoughts of love, which should make my horn start the spell. I think back to the people I've left behind- my goofy father, more of a friend than a parent. My strict but loving mother, ever guiding me away from the mistakes she made. My younger brother and sister, in high school and middle school respectively, a bit younger than me but still my best friends, when weren't having sibling spats.

Suddenly, I hear a noise, not dissimilar to the sound of using magic. Indeed, as I open my eyes, I feel a warmth gathering around my horn. Even more exciting is what I see in Zecora. Everything around me, including the zebra in question, has faded, as though shifted out of focus in a camera lens. Where Zecora is, however, a lime green flame burns gently. This is her soul. The larger it burns, the more love she has to feed on. It pains me a little to see how her love differs from that of the picture in the book. It burns slightly smaller than a zebra's should. Maybe, after all was said and done, I could help her. Get her out more, maybe find really close friends or even a lover in Ponyville...

I shake my head suddenly, remembering the task at hand. The next part is even simpler. I point my horn towards Zecora's flame. Slowly, the flame points itself towards me, then drifts in my direction. Soon enough, it is a strand of fire going from Zecora to my horn. As it makes contact, I almost shudder with delight. The feeling is unexplainable, really. But I feel my hunger begin to abate and a warmth encompass my body. After a while, the stream cuts off on its own, and I sit down, completely stuffed.

Zecora looks down at me and smiles. "Stage one of your training is complete. Your love storage, is it now replete?"

I smile back. "Definitely. Thank you, Zecora."

"Do not thank me yet. Transformation is the next step."


After a few tries at transforming, to varying degrees of success, Zecora turns a page in one of her books and taps it, apparently noting something of significance.

"An important step is a default disguise. It will take less magic to hide from prying eyes. This disguise is one of your own design. Imitating other ponies is next in line."

“A default disguise, hmm?”

"Indeed, such a disguise is an easier road. It becomes registered in your genetic code. You can then immediately active it. Think of it as your emergency kit."

I ponder this, then crack a smile. “So, you mean I should create a personality?” Zecora nods, and my smile grows a bit wider. “Now THAT is something I can do.”

“The default disguise is mostly up to you. But you should create one a little strange...that is what I would do. When it comes to changeling suspicion, blending in too well is as good as an admission."

"So a pony that stands out just a little bit, hm?" I lean back in my seat a bit. "How about..." I examine the ceiling, deep in thought. A pony that immediately stands out would be one with a strange physical abnormality, unless I wish to portray a pony with a really wacky personality. Perhaps a special talent? My eyes lit up. An extraordinary talent would also manifest itself as a extraordinary cutie mark! It would be just obvious enough.

"How about a unicorn... that..." I squint. In Equestria, there don't appear to be many rules governing special talents, not that I can think of. The only things that comes to mind is how so many background pegasi had weather-related talents. And of course, no unicorns or earth ponies that have that ability... wait... "Could I be a unicorn with a talent for controlling the weather?"

Zecora puts her hoof to her chin, nodding slowly. "Yes...yes, I believe that would work. Such a talent is a perfect quirk. It may be a strange talent, true, but I know it is something a few unicorns can do."

I nod, pleased. "A unicorn that can manipulate the weather, then. And what shall her name be? How about..." I attempt to come up with a suitable pun name. "... Cloud Caller? Rain Dancer? Air Artist?"

My zebra companion considers the question. "I think a name that would work well would be the name of Sunspell."

"Sunspell." It gracefully rolls off my tongue. "Yes. Yes, I love it."

Zecora turns to the book, examining its instructions. "Picture the pony in your mind. Your magic will kickstart, and you will be blind. When your vision finally clears, a new pony will be standing there."

Like the consuming of love, it is simple. But that is to be expected, given that changelings need to do both so often. I close my eyes and call an image to mind. Vague at first, I picture a mare, then a unicorn mare. Her coat is carnation pink- to be expected, since it's my favorite color. A slightly curly powder blue mane forms, tied near the end like Applejack for my mane but let loose for my tail. The color scheme reminds me of cotton candy. Accordingly, the two clouds parting to reveal the sun on my flank are as puffy as cotton candy. Finally, as the mare in mind my opens her eyes, I decide their color is a comforting lavender. Her eyelashes are long and curly, as I've always wanted mine to be.

Before I know it, my eyes are open. I feel slightly bigger and just a little bit...different. Looking down, I see my hooves are the carnation pink that I saw in my mind, hole-free. Zecora smiles at me.

"Welcome to the world, Sunspell. Now we shall learn other transformations as well."


"Disguised as an earth pony or pegasus, using magic will not be shown to all the rest. Your magic will still create sound however, so to pull it off well, you need to be clever."


"No, no, do not move too fast. Be careful of transformations while wearing anything like that cast."


"Imitating another requires more concentration, otherwise your body will not make the full transition. Then the holes in your legs and your eyes will remain, so giving your all will bring the best gain."


Zecora laughs at me, and I frown. Is she really so entertained by seeing me disguised as her? Is she laughing at herself? Upon seeing my confusion, she chuckles again.

"Your appearance matches no zebra natural-born. You forgot to disguise your horn!" She turns me to the mirror, still chuckling, and as soon as I see it, I start laughing too. The doppelgänger of Zecora staring back at me has a black, curved, chitinous horn peeking out of her mohawk. After a bit of laughter, my horn glows, and my form exactly matches Zecora's.

We stand now, admiring our forms in the mirror. There is no way to distinguish between the two of us- aside from the cast on my leg. After a few days of harsh training, I had mastered the art of completely transforming my body.

"Zecora?" I ask, breaking the comfortable silence.

She looks towards me, raising her eyebrows slightly, and I take that as a sign to continue.

"Why did you take me in? Why do you not hate me, as all the ponies do?"

Half in the mirror, and half next to me, I see her smile sadly. "It would be impossible for me to hate you, when others have discriminated against me too."

We stand for awhile as I absorb that information.

"It is time. In Ponyville, you will arrive."

Author's Note:

Sorry for the delay. Was busy writing my latest oneshot (read it if ya like, it features a character who will be seen later in the story!) and drawing a picture present for my dad. It's really cool, I'll post it after I give it to him.