• Published 22nd Feb 2015
  • 2,120 Views, 108 Comments

Ace Combat 04: Angel Rebirth - Dustchu

Mobius One takes to the skies once more, to protect the lands of Equestria and his own home... from absolute destruction.

  • ...

Shattered Skies Three: New Territory

. . .

Changeling Territory, outside of Equestria.

Rainbow Dash's perspective

I stood in stunned silence as I watched the shiny metal carriages fly over me, my mind trying to wrap around the fact that no pegasi were pulling them. "Holy..."

I could tell Twilight was in a similar state of awe, from both the carriages in the sky and massive steel ships that sailed in the dead waters nearby. Three titanic ships with no sails propelling them, and had massive towers, the biggest one had a flat top and was curved slightly as if to allow something to land. "I need to inform the princess about this." She said, about to use a teleportation spell. But stopped her with a tackle as I saw something streaking towards us. "Wha-" Twilight was cut off as something exploded from where the arrow hit, sending dirt and debris flying over us.

"Holy buck!" I yelled, covering twilight the best I could when I saw the metal tube fly towards me from above. I looked up eyeing the beasts from earlier. My eyes widening when I saw the eight from earlier rocket towards six others in the distance. I sat in awe at the speed of them, I've never seen a carriage move that fast! The sounds of thunder could be heard from where they split up, flying in arches around each other passing one another, almost coming too close to crashing only to duck out of the way as flaming spears were fired from them.

No matter how hard I tried I couldn't tear myself away from them as they fought in the skies above. Several of the spears I saw launched from them impacted nearby, exploding and sending clumps of dirt and stone flying. What are those? I wondered as two came flying straight at me... "Oh shit." I turned around to get Twilight moving, only to see she was conked out. "Oh come on, Twi really?!" I groaned as I ducked down to hoist the Alicorn onto me back. Crap, with her on my back I can't fly... damn it! with a grunt I hefted up Twilight's form and started south towards the Equestrian borders as a fierce battle raged in the skies above. "Don't worry, I'll get us out of here in ten seconds flat!" I told the unconscious mare on her back as I trotted off into the wastelands.

. . .

Skies Above Unknown Territory.

Mobius One's Perspective


I yanked the control stick to the left to avoid the flaming debris that followed from the explosion. "Splash one." I murmured as I pulled back to fight off the rest of the Erusians. This land we fought over was... dark to say the least. The skies for miles around seemed to be purposely blocked off by thick dark clouds, lightning strikes would graze my wings but didn't seem to affect my craft any. Another thing that seemed to stick out was the ground below. A closer look showed burnt soil and dead twisted trees that looked like something out of a fairy tale book.

"Fox two, Fox two! FUCK YOU!" Danny screamed. I looked over to where he was flying and spotted the massive explosion, followed by his A-10-1 blasting through the flames in mid-air and spinning before leveling out. I lifted up my visor and pinched the bridge of my nose. Danny enjoys this... a bit too much I think. "Hahahahahahahahahaha!" the bomber of my squad cackled evilly as he flew past me, going after another MIG.

"Got the last one Mobius 1." Kari told me as another massive explosion rang out from Danny's position.

"Good." I replied, looking around and seeing no more fighters. "Any damage?"

"Negative." Is the resounding response, and a grunt from Hank which I hope means no. But who can tell with him?

Sighing I looked back down at the land before us. I've never seen anything like this, and I've been fighting in hundreds of different missions worldwide. To see a land this... dead disturbed me. What happened here? And more so, what were those two colorful creatures I saw earlier? I looked all around before spotting them in the distance, two small blurs of color in a giant mass of black and brown. I hope they're alright... whatever they are. Looking back up I took off my helmet and ran a hand through my hair before saying. "Alright Mobius Squad, let's return to the ICFDB."

"Roger!" and with that, we flew down to the ship. The only thing on my mind however... is what happened to the Erusians... along with the four rookies.

. . .

Unknown Location.

Private James Terra's Perspective.

Smoke... that was the first thing I smelled when I woke up. Along with the sounds of a ghostly sounding wind and tree branches... and roaring fires. I struggled to open my eyes, when I did I suddenly wished I hadn't. I was looking through the broken glass of my canopy... at a hundred or so foot drop down. "Oh shit!" I felt fear grab hold of my heart as I began to panic. The plane just had to be pointed straight down?! if I fall I'm done for! I grabbed onto the straps of my harness, the only thing keeping me from falling through the open canopy and to my death.

Okay calm down James.... calm down. I tried taking a few breaths to calm myself but soon I dissolved into a hacking fit, followed by blood hitting the glass. I felt of my mouth and looked down at my gloved fingers. I saw blood. I became acutely aware of a sharp pain in my chest. I must have been injured when I crashed... but when did that happen? As a matter of fact where am I? I looked at the trees and branches that were keeping my aircraft from falling, and noted how... twisted they appeared. Blackened bark and limbs, brown leaves and a muddy earth...

When did we fly over land?

My thoughts would have to wait as I heard the branches creak under the weight of the aircraft. "Shit." I cursed as I tried to unclasp myself from the harness, only to fail. It was stuck! a close look showed the teeth of the clasp were bent, damaged. I reached for my knife I had in my boot, thankfully it was still there. I could cut my way out hopefully. The knife I had was standard issue for ISAF pilots. Five inches of treated blackened steel with a serrated edge and a nylon grip. I quickly went to work cutting the harness on the left side, it snapped as it gave away and I could feel myself beginning to slip.

Okay... just take it easy. I wrapped my free arm around the harness and twirled it enough so it would keep my from falling as I cut the other side. I was free! Freeing my feet I put them against the console to steady myself before crouching down, grabbing onto the seat's underside. I saw a few sturdy branches next to me, if I jumped I might be able to climb down... or miss and fall to my death. How pleasant.

I wouldn't have much time to think as I felt the branches snap, making the Raptor slide down further. The canopy fell though, hitting the ground and shattered. "Here goes nothing!" I jumped from the aircraft just as it gave, sliding from the branches and falling down to the ground. I could hear the fire crackling behind me as I landed on the branch... and promptly slip. "SHIT!" I cried out as my foot slipped on something wet, I saw everything rapidly leave my sight as I fell down and hit another branch.

I tried to get a hold on it but my gloves couldn't find anything to grip onto. I knew there was something but it felt like I was trying to grab onto sludge, and it made trying to grab anything useless. I fell again, hitting more branches on the way down, pain shot through my system with each impact before I finally hit the ground with a shlop sound, it was soft but it still hurt like hell. "AHH!" I yelled out when I felt something pierce my back. It must have been glass, or maybe a rock I don't know. I rolled away the best I could as I felt the muddy ground below, and once I felt water hitting my back I found it was raining, and hard too.

Looking around I could feel the air and how close it felt, thin almost. The trees were massive, standing hundreds of feet tall and with branches twisting and jutting out like malformed hands. My raptor was sitting about twenty feet to my right, on fire with jet fuel leaking out and quickly catching fire. I crawled away as fast as I could, it wouldn't be long till the tank b-



I was sent flying after that, careening right into a tree. A crack sounded and I felt a sharp pain in my right forearm, I let out a silent scream before falling to the ground. I couldn't breath right away but that wnt away as smoke filled my nostrils and the smell of fuel. I coughed violently before sitting up, feeling the burning sensation in my limbs as I got a look at what was left of my aircraft. The warheads exploded as well as the tank, nothing was left but flaming debris and chunks of burning steel.

I shook my head as I grabbed my radio, thankfully it didn't suffer any damage. I clicked the transmit button and held it for a moment before catching my breath. "This is Mobius 9, does anyone copy?" I asked, letting the button go before taking off my helmet. I set it down beside me and saw the visor was cracked, with several pieces missing from it. No doubt the only thing that kept me from cracking my skull wide open when I crashed and almost fell to my death.

After a few minutes and not getting any responses I figured I was on my own, or too far away from anyone for my comms to work. There are a number of possibilities as to why I wasn't getting a response. The rain wasn't letting up either and I wasn't going to get help if I just sat around here, but then again I might not get any help to begin with. After what Red, Blue and Black did they probably think I was a traitor to ISAF as well, even though I'm not... but who would believe me?

I sighed before standing up, cradling my broken arm. I could feel the bone in my arm and felt the jagged sharp part poking against the nerves. It was intense but it numbed down a bit when I held it lightly. Finding a safe place out in this rain would not be easy, I'd have to leave it more I spotted what looked like a trail through some trees, better than nothing I suppose. I walked towards it, instantly finding the trail muddy and full of rocks. Just my luck. I thought as I walked down it.

As I limped along the trail I thought back to the fight in the skies, and how three of the other rookies turned against the rest of Mobius Squadron. Why would they do that? Why turn on Mobius squadron? They never did anything wrong, they're heroes! They saved millions of lives by stopping Megalith... Maybe they were Erusian, that could explain they're turning on ISAF. But how did they get into the academy so easily?

They have safeguards for that kind of thing. Back at the ISAF Academy when you apply the security administration along with several government officials go through your entire background and check for anything that could possibly make you a threat to the ISAF. Background checks, personal history, family history and tons of other things I can't remember... How did those three get into the academy?

I guess I'll find out... assuming they made it out of that storm alive, that is. I thought to myself as the torrent of rain continued to batter my weakened form. The rainwater was bone chilling, freezing me to my core as my boots almost sank halfway through the muddy trail. This sucked, it really sucked. I've been through basic and advanced training that had similar scenarios like this, but there was something about this forest that seemed... off. The perpetual darkness that surrounded me on all sides, the eerie howl of the winds and the feeling creeping up in my gut.

Something is watching me... I looked around into the treeline but I didn't see anything, but I could feel something there... somethin-


My eyes shot open at the sound... wolves! I glanced around the treeline again, this time I saw bright and glowy yellow eyes peering at me from the darkness. "Ah hell..." I whispered to myself before breaking into a run through the mud. I kicked up mud and twigs as I ran into the forest, whether it was deeper into the woods or near an exit remained to be seen.

Behind me I could hear the something following me, something trudging through the mud and rain, snarling. Oh shit oh shit oh shit! Are those wolves?! I thought, running as fast as I could. My boots sunk into the mud with each step, and I could feel the mud trying to suck me down but I kept moving. I had to get out of here, I had to find someplace safe, but where?! Where?! Running faster and faster, I heard the sounds of the wolves chasing me, howling their cries.

Suddenly, I remembered something. Feeling own at my hip, I remembered I had my pistol with me! Reaching down I un-clipped it and pulled it out, it was a standard issue pistol for most ISAF pilots, a Glock 17. I flipped the safety off and whipping around I looked for my foes, all I saw, were a lot of bright glowing yellow eyes.

"Oh shit." I cursed, stepping back until I hit a tree. I raised my pistol, aiming for one of the wolves. If I was going to die here, I'd be taking at least two or three of them with me! "Come at me you damn wolves!" I yelled, pulling the trigger... only for it to click. "What?! Nononono!" I looked down at my gun with what little light I had, and from what I could see, the slide was locked halfway back, and no matter how hard I tried it wouldn't budge. "Damn it." This is my end eh? I leaned back, awaiting what would no doubt be my end.

Only for a blast of light to suddenly appear from above, it nearly blinded me and it was soon followed by a dull screeching noise. While it didn't effect me, it made the wolves go insane, they howled in pain as one by one the eyes disappeared. Beside me on a nearby hill I heard someone cry. "Move your flank strange creature from the sky, lest you wish to die."

... Did she just rhyme?

No time to think about that, run! I screamed at myself, turning around and running away into the woods. My destination...

I had no idea.

. . .

Aboard the ISAF ICFDB.

Mobius One's Perspective

After landing on the massive aircraft carrier situated in the middle of the blackened sea, I had immediately left my jet in the hands of the deck personal who went about refueling and rearming it, the same with the others once they landed and trailed behind me. Deck hands and soldiers moved across the deck, armed with assault rifles and patrolling as a few drones were sent out into the skies above. orders filled the air around me, but the only thing on my mind as of right now was. Where in the hell are we?! I have been in some strange situations, most involving massive weapons of destruction, or Danny's weirdness. But now, this took the cake.

Were we in another part of the world? Was another thought of mine, but as far as I knew there were no black seas or dead lands that looked like this, nor colorful creatures inhabiting it. As crazy as it sounded, I don't think we're in Osea anymore.

I made my way into the tower, passing by several fighter pilots, deck hands and other crewmen. Everyone in Mobius Squadron followed close behind me, their boots clacking against the steel floors. Everyone in front of us parted, as if afraid if they stood in our way we would strike them down. We were skilled, but we weren't gods or anything. Danny might have thought that. but I did not. I remember hearing rumors of people thinking we were born from the skies, given fighter jets and turned into gods. I think that was some of the more third world Erusians that thought that, they were so scared of us during the war, they cooked up the whole god theory.

All lies. I thought to myself as I climbed the stairs in the tower. I had to get answers.

"What even was up with that storm?" Storm questioned, hands in her jumpsuit's pockets. "We've fought in storms before, but that one was different."

"True, that storm was a bit strange." Prince commented, nodding along with what she was saying. "Ghastly even, Mobius, do you have anything to say on the matter?"

"... Not exactly... I am just as perplexed as you all are." I turned left, continuing up the stairs. "I've seen a lot of weird things, but that was just... unreal."

"I know where we are." Danny commented, making us look at him. "We're in a different world, obviously~" He cackled, getting a sigh from Prince.

"Danial, that is absurd." The man told him, crossing his arms.

"Nu uh Princey~ We are!" Danny pointed at a window we passed by. "When we were flying, I saw a funky looking castle off in the distance, and last time I checked, we didn't have castles in our world... unless you count the one Princey is from." He chuckled, getting a look from me.

"A castle?" I asked, the only castles in Strangereal were in Usea, a land that was more well built and still stuck to its medieval heritage

Danny nodded, bounding past me and up the stairs. I followed up after him, the man ran up the stairs much like a child would. He pushed past several people, causing some of them to glare in his direction as we followed. I swear, Danny was more of a child then anything else. We followed the AC-10 pilot through the ship and up the stairs, dodging people and crew members until we eventually reached the tower. Danny was standing outside on the balcony, a pair of binoculars in his grasp as he scanned the horizon. When I exited the tower, Danny gave me the specs. "Look, over there, see that big white thing?"

I took the binoculars and put them to my eyes, I focused the thing by twisting the knob, and looked out to the mountains where Danny pointed. I could seee the blackened mountian ranges, what looked like an abandoned town nearby, but off in the distance... I could see a large white structure on the side of a mountain, tall white spires with some colorful bits on it. I pulled the binoculars away, turning to look at Danny. "Where the heck are we?" I asked.

I didn't get any answers...

. . .

Equestria, Borders of Equestria.

Rainbow Dash's perspective

I lugged my friend across the border, down a large dirt path to what i think was a small town nearby. It was operated by a Royal Guard garrison, so they should be able to help us, hopefully. Twilight was steadily breathing, a good sign, but blood was leaking down from a wound on her head and onto my coat. I didn't mind that, but I needed to get her help now!

As I galloped down the road, I thought about those... those... carriages? No, they couldn't be carriages, they were something else entirely. I don't know what they were, or where they came from. But... I couldn't stop thinking about them, how they flew through the air so fast, destroying the other, things with those exploding arrows. It was insane! What were they? Who were they? I had never seen something that big move so fast or move with such agility, it was ridiculous!

But I couldn't think about them, I had to focus on Twilight and get her to safety.

Looking out ahead, I spotted the town, and to my surprise, I saw a chariot sitting nearby, one that belonged to Princess Celestia. What was she doing here? I sped up my pace, yelling, "Hey!" My voice echoed across the empty landscape, drawing the attention of several guards that were coming out of a building. Both spotting me and galloped over to me, holding up spears. "Hey!"

"Think she's a changeling?" One asked the other, are you kidding me right now?!

"I'm not a changeling!" I yelled, stomping my hoof on the ground.

"You might be lying to get past us!"

"We can't trust her."

Before either of them could do anything further, a voice commanded. "Let them past." Looking behind the two, I saw Princess Celestia standing tall and proud, her guard behind her along with Princess Luna. Both of whom were looking at me. The guards hesitantly did so, Luna's horn lit up by her magic I guess she was scanning us? "Rainbow Dash, what happened?"

I sighed as Twilight was taken off of my back and levitated onto a stretcher. "You're in for one heck of a story."

End Chapter Three of Arc One

Author's Note:

Sorry for the shite update, things will be better next time. Next chapter, Mobius One and crew, will be meeting with some very important figures.

Stay tuned! Also, spotting typos, helping out and being generally an awesome reader will reward you with brownie points! :yay:

Comments ( 35 )

Always happy to see more of this

6564261 Same here, sorry for the late-ish update Dx

The next one should have Mobius One get Stonehenge flashbacks because a sonic rainboom.

6570216 Eh, who knows what'll happen next chapter?
Sonic Rainbow might happen, or total all out war :P

6570228 Yellow Thirteen: What are those red aircraft doing here? Are they one of ours?

AWACS: This is SkyEye, I got an ID on those red aircraft! Those are ADF-01 Falkens made by Gründer Industries. I think those are unmanned versions called Z.O.E.s.



6658030 I WILL HOLD YOU TOO THAT GOOD SIR! :rainbowdetermined2:

6658331 Lol, but seriously this story had an amazing start in my opinion and I really REALLY want to see it grow and succeed :scootangel:

6658397 I'm quite glad you think so, thanks.
I'll try and write some more for it soon.


Same as with City of the Damned, It'll be up when I get it up :rainbowdetermined2:

I'll be honest, I have no idea friend, problems in real lfie are really sapping me for energy, and inspiration.
But I will have it done at some point. As for when that will be, later in this month, or the next.
I have a lot on my hands at the moment.

7023729 Try to make it this month please.

7023735 I'll do my best friend.

Why hasn't the next chapter been made yet?

I've been focusing on other stories, and I haven't had the inspiration I need to continue this story, so for now its on hold until I can figure it all out. Sorry.

Jesus Christ I was so hyped when I wrote this... its been an entire fucking year since I posted a new chapter for this story...

Please update, this is great!

I might later on in the future, if I'm able buddy :heart:

Just reread this, still great 👍

so I just read this for the first time and honestly despite not playing AC 4 i still find it enjoyable. On top of that seeing the AWACS getting a spotlight on them as well is very nice.

Glad to hear!

AC4 was the shit back in the day, you should get a copy and try it, at least once.
And thanks, glad you enjoyed it.

I'll try and update this when i can, but right niow... whew... burned out

It's on a hiatus until I can get back into writing it

This story is good. Just needs a rewrite as your style has indeed changed and the grammar is going to give me a hernia. Good story though.

Oh I have so far to gooooooooo...

very interesting story, good job, I am waiting impatiently for the continuation and more similar ...:twilightsmile:👍👌

I have that game.

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