• Member Since 17th Jul, 2012
  • offline last seen 6 hours ago




The way this story changed and evolved was based in part by donations and requests. The first half of the story focuses on comedy and random events, the second half of the story is more serious adventure, and the end of the story has tragic overtones to it.
All anyone really knows is that this story is going to be awesome. I can say that because I am the Narrator, so I know these things. Although I have to put up with the Critic and fear the wrath of The Redacted, we've done this for many years now: taken different ponies, and thrown them together in the pot to create new stories and new plays to entertain ourselves and our audience, and to keep The Redacted pacified. Even we Draconequui have to be wary around certain individuals, after all.
Our play will continue forever; there's no way these ponies could end this neverending story... right?

Chapters (18)
Comments ( 61 )

Hmm, hmm, very interesting. I enjoyed this from beginning to finish, though got a tad lost when the ponie were only described by color (probably just my problem, not with writing). It has serious intrigue, and was very enjoyable to see the character interactions especially concerning their situation!

Shall follow and enjoy what may come!

Can't wait to see how this evolves with inputs from the audience. Should be a fun ride.


Thank you very kindly, and I much appreciate the fave, too. I do hope it ends up being as enjoyable as you're hoping for. I'm certainly looking forwards to the challenges that I hope some people present me with as this all starts to roll along.


I'm lookin' forwards to it too. Thank you very much, and I hope I do justice to Marina, no matter how silly or strange the story gets.

So far you pretty much nailed her on the head. I would have possibly said a couple things a bit different, but all in all, she is great.


This won't. Really fit in, no. I mean, there'll be random references to it here and there, but that's about the extent of it. If you wanted to focus on the Saga this wouldn't be seen as a part of it, or at the very least would be after the fact, so to speak.

So far so good; looking forward to where this goes.


Thank you kindly. In the first chapter I'm looking to include the rest of the things and build up from there.

So who am I supposed to give all my money to for more Scriv/Twi/Lunatic goodness?

After finding you last month I was kinda sad I was almost done with Glory Be (finding meaning actually getting around to reading your stuff after having downloaded a Moonrise and Lunar Lights a year ago). You've become a big favorite of mine, which says something when I've got over 1500 fics on my kindle (though a good number I need to delete due to horrible). Keep up the writing. I'll sure as hell read it.


Thank you very much. I'm really glad to hear it. I have yet to really get started on this charity story just yet, but I do have some plans for it so far, and donations are always appreciated. I'm going to get a journal up soon - it really should have been up already, but I ended up with some unexpected business - and if you want to donate to the project, you can do so here. Basically you give any donation you're willing, and for each donation you can make a request of. Pretty much anything. For a more detailed idea of what you can buy, you can read this journal. You just have to let me know what you want after you make a donation.

But I mean, either way, I'm going to keep writing about these three idiots generally being idiots, so. It's not like you really have to, either. And there's certainly more stories on the way: I've got at least a few more planned for the future, and we may yet see Luna, Twilight and Scrivener again.

I much appreciate all the faves, too, and I hope you continue to enjoy my crazy writing.

That genet seems like a classy fellow. ;)

Oh boy, metastories...


This should be fun. :yay:


Well, that's one word for it, yes. I'm admittedly looking forwards to it, though, and the weird ideas people come up with. I like a challenge.

Then went home. Or to their equivalents in this world.”

Oh my...
Truth is, I planned on also calling out "varicose", mistaking it for various... but then you did it yourself... and now I can't help but blush. :twilightblush:

It seems that in every new chapter I read of you, there's always a few new (Genet? That's an actual thing?) words to discover. :twilightsmile:

Also (though I'm not sure why), I find the story (wich is hilarious, by-the-by) is easier to read if I just imagine it as one big, giant discussion with an omnipotent god narrator... (wich it technically is, but still...)


Thankee. I am extra glad to make sure this one gets edited.
And yeah, there will be. A lot of word jokes and puns in this story in particular. It should be fun. And yes. Genets are rather adorable, actually.
But thanks. I'm very glad you're finding this one enjoyable. It's meant to be a fun story and all, so. I'm just going to continue to keep it as fun as I can and work in people's ideas as I get them. There may be some serious moments here and there, but even then I'm going to try to aim to keep it lighthearted.
Although. Knowing me and all. Well. You can imagine.

“Well, I guess we won't run into many problems, since we're all unicorns.”


Oh Karl...why do I not know how to feel about you?


“Oh, please, you can't actually expect me to walk all the way can in these, can you?”

That reads a bit out of place...



I'm... a bit scared to guess what this could be, since I don't think praises can be made physical...

Luna hovered in the air with a huff, hands dropping on her hips.



when did thou have another child?

*Insert sound of face hitting desk... repeatedly*
This... isn't about Antares, is it?

As much as I love your Luna she's damn irritating.


She is the best and she is very much the worst.

changed things on whim,

Pretty sure there's a word missing here...

For when you strike at me, you strike not merely at a pony, a pony who has tried so hard throughout all of life to only be the very best at what his pony does for the love and laughter of the people...

This part puzzles me... oh, maybe "this"?

Also, just curious, but... was Karl/a (to be safe :applejackunsure:) the character from the third slot?


Nope, Karla is a part of the character cast, like the Draconequus. She will pop in and out to play uh. Certain roles that need playing.

and River Styx grimace

A sudden present tense amidst past tenses.

I'll admit, Karl's revelation made me giggle a bit.

Also... so the Narrator refers to himself as a draconequus...
Curious. :trixieshiftright:


I am glad to hear it. Karl is one of those characters I'm never quite sure of. But he's at least fun to write.

Forgot the charity link in the A/N. :3

Edit: As always, your chapters give me a half-chub. I only lament we have to wait for the next.


Thanks. Completely not all here today.

This is really making me want to finish your other stories with Scrivvy.


Well, the stories'll always be there. Although it's admittedly quite a bit to read.

6476333 I think I last clocked them at a total of 7,460,928, altogether. Maybe shave a million off in case I accidentally counted some twice, but even then that's an intimidating word-count lol

iss from Scrivy, as he is the .”

Missed word at the end perhaps? Hell if I know, bloody sleep deprivation.

At this point it feels redundant to say your chapters get me air-humping awkwardly, but they do. :3


Princess, yes. Thank you. But I'm glad you like it. More than halfway through now, and hopefully the next chapters will be more fun and coherent.

and they lunged towards the stallions at the same time,

Ehrm... stallion-s? So... Neil was turned pony a split-second before he became... whatever it was he became?

Bleh, was pretty much convinced Not-twilight was Cancer, until Luna said only Scrivener has encountered her before...

Also... I'm gonna go ahead and guess that the redacted are either personas you wrote before (Neil/Brynhild from your novels, Twilight(?) and changelings from your pony-words) or are characters inspired by... nevermind, just the above.


Whoops. I thought I corrected all of those. When I wrote this, I literally wrote "stallion" and "mare" for Neil and Brynhild every single time, because of how used I've gotten to writing about ponies. I thought I caught them all in my quick edit but. Apparently not.
And the Redacted is going to end up being... interesting. After the Intermission sequence, the story will get a lot more "structure" to it, so to speak. It'll hopefully get people's interest in contributing again and stuff because I know these intermission bits have been kind of slipshod and the whole story's been very chaotic up to this point. Now we're entering a point where all the chaos starts to make sense.

Luna retorted, and there was such a sick sense of deja vu in her stomach as she and the handsome and yet pathetic stallion glared back at her.

Ehrm... so Luna, together with you-know-who, glared at herself? Feels like there is a verb missing...

Im just going to call it now, Morebucks manor is basically going to be North Neigh revisited.

I can already see all the ways this will.go wrong if I'm right.

I'm rather ashamed to admit I forgot I had this story in my read later list. Not sure how I managed to forget about one of BRR's epics, but here I am. Anyway, looking forward to more, as always.


It is admittedly quite a funny one, even for me. But thanks very much. I hope you enjoy it through and through. Another chapter should be up soon and the story itself should be complete in its entirety by early December.

slammed a double-kick straight into his crotch.


Everything's coming to a boil.

“And especially her buttocks.” Luna said with clear relish, waggling her eyebrows pointedly at the Red Messenger, who violently, visibly twitched.


I can't decide if this chapter wanted to be a JRPG or a Silent Hill game more; what, with the attempted summoning and successful(?) killing of a god(?)

My general reaction to everything after "Pathetic. Absolutely pathetic.”

It was awesome to read, sure... but what the actual hell?

You know, maybe you should put up a "mindrape" tag... where it's the reader's mind that is getting assaulted.

Is that a good thing or a bad thing?

6714867 Depends on the next chapter, to be honest.


Yes, it. Got a little weird.
Well, okay, the whole story is weird.
I've actually been considering that for No Longer A Planet from the beginning, though. There are two chapters left, I think: the next one will be a bit of exposition and... a final piece of story for our characters to play out, before I finish things up, hopefully as neatly as possible.

I've should have expected this twist, honestly. Nothing with your stories is ever as it seems.


It's something I had in mind from the beginning. The hardest part was concealing it and making it make sense. But one last chapter and it should all come together, finally.

This is so meta, even the meta-meta is starting to meta the meta meta meta. And it's bloody glorious.

Oh god, there are so many ways you could go with this (not even taking the meta-ones in consideration), my head starts to hurt about all the possibilities.

How limited is this story? Is it just the Narrator and the characters, or are the writer (you) and the readers (us) also a part?
What are the Redacted? Who was Pluto meant to be? If Pluto was you, Rose, are the Redacted those "characters" in your head that are suddenly free (I remember you mentioning multiple times that you don't really "control" your characters, but that your characters rather come to life because they control your hands and whisper in your mind to write stories about them... or something.)?
Or hell, was this just one big game between you (as the Narrator) and the reader (wich would be the apex of "meta")?

So... many... outcomes...

I am so excited to read the last chapter now, a super awesome story about stuff indeed.


Thank you very much. I am kind of worried about my execution of the last bit of this story, so I'm glad to hear I have your vote of confidence at least, and I hope that I end it properly. It might end up a little longer than anticipated, though, so uh. There may be more than one more chapter.
I know. I'm awful at estimates.

Been an enjoyable ride. Much <3 BRR

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