• Published 6th May 2012
  • 5,334 Views, 58 Comments

Love Unsought - PrometheusDark

Love sought is good, love unsought is better. Or is it?

  • ...

Bad Love

The changeling didn't seem to care about whatever he wanted. In their current position, he could even feel her smile. It drove him crazy, just how different she was then anypony else he knew, it made him that special mix of anger and sadness that formed depression. She was dominant over him, and she knew it.

That fact was most apparent now, while she captures his lips with her own. It was nothing like the stories he had read. There were no fireworks, time did not slow down for them, no eternity waited on them, she did not taste sweet or like any real kind of fruit, she had a unique sour tang. Instead of all this, he felt a gaping hole in his chest, a pit in his stomach that he thought would never fill. It was wrong, just so wrong. She wasn't pleasant, she wasn't perfect, she was far from it. She was evil, she was tainted and ugly. Most of all, she was horrible, and he hated himself for enjoying the sensation.

He had, lately, felt so strong relative to the ponies he had come to know. He felt powerful, and great, like he could take Big Mac in a fight and come out on top, even. Now he felt so frail, so weak, like he was nothing and she was everything. He felt like he would die right then and there, only to be risen from his ashen remains like a phoenix by her power over him. The kiss wasn't passionate, it wasn't loving, it was forceful and filled with need, but at the same time a lack of want. She didn't want him, she needed him. Something about that made him feel pride, the kind of pride that comes with being useful. He didn't want to feel that pride, it wasn't right. The lip-lock, however, didn't last long. A mere few seconds and she pulled away from him and slowly let him slide down the wall until he was met with the floor, he felt so powerless. He wanted to sob, but couldn't find the energy to do even that.

Chrysalis licked her lips and watched him sit there, staring ahead. The thousand-yard stare was a well known sign of trauma. He was shell-shocked, she couldn't help but let out a little giggle. The dragon was broken so easily, he probably never even kissed a mare before this and now she was forcing herself on him. She could feel the power coursing through her, it was the love she wanted oh so much. She had looked for it before, made elaborate plans on how to get it, and now she had it in the most simple of ways.

Spike took in a shaky breath, inhaling deep and filling his lungs until he felt a stab of pain. He wanted to dissolve into the floor, to disappear and be done with this mess. The changeling would never allow that, though. She needed him alive if she was going to feed on him. The drake released his held breath when the monster in question decided she had better things to do, like wander around his cave. She never really took the chance to survey what would probably be her home until further notice.

It was rather drab and empty. A small hoard of various gems in the corner, which he stockpiled as a sort of emergency snack supply. A few pictures tacked to the walls with some sort of sticky putty. A large, forest green comforter blanket that looked like it could cover her and two others completely and still leave room. Even a bookshelf housing a few tomes. Yeah, this place was a dump. It obviously needed a mare's touch. She began to formulate ideas on how to improve the living area when she heard a low growl.

At first, she assumed it was her dinner, growing a pair and trying to intimidate her once more. However, once she turned to the noise, she saw his mouth firmly shut, his eyes closed, and a hand on his belly. She recalled that she needed him alive, and he was obviously to weak to even move, let alone feed himself. Damn it all to Tartarus...

She strode over to him and delivered a swift, though not to harsh, kick to the side. He groaned in response, not bothering to make any attempt to fight back. He couldn't anyway, he was to tired from the seemingly constant molestation. Chrysalis gave him a moan of agitation to rival his pained noises. She was hoping it wouldn't come to this.

She really wished it wouldn't have come to this. Feeding the poor bastard wasn't exactly her idea of a fun time, especially when he was resisting. In fact, why was he resisting? It was just food, damn it!

“Just open your mouth already.” Chrysalis growled, earning a tired glare from the rebellious dragon and nothing else. Chrysalis was agitated for even needing to feed him, now she was confused as to why he'd deny the meat she'd gotten. What else do dragons eat, if not a nice, juicy slice of innocent, wild animal?

Truth be told, Spike wanted to puke, but his stomach was so empty that nothing would come up. How could she kill something and then expect him to eat it?! He wasn't about to give in and eat something so sick if he could help it. It was at this thought that he suddenly found his air supply cut off. Something was covering his nose, meaning he would need to open his mouth to breathe. Spike tried his damnedest to keep his mouth shut, but it was becoming harder by the second. He gave the changeling another glare, seeing her horn aglow. It was obvious she was trying to get him to eat that food, if one could even call it that.

It wasn't long before his pitiful struggle was proven futile, not that he didn't know from the start. He gasped for air, taking it in greedily before something was shoved into his maw, something warm and slimy. He gagged on it and tried to spit out the disgusting thing, only to find that now she had forced his mouth closed with her sickly green magic. He wanted someone to show up, anyone. One of the princesses, Twilight, hell even Fluttershy would be great.

No one came.

With no other options, he swallowed the dead meat. It left a strange after taste in his mouth, not that it mattered what it tasted like. It was once a living, breathing thing just like himself and he had just eaten it. He could feel what little bile had formed in his stomach start to rise.

“One would think a dragon of all things would love to have a nice meal fed to him.” The changeling crowed, looking down at Spike strangely. She must think he's a freak or something, not that he cared. He thought she was a freak too. The dragon found his voice, though it was tired.

“You'd think...” His sarcasm wasn't very becoming, but then, he was a dragon. He motioned to the pile of gems. “I'm a vegetarian.” He informed, anger evident, though not prominent. He merely received laughter for his trouble.

“A dragon? A vegetarian? I've never heard anything so ridiculous!” She howled. Spike wanted to slug her, even if she was a mare. He was raised to never hit a girl, but it's hard to think that way when one is this cruel. Once her laughter finally subsided she turned to Spike to see him finding the floor very interesting. Her words hurt, yeah, but what hurt more was that he couldn't see an end to this.

All he could do was hope somepony found him soon.

Elsewhere, a certain purple mare's eyes lazily drifted to her bedside clock, which hadn't stopped it's incessant beeping. The two have been battling it out for nearly a half an hour, if the clock itself was to be believed, but Twilight Sparkle was never one for giving up.

Well, sometimes, at least.

The gifted unicorn had a bad feeling all morning. Though, her logical mind told her it was just her usual worrying about Spike. It came daily, really. As she threw the clock against the wall with such force it rattled the bookshelf nearby, she couldn't help but feel regret. She missed having him in the library, his childish laughter, his immature wit, heck, she even missed his embarrassed groaning every time he did something stupid.

The trails of thought stopped, she couldn't go down that road. Twilight had already dealt with the issue regarding his housing, and made sure he was walking distance from Ponyville. Even made sure he was in a (relatively) safe part of Everfree Forest. She had nothing to worry about.

Then why was she so scared for him all the sudden?

Trying her best to ignore her growing concern, she carefully traversed the steps down into the library's main room and unlocked the entrance with a quiet click. What she wasn't expecting was for a blur of pink motion to throw the door opened and nearly topple her onto a stack of books. In the back of her mind, she thought, she missed having someone clean up after her as well. If Pinkie hadn't caught her and held her in place as she spouted words at mach five, she would have fallen into the book mountain.

“-And someponies in serious trouble!” The pink earth pony with the cotton candy mane cried, though that was the only part Twilight caught.

“Whoa there, Pinkie Pie. Who's in trouble?” Twilight questioned, finally regaining her composure and allowing Pinkie to release her.

“I don't know, but whoever it is, we need to find them! See? Twitchy leg, itchy mane, and- Ow!- bubbly stomach.” She recited. Pinkie senses, something no one but Pinkie could ever hope to understand. While Twilight would have questioned her about a shower, considering the itchy mane, or even how she might have eaten to much sweets, she knew better.

This was Pinkie Pie they were talking about, of course.

“Should we tell the police?” Twilight asked, uncertain. What would the police even do, with nothing to go on but some random pink mare saying nothing more then someone's in trouble? “Do you have anything else to go on?” Twilight always wanted to be a detective, all those mystery novels certainly helped!

“Twitchy leg, its someone we know.” The pink pony spoke solemnly and suddenly, Twilight's bad feeling rocketed up to intense worry.

“Could it be... Spike?” She interrogated, her voice laced with worry.

“Could be.” Pinkie said, and that's all Twilight needed. She took off at full gallop, her mind in a haze of concern.

Her lips tasted just as sour as last time, and her tongue just as intrusive. It wrapped around his and attacked like a angry serpent, striking his again and again. Her curves felt strange against his body as he was forced to the ground, with the changeling on top of him. Her carapace was dry and cold against his scales, though the feeling, while alien to him, was... Good.

Good. Everything about his situation could be described as the opposite, and yet here he was, his vision blurred, his brain refusing to respond to any stimulus, besides one. Love her. Love her physically, and somehow, emotionally. Though he couldn't bring himself to accept that, he couldn't dwell on it now. He could merely hold onto her as she forced herself upon him

He loved every second, and hated himself more and more as he did.

Comments ( 27 )

Update, YES IT IS DELICIOUS! Best wishes man.


Yummy updates are yummy.~ Thank! :twilightblush:

997554 Disturbing BUTT FUN messed up BUTT FUN wink wink nudge nudge.:pinkiehappy:


I don't think they went that far. But, maybe I should add a mature tag, just in case... :twilightoops:

im gone 3 hours and come back to this suprise,:pinkiehappy: its beautiful:raritystarry:

998041 Its chrysalis you know what happend :ajsmug: lol.

You finally updated. And it's looking good. Thanks :ajsmug:


Yeah, took a few month long hiatus from writing. I had forced myself to write to much before and burnt myself out real fast, but I'm back in the game again. This time I'm actually pacing myself.~

I guess you could say, Chrysalis wants a...


Bad Romance...

Perhaps you only need to stop making more and more storys and finish the ones you already have in process. I'm still waiting chapter 5 for "Consort of the sun". :fluttershyouch:
PD: I already left you a review on fanfiction.net for this one.


Perhaps you should pay attention to the blog posts, since they have some information on them about what my current projects are? Consort of the Sun was canceled because the rewrite turned into something different. I won't be posting more new stories until I've finished the ones I've started, starting with To Kill A Dragon. Also, I wouldn't call telling me that the vegetarian thing was overused a review.

My bad. I'm not a blog checker. But even so, you are writting 4 stories simultaneously (unless youre gonna let "The power of music" die as well) that's to much work to deal with.
Of course telling you to not recycle ideas from your other stories counts as a review. Compare to people who just write "good chapter" or "I like this story" that is.:rainbowlaugh:
Don't get the wrong idea, I really like youre stries, and I think youre pretty good. But to much creativity is worthless if you just keep canceling your stories to begin new ones.

I. Liked it.

Man whats taking so long to update?


Probably the fact that I'm on what may be a perma-hiatus. Check my blog, it ALWAYS tells what I'm working on at the moment, if I'm working on anything.

ow come on I really like this one. :pinkiesad2:

This should be a clopfic!:pinkiehappy:


I promised somebody I would never write those. That somebody was myself. :pinkiecrazy:

- Continue?:moustache:

Poor Spike, having seriously no choice in the matter, and damn, first time I read a fic with Spike eating meat (I think) damn this is going to suck, and Twi must be having such an awful time, very great job my friend:ajsmug:

There are two things I can't get enough of: seeing ladies take control and seeing Spike get some action. Gotta say, I'm loving this. It would be a good day if you eventually found yourself eager and able to take this tale back up.

Man i am interested in the story big time, but i do hate to see my main man getting kicked around like that without even getting a chance to fight back. I only hope he can find some way out of it ( even better if he ends up giving her a taste of her own medicine too lol)

I do wish Spike could solve his problems by himself every now and then.

Next on the dead stories channel, 6 years and running

same here. though It seams severely one sided and even boarderline assult maybe rape. might just be me but thats the vibe I'm getting from this.

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