• Published 26th Feb 2015
  • 10,353 Views, 168 Comments

One is All, and All is One - Midnight Tales

[A Displaced Fic] A man dressed as Edward Elric "The Fullmetal Alchemist" gets thrown through the void into Equestria along with the power of transmutation.

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Chapter 7 - You're My Uncle?

Author's Note:

I'm so sorry for publishing this a couple of days late... Saving is one of the most important parts of writing, and sometimes it does not work. That was a really bad excuse but oh well.

I hope you all enjoy it anyway... But knowing me, It will probably be bad again and short.

Just so everyone knows, my grammar is a train wreck so feel free to point out errors I've missed, and how great it usually is I'm expected more than 10 but less than 30.

"An awesome fairy tale, etch it into history..."

Over the past week I had finished making my cave into an actual house, by the time I was finished I'd fought off a pack of wolves made of wood, two manticores and a fucking chimera on my daily hunting trips. I mean the one from Greek mythology. Yeah I was a bit upset that it wasn't something from Fullmetal too, would have made this place a lot better.

By then I had decided I would go to Sweet Apple Acres and meet the Apples Kat had told me about and see if they really are related to Millstone. But once again fate reared its ugly head and taunted me with was the most confusing thing I had seen since being sent here. Ponies beating the tar out of each other. The fight seemed to focus on a whichever pony decided to ran away or something. By sundown the ponies still hadn't finished their brawl, when Celestia came out of nowhere as she lowered the sun and descended onto the crowds and made them stop fighting with her magic. By then I was looking over my back as I ran back into the forest hoping she hadn't seen me and wondering what the hell had I just seen.

Only a few nights later Princess Luna had come to town during some Halloween festival they were having and terrorised half the town trying to explain that she wasn't evil or something while yelling at them in the Royal Canterlot Voice. I wasn't sure whether I should laugh at how clueless she was or cry how clueless all of them were at the simply problem they faced. Though the pink one scares me. She would slowly turn her head towards me at random times during the night as if she knew where I was and then smile and wave.

This is it...

I stood motionlessly as I stared at a hanging sign with words "Sweet Apple Acres" carved deep into the wood. Time slowly past by as the sun rose from the horizon painting the farm in it's morning glow, a bright red barn-style house stood in the middle, hundreds of tree were scattered around the property with bright red apples hanging from their branches. A loud crowing broke from my thoughts. I slowly walked up the dirt path and onto the porch, a murmur of voices reached my ears, I knocked on the door twice and stepped back and leaned down a little as I waited.

"Just ah moment! Who goes knocking on ponies door's at this time ah mornin'..." A strong southern accented voice called. A light orange mare with a stetson hat stood on the other side as the door slowly opened. "Now how can ah help-" The mare stood wide-eyed as she looked at me.

"Just let me explain myself before you start yelling, okay?" I said placatingly trying to lower myself even further "Your name is Applejack yeah?".

She nodded slowly, her eyes never losing there focus on me.

"I don't suppose you know who I am, do you...?" I asked getting another slow shake of her head in return "Crap... Well my name is Edward Elric. I know this is probably going to sound insane. But, I might be your great great great great great great great great great great great great grand uncle... Give or take a few greats."

"Yer right... That does sound a'might... crazy," Applejack shook her head lightly, eyes closed "But ah can tell you ain't lying..." she said while standing a little more confidently.

Well this is awkward now...

We stood there just staring at each other for a few moment before someone yelled hoarsely "Just let whoever it is in and come eat breakfast!"

"How about you join us for breakfast. But you got some explaining to do after. Got it?" Applejack said with a glint in her eye before moving back inside.

This is going to be one of those really weird times isn't it...

During breakfast I met with Applejack's brother Big Macintosh, a large red stallion who took strong and silent to a new level, that or he's mute. Granny Smith, reminded me a lot of Honeygold, the frying pan she, swinging at my head when I entered the kitchen certainly helped. And finally Applejack told me about her little sister. Applebloom, a young red-haired filly, who by the sound of it, was one of the kids I saw before Discord freed me.

When Applejack told them about me possibly being their relative Granny Smith pulled me from the table and looked over every part of me with a scrutinizing eye for a minute before declaring I hadn't a lick of resemblance to them. I swear she is freaking senile or she really wanted to troll everyone by the way she smiled at our deadpan look before she continued eating her breakfast with gusto.

After we had finished up, we sat down in their living room and I started telling them about Millstone, Honeygold, Golden and Melrose. Granny Smith looked at me strangely when I mentioned their names while the two Apple siblings stared at me with neutral expressions for most of my tale. When I told them about my age and alchemy Applejack fell of her seat laughing. Grabbing the few bits I had with me and transmuting them into a tiny statue in my likeliness with the added 'I'm dead serious' look stopped her laughing, but only manage to raise more questions. I gave them a quick explanation of alchemy to stop their questions before continuing on.

When I was finished telling them about my time in Equestria, the non-incriminating parts anyway, Granny Smith was still looking at me with a strange demeanour before telling a story of her own. Apparently I had become somewhat of a bedtime story they passed down along the generations, though most of it somehow got twisted throughout the years and slowly began portraying me as some guardian to the family or a of leprechaun who would bring fortune. Somehow I had made a big impact of the with what was the founding Apple Family, even in that week I stayed with them.

"I can still remember the stories about him," Granny Smith replied, her mischievous smile never dulling in the slightest "My favorite story was the one about Uncle Shorty."

I groaned and slammed my head into my lap at her words while the others started laughing. "Seriously? They have stories about that too?" I mumbled into the table quietly.

"I'm just having my fun now deary. Besides, there is one thing I need to check before I can say you definitely are him. Now look at me..." Granny Smith said getting me to lift my head to see her wide grin "So what do you need me to-"


"AH GODDAMNIT!" I yelled at the old mare as she chuckled "What the hell was that for?"

Fucking hoof slaps... I swear...

I glared at the wrinkled mare as I nursed my bruised face "So what was the point of that?" I asked pointedly.

"Well one of those stories mentioned something of slapping you across the face if I recall," she chuckled again "Had a similar reaction to it too in the stories."

Goddamnit Millstone...

Applejack questioned, silencing the room "Wait wait wait. So your telling us, this feller here is not only of long lost uncle... But also is one of the reasons we Apples have a family to talk about?" only getting a nod and smile from the old mare before she turned to me with a look that could only mean one thing "How old are you anyway, you must be over a thousand by now."

Looking back at her as I scratched the back of my head "Well... I'll technically be one-thousand, five-hundred and twenty-four year old at the winter solstice." I smiled before realising where this was probably headed.

"An' how can be that old anyway? Only the Princesses and that no good Discord have been around that long..."

Looking around I could see Granny and Macintosh seemed interested in knowing as well. Taking a deep breathe I began "Well... The thing is... I was-"


"Granny! Ahm home!" We all turned our heads to see Applebloom trotting in through the front door.

"Applebloom! We have someone for you to meet!"

A yellow filly with a reddish mane wearing a pink bow turned towards us, completely ignoring me for the moment and walked straight up to the rest of her family "Who is it?"

Granny Smith smiled "If you turn around you can find out for yourself."

It felt like hours had passed before she finally faced me with a curious look on her face before it exploded into a wide grin. I closed my eyes expecting her to start streaming question after question, but only a light poking followed.


Opening my eyes I found her inspecting my automail arm in her hooves, poking at each of the parts and looking at her reflection on it's surface before opening her mouth to speak "Wait a minute..."

Penny in the air...

Applebloom turned her head towards me, her inquisitive look slowly became one of realisation, and then strangely enough her smile returned even greater than before "YOUR AN ALCHEMIST!"

...And the penny drops

"I saw a statue in Canterlot last week that looks just like..."

Where the heck did that second penny come from...


I gave a sheepish smile as everyone in the room slowly began to realised what Applebloom was saying.

Comments ( 49 )

most equestrias run on a series of mostly the same physics, so it is fine really.

I'm so sorry for publishing this a couple of days late... Saving is one of the most important parts of writing, and sometimes it does not work. That was a really bad excuse but oh well.

Meh, it's valid.

Well, I suppose he will receive quite a lot of scolding and hitting in the head with a frying pan at worst but other then that, he is family to the Apples.

Now someone has some explaining to do... and what about adding some speed to that explanation? Could save that ass...

Glad to see Ed meet with his adoptive family.

I'd had fought off

I had had?

two manticores and fucking a chimera on my daily hunting trips.

Oh, so it's that kind of fic :pinkiesick: jk I love it :pinkiecrazy:

explain that she wasn't not evil

Double negative. Basically means: was not not evil = was evil.

Might want to fix that.

5801246 Except Pinkie. Then again, Pinkie.

The the fight seemed to focus on a whichever pony

and terrorised half the town trying to explain that she wasn't not evil or something

^wasn't evil

5801379 bow chicka bow wow?:rainbowhuh:

And a long explanation is about to come.

Anyone notice how he had put Applebloom at home and then put Applebloom entering the house a few hours later from, what I can only assume, the trip to canterlot? Sorry, I know I'm being nitpicky, but I feel like it was needed to be said.

Great story by the way and can't wait for the next update.

Also, your reason is legit. People don't blame you for the late update(hell knows I don't. I have updated any of my stories for a couple months).

One can only hope that Applebloom might grow into becoming an Automail Engineer since crafting is her special talent... assuming she can get a surgeons' degree from Medical School first since it's necessary to be able to work with Automail. And if she comes to realize this gift of hers soon.

5803588 Actually Applebloom is only mentioned to Edward at first then she walks in after they have done explaining things, but I do see how I made it seem like that.

Plus it has been over a week since he escaped Canterlot, the current chapter occurs over the "Lesson Zero" and "Luna Eclipsed" episodes but before "Sisterhooves Social".

Mistake in the chapter name: "You're" not "your".

I'd do more but I've had to do yard work the past two days and I'm as tired as Granny Smith's hip.

Just to make sure i'm not confused about this, but does he have two things of knowledge he can ask of Truth?

5807200 It's more like, he can ask for the knowledge of alchemy and end up with the same knowledge as the real Edward but anymore knowledge requires a greater price. Not sure if that helps but yeah he could if he wanted, ask Truth for knowledge of something else instead but the price still stand as it always has.

5807881 Thanks, you answered exactly what I was trying to ask.

Ooooh, twists and turns abound.

damn it applebloom :facehoof:

5807881 Yeah, but in the show, seeing the truth only cost a leg instead of an arm and a leg. In the anime, he lost his arm putting Al's soul in the armor. Thus, he could ask for the alchemical knowledge and still have an arm's worth of credit, right?

5810601 Yes that is very true, but alchemy requires not only the knowledge of the atomic structure of what you are changing but also the properties of what it is and what is now becoming, which Edward would have known unlike my character.

5822648 I never though someone would just read without watching the show...
Kinda seems strange but now that I think about it some fanficiton is better or funnier than the show at times. As for the title, don't worry it's going to be deleted.

heheheheheh i got to read it also...NICE

okay, so the story is freaking awesome. Just one complaint. Your grammar needs some work. It's not the worst I've seen, far from it, but you do need some work.

5833160 +1

You (Midnight Tales) could certainly use an editor, and potentially a beta reader. Someone who can look for typos as well as help even out the story a bit. There's a LOT of telling instead of showing. ( http://www.wright.edu/~david.wilson/eng3830/creativewriting101.pdf ) Fixing it will mean you'll get a lot better prose out of it, that's for sure.

Also, I'm in the middle of writing the first few chapters of my own Displaced story. Haven't posted it yet, but I will before too terribly long. It's a D&D 3.P/MLP crossover, and it mainly involves Ancient Equestria before all the horrors were sealed away, when gods made flesh walked Equis, before the alicorn sisters became princesses.

5678027 "...And this is Jackass": Johnny Knoxville's intro before he and his masochist friends ignore warning labels and common sense on an impressive scale, recording the painful consequences for the amusement of the masses. In other words they do extremely stupid and dangerous stuff in front of a camera.

Image context: Edward and Alphonse Elric standing with the transmutation circle they made to commit the ultimate taboo, attempting human transmutation to bring their dead mother back to life. The gruesome failure resulting in Alphonse losing his entire body and Edward losing his arm and leg. Safe to say that what they attempted was extremely stupid and dangerous.

I am enjoying this story a lot so far. Can't wait to read more. :twilightsmile:

Aww. I want to read more! :fluttercry:


s-s-sorry i always wanted to do that!

Hey, Max is ready for a crossover if you still want to do one.

Since he already has the book on alchemy, would he ask for knowledge of the Xingese Purification Arts instead? If nothing else he could ask Truth if that's acceptable since sensing the flow of life, distant transmutation and medical transmutations are abilities that are either completely or mostly foreign to Amestrian Alchemy, which he can already learn the old-fashioned way.

Cmaaaaaaan! I need moar!!! XD
I Lork Dias starreh!!!


6154312 I'm not sure if your talking about the parts in the story where I have stated it was in the past or the parts where I have outlined parts of episodes after "The Return of Harmony" Parts 1 & 2, such as in the first few paragraphs of this chapter which pointed out "Lesson Zero" and "Luna Eclipsed" which follow the start of season 2.

If that didn't help please go point out the fuck up I have made (pretty sure there is going to be one I missed).

I haven't yet begun to read this story, but I'ma throw you not just the bone, but the whole haunch too.
If you're having problems with having the story make sense, getting an outside perspective helps.
Try asking around for someone to pre-read and/or edit. Preferably both, and then ones with common sense, decent literary skills, and a firm grasp on the english language. (Prereaders will tell you when you didn't english good. Editors are there to tell you when you didn't story good. Both are suppose to give you suggestions and pointers.)
There's a few groups dedicated to this sort of thing and I encourage you utilize the resources.
I wish you luck fixing the stupid, regardless of your choices.

5844868 Go read this: http://www.fimfiction.net/story/182126/the-mighty-warrior-of-epicness

No mediocrity there. My ONE and ONLY complaint is that there're a few too many referential jokes in the beginning. That's it. And I'm seriously picky about what I like.

6547790 dude u have no idea wut full metal alcamist is so leave that teh the profishinals it's one giant coco coco clock of insanity don't question the alcamist or go watch it ur self it has a lot of lol moments and worst times moments and side note grate show for the epic showdown

7003770 You mean two of my absolute favorite anime series of all time?

I have no idea why you directed your (incredibly poorly constructed) comment at me, but I love FMA and FMA: B.


This story is good, (in my opinion,) though as some other commentors have pointed out, there is a definitive roughness to its grammar.

That being said, this is the second or third FMA Displaced I've seen so far, (not necessarily a bad thing in my eyes,) which begs the question; when is there going to be a crossover with two or more Edwards running around in the same world? Why are we not funding this?

Me after seeing that ending:"Boi, You fucked now!"

That title reminds me of "one for all" and "all for one"


So whats the point of making him Edward then? If he don't have his memorys then why did you not just drop him in the world in your body.
Plus giving him circle less alchemy will not make him overpowered when a random unicorn can just make him float he wouldn't even be able to do anything to stop them/her.

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