• Published 8th Feb 2015
  • 574 Views, 14 Comments

The Rainbow Factory - Nerdy

The Doctor and Rainbow Dash just have to investigate the new Rainbow Factory! But they aren't prepared for what they find inside....

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Learning of the Factory


Rainbow Dash closed her book, Daring Do and the Griffon’s Goblet. She stretched out onto the soft cloud bed, grabbed her notebook, and began to write.

May 18
Just read Griffon’s Goblet for the seventh time. It reminded me of that time the Doctor took me to Zebrica, 1854, and we accidently started the Second Zebra War, then ended it.

A loud groan came from the ground below Rainbow Dash’s house. She grinned, put her notebook away, and zoomed out of the house. On the ground, behind Sugar Cube Corner, was a blue police box. A brown earth pony with a green tie was standing right outside.

“DOCTOR!” Rainbow Dash yelled. She flew right into the Time Pony and gave him a hug. The Doctor hugged back.

“Hello, Dashie!” He said. “Have I got a surprise!”


“Come into the TARDIS and you’ll see!”

The Doctor led Rainbow Dash into the Tardis, the Pegasus being greeted by the familiar bookcases and control panel. The Doctor hurried over to the console, and grabbed something, showing it to Rainbow Dash.

“WONDERBOLTS TICKETS!!!” Rainbow Dash yelled. “YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYES!!!! How in Equestria did you get it?”

“I’m a time traveler, Dashie,” The Doctor said. “I can get anything. Andiamo!” (That’s ‘let’s go’ in Italian)

The Doctor typed some numbers into the console and pulled a lever. The familiar groan of the TARDIS soothed Rainbow Dash, while heightening her excitement. A Wonderbolt’s show! Soon, the creaking stopped, and Rainbow Dahs flew out of the Tardis, excitement bursting through her. That was, until she saw where they were.

It was her hometown, Cloudsdale. This should have made Rainbow Dash even more excited, but the thing was, The Doctor was an earth pony. He was standing right outside the exit to the Tardis.

“Doctor, wait!” Rainbow Dash called. The Doctor stepped out onto the clouds. He didn’t fall.

“Cloud walking potion,” The Doctor said. “We need to get some more. Here, K9!” A robotic dog wheeled out of the Tardis, slightly hovering as to not fall through the clouds.

“I don’t want to leave him bored in the Tardis,” The Doctor said. “Dashie, do you know where the closest apothecary is?”

“Right over here,” Rainbow Dash said, flying over to a small old building. Inside, it was warm, full of interesting bottles. A young gray Pegasus with a cutie mark of a potion bottle was behind the counter.

“Hi, Felix!” Rainbow Dash said.

“Hey Dash,” Felix said grinning. “Who’s the pal?”

“I’m the Doctor,” The Doctor said. “I need about 10 bottles of cloud walking potion.”

“I have only two ready. You’ll have to wait while I make some more.”

“That’s fine by me.” The Doctor and Rainbow Dash started to walk around the quaint little shop. Rainbow Dash was trying some free samples of a luck potion named after Felix himself, Felix Felicis. The Doctor’s eye was caught by a bulletin board. A picture of a dark looking factory with the words ‘Help Wanted’ was bulletined onto the board.

“Felix, what is this?” the Doctor asked, pulling the paper off and handing it to Felix.

“That’s the new Rainbow Factory,” Felix said. “That’s where they create rainbows. It’s a mighty creepy place. They have a drain that leads down to the sewer, but the thing is, a lot of the time, its red. What’s even creepier, I took some of it to take a sample, and the thing was? It matched DNA of a Pegasus that went missing right after the Rainbow Factory opened!”

“Now how in the world did a pegasus’s DNA end up in a drain?” The Doctor said.

“Oh no, I know that look,” Rainbow Dash said.

Felix somehow knew it too, gave them the bottles free, and made them leave quickly.

“We need to investigate,” The Doctor said. Rainbow Dash fixed him in a harsh gaze.

“You promised me that we would go to the Wonderbolts show!” She said.

“We will, we will,” the Doctor said. “Alright? So, come one! Andiamo, guys!”

The Wonderbolts Air show was amazing. It was a show worth seeing. (Too bad you can’t!!! ).

“Awesome!” Rainbow Dash said. “Where to now?”

“I typed the location into K9,” The Doctor said. “He’ll lead us to it!” The robot dog took off, the ponies in pursuit.

When they arrived, Rainbow Dash saw where they were. The Rainbow Factory!

A gruff Griffon guard stopped the ponies. “Sorry, folks, employees only from this point,” he said.

“That’s great!” The Doctor said. “Cause we want to become employees!”