• Published 9th Feb 2015
  • 2,822 Views, 24 Comments

Her day - Hillbe

Rarity waits for her special date for Hearts and Hooves Day, It's her special day and she waits, and waits and waits some more.

  • ...

The Three Minute Note

The Three Minute Note

Spike burped up the usual scroll from Princess Celestia but after Twilights little episode he was delegated kitchen duties
for the century hobbling to find her he moved on his cast foot on slick crystal floors it was no joy and a literal pain in the rump.
Twilight Sparkle was having no scaled lip or green spinal back talk after all it was her castle and her rules.

"Twilight special delivery from the Princess" Spike announced down the halls hoping for no answer.

He limped along to the study and found Twilight fast asleep her face smashed flat in an oversized book. Advanced Genetics 101

Spike softly raised her hoof and laid the scroll between fur and wood. Nothing like sleep to cool things off and after the surprise
of the other day.

"Don't need anymore trouble than what I got as it is" Spike whispered as he backed out of the room.

"Spike don't go" Twilight said without moving from her face plant "Spike how could you?"

Spike looked in confusion listening to what would be the closest mare to his mother? Sister? Boss? Sleep talker?

Spike slowly turned leaving the study cast foot after clawed foot he stepped along feeling like a heal.

"I'm sorry Twilight I'm just a dumb ol selfish dragon". He continued along "Shouldn't be keeping secrets behind your back specially
my thing with Rarity. Thing? What thing? What would we call a half dragon half pony?" Spike could only shake his head.

Hours passed Spike busied himself preparing a meal fit for a Princess of Friendship.
Actually he ordered out oat burgers, hay fries, goat cheese tacos, bean and rice burritos, Apple family pies, Pinkies cupcakes
Fluttershys deviled eggs, and Rainbow Dash came with a few pizzas and a keg. Would that clash with Raritys hors d'oeuvres?
The table was set and the drinks laid out. The whole gang was waiting.

Twilight awoke alone with the scroll underhoof she saw the royal seal and with a flick of her magical horn
popped said seal unrolling the parchment her eyes grew wide roving over the script.

"No, I can't believe it! This has got to be a bad dream". She looked around and called out his name "SPIKE!"

Not seeing him near and his lack of an answer to her call Twilight began to trot along the halls looking for the lazy assistant,
she looked from side to side every task finished and every chore done to its usual high quality.

Even with his trips to the Boutique he had never let his duties go unfinished even when her kingdoms duty called her out and
he was left behind still he did more than read comic books and raiding the fridge for ice cream.

She trotted along the main hall the scroll in tow Spike I know you're getting older but you're still my responsibility
Her stomach rumbled at its master You are a good cook ,A loyal friend and number one pain in the flank

Smells from the dining hall pulled her along her ears perked up as she heard familiar voices.

Twilight poked her head through the door what she saw brought a few tears and a little confusion.

Above hung a banner 'Happy Mothers Day, TWILIGHT!'

"What's all this about?" Twilight quizzed the scoundrels of the crystal map "I'm not a mother".

Spike shuffled up to Twilight "Sorry for all the stuff I've pulled behind your back, and you're the closest mare
to a mother a dragon could have. Happy mothers day mom".

You're my number one assistant...

"Hope you're feeling up to being a grand mother. Can you forgive this nag of a friend?" Rarity held out a hoof.

I'm too young to be a grand mother!

Apple Jack sounded out "Ah Twilight you're the closest thing to a mother Applebloom will see next to me can't thank you enough".

"Appleblppms mom?"

"And Scootaloo has you to thank for all the awesome time you've given her" Rainbow Dash teased "Not bad for an egghead".


Twilight took Raritys hoof and Spikes Claw "I should of known you Mr. Romeo, You never leave anything unfinished do you?
I was afraid of you growing up and I reacted like a nasty step mother and as for you Miss Rarity there is nothing to forgive".

"So this makes me a Mom?"

Twilight embraced the two as the rest joined in a group hug the scroll floating above.

The seven sat down at the table a cushion for each flank and a feast of fast food and country fixings at each setting.

"Twilight? "Spike asked as the bunch sat down to eat "What's on the scroll?"

Twilight unrolled the parchment and read what was written upon it.

To Thee Princess of Friendship Twilight Sparkle

We the Royal Sisters and the Royal Guard Corps are entered in a Royal pool.

As you already know Spike and Lady Rarity are expecting their first born odds are fifty-fifty on Prince or Princess.

Five bits for each date and hour on the due date, A bit for eye color, Horn or tail, Spines or mane.

Five bits for Pongon, Scales over fur.

Five bits for Dracony, Fur over scales.

Five bits at hundred to one if the foal looks like Discord.

Your Princess Celi & LuLu


The bunch let out a collective chuckle as Spike got a sly grin on his snout.

Twilight saw the look on Spikes face "Spike? I know that look. What devious scheme are you up to buster?"

Spike laid out his plan "We can have the doctors deliver a half dozen eggs and we rake in the bits..."

Rarity spat out her roll and that's when the food fight started.

Author's Note:

Happy Mothers day.

Comments ( 6 )

One major flaw, I highly doubt Fluttershy would ever make deviled eggs.

5956922 She raises chickens and feeds bears, eggs for sugar cube corners baked goods or Apple family pies. . .Not that far of a stretch is it?:flutterrage: YOU ARE GOING TO EAT THEM!

5956935 Applejack owns her own chickens, and Pinkie most likely gets her eggs from Applejack.
I believe that Fluttershy would be against using eggs in any food, but would respect her friends ways of life because she's to nice to try and force them goest them.

Cute and funny :yay:Yay

7717723 thank you:pinkiehappy:

The only thing that puts me off is the grammar. But, the story overall is good. Love the letter and Spike's comment about eggs, especially

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