• Published 6th May 2012
  • 2,743 Views, 40 Comments

The Creation of Chaos - The Truth of Chaos

A discovery on Discord's past through a wish Twilight makes.

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Chapter 5 - Beginning of the End

Commanding Hoof sat up in his throne, one of the things he did little of, with Chemical Flask to the front of him. He was having a deep conversation, and ordered the guards out of the room. After all, these were private matters. Coming from a dark corner of the chamber was a sound which resembled snoring, but was not like the voice of a pony.

"My king, I'm not sure this 'grand' surprise will work. I mean, doesn't it seem a little sudden? Only two weeks to prepare?" Chemical Flask questioned the King; worry was plain in his tone. Cautiousness and smart thinking had gotten him his job, but that did not make him the King's advisor. Well, at least Commanding Hoof did not see it that way.
The King took a deep breath, his fake smile waving. "Well, that's what makes it so grand. I mean, it's been one hundred years since the founding of our wondrous land. Can't you imagine the ponies will want to hold a celebration on the day that birthed Equestria?" The Pegasus questioned, seemingly raising a valid point. His inner expression turned to dark joy when he saw the professor trying to think of something to reply with, but not a word left his lips. The dark coated stallion continued, sitting tall in his gem ridden throne. "And what better way to celebrate than to hold a contest for every creature in the lands to attend? Imagine the crowd, cheering and shouting out for their favorite competitor."

The light purple pony sighed, nodding reluctantly to the Kings’ opinion. "As you wish your lordship, but I still don't think this is a good idea. I believe the people would take the news regarding the Harmony Element rather happil--" Chemical Flask was quickly cut off by his superior's cold stare, lips instantly closing as he took a step back. Giving a heavy sigh, the professor turned on his hoofs and paced towards the entrance. Without looking back, his horn enveloped in a white light, the doors shutting close behind him, setting off to find the records bank.

Once the doors refused to reveal any light from outside, the King's smile vanished, the grim, uptight expression once again painted on his face. He glanced to the corner that was shedding the essence of noise. Squinting his eyes, "Chito, if you do not stop that snoring I will send you to the dungeons to sleep!" Commanding Hoof yelled, slamming his forefoot against the arm of his throne.

A figure stirred in the corner, stretching and yawning quietly before beginning to make his way over to his lord. As soon as the creature stood in the light, the king had to resist the urge to rear back in disturbing shock. It stood on two claws, connecting to a pair of stubby, short legs. His body was a dark and slightly grey shade of purple, his fur brimming around his neck. His arms tucked into the sides of his body, the wings attached to them closing as much as they could. He shook his head slightly, his large, rounded ears flicking around, jet black eyes staring at his master. He smiled towards the pony, rolling his shoulders.

"I am sorry that I disturbed you, master. If you wish I shall go sleep somewhere else." The creature known as Chito began, bowing slightly as he approached the king, "Unless you have need of me?"
"Actually, yes, I do..." He placed his hoof beneath his chin, looking off into space as he recapped what he needed the strange bat creature for. The image of a bear came searing into his mind, and the king let out a quiet growl. "Do you remember that law enforcer Lania?" Chito looked upwards into space, bringing a talon to his chin as he searched his memories. "Are you referring to the Chief of P.O.C., also one of the subjects from the many Animal Adaption programs?" The purple bat questioned, his sight moving back to his lord. The ruler of Equestria nodded, up-rightly sitting in his throne.
"I need Lania out of the picture. The way she spoke out against me was more than an argument. It was a threat. I need her gone before she becomes more trouble. Understand?" The king ordered, glaring menacingly to his dark follower. The bat smiled grimly, an expression that was only ever seen before he went off to do his job.
"Any conditions?"
"Just one, do it sometime next week. There is going to be a huge festival and not many ponies will notice a missing animal with such a fuss going on. I don't care how you do it, drowning, posting, the works, just do it."
The assassin smirked, fanning his wings. He gave his master a bow, and directly after waved his wings. A large gust of wings blew into the kings face, forcing his eyes shut as the distinct sound of flying ringed in his ears. By the time he finally opened his eyes and returned his sight, Chito had disappeared, though not an opening into the room was found.

No matter how hard you try, science would never help you create something to read books. The professor shook his hoof in frustration as he once again turned the page, skimming through the thousands of thousands of words that represented each pony. His sight scanned the names, his mind beginning to wander as he lost his concentration. Was his king truly making the right decision? Hiding the Element of Harmony from public knowledge may surprise, if not frighten, the people if revealed at a celebration. But that surprise may turn to joy after he expressed the wonders the element could do for every living being in Equestria. He shook his head, regaining his composure as his sight returned to the writing filled book.
He resumed his name scanning, hoping to find a 5-Star pony that could make delicacies and was, well, likeable. He finally reached the 'C' section, scanning through names and occupations. Candy Aero. Pegasus. Mare. 4-Star rating. Hilarious, but talks too much. Confection Blur. Unicorn. Stallion. 5-Star rating. Snobby, proud, and highly distinguished. Chocolate Chaos. Earth Pony. Stallion. 5-Star rating. Friendly, pulls the occasional prank, but always manages to get on a pony's good side.

The scientist stopped, raising and eyebrow as he reread the previous line. Excellent quality goods and a social success? Perfect. He wrote the name down on the list of ponies he was scanning through, underlining it with a soft smile. He scanned the details on the location of his workplace, and wrote that next to the name in smaller writing. He closed the book, sighing in satisfaction. Hopefully, this pony would be able to deal with the confection. If not, Flask had some more reading to do. He exited the room, a list of names on a single piece of paper, the words all resembling food of some sort. He returned to his office, taking out fresh instruments for writing, and began to write a series of letters.

Chemical Flask sighed, his eyes weary as he finished jotting down the final letter. But he couldn't sleep yet. Now that the food was (hopefully) dealt with, tomorrow would be full of name finding for the entertainment section of the festival. He groaned, rising to his feet and exiting his office, the letters folding into his saddlebag. He soon exited the secret compartment of the palace, trotting slowly and unseen out into the main chamber of the royal castle. He passed down the stairs, moving through the chamber and exiting the castle, outside into the glorious night.

The stars were lit rather brightly, as the sky above was a true marvel of the universes creation. He smiled, the tire of his body sweeping over him. He would welcome sleeping on the lovely grass under the watchful gaze of the moon, but he had a job to finish. Continuing down the road, he eventually found himself at the post office, a pegasus stallion with a grey coat and black, spiky mane smiling at him from behind the counter as he entered.

"Professor Flask, it is good to see you. Staying up late working again?" He asked, trying to start conversation. Flask smiled back, taking the letters out of the saddlebag.
"Yes, in fact. I was writing these letters in the king's name and I need them to be delivered quite quickly." The weary stallion replied. The mailpony nodded, scanning the locations on each of the letters.
"I'll get right to it, sir. Now, you need some sleep, so I suggest you return to your room in the palace, and get a good night's sleep." The pegasus stated, before placing his saddlebag on his back and scooping all the letter into them. He flipped the sign on the front of the door from 'Active' to 'Busy', and followed the professor outside, locking the door behind him. "Good day, Professor Flask." He ended, stretching his wings and taking to the sky, soon out of sight in the vast darkness of the night. Flask sighed happily, before trotting towards the castle to obtain some well-earned sleep.

Chocolate Chaos giggled, rubbing his cheek fondly as he practically pranced through the room. Everything was a bit of a blur to him, but he found himself not caring. “Perhaps it was the wine”, he thought to himself. Smiling sheepishly as he trotted into his kitchen, Choco sighed in glee as he began to cautiously clean the dishes. He hadn't felt this happy as he did now in a long time. His date with Ticking had gone more than smoothly. His cheek still bright red from where she kissed him, he couldn't help but feel something for this mare. His chest jumped whenever he thought of her, her image consuming his thoughts. He quickly reminded himself of his job, and resumed to clean. His smile did not waver though, a grin spreading from ear to ear.

He heard a knock on his door. He raised his brow, looking towards the walkway of the kitchen. He shrugged; putting the dishes he was holding away and headed out to see who was knocking. His eyes widened as he saw a familiar pony standing outside through the glass, holding a letter in his hoof. He unlocked the door, smiling at the mailpony.
"Hello Jet Stream. How are you?" He greeted, smiling at the black maned pony.
The mailpony hooved the letter over returning the smile.
"Not bad actually, thanks for asking." He glanced at the letter, raising an eyebrow. "That's a letter from the Royal Castle in the name of the king. I hope you haven't been causing too much trouble, Choco." He stated. The chocolate making pony slumped, his eyes widening. He quickly ripped open the letter, checking its contents. His expression changed instantly from fear to curiosity as he began to read the letter aloud.
"Dear Chocolate Chaos,
In two weeks we shall be hosting the greatest festival in honor of our one hundred year old Equestria, the Race of Bolts and Lightning. The best fliers of the land will come by and partake in such an amazing event that will surely be a spectacle to watch. And as such, we need the best of the best to prepare the confection and delicacies, and seeing as you have gained such an approval from many customers, we have decided that you... prepare... the.... sweets and.... deserts?"
Chocolate Chaos looked at it stunned, his mouth agape, trying to process the information. "Me? But... I'm no expert...." He stated to himself more than the mailpony in front of him, who was also listening intently to the letter he was reading aloud. Chocolate Chaos shook his head, and continued to read.
"We hope you will be able to attend this celebration, and as such, we would love it if you could spread the word about the celebration. If you are going to take advantage of this opportunity, please reply to this letter as fast as you can.
The King's messenger."

Chocolate Chaos stood there for a moment, taking in all this new information, before looking back up at Jet Stream. A smile returned to his face, his eyes widening in excitement.

"Jet Stream, could you tell them I would be glad to?"