• Published 11th Feb 2015
  • 714 Views, 5 Comments

Lost Magic And Betrayal - Politicalunrest2400

It’s odd how one pony’s decision at a critical moment, can make the world a paradise or plunge it into utter grim-darkness. How the world of Equestria became a mirror of the 40k universe.

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Interlude: Deer Friends

“Matriarch, Do you truly intend to intercede here? These… these ponies, they seem beneath the Herds attention, let alone worth risking its exposure.”

“Yes daughter, yes I do. Their protectors, these princesses, have raised the sun and moon for well over a thousand years, keeping the cycle of day and night consistent for all living beings, even the Herd. While they are crude, rough, and perhaps the bluntest of instruments, they are still our friends. As you know my daughter, Friendship is the most powerful of magics.”

“Yes, Matriarch.”

“You are displeased with my decision?”

“No, Matriarch. Its just that the Farseers in the Herd have not foretold what our intervention will bring about.”

“Does that frighten you daughter?”

“Yes, yes it does Matriarch.”

“Good. Now you know what it is like to be one of those ponies down there, fighting and dieing without any knowledge of the future. Now, dear one, you can understand their plight. They live every day filled with uncertainty, facing the unknown of tomorrow with bravery and courage not knowing if their hard work and effort will amount to nothing in the end, or if what they contribute, a single bullet, an accidentally dropped grenade, or even a split second decision made exactly when it is needed most, can change the course of history. That is their fate, to face the unknown and uncertainty of tomorrow and fight on against the hatred of the enemy.”

“Thank you Matriarch, the lesson will not go unheeded.”

“As well it shouldn't. For it is us that must bear the burden of knowing their fates before they do. We must look into the fabric of reality, see what is inevitable and what is not, and choose the best course of action. When that sight that we rely so heavily upon is blinded or unclear, does that mean we should not act?”

“No, Matriarch! The wisdoms are clear that blindness should not lead to inaction.”
“Yes daughter, you are right. But our sight is so rarely blinded that It is times like this that we must look to our friends, blunt and brutish as they are, and learn from them.”

“Yes Matriarch. Should I gather the aspects of the Herd?”

“What i wish to do here I must do alone. What you must do, is up to you daughter. If you think you can help these poneys find victory, then you are free to intercede. If not, watch and learn from them how to be brave when your path forward is blinded.”

“Yes Matriarch.”


“Yes Matriarch?”

Before you leave, I have one more lesson to teach you. It is a spell that has not been needed for close to four thousand years. Sense the time of myths that have now faded into abstract legend. Watch closely the weaving. Do you see that Yellow Coated poney there? the rather large one?”

“Yes Matriarch I see him. His heart is purer than most, though not unblemished.”

“Yes. And the enemy seeks to have his soul to fuel their designs. I will deny them their prize.”

“The spell is quite simple Matriarch, but the threads are very weak. Do you need assistance?”

“No daughter. just watch the weaving of the spell, and you will see what you need to see… Notice daughter how the enemy reaches out and attempts to grasp his fate in her claws?”


“Now watch what happens as she grasps the thread of the poneys simple and pure soul.”

“She was burned! How in all the wide world?”

“Did you see? Did you see the weaving and the fates?”

“I… I don't understand Matriarch.”

“I was hoping you would catch what happened daughter. Remember back to how the fabric of reality appeared as you looked upon the Stallions fate? Now, compare that to the weaving of the spell I cast.”

“hum… Ah! There! The spell altered his fate just ever so slightly. It didn't burn her, it changed his soul's fate!”

“Effectively, yes, but how daughter?”

“By… by filling in the gaps, Matriarch. Providing additional details.”

“Yes daughter you now understand. You can not change fate with this spell. Instead what you are doing is helping fate choose a path when it is uncertain which path it will choose by feeding it information and providing support for one option over the others.”

“Thank you Matriarch. I am truly humbled by your knowledge and willingness to teach one such as I. The Herd is truly blessed to be lead by you.”

“Flattery will get you everywhere my young Deer, now be off, and make your decision about what to do next, blinded as you are from viewing the fates.”

“Yes Matriarch.”


The Chariot began to move, its wheels screeching, seeming to the minds of the loyalist defenders as if a thousand souls cried out in pain and agony continually. The creatures that pulled the unnatural contraption hooted and trilled as the pain of the whip pushed them forward, sending shivers up the spins of the stalwart defenders.

As the Chariot moved forward, three squads of unnaturally large stallions in massive armor carrying dangerous and alien looking weapons jumped down from the second story dias and followed along on foot. “Do you hear that brother!?” screamed one of them, “They beg for sound! IT will get loud now!” the weapons spat forth beams of sound from the smaller versions of the deadly weapons that the chariot carried that the Chaos Knights held in the survo arms attached to their backs. The weapons was destructive casting earth and mud into the air. Though at the extreme range were more effective at keeping the defenders heads down then causing any real damage.

If either the defenders, or the chaos forces had been paying attention, they would have notices a group of shimmers among them. They would have also noticed as the chaos Knights had disappeared, one by one. Everyone noticed when the last sound cannon went quite.
It was not confirmed until years later, but the Herd had intervened. It is speculated that they would have continued, but the storm vanished, the moon shone through, six objects fell from the sky,landing in the center of the battlefield spending mud and water high into the air.
Out of these craters, six blue armored massive Knights emerged, the Gods of War had finally arrived.