• Published 24th Feb 2015
  • 676 Views, 26 Comments

Dissonant Concourse - Wolfie 03

The first meeting of Fiona (Fiddlesticks) and Viola (Symphony), a moment when fate and balance was tipped into disharmony due to jealousy and envy. Can these two girls find balance? Or are they doomed to become the bitterist of enemies?

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Chapter 2

The air held a crispness that signalled the oncoming autumn. Canterlot, a city located near the Horseshoe mountain range, was a shining capital of the land. Its residents were a mixed portion, though it did hold a large portion of upper class families. The northern portion held large mansions, resting amidst large acres of smoothly cut grass.

In the middle of a single acre, located in Bel-Hay which was closer to the heart of the city than Echelon Hills where the truly elite stayed, was a two story building that sat over halfway to the street. It’s exterior was white marble with an auburn shingled roof that stood out from the sparse yard around it. Shrubs and bushes made into basic designs were scattered around the grounds, without a single tree to disturb the even sunlight that peeked over the mountains.

Inside, one of the occupants of the mansion was enjoying breakfast. Seated at the head of the eight person table was an older man who was reading that morning’s paper. Short gray hair could barely be seen over top of the newspaper. Before him was a plate in the process of being cleared of its contents, along with a large pale-tan cup of coffee. On his right sat a woman, her dark brown hair set in a neat bun at the nape of her neck, sipping daintily from her tea cup.

The sound of unhurried steps echoed from beyond the living room, the equestrian cherry not softening the dress shoes the girl wore. The teenager entered the mostly quiet dining room, ignoring the paintings that hung along the wall and the large windows that showcased the yard outside. She delicately put down the black backpack she held before heading for the table in the center of the room.

“Good morning Mother, Father.” The pale teen brushed away stray lint and creases from her new uniform jacket. Her old one was now too small for her and it was with great pride that she entered eighth grade with a brand new uniform.

“Good morning dear.” Viktor Krauss flipped a page, calling just loud enough to be heard. His voice held a firmness to it that caused everyone in the room to listen as he spoke, a trait useful as a judge.

The older woman hummed appreciatively as she set down her cup, checking her middle child’s appearance.

“Yes, a good morning my dear. I see the uniform fits wonderfully.” Hilda Krauss smirked gently, turning her gaze to the nearby maid who appeared from the back left door that lead directly to the kitchen.

The light tan woman held a silver tray that held two cups of orange juice and plates of egg and toast. Her dark red hair curled around her face stood out from her dark gray uniform. Smiling tensely to the curly brunette, she set her burden on the table, preparing the meals next on both sides, close to the two adults.

Viola nodded briefly to the maid, smirking for a second, before taking the seat closest to her mother and digging in. Another set of footsteps came rapidly down the stairs in the main room, feet clad in socks making less noise than the girl’s dress shoes. A young boy, his short light brown hair barely mussed from sleep, entered the room, taking a seat beside his father.

“Good morning…” Anthony hopped a little to be able to reach the taller chairs, calling out greetings as he did so. He found all his utensils within easy reach and smiled appreciatively to the maid who walked back to the kitchen for the moment.

Once everyone’s focus was back to their food, the boy scooped up some of his eggs, taking rapid aim. Having only a second to spare, Anthony launched his missile, pleased with his accuracy as the poultry landed squarely on his older sister’s head.

“Anthoonyyy!” Viola sat up in annoyance, both hands coming to slam against the table as she shouted at her six year old brother.

“Anthony, you shouldn’t throw your food, apologize to your sister. Viola, sit down, it’s unlady-like to shout.” Hilda stood up, reaching over to help her daughter while the servant returned from the kitchen with a cloth and bowl of water.

The boy ignored the command, giggling at his sister’s plight, until he caught sight of his father’s stern gaze over top of his paper. Bowing his head in acceptance, Anthony muttered to Viola.

“Sorry, I didn’t mean it…”

The thirteen year old didn’t trust the apology, but could do little at this time about it. She instead focused on getting the egg from her hair. It wouldn’t do to be late for the first day back to school. When Viola’s hair was free of the food, the maid grabbed the young boy’s plate and returned with a fresh meal for him, though she stayed nearby in case of other ‘accidents’.

The two siblings shared a glare, one full of teasing and the other of warning, before they went back to their meal. Once everyone’s plates were clear, Viktor folded up his newspaper and rose from his seat.

“Viola, are you ready for school? I’ll make sure the driver stops by your school.” The older man walked over to the woman and leaned down to kiss her farewell. Hilda smiled as she tilted her head to receive the embrace.

Viola nodded and stood as well, dipping her head to the servant, before reaching for her backpack. She went to her mother and gave her a peck on her left cheek, along with a teasing glare to her brother.

“Goodbye Mother, Anthony.”

“Have a nice day hun. Anthony, you’ll stay with me until your tutor arrives, ok?” The older woman smiled at the boy who shyly nodded before going back to his meal.

Meanwhile, father and daughter passed through their large sitting room that held a wide couch and several recliners before an antique fireplace. Not pausing in their journey, they headed to the expansive entry room, which was mostly empty aside from landscape paintings along the wall and a swiping staircase leading to the second floor. Ignoring the view, they went to the arched doorway and exited, locking it behind them.

They walked swiftly along the cement pathway, to where it met the street. A long black limousine awaited the duo. The driver came out and opened the door for the Krausses, closing it once they were inside and returned back to his seat. The drive was mostly silent, both occupants watching the city grow denser as stores and other houses began to fill up the streets. Soon they arrived and paused in front of the large gate. The older man glanced to his daughter, raising a single brow.

“Here we are, dear. Have a pleasant day.”

Viola tilted her head with a small grin, looking to her father as she reached for the door. “Thank you Father, you as well.”

Pleasantries dealt with, the teenager wasted no time exiting the vehicle and put on her backpack. Viola dipped her head to any other musicians she knew as every student went towards the auditorium for the opening ceremony. The teen didn’t pay any attention to her classmates around her as she sat in her department’s section, save for those who had played a musical instrument in the past. When the Headmistress, her long brown hair bright against her white dress suit, finished welcoming the students, they were dismissed to head to their first class. Heading to the third floor, Viola took the moment to see who else was walking the same way.

Hmm, seems Octavia Philharmonica will be gracing us with her presence once again, I’m not very surprised… Frederick Horszwoski is also here… Wait, what’s that? Is that… an orange foulard? Who in the world is wearing such an accessory with our school’s uniform colors of gray, dark gray and white?

Due to the density of the crowd, the pale teenager wasn’t able to make out more of the new person aside from long dark brown hair and the orange foulard that wrapped around her neck. The girl was several paces ahead of Viola, and it was to her slight dismay that such an eyesore color was heading towards the music room on the third floor. Upon reaching the correct floor level, the students began to divide themselves up to head for their needed rooms. Viola stopped trying to catch sight of the new girl and focused instead on the sign she was looking for.

Room… 302.. Here we are. Indeed, the usual musicians are here, though I shall continue to strive for perfection and reach the top… Wait, that girl is in the Music Department?

Viola’s train of thought came to a halt when she noticed the tall girl with orange foulard had gone to where the violins had began to assemble. As the new girl turned to head to the group, Viola noticed that she was much tanner than most of the other students along with piercing blue eyes that seemed to sparkle with excitement. The pale violinist’s breath left her with a silent whoosh, heat spreading from her center.

Who in the world-?

“Howdy y’all! Ah’m Fiona Buckner-Smith, and Ah sure am glad tah join y’all in this here fancy school!” After the violinists had stood together until instructions were given, Fiona had happily greeted her new classmates, friendly grin flashing over the lot.

Viola’s brows snapped downward with an almost audible click. The heat she had previously felt transferred to her cheeks where it sat in annoyance.

Oh please don’t tell me that is actually how she speaks...

Author's Note:

And here we have the other main character for this story, as well as a day in her life. As well as the meeting of two very different minds.

Did you guys notice? It's almost the same amount of words as the previous chapter! This also means it's much more likely that I will finish this up quickly. :twilightsmile:

.... I was really really tired when I posted this. I forgot one minor detail :twilightoops:... :facehoof: It's fixed now. :twilightblush: Though Bel-Hay's naming goes to Mariacheat-Brony. That's all his pony corny naming.

Thanks to Shutup868 for editing/reviewing the chapter. Until next time!