• Published 14th Feb 2015
  • 2,057 Views, 10 Comments

Shaping our Dreams - Harmony Split

Hearts and hooves day is not far away, Flitter and Cloudchaser are trying to think of something special to do. Things don't go as planned, but even rare circumstances can lead to breath-taking opportunities.

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Shaping our dreams

Shaping our dreams

Cloudchaser looked at the bunch of soft fur under her wing. They had been sleeping together for weeks in their big cloud, one they both had shaped together, but it wasn’t something that would last forever. The cloud was a eye-catcher and soon somepony would ask questions. Questions both mares just couldn’t answer.

As Flitter laid under her wing softly snoring, she thought about the future. The last few weeks were also the best in her life; spending time with her sister, and at the same time her marefriend. It seemed weird, but her heart told her that it was also the right thing. Even if the world would think otherwise.

I guess I would even stand against the Princesses for Flitter…

She started to stroke through Flitter’s beautiful mane, trying her best to not wake her up while doing so. Thankfully, her love just stirred a bit before going back to a deep sleep, a small smile on her muzzle.

Such a beautiful mare… Who would’ve thought that it would be my sister?

Cloudchaser knew that there would be problems sooner or later, but at the moment she just wanted to enjoy the time. Enjoy doing everything with her sweet little sister. Speaking of time, Hearts and Hooves Day would be soon.

Maybe we could do something pure romantic? No… we can’t do anything in public… But what should we do, then?

She thought about it for a while but came up with nothing. They would have to destroy their shaped cloud soon, before any rumors or questions could arise. It was already overdue for destruction, but they decided to keep it a little longer since nopony seemed interested. Cloudchaser trusted that Rainbow Dash wouldn't tell anypony about it, but she couldn't be sure about anypony else.

I could ask somepony, but then it wouldn't be my idea anymore, and the risk of being caught is too high. What now?

Just as she was pondering the troubling thoughts, the beautiful mare under her wing stirred moments before cracking her eyes slowly open and letting out a yawn. Cloud smiled and lifted her wing a bit, enjoying the view.

The lovely gaze of her sister met her, “Good morning sweetie,” she said sleepily, smiling a bit.

“Good morning to you too, my love,” Cloudchaser purred back, enjoying the shiver that run through Flitters’ body upon the words.

Even after weeks, both pegasi enjoyed their love more than anything else. It wasn't affecting their work anymore; especially not Flitters’, but it was still enough to make them breath fast and feeling all warm and fuzzy inside. They were meant to be together, no matter the rules.

We will end up in prison if they caught us, but I guess that's the risk of a happy life

Shaking the thoughts about any consequences aside, Cloudchaser pulled Flitter closer with her wing, covering her muzzle with soft pecks, “Sleep well, my love?” she asked between them.

“Mhhmm,” came the lovely coo back, making her shiver slightly.

“We have to start thinking about what to do with this place, we can't stay here forever, you know...” Cloudchaser began, causing Flitters’ face to fall. It was a harsh reminder that it was never meant to last forever.

“I guess we can destroy it this evening. It's sad, but maybe we can shape another, smaller one sometime,” her little sister said, burying her snout into her sisters wing.

Cloudchaser was about to answer, but then she got a good idea.

“Why don't we make our cloudhome bigger? We just need approval from the city, and I doubt that they would deny it since we don't have any direct neighbours!”

Flitters’ face brightened nearly immediately, “Really? We can just do that?” she asked a bit skeptical.

“Why couldn't we? We can both cloud shape, and I work at the weather-factory, so getting special clouds for the furniture wouldn't be a problem. If we wanted to we could afford to just buy the furniture. It might be expensive, but the cloud-furniture from the store near the factory is the best in Equestria!” Cloudchaser said, already thinking about their new home, “We could even wave inactive thunderclouds into the bedroom ceiling to have the same effect!”

“What are we waiting for? Let's do today's work and then plan everything!” Flitter replied, leaning in for a long kiss.

They were both excited, finally able to build their dream home. The cloud they currently lived in was bought by their parents long ago. They got it from them whenever they moved to Trottingham to chase their dreams. It wasn't anything special, but both pegasi intend to change exactly that.

“Let's get this day over, my love. I'm going to go to the office after work and ask what we have to do. I guess it’ll take some planning, but I hope we can get it around Hearts and Hooves Day as present for us both,” Cloud smiled.

The answer she got was more than bare words. Wings curling around her, holding her tight to her sister as her muzzle came closer. Cloudchaser couldn't wait, eagerly leaning forward to meet Flitters’ muzzle earlier. Their lips met, heartbeat and bodies one in a feeling of eternal love.

As they broke apart, both smiled, knowing that they found the pony they were meant to be together with. At that moment, neither of them cared about any consequences; it was just them. Cloudchaser slowly stood up and walked towards the entry. It was nearly noon.

“Alright my love, work calls. See you at home this evening,” she quickly crawled back for a kiss before jumping outside, spreading her wings and flying towards the weather-factory.


Flitter looked after her with a smile. She was free today, no work whatsoever. So she decided to go home and clean up a bit, hopefully she would get her own idea for Hearts and Hooves day. She stood up slowly and left the small apartment on top of their shaped cloud. Unlike her sister, she used the slide to get down before taking into the air.

The flight was boring, that is until a certain rainbow-maned mare got in her way.

“Flitter! Wait!” she shouted, blocking her flypath.

They nearly crashed together, but Flitter was able to stop at the last moment, hovering slightly in place, “Woah, watch out Rainbow!” she called out.

“Flitter, we have a small problem! A newspony from the Cloudsdale newspaper found your little cloud this morning. I distracted him long enough so he didn't investigated any further, but I doubt that he’ll let it be. We have to get rid of the cloud, and I mean right now!” Rainbow explained, looking seriously at her.

“But.. but...” Flitter tried to search for the right words, “But she's at work! I wanted to do it with her, together! We shared so-”

“We don't have time to wait Flitter!” Rainbow interrupted her, “If you really want to keep it a secret and protect yourselves, then we have to go now and destroy that cloud!”

“I don't know... Can't we just hide it somewhere?” it wasn't more than a mumble from Flitter, but Rainbow understood.

“Hide it? It's nearly as big as an average cloud home! How could we hide it? Please Flitter, be reasonable!” the cyan pegasus answered with a serious expression, “I don't want to see you two unhappy, or worse, in jail!”

“That won't happen, we watch out in public...” then a pause, “Okay Rainbow. Let's get this done. Cloudy will be mad, but it's better than having our secret revealed.”

Together they made their way to the big cloud, where Flitter hesitated. Flitter had made so many wonderful memories with her lover in that cloud.

There's nothing to it, we have to destroy it. Our new home will bring new memories.

Flitter followed Rainbow's lead and together they began to reshape the cloud, destroy every little piece of it. In the end, it was just an average cloud, but this also got destroyed by Rainbow, who flew straight through it with full speed. Everything of their shared home was gone now.


Cloudchaser stood in front of the office building. It was the place where everything in Cloudsdale was organized from, which that included everything from the instructions for the weather-team to the administration of the cloudhomes. She gulped and stepped in.

She was immediately greeted by a small mare behind a desk, “Good evening. How may I help you?”

“I would like to get informations about extensions for cloud homes,” Cloudchaser replied.

“Of course. What would you like to know?”

Cloudchaser hesitated, but slowly answered, “I would like to know about the conditions, costs and everything else that is important.”

The mare behind the desk smiled, before taking out some papers, “These are some informational flyers. Mostly explaining the conditions, the costs depends on your skills. If you are capable of cloud shaping you basically just need the materials.”

Cloud smiled and took the flyers, “Great, thank you very much.”

As she was about to go the mare stopped her, “Oh, and one thing. Sometimes ponies will just randomly expand their homes for no real reason. To prevent that, you have to give the administration your reason for the expansion. Otherwise they might not allow it.””

Cloudchasers’ expression soured. With a nod she turned to leave, her mind rumbling.

A very good reason? What should I tell them? ‘I love my sister, I’m starting a family with her’?

She shook her head and concentrated on her way. Somehow they would get it. But for now, the evening with Flitter was more important. She would already be waiting for her.

On her way, her mind was flooded with various thoughts again. The most important being how they would get an approval for the expansion. They couldn’t just tell them everything.

I’m worrying too much again. I bet Flitter will have a good idea for it.

Cloudchaser reached their house, seeing light inside. Flitter would already be at home. She sighed at the thought of the night and went in, just to be attacked by a blur of coat that pushed her down.

“Sweetie, I’m glad you’re home!” Flitter exclaimed, giving her sister kiss after kiss before pausing, “We have to talk about our cloud.”

“Hey my love. Our cloud?” Cloudchaser asked confused.

Flitter lead the way and they both sat down, Flitter hesitating slightly, “Well… this morning while we were asleep, a reporter of the Cloudsdale newspaper saw the cloud… He even tried to investigate, but Rainbow saved our flanks.”

“Well, we have another thing to thank her for,” Cloud rested her head on Flitter’s side, “What happened after that?”

“We destroyed the cloud.”

“What was that my love?”

“We destroyed the cloud,” Flitter replied, still nearly inaudible.

Cloudchasers’ expression fell, causing Flitter to look away sadly, afraid she had made her beloved sister upset. The muzzle that started rubbing against her cheek surprised her. She turned to look at Cloud, only to receive a short, gentle kiss.

“I’m sorry I wasn’t there to help. It must have hurt to have to do it alone,” Cloud whispered sadly after she pulled away.

I know it had to be done, I just wish I could have been there. Especially to be there for Flitter, it must have hurt her so much to have to destroy it.

Flitter nodded sadly, “Yeah, it did. Rainbow Dash helped though, so I wasn’t really alone. But I was so afraid that you’d be upset about not being there, the thought of making you upset hurts.”

Cloudchaser reached out and pulled Fritter close, trying to comfort her beloved sister, “Don’t worry Flitter, I’m not upset. I’m sad it’s gone of course, but you haven’t done anything wrong,” She leaned in and kissed Flitter lovingly, trying to comfort her and show her how much she loved her.

Flitter leaned into the kiss, happy that her love wasn’t upset with her, and glad to have such a wonderful pony as her sister and marefriend. After enjoying the kiss for a few moments, Cloudchaser pulled away and smiled.

“Come on love, we should probably get dinner started. I still need to talk to you about what I learned about what we need to do to expand our house,” She stood up and helped Fritter up as well, then led the way to the kitchen to start working on dinner.


A while later, after they had eaten dinner, they both went into Cloudchasers’ room and laid down on the bed, cuddled up to one another happily.

“So, what did you learn at the cloud home office?” Flitter asked, looking at Cloud.

Cloudchaser sighed softly and recounted what she had learned, “Well, I found out that since we both know cloud shaping, in terms of building all we would need to worry about is the materials.”

Flitter smiled, “Well then there shouldn’t be any problems, right?”

Cloudchaser shook her head, “You would think, but on my way out the mare at the desk told me that there are some laws or regulations that require us to give a good reason for expanding. Apparently ‘We want a bigger house and have the skill and resources to do it’ isn’t a good enough reason, which seems strange since it’s our own property.”

Flitter frowned and looked away sadly, “Oh. So I guess we can’t do it then, huh?”

Cloudchaser nuzzled gently against Flitters’ cheek, “Hey, don’t say that. We just have to think of a reason that would be good enough for them. That shouldn’t be too hard.”

Flitter turned her head back to face her sister again and smiled slightly. Cloud leaned in and gave her a reassuring kiss, “Don’t worry too much about it, it will all work out in the end.”

“I’m not really worried sweetie, I’m just having trouble imagine a good reason. We can’t just tell them we would like to start a family. There would be questions like ‘who would be living with us’, just to think of an example” Flitter replied, returning the kiss.

Just as she wanted to break away, her lovers tongue pushed forwards, asking softly for entrance. She was surprised, but granted it eagerly, their tongues playing around each other in deep love and harmony.

Flitter watched her sisters’ wing unfolding slowly, standing straight into the air after a few moments. She could feel that her own were in the same state, but she couldn’t resist. Breaking away from her, she softly kissed along her lover's neck and further, until she reached the base of her wings.

Cloud just chuckled softly, “Somepony can’t wait.”

Flitter replied with a soft bite on her wings before continuing on her way. She spotted some matted and split feathers and decided for a quick, soft preening. Making her way slowly to the wingtip, she fixed every feather she found, bringing every single one into perfect pattern with the others again. As she reached the tip, she noticed Cloud was breathing hard, having trouble to resist anymore.

“I-if you keep this up, there won’t be any going back tonight, my love,” she managed between her heavy breaths.

Her sister only smirked before leaning down again, pushing her over the edge as both pegasi came to an exciting, yet exhausting night.


Cloudchaser woke up to a persian-blue wall directly in front of her muzzle. It took her some seconds to recognize the feathers on it. With a smile she looked to her side, Flitter still sleeping and snoring softly.

Flitters’ wing laid over her completely unfolded, making it impossible to get out of the bed without waking her up. As minutes turned into an hour, Cloud got an idea. She started to kiss her sisters wing, softly pecking single feathers, causing her sister to stir a bit.

Maybe she was going to far, but a small nip on Flitter’s wing muscles sent her straight off the bed, yelping. Shocked, Cloudchaser quickly got up to check on her.

“Lil’ sis? Are you alright?” she asked while Flitter tried to get up, mumbling curses, “I’m sorry!”

“Cloudy! You know how sensitive my wing muscles are!” she pouted and tried to be angry, but to no use, a soft kiss from her sister softening her expression again.

Flitter snickered and broke the kiss before her expression turned serious, “I tried to think about some good reasons but I just can’t get a single one in my head. The house is big enough for us two as it is, so what could we tell them?”

“I don’t really know, my love. Maybe we should let it be?” Cloud fold her ears back and buried her snout into the pillows.

“Don’t say something like that! Remember Rainbow? She searched for months before she found her current home. She had to wait years before she was even allowed to reshape it…. Wait! That’s it! Why don’t we sell this house and buy a bigger one? Maybe one without restrictions? There are some houses at the border of Cloudsdale, out of reach of the administration! Oh, why am I so dumb? I could have figured that out earlier-”

She was stopped by lips pressing on hers, muffling the last pieces of her sentence.

“You’re not dumb, my love. Now what did you just say about houses at the border?” Cloud asked after broken the kiss.

Flitter smiled, “I said that there are houses near the border of Cloudsdale that aren’t under those restrictions. If we sell this house and buy one there, we don’t have to worry about thinking of a reason. We can just do it,” She grinned excitedly, then her expression fell slightly, “Although, I would miss this house. Mom and Dad gave it to us, and we’ve had a lot of happy memories here.”

“That’s right, but just think about all those memories we could have in the new house. It would be our own, not some gift and you know what mom and dad would say to the current situation. Please Flitter, just let us live and love together,” Cloud said, tears shimmering in her eyes, “I know it will be difficult, but I think it’s worth every consequence that could follow.”

Flitter smiled softly and gently brushed away her sister’s tears with a wing, “I know, it’s just a big change. Mom and Dad would probably say something along the lines of ‘go out and live your life to the fullest’ or some other parental encouragement line,” she chuckled softly and leaned in to nuzzle against Cloud’s cheek.

“Yeah or something like ‘Get out of this house, you sick fillies! And don’t come back until you have real lovers!’ I guess,” Cloud replied, not fully encouraged by the thought as she mimicked what she imagined her mother might say.

“Hey, don’t think like that,” Flitter replied softly, reaching a wing up and stroking gently against her sister’s cheek comfortingly, “They may not understand it, and they might tell us it’s wrong, but I know they’d still love us anyway. They’re our parents right? Don’t worry about it, it will all work out.”

“Yeah, you might be right lil’ sis, sorry about that,” Cloud nuzzled softly against Fritter’s wing, “It’s just that I’m scared to Tartarus about what would happen if our love was revealed to the world. I don’t want to lose you, my love.”

Flitter smiled, “Don’t worry, you’re not going to lose me. I’d stay with you even if we had to run and hide in the farthest corner of Equestria.”

“I hope it will never result in that. But being alone with you on some forgotten land, far away from the cities or even Equestria…” Cloud trailed off with a slight smirk as her gaze fell to Flitters’ flank, “Sounds enjoyable enough, trust me.”

Flitter giggled at how cheesy they both sounded, then leaned in and nuzzled Cloud, “Feel a bit better?”

“How could I not, my love?” Cloud replied, the nuzzling quickly turning into a deep, passionate kiss.

Flitter happily leaned into the kiss, reaching a hoof up and rubbing gently against her lover's cheek. Both mares stayed silent for a few moments, enjoying each others warmth.

“Do you know where we can get information about the unrestricted homes at the border? Or what we have to do to sell the house?” Cloud had no idea where to start.

“Hmm… Well, I guess we would have to talk to a realtor pony and find out what the house is worth, as well as finding out what houses are available,” Flitter looked up in thought, “I don’t know where to find one though.”

“Didn’t Rainbow hire one for her home? Maybe we can ask her? And about the houses available, we first have to figure out how many bits we have available. I know you saved a bit, so how much do you have? I got around three thousand bits,” Cloud shifted nervously from one hoof to another, “I saved it for us…”

“I have about five and a half thousand, give or take,” Flitter smiled happily, “I’ve been taking overtime on the weekends and saving it for us. I wanted to do something special.”

Cloud’s jaw nearly fell down, “But you always told me you were going out with friends or you had something to do. How can you do enough overtime in a month to earn double your normal wage?”

“Well, Rainbow Dash is a friend, and it was something I had to do. Not to mention that I did most of the jobs that a lot of ponies don’t like to do. That, and Rainbow Dash is about twenty percent cooler than most ponies, so she gave me more than the average overtime after I told her why I was working so hard.”

Cloud approached her, closing the last gap between them, softly brushing her lips over her coat, “Do you know that you are my everything, you wonderful, indescribable mare?”

Flitter giggled softly, “And you’re my everything, my beautiful, kissable marefriend.”

“Mhh kissable?” Cloud softly pressed her lips on Flitters’ before breaking away and moving on to her ear, “You mean like that?” she gently cooed.

Flitter moaned softly and nodded before leaning in and kissing her again while reaching a wing out and gently trailing it along Cloud’s side.

“We shouldn’t start what we can’t finish, my love. Lets talk to Rainbow and find that realtor pony,” Cloud said softly, already breathing faster.

Flitter pulled away and nodded, blushing slightly. She stood up and got off of the bed, “I think Rainbow Dash is probably at her house right now, let’s go,” She smiled happily.

Cloud followed her sister, “You know where her house is right now, right? As far as I know, her cloudhome hoovers between Cloudsdale and Ponyville all the time, depending on the wind.”

Flitter giggled, “I saw the chart she keeps of where it usually goes, so I can take a guess based off of the wind we’ve had. Now come on, let’s go,” She led the way to the front door.

Cloudchaser, surprised of her sister’s knowledge, followed her to the door.

Flitter walked out the door and looked back to make sure her sister was following, satisfied that her sister was following, she took off and angled herself in the direction of where Rainbow’s house should be. Cloud followed directly behind her, closing the gap swiftly and they flew wingtip on wingtip.

They both flew in silence, enjoying each other at their side, never wanting to change anything. Soon, the blurred contours of a big cloud came in sight, clearly the silhouette of a cloud house. Flitter really knew where to find it.

Flitter grinned, “There it is! I just really hope she’s home and not off visiting her friends in Ponyville or something.”

“We’ll find out soon,” Cloud replied

Flitter angled herself downwards and landed with a soft ‘poof’ sound before walking up to the door, Cloudchaser following closely behind her.She reached a hoof up and knocked on the door, hoping Rainbow Dash was home.

Silence, no sound or anypony around. Cloudchaser began to worry that Rainbow might not be at home, but then the door opened a few moments later, revealing a quite… messy pegasus. Rainbow Dash stood in the frame, her mane and tail messy and untamed, fur standing off at some spots.

“Uh, hey guys… What’s up?” she asked, smiling awkwardly.

Flitter chuckled, “Wow, you must have been tossing and turning all night to look like that. You having trouble sleeping, Rainbow?”

“Uhm, sleeping? Oh yeah! Yeah, I’m having a lot of trouble sleeping! Yeah, that’s it!” Rainbow shifted nervously, “So, what do you want?”

Flitter frowned slightly, “I’m sorry, I hope we didn’t wake you. Anyway, we were wondering if you could tell us who the realtor pony you went to to buy your house is. We’re thinking of selling our house and getting a new one near the border of Cloudsdale so we can add to it.”

“Naah, I’ve been awake for some time now. A mare like me doesn’t need any beauty sleep. Come in, I get his name and address for you in no time.” with that Rainbow stepped to the side, leaving the sisters in, “Make yourselves comfortable in the kitchen.”

Flitter walked inside, Cloudchaser right behind her. Rainbow closed the door behind them and lead the way, motioning to some small, fluffy cloud-chairs around the kitchen table, “I’ll just go and get the address. Be right back,” with that exclamation, she left, closing the door to the corridor behind her.

They both settled down, sharing a confused gaze. Was it because of them, or had Rainbow seemed a bit nervous and distracted today?

“Is it just me, or is Rainbow… kind of weird today?” Cloudchaser asked in a hushed whisper.

Flitter shook her head, “No, it’s not just you. She does seem off. It’s like she’s nervous about something.”

Several minutes passed by, both talking quietly among themselves. After a while, they heard slow hoofsteps, followed by the door behind them opening suddenly, revealing somepony they would have never expected.

“Oh buck!” was the only thing the yellow-coated mare said before turning away and running back where she came from.

The sisters sat in shock, jaw widely open, “Spitfire?!” they shouted in unison.

It seemed like they were loud enough to be heard by Rainbow, who nearly immediately rushed into the kitchen.

Flitter looked at Rainbow, “Rainbow Dash, was that Spitfire that just walked into the kitchen? Spitfire, the captain of the Wonderbolts?” She gave Rainbow an astonished stare.

“Maybe?” came the nearly inaudible reply.

“I didn’t know you knew her well enough that she’d show up at your house. Knowing you, you must have been bouncing off of the walls when you met her,” Flitter giggled at the thought of Rainbow Dash fangirling.

Rainbow was about to answer as the door opened again, revealing Spitfire in her uniform, shades on her snout, “Alright Rookie, thanks for the coffee, gotta go now to-”

“It’s no use Spitfire, they recognized you,” Rainbow interrupted her, smiling awkwardly, “I think we can drop the act.”

Spitfire sighted, but approached Rainbow and… kissed her, making Cloudchaser and Flitter gasp in unison. Before they could say anything Rainbow hoofed them a small piece of paper.

“I don’t know his name anymore, but the address is on this paper,” she said, smiling again, “Please don’t take this personal, but you two should leave now.”

Flitter took the paper and stared at them in shock for a moment, then shook her head and headed out the door.

Cloud motioned for Rainbow who leaned in, allowing her to whisper into her ear, “Does she know about Flitter and me?”

“No,” Rainbow whispered back, “And that’s why I want you two to leave before she figures it out. I trust her, but she is a Wonderbolt after all, serving the Princesses.”

Cloud nodded and headed after her sister, quickly leaving the house.

Flitter waited for Cloud, then took off towards Cloudsdale, more excited than she’d ever been.

I can’t believe that this is actually happening! I’m starting a life with my beautiful sister. I feel like nothing can stop us!

It was still early that day, so they decided to go directly to visit the realtor pony.

Flitter led the way to the realtor’s office, then landed in front of the building. After waiting for Cloud to land behind her, she reached up and knocked on the door.

A small, brown stallion with a white mane opened the door, smiling, “Good day and welcome to Cloudsdale Estates, my name is Quick Quill, how may I help you?”

Flitter smiled a bit nervously, “Hello, I’m Flitter, and this is my sister Cloudchaser. We were hoping to find out what our house is worth and what houses are available near the border of town.”

“Then you are at the right place! How fast do you need anything to be done? I don’t have any appointments at the moment, so tell me your best time!” he smiled honestly, picking a small quill and a noteblock.

“Well, we’d like to get it done as soon as possible, but we’d at the very least like to have it done before Hearts and Hooves day,” Flitter replied and Quick Quill made some notes.

“Well it might sound a bit rushed, but how about right now? We look at your house and then I’ll show you some houses?” he suggested, still smiling.

Is his face stuck like that? Always smiling?

Cloudchaser fought the urge to tell him exactly that, but stayed civil by smiling back.

Flitter smiled genuinely and nodded, “That sounds great, thank you.”

I’m not sure whether to be reassured or creeped out by the constant smile…

Quick Quill took some more notes before stepping out and closing the door behind him, “Then shall we go? You two should lead the way since I don’t know your house.”

Flitter nodded and turned around, then lead the way out the door and took off towards their house with Cloudchaser and Quick Quill following behind her.


“What a nice house!” Quill chimed after inspecting it, “Three bedrooms, a bathroom, kitchen and living room. Please give me a moment for the calculations.”

The sisters watched in silence as Quill noted some numbers, the only sound in the room the one of the quill scratching on his notebook. After a while he looked up, his smile even brighter.

“I have splendid news!” he stated, revealing his writing to them.

The number on the notebook made their jaw fall down. They never seen a number this high.

“How?” they just asked in unison.

“Well… this here is in range of the weather-factory and various other hotspots and it has a wonderful view of the rainbow fountains. That plus the fact that it can house up to three couples thanks to the three bedrooms, we can get some high attention to this one. If you leave the kitchen in, I will add another six percent to the price!” he explained.

Cloud quickly tried to calculate in her head, “That would be one hundred and thirty thousand bits!” she nearly screamed.

Flitter just stared for a moment, “One hundred and thirty thousand?” She suddenly grinned, “That’s amazing! That will let us make whatever additions to the new house we want, and what’s left over should be plenty to get new furniture and probably still have some left over.”

Quill’s smile, if even possible, got brighter, “Deal?”

“Deal!” both sisters said, smiling at each other.

“If I might ask, what do you expect from your new home, ladies?” Quill asked them.

Cloudchaser hesitated before answering, “It should be at the border of Cloudsdale, so we can do what we want with it. We also need it around twice as big as this one here, I hope that is manageable. The inside isn’t important, we just need the cloud itself to shape it,” she paused, thinking for a moment before looking at her sister, “Anything you have to add?”

Flitter rubbed a hoof against her chin in thought, “Well, it would be nice if it was close to a place where we could get more clouds to work on the house, but it’s not a deal breaker. It’s easy enough to move them closer.”

Quill nodded, “I might know the perfect house for you,” he said before turning around, motioning them to follow him.

They flew for some time, reaching a lonely but beautiful spot at the edge of Cloudsdale. What they saw was astonishing. Here, right at the edge of town, there sailed a giant cloud home that was quite easily twice the size of their old one, at the very least.

“Here we are! It’s around three times the size. Unfurnished, but mostly shaped. You have to shape the bedrooms, but the rest is done. I’ll show you,” with that, Quill flew up and entered the huge house.

House? This is more like a mansion!

The sisters were impressed, but also worried about the price that it could have.

Flitter looked to Quill, “What’s the price for it?”

He shot her a bright smile, “You’re really lucky! It’s too close to the border and far away from the inner city that nopony wanted it yet. Since it’s not completely shaped and unfurnished, we can say about eighty thousand bits? Let me show you what is done first. You will love the bathroom, trust me!” with a wink he led them into the house and through a corridor to a door.

Cloud looked at Quill who nodded and opened it. Behind it there was a giant bathroom, including a giant bathtub, for sure big enough for several ponies and a likewise shower. Then the best thing…

“It’s a rainbow-shower!” Cloud shouted, excited.

A rainbow-shower was something special. Supplying a steady feed of natural rainbows, it had a strengthening effect on pegasi, relaxing their muscles and powering the reserve in their wings up. Those showers were worth their weight in gold for any pegasi.

Flitter looked at it in awe, “A rainbow-shower? How is this house not more expensive with a rainbow-shower? This is amazing! I never thought I’d live in a house that had one!”

“As I said, it’s too far away from the inner city. Also, it’s unfinished, and there is a rare amount of pegasi that can actually cloud shape,” Quill replied.

Flitter smiled and looked at Cloudchaser, “Well, luckily we can cloud shape ourselves, so that’s not an issue.”

“Great!” with that Quill lead to another room, “This here is one of five finished rooms. This one is rather big so I would suggest living-room or a mix of kitchen and dining.”

Cloud stopped him with a wing, “I think we saw enough. I would say we take it, what do you think, lil’ sis?”

Flitter nodded enthusiastically, “I think so too, this house is perfect!” She was practically bouncing up and down with excitement.

“Quill, we’ll take it. Give us some time to bring our stuff over and get new furniture,” Cloud said, smiling brightly.

We finally did it! We can live a dream!

“It’s no problem! I will bring you the contracts this evening. If you would excuse me now,” Quill replied with a bow before turning and making his way out of the door, leaving both mares alone.


They sat in awe of their work, exhausted but happy. It was the most complicated thing they ever shaped; a big bedroom with windows and other comforts. They were especially proud of the big cloud bed, providing more than enough space. It was something you couldn’t buy anywhere and it was theirs only.

“Don’t you think it’s a bit… revealing that we only have one big bedroom?” Cloud asked, gently wrapping a wing around Flitter.

Flitter leaned in against Cloud, “Well, maybe, but who is going to take the time to come out here and look?”

“We should build a second door on the other side just for safety. If we have visitors we could use different doors so they wouldn’t suspect anything,” Cloudchaser suggested, enjoying her sisters soft weight on her side.

Flitter nodded, “Yeah, that’s probably a good idea. But let’s do that tomorrow, I’m tired,” She nuzzled Cloudchaser, happy to be close to her.

“Of course, my love,” Cloud nuzzled back, looking up to the bed, “We should test it. I never slept on a real bed out of clouds. The ones from our old home were from the factory.”

With a smile she stood up and wrapped her wings around Flitter, lifting her up, causing her sister to yelp in surprise. She laid her softly down on the bed before gently laying upon her.

“You know what we forgot today, my love?” Cloudchaser asked her, softly planting pecks on her muzzle.

Flitter smiled, “Mmhh, that I love you?” she replied as she turned her head towards Cloud and looked at her lovingly.

“Heh, interesting, but no,” She looked deep into Flitter’s eyes, “Today is Hearts and Hooves day and we haven’t planned anything. I wanted to do something special with you but I guess after that moving and shaping…” her words trailed off to an inaudible mumble.

Flitter gave her a loving gaze, “It was special! We did everything together and we finally have a place where we will remain undisturbed. A place we can shape after our dreams! I couldn’t ask for more than be at your side, sweetie!”

Tears started running down from Cloud’s muzzle as she snuggled deeply into her sisters’ fur, “You are so wonderful! I love you, lil’ sis.”

“I love you too, Cloudy,” came the cooed reply, followed by a deep and passionate kiss.

As long as they were together, nothing else counted. Here, they could live their love, and they would live it no matter what.

Author's Note:

Another Flitter & Cloudchaser
Fic number four out of my five specials for hearts and hooves day
Just like I said on my other stories of the sisters:
Love it or hate it, I'll continue writing it :twilightsmile:

Comments ( 10 )

This is really catchy. I like it so far but, wasn't this supposed to be a multi-chapter sequel? Not complaining or anything, but it would be sweet to see the sister's parents reaction.
Good work, BTW. :twilightsmile:


The multi-chapter sequel will come, trust me:twilightsmile:


it would be sweet to see the sister's parents reaction.

I agree. ^^

I finally got a chance to sit down and read this, and I was not disappointed. I agree that a sequel where the parents (and possibly pegasus society) find out would be good. Lots of possibilities for heartache, anguish and feels.

The one thing I didn't understand in this story though is why they suddenly decided they needed a bigger house. Given that they've started sharing a bed, they already have an extra spare bedroom now!


They had something Special with their shaped cloud and wanted such a thing again.
Since changing/expanding their actual home wasn't possible they came up with the new border house.
The rest should explain itself I hope :twilightsmile:

how do you make incest so lovable!:raritydespair:

We will end up in prison if they caught us, but I guess that's the risk of a happy life

What did I say about robot speech?

Well done, once again dude, awesome job on this!
Got themselves a nice little home now, I approve! :yay:

Another spectacular story, an upvote, a fave and this time, a watch!

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