• Published 11th Feb 2015
  • 4,564 Views, 6 Comments

Scootagrow - Star Sage

Scootaloo's need to be up in the clouds, leads to her going a bit higher than she imagined

  • ...

The Only

“Are you sure this is safe?” asked the orange pegaus as she poked at the bottle in front of her. The contents swirled around inside the thing, looking like that rainbow glow stuff her and the Cutie Mark Crusader's had used in the love poison incident a while back. That was not a good sign.

“Almost positive. Zecora's friend in Manehatten said it would definitely put your head in the clouds,” said Applebloom, who'd mixed the potion before the three of them. She sounded confident, the zebra and a purple unicorn had told her about the potion, though she wouldn't admit that she'd had to fudge the ingredients a bit. She was sure her substitutions would work though.

“Well...bottoms up then,” said Scootaloo as she picked up the bottle with her hoof, and then, in a single pull, down the whole thing. Instantly she dropped the bottle and started coughing, her body spaziming and falling over, causing her friends to rush to her side, the earthpony thinking for a moment that she'd poisoned her friend.

“~cough~wh~cough~that tas~cough~ed horrible!” shouted Scootaloo at last, gagging more, and getting helped back onto her hooves by her friends, who proceeded to inspect her for damages. Finding none, they backed off.

“So....feel any different?” asked Sweetiebelle as she looked over Scootaloo from a distance. The pegasus gave herself a quick test, fluttering her wings, pushing each leg out as far as it would go, and trying to turn her head around. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary.

“Not in the slightest,” she said at last, dejectedly, and Applebloom said a word that would have gotten her a soapy mouth if her brother and sister had heard it. Luckily, neither of them was around, and so she was allowed to go back to her notes on the potion, Sweetie joining her while Scoots just looked out the window of their clubhouse, despondent once again.

“I was so sure that Heart's Desire could sub for that Your Wish Is Geranium flower from Stalliongrad,” she said, the two continuing to pour over the notes before them. They were doing this for only a few seconds when something started to block the window.

“Scoots, can you move, you're block-by Celestia!” Sweetie was turning around to face Scootaloo, who was now about twice the size she had been. Her wings thought, those were growing faster than the rest of her, already looking like the wings of a full grown pegasus.

“Huh?” asked Scootaloo, turning around, only to find the other two backing up towards the door. Two who should have been the same height as her, but were barely coming up to her chest with her sitting down. She noticed then that everything in the room was smaller than it should have been, and looked down at herself.

“Girls, what's happening?” she asked, her voice shaking a little, as her head kept going upwards, finally bonking on the rafters of the ceiling overhead, causing her to cry out in pain a little, before she moved it, only to find her mane was now brushing against the roof.

“Quick, get out of here!” she shouted at the two below her, and they needed no other prompting, Applebloom grabbing her potion notes, before running towards the door with Sweetiebelle, leaving Scootaloo alone in the club house. The crapped, and rapidly becoming more so clubhouse.

She had to duck her head now, curling her body around itself as she kept getting bigger. Already, her hoof was large enough that she couldn't get it out of the window, and worse, she couldn't fit her head out the door, leaving her stuck. Worse, she was stuck in a room that was quickly getting to small for her.

First her rear hoof smacked into the back wall of the clubhouse, then her forehooves did the same to the front. Slowly, slower than she would have liked, the wood began to bend, creaking loudly to the ears of the pegasus, who had tried to curl herself tighter into a ball, only to find she had no room for that either.

The clubhouse outside seemed to bulge, the walls protruding outward in ways you would not have thought wood capable of. But they didn't stay strong forever, the wood was still solid, and so, with a cracking sound, a single board gave way, then another, and again, until finally, with a thunderous crashing sound, the entire clubhouse burst outward, sending debris flying, and revealing the form of a now huge pegasus filly.

Scootaloo, free at last, instantly got onto her hooves, and stretched out, her legs and joints popping from the strain as they became limber once more. Then she looked down towards the others, barely the size of kittens to her, and she leapt down. Well, she tried to leap down, she fluttered her wings like she always did, to slow her fall, but instead of slowing, her wings somehow reversed her fall instead, causing her to rocket upwards into the sky.

Her flight carried her high up, until she could see all of Ponyville from the sky. It looked weird, the world below her hooves. The town seemed so small and delicate, with the shimmering crystal tree palace, the town hall, and all the little colored dots she knew were ponies going about their day. It was hard to imagine all the weird and crazy things that had happened over the last few years to the town.

Her gaze crossed the land before her a few times before she realized something. It was getting closer and closer. Worse, it was getting smaller. She was still growing. In fact, being outside and unconstrained, she seemed to be growing even faster. Already her wings were larger than buildings, and her body was almost as big as city hall, and she was still growing.

Crowds seemed to be gathering to look at her, she could see the dots of color coming together in a rainbow of hues. She couldn't hear anypony though. In fact, all she had to comfort her was the silence as she looked down, just staring at what had been home mere moments before, but was quickly shrinking down to the size of a playset. Her revere was such, that it took her hooves brushing against the tree tops to rouse her.

Quick to realize she needed some more air, she flapped again, and again, harder and harder, until she felt she was high enough. Once there, she looked down and found herself higher than she thought possible. Ponyville was now invisible, a single smudge on a green sea that she couldn't make out any details off. Worse, the mountains around it were tiny too, she had flown higher than the clouds, and now looked down on a map of her country.

She was breathing hard, her mouth hanging open as she tried to find some frame of reference, some way to discern something, but being up here, where the air wasn't quite as heavy, aggravated her condition, and she felt light headed as she grew even faster. Her hooves were now larger than her home town, and still they grew, longer, broader, and more importantly, heavier.

She tried to keep herself high enough that it wouldn't matter, flapping her wings to gain altitude every time she felt something brushing against her. But it just kept growing worse. Soon, she could see the oceans at the edges of her vision, then the continents to the east and west of her homeland, and finally, before she realized it, she was looking at her world from far away.

She was entranced then, staring at the ball ball below. She was barely conscious of what she was doing, so enamored was she that when she moved out of the way to let something by, it only occurred to her after it was out of the way that it was the moon. The moon was only as big as she was, and getting smaller all the time. As she watched it, it went from her size, to about the size of a beach ball, to the size of a base ball, and smaller still.

Idly, somewhere in the back of her mind, she wondered what she was breathing. Her mouth and nostrils still flared as she took in something like air. She didn't think too hard about it, afraid that doing so would break something inside her, and so she just kept backing up, soon starting to feel hotter and hotter, only just dodging out of the way as the sun, which like the moon grew every tinier.

She panicked looking this way and that, trying to find some reference point, but astronomy was never her best subject. She saw the stars around her, and tried to remember their patterns, tried to remember those pictures in the sky. But she couldn't do it, as her viewpoint changed to rapidly. The stars were moving, or rather, they were getting smaller.

She soon found her wing burning a bit, and brought it back to find a tiny pinprick of one of her feathers had been singed. It took her a few moments to realize that that was because it had touched a star. She was so big now that the stars themselves could be touched, and when they burned her they left a small mark almost invisible to her eyes, and yet still she grew.

Soon, she could see the horsehead nebula, a thing she knew covered a great deal of the sky, and yet it looked like something she could just reach out and touch. She was just about to do just that when she realized that doing so might not be so fun for anyone not on her scale, and so she tried to go higher, tried to fly above it all, and get away from anyone she might hurt.

A few flaps took her past another nebula, and then beyond that into the void. She soon could look out, and see the accretion disk of her galaxy, the spiraling arms of which seemed to open wide to greet her coming up to their level. It spun on and on, and she stared down into it, going from merely being large enough to stand on one of those arms, to larger than the whole thing.

She was now a heaven unto herself, and still showed no sign of stopping, while down below, a duo of fillies had to explain what was going on. They told their story quickly, as their friend got bigger, and bigger, and bigger, before vanishing into the sky. It was only by the magic of two alicorns that none could see that she had actually become said sky, and would soon dwarf even gods with her grandeur.

Comments ( 6 )

Loved it! :3 Thank you so much

Nice story, but there's some things you may want to edit.

The crapped, and rapidly becoming more so clubhouse.

That should be "cramped"... unless Scootaloo lost control of her bowels.

Worse, she was stuck in a room that was quickly getting to small for her.

That should be "too".

She was entranced then, staring at the ball ball below.

either that should be "blue ball", or you should delete one of those.

She didn't think too hard about it, afraid that doing so would break something inside her, and so she just kept backing up, soon starting to feel hotter and hotter, only just dodging out of the way as the sun, which like the moon grew every tinier.

And that should probably be "ever".

Infinite orange filling the known and unknown universe.

Yeah, Isn't it the best thing? :3

Comment posted by livi423 deleted Nov 9th, 2016
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