• Published 7th May 2012
  • 12,507 Views, 236 Comments

Ace Combat: The Equestrian War - PolishValsion

Based on Namco's Ace Combat series of video games. No fighters or missiles, personal close combat.

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Chapter 18: Retribution

The time has come for the final offence.

Yet many doubts still swarm one of the heroines.

What will become of those who fought so far?

Will they be forgotten or go down in history?

Chapter 18


“Where.... am I? Urgh... pain... Girls... where are you...?”

Firefly was lying on the ground in a puddle of blood. Her own blood.

The attack was a failure. All hopes had been crushed. The griffins managed to hold off against the ponies’ final strike. Every surrounding mountain was littered with their bodies. Firefly tried to get up, but hissed in pain; her rear legs were broken. Rolling onto her back, she tried to contact somepony from her unit... No one answered the call. She then heard a voice:

“You fought well... But not well enough.”

The image of a black-feathered griffon soldier appeared before her. He spoke again.

“Your luck has run out. It was foolish of you to bring others to aid you... you have only endangered them. They all lie dead now. Soon you will join them.”

“N-No... you lie!” Firefly exclaimed.

“Do I?” Black Star asked mockingly.

He came closer, standing above Firefly and staring into her eyes.

“You should thank me. Now you’ll get to see your parents again...”

Firefly tried to stand up, but Black Star suddenly pinned her down by violently stomping on her wings. The force of impact crushed her bones, Firefly screamed in unimaginable pain. Her eyes rolled deep inside her skull. Black Star grabbed her by the throat and started to choke her.

“Do not resist... It’s over.”

His grim voice echoed in Firefly’s ears. She tried to release the grip, but it was no use. She was too exhausted. In a desperate measure, the pink pegasus tried to punch her tormentor, but he pinned her arm with the other claw. Black Star tightened the grip, slowly strangling the life out of Firefly. So dark... so cold...

H-Help... I... I... can’t... breathe... No... No... Mo-o-om... Da-a-ad... N-N-Noo.....!



May 11th, 2019

0923 hrs

Canterlot, Mirage squadron’s base

Firefly suddenly opened her eyes with a loud scream and sprung up from her bed. Cold sweat was dripping from her face. Breathing rapidly, she tried to get a grasp on her surroundings. Realizing that she was inside the base prepared for her team long ago, she groaned loudly and fell back on the pillow.

“It was just a bad dream... But it seemed so real...” she said to herself, running her hoof across the neck, as if to make sure she was still alive.

“What’s happening to me... Argh, my head... I think I overdid it a little during that last training...”

Yesterday, Firefly decided to recall all maneuvers she taught her wingmares in the past few months, thinking they may come useful in the upcoming decisive battle. The exercise continued until the sunset. Everypony was pleased when they heard Firefly's order to return to their quarters. The pink pegasus didn't make it to her room, though. She trained so hard that she collapsed from exhaustion. Lightning Bolt and Medley carried her to bed where she could rest.

Firefly looked around. She sense a nice smell and noticed one of Derpy's muffins lying next to her bed.

"Did they left it for me? Hah... that's nice of them," Firefly thought.

Hearing her stomach rumbling quietly, she took the muffin and ate it in a few quick bites. She felt a lot better. Further observation allowed Firefly to notice that nopony from her team was in the room.

“Oh... seems like everypony is already up. I wonder what they’re doing.”

Getting off her bed, Firefly started to walk outside the base, passing by Mission Control. She still felt a bit dazed from that nightmare.

The last few days were crucial for the ponies. Despite their groundbreaking victory in the capital and the consequent liberation of other major cities, the war continued. Any major counterattack by the griffins was highly unlikely, but ruffian bands scattered around Equestria still roamed free. The Princesses decided to give Mirage squadron a little well-earned rest and called the other pegasi squadrons as well as the Wonderbolts to clear the areas of enemy presence. More importantly, every pony was already informed and knew about Red Cyclone’s new base, “Fortress Intimidation.”

A general offensive in an attempt to topple his rule and bring the conflict to a close was obvious, but many ponies didn’t feel like taking a part in any more fighting. All they wanted was simply to return to their homes and remain with their families... but things weren’t that easy. If everything was to be successful, the pegasi had to make a relocation back to Cloudsdale. It already begun on the day before yesterday, but what the pegasi saw on their way from Canterlot was appalling. The majority of the landscape was covered in ashes and burnt ground. Many trees were gone, fields consumed by fire, the fate of numerous animals remained unknown. Griffin scorching, as told by Edge. It was a truly disheartening sight. Several fliers, such as Sunburst’s Phoenix squadron were eager to make the griffins pay for their atrocities. Yet, Princess Celestia and Princess Luna reminded them who the real enemy is.

But, at this moment, Firefly’s mind was overflowing with her own worries and thoughts. What could her nightmare mean? What kind of action should she choose next? Having heard a cheer, Firefly moved to an outside area and noticed her wingmares playing a game called “dodgebomb”—it would have been best described as ‘try to hit a pony with a gum ball until there will be a last one standing.’ Derpy, Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash were already outside of playing field. They were wondering if Firefly was still asleep due the intense training. Medley tried to hit Cloud Kicker while chasing her around. Lightning Bolt was on the side, reading a book.

This sight surprised Firefly greatly. Lightning was usually found with her nose in the computer screen, so this could have been a little unusual. The pegasi didn’t seem to have noticed the pink mare. They just carried on the game while Firefly watched everything from the corridor. They truly cared for her...

“Come on, Medley, hit with me your best shot!” Cloud Kicker cried at her from behind.

“You bet I will!”

The green pegasus made a quick turn around and before Cloud Kicker could react, the pink gum ball smacked her in the face. Medley danced in the air, overjoyed.

“Yaaaay! I won! Did you see that, Rainbow Dash?”

“Nice job, Kid. Your reflexes are improving,” Rainbow praised her.

Cloud Kicker wasn’t as pleased.

“That was just a fluke. I demand a rematch!” she exclaimed.

“Try to be a good sport, Cloud Kicker. Medley was simply faster than you,” Lightning Bolt suddenly spoke.

Firefly used this break in the game to get their attention.

“Seems like you girls are having fun.”

Rainbow and the others almost instantaneously spun their heads in the opposite direction. Firefly laughed at their expressions, telling them to go at ease. She reminded her friends that it was only a matter of time before the final offence at Gryphus would take place. While they told her they could use a little break after an intense training they had yesterday, Firefly remembered about Fluttershy.

“So, Butterfly, how are you feeling?”

“Oh, much better,” said Fluttershy.

“I still have a bruise or two on my stomach, but it’s nothing. But... I wonder how much longer should we wait for official orders... the Wonderbolts were supposed to let us know once they will come up with a strategy...”

Just then, the signal used for receiving messages in Mission Control suddenly blared.

“You were saying?” Firefly asked. “Let’s go!

When they got before the large monitor presenting a digitized map of Equestria and its borders, Gale’s voice was heard:

“Mirage squadron. We have a situation. The griffins, especially those fiercely loyal to Red Cyclone still continue to resist and have no intentions on surrendering. I’ve recently acquired reports that several ruffians are establishing a resupply base in Drakenridge Mountains. Another group is preparing a retaliatory strike on Hoofington. Seems like our enemy is on the move.”

“And you want us to take care of them?” Firefly guessed.

“No, there is no time. I have already dispatched Phoenix, Sweeper, Lancer and Dragon squadrons to deal with them. You must concern yourself with leading the attack on Gryphus. We cannot waste any more time. Therefore, you will have to leave Canterlot and immediately head for the border. It falls onto your shoulders again to lead the key operation. The other pegasi squadrons will join you as soon as they are all done with the ruffians.”

Realizing that this could be their most important mission in this conflict, the pegasi braced themselves. Medley and Derpy seemed a little tense, though.

“So, what are the orders?” Rainbow asked.

“Your mission is to reach the griffin capital city of Gryphus, destroy Fortress Intimidation and put an end to the war. The place is heavily fortified, so you will need to take care of potential defenders as well as the anti-air turrets placed around. There could also be several radar jammers. Be prepared for radar interference. Our research indicates that Fortress Intimidation is similar in construction to The Burning Talon. However, it is much larger and its armor cannot be penetrated even with the Sonic Rainboom.”

Hearing that, Rainbow sighed in disappointment. Others looked at each other, uncertain of what should they do. But Gale hasn’t finished. He presented them with a cross-section of the fortress.

“The only way to destroy this fortress is to fly into the tunnels leading inside. That’s where the three generators which power the defensive weapons are. You’ll have to destroy these generators, and then go for the main core. Its collapse should cause a chain reaction which will lead to the destruction of the base. The mission will be considered a success if you’ll render the fortress unusable, defeat Red Cyclone and return alive, all seven of you. Everything else is unacceptable. Contact me as soon as you’ll reach the border. That is all. Dismissed.”


Rainbow Dash, Firefly, Lightning Bolt, Cloud Kicker, Medley, Fluttershy and Derpy looked at each other. So, once again, it was up to them to lead the advance against their enemies. This could have been a decisive blow, one that would finally bring this war to an end.

“Well, it has come to this, everypony,” Firefly proclaimed.

“We’ll be leaving in ten minutes. I hope you’re all fit as a fiddle.”

While they all seemed eager to fly to action, Lightning Bolt peeked into her book again. Cloud Kicker noticed it.

“Hey Lightning, what’cha reading there, anyway?”

The white pegasus showed the book’s cover. Others came closer to examine it. It didn’t look like a large tome, more like a novel. The most distinguishable thing on its front was a picture of four adult pegasi ponies in flight, three males and one female. One of them, a tall male pegasus on the front wore sunglasses. Though each of them had a different color of mane and coat, there was one thing they all had. They were all wearing black vests with some red outlines. Medley caught a glimpse on the book’s title.

The Unsung War...? I didn’t knew you liked those kinds of stories, Lightning.”

“This book was just recently published in Equestria, as it was initially written outside its borders,” Lightning Bolt explained.

“Twilight was the first to get it, naturally. She figured I should read it, because she says we have a lot of things in common with the heroes of this book.”

Rainbow Dash remembered that it was thanks to Twilight she discovered that reading is not as ‘uncool’ as she initially thought. Even though she was more into adventure books, featuring the famous Daring Do, this sounded interesting as well.

“What’s it about?” she asked.

Lightning Bolt used this little time they had left before the sortie to tell them, in a nutshell, about the events written down in the book. It was a story of a long, grueling war that happened between two countries to the west of Equestria. The main protagonists comprised just one of many squadrons the attacked country had and they started as a bunch of ‘nuggets’ or rookies. But their feats during the conflict earned them the titles of heroes.

“Yeah, I can see the resemblance. We can relate to them,” Medley spoke.

Then, Lightning told them about a darker part of the story. Where the similarities ended.

“When one of the heroes was killed in a surprise attack orchestrated by the enemy, his companions were distraught. But it somehow gave them the strength to overcome the remaining foes. In retaliation, the enemy prepared a clever trap and made it look as if, during one of their missions, the heroes attacked a friendly squadron. They were branded traitors and had to feign their own deaths to escape punishment. One of their friends knew they were innocent and helped them. After a short period of time, the pegasi returned, now reinforced with a new flier. They were all four again and they were all wearing these black vests you see.”

The pegasi looked at the cover again. There must have been some reason behind this choice of colors. Or maybe it could have been some sort of a symbolism. Lightning carried on.

“With newly found resolve and desire to bring the war to an end, as well as punish those who tricked them, the pegasi became a force to be reckoned with. They were unstoppable. A true bane of the enemy forces. Many called them “The Ghosts of Razgriz”.

“Ra... what?” Medley asked.

“According to a legend described in the book, Razgriz is a demon from the north, who awakens when history undergoes a great change,” Lightning Bolt explained.

“It uses its power to rain destruction and death upon the world and then, it dies. Then, after a period of time, when another conflict erupts, Razgriz returns... but this time, as a great hero.”

“Just like those pegasi...” Fluttershy figured.

“Right, but there is one thing that bothers me,” the white pegasus confessed.

“At the end of the story, it is said the heroes disappeared. The reason for that is unknown... they’ve just left without leaving any traces of their presence... like real ghosts.”

All fliers thought about this for a while. Derpy came to a conclusion that they simply wished to live simple lives and didn’t want to be involved with warfare anymore. Even if it meant for them to disappear from the history and their feats were to be exalted as myths and legends.

“Perhaps that’s why the book is called The Unsung War...” the grey mare figured.

“Hey... do you think that...” Medley started. “When the war will end... do you think we will be forgotten, too? That we will be normal, average pegasi again...?”

“Unless you want a whole flock of journalists following you wherever you’ll go, it’s fine by me,” Lightning Bolt remarked.

“But for some reason, I don’t think we’ll end up like them.”

“Yeah. The Princesses already said they were grateful to us. And everypony knows about the Elements of Harmony... so maybe they’ll remember us as well,” Cloud Kicker added.

“We may not be the Ghosts of Razgriz, but we did managed to pull out some amazing stunts,” Rainbow Dash reminded them.

“Things are gonna be just fine.”

Firefly wasn’t taking an active part in the discussion. Indeed, she thought about the meaning of this story, but it wasn’t so important for her. Rainbow Dash saw her uneasy expression.

“Hey, you’re OK, Firefly? You look pale...”

“You must be seeing things. Come on everypony, let’s get ready to sortie,” she replied brusquely.

But as the pegasi were about to fly out, Firefly rubbed her eyes, accidentaly catching Medley’s attention.

“What’s wrong, Firefly? You’re still sleepy?”

“No, it’s not that, I just... Oh hay, who am I kidding!” Firefly yelled suddenly, causing the others to look at her with surprised expressions.

She couldn’t keep it before them any longer. The pink mare turned around and looked at her companions. They saw Firefly’s anguished face. It was a face of a pony who was tormented by some inner demons.

“Girls...” she started.

“...I want to tell you something. I know I should’ve done it sooner, and... this might be the only chance I have left... I’m sorry.”

“Come again?” Derpy asked, confused.

“I said I’m sorry!” Firefly reiterated, rising the volume of her voice.

“I know that I’ve treated you unfairly at times... and I’ve been cold toward you... acting like a jerk... I feel so ashamed...”

Other ponies exchanged glances. They didn’t know why Firefly was acting like this. Cloud Kicker said that for whatever reason she was treating them that way, it didn’t matter for them. They had already forgiven her. The blue-maned flier gazed on the six pegasi.

“You girls are my best friends... probably the only ponies I can trust... and you’re great wingmares to boot... It’s been an honor to fly by your side, but... I’m afraid this is where we part ways... I’ve reached the end of the road. I can no longer lead you.”

“But... What?!”

“What are you saying?”

“That’s not like you...”

“You’re our leader, we need you...”

Firefly rose her right hoof to calm them down. She said:

“Please, listen... I thought about it and... and I figured that the only way I can face Black Star is to do it alone. And I mean it in every possible way. I first met him when I was completely alone... and I’ll fight him like that... as a lone pony. I must face him as Firefly, not as the leader of Mirage squadron. I hope you will understand. That’s why... Rainbow Dash.”

The blue pegasus came closer. Firefly put her hooves on Rainbow’s shoulders and grinned.

“From now on, you’re the new leader of Mirage squadron. My heart is set. I know I can trust you. Besides, you’re a better material for a heroine than me. Please, don’t say no.”

Rainbow was more than surprised hearing that. Though she tried to oppose the decision, Firefly’s will remained unflinching. She took her pink vest off and laid it on the floor. It meant she really was going to leave. Firefly headed to the outside. She was just about to spread her wings... and it looked like she was about to fly away...

“My time has come...”

“WAIT! You can’t do this!”

Firefly stopped. Others turned their sights to Medley, seeing the young pegasus staring at their former leader with disbelief. She looked like she was about to cry.

“So... that’s it?!” Medley voice was unusually high-pitched.

“After all we’ve been through... after all these battles... all these moments we’ve shared... now you want to ABANDON us?! NO! Don’t you dare leave us! That’s not right!”

The green pegasus was shaking her head in denial.

“Calm yourself down, Kid!” Rainbow Dash scolded her.

“No need for hysterics. Firefly never said she would abandon us... right?”

The pink pegasus sighed loudly and looked at her friends again.

“To tell the truth... I was initially planning on leaving without telling you... But I came to the conclusion that it wouldn’t be the right thing. No pony should be turning their back on their friends. And I haven’t been earning your trust this whole time just so I could trample it under my hooves now. I’m not that kind of a mare.”

When Lightning Bolt asked for the real reason, Firefly simply smiled and said:

“When I will get to Gryphus, I will fight Black Star. And I don’t know what the outcome will be... but I’m determined to fulfill the promise I gave to my parents.”

“So... you will fight him... and kill him?” Derpy asked.

“I don’t know... he deserves to die... and maybe that’s what he wants... but I’m not really sure... I can’t promise you that I won’t kill him, though...”

Firefly sounded like she was battling her desire to eliminate the one who killed her parents... one that she used to consider a heartless being. Derpy came closer and looked into Firefly’s eyes.

“We have faith in you, Firefly. Just be careful. Don’t let the anger overwhelm you. Defeat Black Star, but don’t kill him. Doing so won’t solve your problems, it will only make them worse...”

The pink mare suddenly chuckled.

“What? Did I said something funny?”

“No... but that sounds like somepony who told me these words before...”

Rainbow then decided to give her companion a few decisive statements. She came closer.

“Listen, Firefly. Even if you’ve made up your mind, I’ve got something to tell you as well. You may not consider yourself to be our leader anymore... but in our hearts, you still are.”

“Yeah. Remember, you’ve put your trust in us all,” said Lightning Bolt.

“You taught us the value of teamwork,” Cloud Kicker added.

“Thank to you, we’ve managed to survive until now,” Fluttershy said with gratitude.

“And it was thanks to you we’ve become such a great team,” Derpy concluded.

Firefly looked at the pegasi, who were praising her for her accomplishments. She tried to say that she didn’t deserve any of these approves, but all words seemed to be lodged in her throat. Medley approached her.

“It’s a good thing you’re being sincere with us now. But, hey, even if you hadn’t told us anything, we would have followed you anyway. You won’t get rid of us that easily,” she giggled.

Rainbow Dash stuck her hoof out with a big grin.

“So, what do you say, Firefly? Friends ‘till the end?”

Lightning Bolt, Cloud Kicker, Derpy, Fluttershy and Medley all put their hooves close to Rainbow’s, signifying a unity. Then they turned their sights on the pink pony. Firefly looked at this act of friendship and let out another loud sigh.

“Heh... what am I going to do with you... You are a bunch of stubborn mules!”

“Look who’s talking,” Cloud Kicker remarked.

All seven ponies burst into laughter. Firefly got closer.

“Fine. Looks like I’m gonna have to bear your presence a little while longer.”

She put her hoof on Rainbow’s. The blue pegasus acquitted it with a nod. She was feeling at home.

“Alright then. Here is my first order as the new leader of the Mirage squadron! We‘re going to Gryphus to end this war and take Red Cyclone down! You’re all with me?”

Other pegasi reacted positively, and soon all seven took off into the blue skies, setting their course toward the border. They expected to get there rather fast.

As they were leaving Canterlot, they saw the streets were filled with ponies who were jumping in joy, waving at them and raising a few banners. One of them, being held by a few fillies, had large and visible words written on it: ‘GOOD LUCK, ANGELS OF EQUESTRIA!’, while another was saying: ‘MIRAGE SQUADRON RULES!’ with blinking letters, possibly an effect of magic. All ponies were cheering and chanting “Angels!” or “Mirage!” as the fliers passed them by. This display of trust encouraged them.

They could hear the loud cheers even after they’ve passed over the gates of Canterlot.

“Did you heard those cheers? Don’t tell me you didn’t!” Cloud Kicker said, excited.

“Well, that’s another reason for us to make sure the mission is a success.” Rainbow Dash said aloud.

“Maintain current course. We should reach the border at 1100 hours.”


1045 hrs

Equestrian airspace

There was still a hard road ahead of them. Flying through the horribly scorched grounds of their homeland all the way until the border became a hard experience for all of them. Especially for Fluttershy. Seeing so much destruction unfold before her eyes was depressing for the yellow pegasus. She couldn’t comprehend how anyone could have ordered such a barbaric onslaught.

“Rainbow... what if... what if Ponyville was...! Oh no! My friends!”

She tried to turn left and fly in the town’s direction, but Rainbow Dash stopped her.

“No, Fluttershy! Stay in formation! I know it’s hard for you, but we can’t go to Ponyville just yet. Besides, I’m sure your animal friends are fine. They’ve managed to survive all this time, so I’m willing to bet they’re all alive and well. Focus your mind on the mission ahead!”

Fluttershy was hovering in the air for a while, but ultimately lowered her head and returned back into formation, flying beside Rainbow. Other pegasi were shocked as well.

“There used to be a forest nearby...” Cloud Kicker remembered.

“Now, all trees are gone. This is horrible...”

“I just hope all the animals managed to escape to safety...” Medley said with a sad voice.

“What if the whole Equestria looks like this...” Derpy wondered.


“Red Cyclone, that fiend! All of this happened because of his orders!” Lightning Bolt exclaimed.

“He won’t get away with this!”

As they were coming closer to the border, Medley suddenly thought about something. Since Canterlot was liberated, she haven’t saw any of the foreign pegasi fliers.

“Hey, Rainbow... I mean, Mirage 1. Did you received any word from the Garuda team or Sky Eye? Are they coming with us?”

“You can still call me Rainbow, Kid. It sounds better,” Dash replied before answering her question.

“Now that you brought this up... I haven’t received any word from them in the past two days. They might’ve returned back to their countries... And who could blame them? These guys already saved our flanks a couple of times. So we have to make sure their assistance would not end up as meaningless.”

Firefly imagined their faces. It was a fact they became a major support for the squadron. And yet, if they would have indeed gone back to their respective countries, she respected that decision. The pink mare wasn’t taking any activity in the conversations between the team anyway. Black Star was all she was thinking about now... what was the real reason behind his involvement in this war? Could it have something to do with her...? Rainbow’s voice interrupted Firefly’s thoughts.

“We’re approaching the border. Any sign of additional units, Thunder?”

“Negative,” Lightning Bolt responded at first.

“No aerial units inbound... but I’m detecting several forces on the ground, just ahead.”

Truth be told, a group of about one hundred and twenty, one hundred and fifty maybe earth ponies and unicorns was awaiting by the border. Cloud Kicker recognized the banner that stood out in the front; it was the same one that Twilight Sparkle held during the retaking of the capital, the same symbol that the Royal Sisters projected before the ponies to boost their spirits. Seeing this, the Mirage squadron started descending to a lower altitude and was met with more cheers. Rainbow Dash approached the group. Twilight, Rarity, Applejack and Pinkie Pie went to greet the squadron.

“Took ya long enough, Rainbow. We’ve been waiting ‘ere for the last two hours fer you to come,” said Applejack.

“What are you doing here?” the blue pegasus wondered.

“We’re here to help you as a ground support, of course,” Rarity replied.

That was certainly a positive declaration, but Rainbow also knew that if the mission was to be successful, they needed air support. Still, there were no other squadrons in the vicinity.

“Well... In worst-case scenario, we may end up going to Gryphus alone,” Firefly said.

“I’m kinda thrilled. But our chances for winning will be slim, even with the ground support...”

But it wasn’t a good perspective. Everypony was aware of potential threats, but they still had no information about Fortress Intimidation or its defensive capabilities. The anti-air turrets that filled the area around it were already a lot, but there could have been more... While she was thinking of all the possibilities, Rainbow couldn’t come up with any option other than a direct assault. The griffins who were loyal to Red Cyclone and, judging from the last reports, their numbers were quite significant, would pose a serious threat to the ponies.

This really started to seem like an impossible mission. Knowing that time was of the essence, Rainbow decided to contact Gale.

“Gale, this is Mirage 1. We’ve reached the border.”

“Rainbow Dash?”

Gale sounded surprised at first, but he seemed to had quickly understood something moments later.

“Oh, so you’re the squadron leader now.”

“Yeah. But that has no effect on our mission. We’re ready to go.”

The Wonderbolt operator told them to stay and wait patiently. When asked why, he explained.

“It’s highly likely that this will be your final mission. We need heroes after the war, too. That’s why your squadron can’t go there alone. That would be a suicide. Just wait... I think that...”

“Rainbow!” Lightning Bolt exclaimed suddenly.

“I’ve got several contacts on my radar! They’re approaching from east and west... and they have friendly IDs!”


A loud, teen-aged voice sounded in the communicators of the pegasi from Mirage squadron. There was a group of fliers approaching the rendezvous point.

“Hey, Mirage! It’s nice to see you’ve waited for us before starting the party!” Quick Chaser sounded excited.

“This is Sweeper 1, my team is ready to assist you!”

“Don’t try to get all the credit, Quick Chaser,” Thunder Flicker said with a swaggering voice.

“Lancer 1 here! We’re here to help, too.”

The pegasi were glad to see their friends arriving just in time. Quick Chaser and Thunder Flicker were in good humour and started talking about having a bet: which team would destroy the most anti-air turrets, jammers or any other devices that would prevent the ponies from advancing.

“How about it, Lancer 1? The loser gets to buy the drinks for the winners!” Quick Chaser finished explaining the rules.

“Heh. You know that I always like a challenge. You’re on!” the amber pegasus replied.

“I suggest you two focus on getting to the griffin capital alive first,” a more mature male voice sounded.


Derpy recognized the voice’s owner, much to her joy.

“You’re here!”

“Yes, and it seems we’re just in time! The Phoenix squadron will provide with support again during this mission, Mirage!” the orange pegasus declared.

Within a few seconds, three more contacts were picked up by Lightning Bolt. These were coming from the direction of Drakenridge Mountains, which were named after being a key place for a dragon migration in ages past. Now the place was mostly abandoned, but it was a perfect location for a base. Another familiar voice greeted the heroines.

“Are there any free spots for us? We don’t wanna miss this raid! Dragon squadron is here to back you up, gals!”

“Flare Star!” Fluttershy sounded really glad.

“Hey there, Butterfly. How are you feeling after that beatdown?”

The green pegasus came closer and patted Fluttershy on the back.

“Oh, I’m much better now, thank you,” she replied.

In a span of five minutes, the Mirage squadron now had a backup of four additional squadrons, each consisting of three or four fliers. But Gale noticed that not all forces were present. Lightning reported that more contacts were coming from the south... from Canterlot.

“Hey, don’t start this party without us!”

A youthful, energetic voice echoed in every communicator.

It was Tornado Swirl. Overdrive was flying right next to him. Their sight was rejoicing, mainly because they each had three new members with them, so their squadrons, Burner and Racer, were strengthened. The pegasi forces now amassed to over thirty units. Firefly noticed these numbers had a good chance of getting to Gryphus.

But, just then, four new contacts were picked up by Lightning Bolt. She seemed puzzled this time.

“Strange... the radar confirms the IDs are friendly, but I have no data about them.”

“No wonder. My squadron was formed just yesterday. This is Falcon 1 and we’re here to back you up as well, Mirage!”

"That voice... Thunderlane?!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed.

The dark gray pegasus with amber eyes looked like an unexpected visitor for her.

“Hey, so you still remember me, Rainbow Dash,” Thunderlane’s voice sounded again.

“I’ve rounded up some of our friends to join me. Flitter, Cloudchaser and Blossomforth will help out, too.”

When they approached the gathered pegasi, they could see the newly formed squadron. Flitter and Cloudchaser were twins, with the former being distinguished from the latter by a pink ribbon. Both of them had a bright violet coat. Blossomforth was a white pegasus with blue eyes and wore a mane in two colors, pink and green. All four wore dark blue vests with falcon’s image.

“Where the hay you’ve been until now?” Rainbow Dash exclaimed.

“Been there, done that... It’s not like I didn’t fight,” Thunderlane replied.

“I’ve actually saved Flitter and Cloudchaser from being killed and, in return, they wanted to join my newly formed squadron.”

“Are you kidding?” Flitter asked. “Cloudchaser and I were doing fine on our own.”

“That’s not how I remember it!” Thunderlane remarked.

“You just love to exaggerate about your bravery, don’t you, Falcon 1?”

A voice of a young adult mare was heard. Thunderlane looked behind him. Medley noticed a team of five pegasi approaching their positions.

“There you are, Rainbowshine,” the dark gray colt commented. “Always late for the party.”

“Just be glad we made it. Mirage flight, this is Rainbowshine, callsign Sorcerer 1. We’ll provide you with aerial support. Good to be flying with you.”

It was a mare with an indigo coat, sporting pink mane and eyes, her cutie mark being a three-colored rainbow.

The ponies on the grounds seemed to be relieved to see so many pegasi above them. It was safe to say that Rainbow Dash wasn’t expecting such a large backup. Having a moment, she got herself acquainted with the two new squadrons quickly before she turned in the direction of the mountains, extending beyond the horizon and declaring:

“With this kind of support, there’s no way we can lose. Come on everypony, let’s—”

“Hold on! You’re going without us?”

Rainbow stopped dead in place when she heard that voice. All pegasi turned around and the soldiers on the ground looked up to see three more pegasi approaching. They were wearing characteristic blue costumes.

“Spitfire! The Wonderbolts!” the blue pegasus exclaimed with her jaw dropped.

When the three pegasi came closer, Soarin’ chuckled:

“What’s with that look, Rainbow Dash? Did you really thought we would’ve missed that kind of assignment? Not a chance in the world!”

“We would’ve been here faster if you weren’t gobbling that apple pie up for so long, sir,” Firebolt said with a mild snarl.

“Firebolt, that’s Soarin’ for you. You know he never passed by one of those goodies,” Spitfire said jokingly before approaching Rainbow Dash.

“So, Dash... I see that you’ve got promoted, in a sense. I’m looking forward to see some daring flying.”

Rainbow didn’t say a word and simply nodded. So much assistance, so much support... she felt like a great load was dropped off her mind. With the Wonderbolts aiding the squadrons and her friends as the ground support, she felt ready for anything. Rainbow was just about to begin leading the flight, but Lightning Bolt’s radar picked a few more signals.

“There are three more contacts coming here... and they’re fast. Very fast!”

“Could they be...?”

The pegasi turned their sights to the east to witness three male pegasi dispersing the nearby clouds as they were heading toward the assembled pony units. Cloud Kicker and Medley recognized their superior agility.

“Talisman! Shamrock! Mobius is there, too!” they exclaimed in excitement.

Noticing the three aces swirling through the skies, Thunderlane couldn’t help, but to ask:

“Hey, Lancer 1! Is that the famous Garuda team I’ve kept hearing about recently?” he asked Thunder Flicker.

“Yeah, it’s them, alright. Those guys aren’t any whipping boys. You could learn a thing or two from them, Falcon 1,” he replied, laughing.

"Looks like the gang's all here!"

When the pegasi reached the Mirage squadron, Rainbow went ahead to speak with them.

“Talisman, Shamrock... What are you guys doing in here?”

“What does it look like?” the green stallion replied.

“We’ve come to help you.”

“But... you’ve already done a lot for us...” Fluttershy said sheepishly.

Shamrock looked into her green eyes and smiled.

“Do you remember what I said back in Canterlot? An angel doesn’t turn in his wings...”

“... until after his last dance,” Fluttershy finished.

She finally understood what Shamrock meant back then. He was ready to fight and end this horrible war. Talisman supported him fully. They were ready.

Rainbow then turned her sight to Mobius. He stared deeply into her eyes, but Rainbow felt no pressure at all. It was all different than when she saw him for the first time... over Gildsedale Plains, as he saved her and her friends, or when he aided her at The Burning Talon and in Stalliongrad. He really seemed friendly now.

“Mobius... you’re going to help us, too?” she asked.

He confirmed it with a nod. A dim smile appeared on his face.

“He would have come with you anyway. There’s a reason for that.”

Sky Eye’s voice was heard from the blue stallion’s radio. He was in Cloudsdale, sitting next to Gale.

“An old adversary is waiting for him... a griffon soldier named Echo. They have some unfinished business left to take care of... since the days they were fighting in Urusea.”

“I see... so it’s going to be personal, huh?” Rainbow asked.

“Y’know, a friend of mine can relate to that,” she added, glancing at Firefly, who was overhearing all conversations.

For some reason, known only to herself, the pink pegasus lightened up a bit.


1130 hrs

Equestrian airspace, The Griffin Kingdom border

After summing up all available forces, there were six major ground divisions, four of which were led by the ponies representing the Elements of Harmony. Twilight Sparkle, Applejack, Rarity and Pinkie Pie were all eager to go. The pegasi had a total of ten squadrons, with the Garuda Team, Mobius and the Wonderbolts accounted as well; over fifty fliers ready for aerial skirmishes. Gale was overseeing the summing and was more than pleased to see so many fine pegasi together. Phalanx also contacted them briefly, saying that Princess Celestia and Princess Luna gave them their blessing, advising everypony to fight with courage, determination and hope. Spitfire was officially in charge of the aerial operations, while Twilight Sparkle was to lead the ground forces.

Rainbow Dash looked at each and every pegasus. Gale asked all teams to verify their readiness. The leaders responded one by one:

“Sweeper squadron, ready to go!”

“Lancer squadron, at the ready!”

“Phoenix squadron, all set!”

“Dragon squadron, ready any time!”

“Burner squadron, reporting in!”

“Racer squadron, raring to go!”

“Falcon squadron, ready to fly!”

“Sorcerer squadron, read you loud and clear!”

“Garuda team ready for battle!”

“Wonderbolts standing by!”

“Mobius 1 on standby!” Sky Eye announced Mobius’ readiness.

“Mirage squadron, we’re ready to go!”

“All allied forces at the border, begin your approach toward the enemy base,” Gale ordered.

“I will be monitoring your progress and provide you with necessary... Wait! Hold on! I’ve just received a transmission... from Gryphus!”

This unexpected statement caused all ponies to stop advancing. What could this mean? Gale patched the message through. Everypony heard a rough voice.

“So, you pathetic little ponies finally decided to move your rumps, I see. How amusing. This is Red Cyclone, Supreme Commander of the Griffin Army. You would be wise to stay where you are unless you wish to be filled full of lead. As soon as you cross the borders, your fates will be sealed. You cannot win this war. But if you’re foolish enough to try, you will have to seek out my Fortress Intimidation. I and all of my soldiers are waiting for you right here... in The Valley of Kings. Try your best... but your end will come.”

The message ended with a wicked laughter. But the ponies didn’t allow those threats to stop them. Those on the ground continued marching on, while the pegasi flew forward, straight into the narrow canyons that looked like an ominous passage between the two countries.

Any remaining green fields and plains of Equestria soon vanished. Now there were only rocks, dirt and many unknown dangers awaiting for the ponies. Some still wondered why Red Cyclone was sounding so confident. Could he be hiding some kind of ace in the hole? Or was it just another petty attempt of trying to scare the ponies? It didn’t really mattered to them. The Mirage squadron led the flight into the Griffin Kingdom. After several minutes of research and analysis, Gale, together with Sky Eye, managed to locate the region Red Cyclone mentioned. The march was then resumed.

Along the way, both Twilight’s ground forces and the pegasi squadrons were ambushed several times by the hidden anti-air turrets, located in the walls of the canyons. But they cooperated and managed to destroy them. None of the fliers died, only a few soldiers were injured. Finally, as the sun reached its peak, they have saw it from the distance.

The Valley of Kings. It was there that the final battle would take place. Rainbow Dash and her companions were well aware of the great responsibility before them. And they were ready to meet whatever challenge that awaited for them head on. Though Firefly had her mind focused on Black Star more, she had no intention of abandoning the team.

Neither now nor ever.