• Published 14th Feb 2015
  • 1,446 Views, 34 Comments

Diary of a Dragon - truekry

Journal entrys of Spike the Dragon about his life with ponies.

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Entry #11

Sorry that I didn't wrote over the last few days, but I got a bit in trouble. Let's just say that I forgot that I'm a dragon. I know, very hard to believe.

So, as I said, I had this pretty neat idea on how to ask Sweetie Belle out. I found a book on historical thestral armor in our library and decided to build a replica. We even had everything I needed at home. It didn't cost me a single bit. So I made a rough blue print on how I had to form the scrap metal in the basement and started to put it together until it resembled what I had in mind.

And I have to say, I did pretty well. Twilight didn't answer when I asked for her opinion, because she was still pretty pissed, but I could see it in her eyes. She scanned the armor for every detail and she has to admit that I got pretty close to the real deal.

What totally slipped my mind was, again, that I'm a dragon. And I made an suit of armor for a pony. Who walks on four legs and not two. So I had to walk on my claws half the day. It wasn't bad and I know that someday I will always have to do that, its just... they get so dirty! How can these ponies stand that? Of course they wipe their hooves before entering a building or clean them before they sit down and eat but come on! On a rainy day that has to be Tartarus! But besides that, it wasn't that bad. And I had a very nice view the whole time. With me finally being a bit bigger, my eyes were just on the right high when on all four.

So, how did I end up in jail? After Mom and Applejack left for their Hearts and Hooves Day date, I got into the armor I made and went over to Carusel Boutique, barged through the front door, roared as loud as I could and went up the stairs. I found Sweetie Belles room pretty easy. She and Rarity both were asleep until I roared, so when I entered Sweeties room she was just sitting up in bed and looked at me with sleepy eyes. With her wild mane that was damn sexy. So I grabbed the mare, climbed out of her window and got on the roof.

Sweetie was still pretty sleepy but got awake very fast when she saw how high we actually were. I roared again and spat my fire in the air to make everything authentic as possible. Then I yelled "Ich bin ein dummer Drache!" as loud as I could. After all, I was a thestral warrior at the moment who just claimed a mare for breeding. Not that I would have done that to Sweetie! I would never hurt her!

Just in the moment I wanted to start climbing down, set Sweetie down in front of her home and ask her if the lady would like to get something to eat with the mighty warrior that I was, the police showed up. And guess what, after two dragon attacks on the city they decided to invest in a dragon emergency program. Also known as a unicorn who knows shock spells. So instead of climbing down they yanked Sweetie Belle out of my claws and zapped me. The next thing I know, jail. A whole day because my guardian was away in Canterlot.

And now I'm not only grounded, they also think I was actually after Rarity and with me not having a date on Heart and Hooves Day they thought I became greedy again. And I can't even tell them otherwise because I would have to explain not only to Twilight and Applejack, but also to Rarity, Sweetie Belle and the police that I have a crush on Sweetie Belle, what is pretty weird because I had a crush on Rarity in the past! Sucks to be me I guess...