• Published 17th Feb 2015
  • 1,434 Views, 26 Comments

Destiny: The Light from Beyond - SolidFerret

After the time of the Mane six, their children are to bear the powers of the Light given from a shard of the Traveler. Their adventure only begins when several arrive to take it, for good... or for worst.

  • ...

Tower: The Greatest day on Earth/ The greatest day on Equestria

They speak of land, from time to time. Land that is beyond the Darkness that has yet to be claimed by it's clutches. Yet, they speak that during the collapse... a shard of the Traveler passed through, unnoticed by the dark and into the land.

It wasn't until one day, seven brave heroes discovered the shard. That was when the gift of the Light was cast upon them, bringing them powers they could never have imagined.

We knew the Darkness would notice a surge in Light, we acted as fast as we could...

That is where our story begins...

A Titan knew very well his duty was to be the last line of Humanity's defense. The battle of Twilight Gap was the shining example of when Titans drove away Fallen forces from the City walls. For Karas, a ranking Captain amongst the Titans, it was just his mental reminder of why he was going to shoot and punch his way through every minion of the Dark he saw. He never once saw pity for any enemy he came across on the field, he was to surely finish it off quickly.

Despite his cold-heartiness for his enemy's, his allies knew him to be very kind back home. He opened his eyes and was met with the warm afternoon sun that lit the Tower as he arrived back from a Patrol on Venus. With his helmet removed, his blonde mohawk swayed gently in a breeze as he rubbed the sweat off of his face. Karas remembered being told that before the collapse he would have been perceived as "African". He knew of a Guardian that often studied different race's of Human's before the Golden Age.

He looked, Guardians were running about, trying to collect Bounty's or turning in engrams.

"Welcome back, Titan." The Drone greeted to him. He waved hello to it and others as he walked to the Hall of Guardians to speak with Lord Shaxx on progress with clearing certain areas of Darkness so that they can be used for the Crucible. He passed by a pair of Guardians talking about a mysterious merchant and approached him.

"Lord Shaxx." He said, his voice deep, comforting, yet had the potential to be powerful.

"Greetings Karas." Lord Shaxx greeted. "How was it today in the field?"

"While liberating an area on Earth was a success, the Moon still proves difficult for us." He told him.

"I had a feeling. Ever since Eris's arrival, we suspected the Moon would be no easy task."

"We were lucky with the Black Garden." He told him.

"Yes... it's still amazing Guardians can fight there." Shaxx said. "Mercer still rants about the option, saying that-"

"Beauty within the Dark should never be disturbed." Karas quoted.

"I bet if he witnessed the Heart while it was still alive, he would be glad we were able to fight there."

Karas sighed. "We at least have him and others to thank for destroying the Undying Mind."

"Yes." Shaxx nodded. "It's almost ironic. That being said, do keep up the work. I can guarantee that our next generation of Guardians will be stronger than ever thanks to your work."

"Of course, Lord Shaxx." Karas saluted before turning away.

"By the way... have you ever wondered if..." Shaxx began to speak. Karas turned around and faced him.

"... if area's such as the Vault of Glass can ever see Light?"

Karas remembered the Vault of Glass. So Dark that instead of waiting for your Ghost to be able to rebuild you, it took time for your Ghost to gather light for a fellow Guardian to revive you.

"If that ever happens, then it is safe to say we have Humanity will survive." Karas said.

"Then we best get to it." Shaxx said light-heartily.

"Yes, so we-"

"Incoming Transmission from the Speaker." A robotic voice from within Karas spoke.

"Excuse me Lord Shaxx, I have to take this."

"Go ahead." Shaxx nodded, before stepping away to talk to another Guardian who was waiting. "Yes Tetra, what is it?"

Karas stepped away as his Ghost appeared.

"Go on, play it."

Static was heard before a voice sounded through.

"Attention Guardian, you are needed at once at the Traveler's walk. Come immediately." The Speaker's voice spoke.

"We best be going." His Ghost said, sounding hopeful that it was an assignment that didn't meant them standing around and talking.

"Alright." Karas said as he jogged out of the hall and to the Northern wing of the Tower. But as he got to the quiet hall that seperated the sections, a voice sounded out of the air.

"Quoting me, really?" A deep, grail voice said.

Out of thin air, the Hunter appeared. Having used the light to help them survive in the wilderness and making their own luck, a big risk made for a bigger reward. Thought to have been dangerous, they had made important discoveries dating back to the Golden Age. Now, any of them that were left made their way to the City to band together with the rest of the Guardians.

Without his helmet, he was an Asian-American with a pale face, brown hair that was shaven except for the top and front. An bright orange arrow was painted over his right eye.

"You ended up apart of the conversation, Mercer." Karas said, not minding how he was eavesdropped.

"Well, maybe you should consider putting it into perspective." He said as he stepped out from a shadow in the corner. "Were you given a message from the Speaker also?"

"Yes." Karas said.

"Well lets go. If high ranking Guardians are needed, it must be important."

Both were in fact high ranked within the Guardians. Karas was a long time Veteran of the Crucible and Vangaurd while Mercer was almost considered Cayde-6's right hand man due to serving with him before arriving in the tower.

The two walked to the Northern side of the Tower, over seeing the City. Mercer took a moment to enjoy the view before noticing another Guardian, a Warlock, waiting at the entrance of the Travelers Walk, an Awoken with purple skin and purple hair that covered her right eye a little with a ponytail in the back. Her face showed Yellow markings that covered her nose while two lines were under her eyes. The two approached her.

The tails of her trench coat gently brushed the ground. Warlocks studied the Traveler before the Darkness invaded. Their arcane energy was the gift they were given to help them drive away the enemies of the Light.

"Are you who we're supposed to meet?" Karas asked.

"I was told to wait for two others. I assume they are you."

"Well Diamante, we better not keep him waiting." Mercer said.

Diamante nodded. She was also a highly respected Guardian. Known for braving Crota's end and destroying Sepkis Prime, she was a highly skilled Warlock who was trying to learn "the ways of a Phoenix".

The three walked into the Travelers walk, wondering what the Speaker needed them for...


She huffed and puffed in each breath as she raised her upper body above a tree branch her hind hooves were hooked on to. The ribbon tied in her mane to prevent it from getting in her eyes as sweat trickled down her forehead.

"Jeez Star, just watching you makes me want to pass out." A rainbow haired colt told her, sitting on a nearby tree stump.

"Why? Because you know you couldn't handle the exercise Prism?" She said, not even pausing in the middle of her crunches.

"No." A southern accent said from the bottom of the tree. "Because I don't want to have to carry you to the barn after you pass out again."

"Oooh! Del told you." Prism wooed.

"Now come on Star, T and Annie are on their way and if you want to not have passed out when they get here then I suggest you stop and take a break." Del said to her.

"Ugh, fine!" She said before she hopped down. Starburst rolled her eyes before sitting against the tree.

"Don't be such a downer Star. Today is Annie and T's anniversary. We promised we were gonna set up a picnic for all of us today." Del said, kicking the tree and knocking the apples into a bucket below.

"Well... fine." Starburst crossed her hooves in annoyance before getting up. "What do you need me to do?" she asked.

"Go set up this blanket over on the hill. I'll be over there in a bit." He said, pointing after handing over a picnic blanket. "I'll be there in a minute when the pies are done."

"Alright." She said, walking off with an annoyed look

"I see someone's happy today." Prism Bolt said before getting off the tree stump and stretching out his wings. "Do you think-" he paused when he heard his back crack before letting out a relieved sigh "we should have just sent them to Canterlot?"

"They wanted all of us to be together for today." Del glared at him. "You would have gone to flirt with mares."

Prism raised his hooves in defense. "Don't act like you would have left the moment you got the chance to visit Creme."

Del blushed a deep red as he rubbed the back of his neck. "Okay.... maybe..."

"Yep, I'm right." Prism gave a brash grin. "As always."

"Oh shut it." Del whispered as he walked off.

The clear, mid afternoon was perfect for Anthea and Turquoise Blitz, other wise known as Annie and T. They were the love birds of a group of seven friends. While the two knew each other since childhood, it had been four years sine the two decided to date. The whole group decided to put together a picnic for them however, the two insisted that everyone join them.

As Prism made his way to the hill they were all meeting, he was greeted by Crystal Calrity.

"Hey Claire. Thought you were busy today." He said.

"I wasn't, I just said that so you wouldn't prepare a prank on me to ruin my brothers special day." She said, still keeping a small grin on her face.

"Oh come on, I wouldn't have." Prism defended.

"Oh please, I imagine the pies Del's mother were making were gonna smashed right in my face." She said.

"Okay... maybe." Prism admitted.

Claire gave him a quick hug on the shoulder. "Now I'm sure you'll behave yourself today."

"Jeez, I'm treated like a colt." He muttered. "Yes mom, I will." He told her.

"Good!" She exclaimed, clearly delighted. "Now I'll go help Del. You be a good colt now Prism." She patted his head before heading off to help with Del.

Prism let out "pffbbt" with his lips before flying over the trees and to where Starburst had set up. Her mood had changed, evidence included a smile on her face and a blue and pink pony named Cotton Candy who was there telling jokes and stories.

"Hello there ladies." Prism said as he landed.

"Hey there Prism." Cotten greeted, as chipper as she always was just like her mother. Even Starburst seemed to be put into a good mood. "We're all set up here. Just need Annie and T to arrive and for Del and Claire to bring the food." She said as she hopped around, excited.

Prism chuckled before he laid down on the grass and watched the few clouds that littered the sky. He closed his eyes and decided now was the best time to take a nap.

Del arrived, sighing at seeing Prism asleep as the others came and joined them. Prism's nap was cut short when Annie decided to "accidentally" trip over him. Luckily, he bought the "I'm blind" excuse.

The group shared laughs and stores as they ate under the shade of a tree. The day had only just begun for them when Candy's whole body started twitching.

"A dozy everypony! We've got a real dozy coming!"

A loud crash was heard behind them. Dust exploded into the air over in the Everfree forest that settled at a faster rate than expected. The group of ponies looked in the direction.

"What was that?" Claire asked.

"I have no idea..." Del said. "Should... should we check it out?"

Annie wrapped her hooves around T for protection. "What if it's dangerous?" She asked.

"Well we gotta see what it is." Starburst stepped forward, her wings flapping out as she took off.

"Hey wait!" Prism yelled as he took off after her.

"Great..." Del deadpanned as he ran after them. The rest following after him.

Starburst scanned the forest, not being able to see past most of the thick brush.

"See anything?" Prism called out to her.

"Not really. Look for a gap in the forest. I bet that's where all the noise came from." She said.

"I'm gonna fly low and lead the others. Stay above it when you find something." Prism told her before diving down.

Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed a glow not far from where they were. She flew over to it and sure enough, here was a white glow illuminating the dark forest. She hovered above it as she called out to the others. Within minutes, they arrived and Starburst descended down to meet them.

The darkest of the Everfree forest was lit with illuminated, sparkling dust. The group moved branches aside and were met with a sharp looking rock that was glowing. It was pure white and seemed to make what was a dark and scary place look beautiful and peaceful.

"Whoa..." Candy said in awe as hey eyes widen in amazement.

"Wow... I've... I've never seen the Everfree like this before..." Prism said as he floated to the ground.

"It's cause of that rock." Annie pointed.

Del was the first to approach. He shook with excitement almost as he reached out to it.

"Where did it come from?" He asked.

"Could it have been space!?" Annie exclaimed, letting go of T and running over as well.

"Annie, be careful." T warned, which fell on deaf ears.

Del's hoof was mere centimeters away. A voice in his head told him that something would happen if he touched. He shook as he wondered if he should or not.

His hoof made contact, he gasped as if he was surprised to feel nothing at all.

"Hey Del, you alright?" Prism called.

T eventually ran over to get Annie away from the rock, she side stepped and he crashed into it. Not feeling much, he got up and felt it also.

"What is this thing?" Starburst said as she landed on it.

"I don't know... but I bet I could use it for my next gem collection." Claire said as he examined it, her eyes wide with excitement.

"Claire, I think we should preserve this." Annie said, climbing on top of it.

"Yeah, we should carry it back to Ponyville." Candy said, trying to lift it up with her back.

"Easy there Candy. Don't hurt yourself." Prism said pulling her out from underneath before he sat on the edge.

"Well we can't keep this a secret." Del said. "We'll have to tell the others-"

The howl of Timberwolves filled the night sky.

"Tomorrow!" He yelled. "Lets go guys."

The group took off as fast as they could, with Prism and Starburst guiding them out of the forest. They all arrived back at Sweet Apple Acres.

"Okay..." Del said, out of breath. "I don't think that rock is affecting. Lets just see if anything happens tomorrow." He told them.

"Yeah..." Prism agreed. "I say we all just go home, get some rest, and tell our parents tomorrow."

"Alright guys..." Starburst said. "Goodnight."

And they departed after their goodbyes. They all returned home to sleep the night away, unaware of what they had all gotten into.

The three Guardians stood aligned at the foot of the stairs. The Speaker wasted no time on briefing them.

"Guardians, this may just be the greatest mission we could ever embark on." He told them. "We have managed to discover a shard of the Traveler that repelled the Darkness on it's own during the collapse. Our Ghosts were able to establish a link, almost a bond, to it. It's to enter a planet's atmosphere."

"This is impossible." Diamante spoke up. "The Darkness would have surely consumed this shard."

"That would have been, but the Darkness was so focused on destroying the Traveler that it failed to notice this. We have reason to believe that this shard is capable of gifting the powers of the Light to those who discover it. If it is returned the Traveler, it could accelerate it's healing by a great amount."

Karas stepped forward. "What is it you need us to do?"

"Your Ghosts will pilot your jumpships to where the Shard is located, there, you will secure it and carry it back here. One it is reunited with the Traveler, your mission will have been completed."

"Is that all?" Mercer asked.

"It is, Guardian."

Karas saluted. "Then we will see that the shard is returned."

"Good luck Gaurdians." the Speaker told them.

As the three turned to leave, one last bit was spoken.

"Be careful, if the world the shard is on is populated and has been discovered, then it is only a matter of time before the Darkness seeks them out."

Diamante responded. "We'll make sure that the population is protected then."

The trio walked to the hangar, checking their gear.

Karas had a mixed set of armor between the Vanguard and Crucible with a golden Shader applied to it.. But the one thing he held dear to him was his mark, the Golden Hour mark that he worn during the battle of Twilight Gap. Along with his gear were his weapons. The Payback SOS was one of his trusted rifles that he used countless times in the field and Crucible. Along with Two to the Morgue shotgun, that he loaded with shells before pumping in a round. He always kept Heavy weapon ammo synthesis on him for The Swarm, his favored light machine gun that helped him raid the Vault of Glass.

Diamante's armor was an entire Vanguard set with a blue shader applied to it. Her bond was the only thing not from the Vanguard but instead from Eris Morn. The loadout consisted of Time on Traget, a pluse rifle, the Murmur fusion rifle, and the Jolder's Hammer LMG.

Mercer sharpened his knife as he holstered his Devil you don't Know Handcannon. His Epitaph 2261 was attached to his back while his Steel Oracle Z-11 was stored in the Ghost's pocket dimension. His chest and leg armor were from the Vanguard, while the gauntlets and helmet were from the Vault of Glass. He wore the Ghost Angel cloak while his shader gave him a gray, camouflage look.

The three circled up after their gear check, each going over the plan.

"Remember, we need to give a peaceful impression if the world is populated." Karas instructed. "But keep your weapons ready, we don't know if the forces of the Darkness are on their way."

"Alright." Mercer agreed.

"Lets move." Diamante said before the three all went to orbit and into their Jumpships.

Space, was empty as always. Yet, the feeling of the next step in saving Humanity could warp that view to make Space seem like the roadways taken to get destinations that were once far out of reach.

"Ghost, set a direct course for that shard." She said.

"Right away." His robotic voice whirled.

The three ships disappeared amongst the stars as they set off.

Prism flew through the sky, the wind rustling his mane as the kicked a cloud away and cleared part of the sky. Below, a crowd cheered him on at his flying skills.

"Don't worry folks, there's more where that came from." He called to them below.

He flapped his wings which took him to intense speeds. The white wind formed a cone around him as he flapped faster and faster towards the sky.

"Come on! Come on!" He yelled in anticipation over the roaring wind.

As he reached his peak, Prism created the Sonic Rainboom that his mother had made before he was born.

The entire sky was filled with color, ponies looked in awe as their sky changed from blue to an array of colors.

Prism smiled as the crowd stared, lost for words. That's when he heard another pair of wings flapping.


Suddenly, another Pegasus bumped into him and wrapped their hooves around his body and pinned his wings.

Whirlwind, a purple Pegasus with a silver mane looked at him with a smile before nuzzling him.

"You're amazing for creating this..." She said into his ear.

Prism blushed a deep red as he starred back into her eyes also. As he started to lean his face forward, he glanced up and saw that they were falling right for the ground. He started to struggle to get out of her grip as the ground rushed up to meet them.

Prism gasped as he woke up, covered in sweat. He breathed heavily before sitting up in his bed and wiping his forehead.

"Wow..." Was all he could say. That might have been the greatest dream he ever had. The Sonic Rainboom, the ponies thanking him for making the day look so gorgeous . Whirlwind hugging him.

"Whirlwind..." He thought out loud. Why was he dreaming about he and his Ex? Better yet, why did he feel so in love in the dream. They had broken up years ago, only to remain good friends after. Yet the way she stared at him when they were falling just made his heard flutter in his chest.

He rolled out of bed, a happy dream wouldn't save him from bed head and the gross taste in his mouth. After combing his mane to look somewhat acceptable, he walked downstairs and was greeted by his parents, Soarin and Rainbow Dash, and his little brother Icy Storm who gulped down his bowl of cereal.

"Good morning family." Prism said as he stepped over to get a box of cereal for himself.

"Morning champ." Soarin said, taking a sip from his cup of coffee. "Didn't hear you come in last night." He said sternly.

'Last night...' Prism thought. What made last night so important...?

Then he remembered what he and his friends found in the Everfree forest.

For some reason, his wings felt like they were filled with energy.

"Oh uh... I uh... fffffff....ell asleep. Yeah, I fell asleep at Sweet Apple acres." He chuckled awkwardly. "Lots of food, ya know. Plus the others decided not to wake me up. Bunch of jerks, huh?" He said, putting on a convincing smile.

Rainbow Dash raised her eyebrow, she could tell her son was hiding something.

"What did you guys do over there?"

"Oh you know," Prism said as he grabbed the milk carton. "Ate food, made jokes. I shoved a pie in Claires face." He said as he quickly poured himself a bowl of cereal.

"She didn't set you on fire?" Icy asked.

"Nope, I'm to quick for her." Prism seemed to brag before shoveling down his breakfast as fast as he could.

"Okay Prism." His mom said, still eying him.

"So I uh... my wonder... Whirlwind, yeah." He said, quickly rinsing out his dish. "She wanted to see me cause I uh... she was... wanting me to show her a new flying trick."

"Cool! Can I come?" Icy asked, hoping to his crush and try to also impress her with his flying.

"Oh, Icy! Uhm... yeah! You can... uh..."

His wings were nearly burning.

"You... can uh... totally come. We would love that. Just... get us some food at Sugarcube corner. I'll give you bits for it." He said through his teeth.

Icy looked at the food on the table. "But we just ate breakfast."

"Did I say get food? Silly me, I meant go get a uh... b-b-b-book! Yes, a book from Twilight's Library about... flying. And while you're at it, get a book about rocks because T almost ate one yesterday. Dragon cravings, who needs them am I right?" He said.

"Prism, are you okay?" Rainbow asked.

"I am... just fine mom. How are you?" Prism said as his wings sprang out. He nearly ran over to the front door.

"Okay Icy, meet us at Sweet Apple Acres." He said before opening the door. "I love this entire family. I will return. Bye."

He took off so fast, dust littered the house and nearly knocked Icy over.

"What in the world was that?" Dash asked.

"It's a mare. Gotta be a mare." Soarin said.

Prism tore through the sky at high speeds.

"What the hell wings!? You couldn't wait for me to even eat!" He yelled, breathing heavily. His wings didn't feel like they were calming down, but more of becoming at ease.

"I gotta get Del, tell him to get the others and meet up somewhere alone. Something is happening to me. The others can't find that rock thing." He gritted through his teeth.

Prism recalled his dream, it had to do something with the feeling in his wings. They seemed to be dedicated to fly, like a mind of their own. "Okay... I was flying, I was awesome at flying, I did a Sonic rainboom, everypony thanked me for making the sky look so beautiful, then Whirlwind held me before I crashed into the ground."

Prism remembered how he felt in the dream and for once, all the ponies thanking him for making something they enjoyed didn't fuel his ego like it normally would have. It made him feel proud to do something for others for once. If his parents could entertain hundreds if not thousands of ponies at Wonderbolt shows, surely he could make them happy also. That's when Prism looked ahead and his eyes dilated.

A tree.

There was a tree in the sky that Prism was going to crash through, it was clearly uprooted due to some soil sticking to it.

And in that moment, Prism could have sworn his wings were gone as he flew. Time seemed to slow down as he turned his body and that's when he saw them, they weren't his wings.

Pure blue electricity formed the shape of his wings on his back and gave his whole body such an intense feeling that made him feel more dedicated and powerful than ever before.

Prism spun as the wing slashed right through the tree, causing it to vaporize into the blue energy. Without hesitation, he looked down and landed to where the tree once was. It wasn't a giant whole in the ground, put as if the soil was pushed out of the ground and launched the tree into the sky.

He didn't realize he was at Sweet Apple acres until he saw a good amount of trees without leaves or apples. Prism saw Del sweating while looking amazed and horrified.

"Del!" Prism yelled, running up to him. "A tree nearly took me out of the sky! What happened!?" He screamed.

"Okay..." Del said, catching his breath. "I kicked it up there." He said in a monotone voice.


"Calm down Prism." Candy said, appearing from behind the uplifted patch of dirt.

"Del, something is happening..." He told his friend.

"I was thinking back to my dream... and I kicked my hoofs into the ground... and it sent the tree flying... I lit the grass on fire."

Prism looked by his hooves and saw some of the grass burning away much like the tree did.

"Dream! You said a dream!? What was it!" Prism asked, trembling.

"Well me and Creme-"

"Shut up about your dream!" Prism yelled. "Where are the others?"

"Candy went to get Claire, she went to go get T. Starburst is studying magic to figure this all out." He said, sweat dripping down his face.

"They should have been here by now..." Candy said.

"Candy! Are you messed up!?" Prism went over to her, grabbing her head and pulling it towards his.

"I've always been, then I had this dream and now watch this!"

Candy stomped her hooves into the ground a little before raising one and punching the air, causing a purple magic blast to produce and destroying a nearby tree.

"Oh my Celestia.. we have powers!" Prism held his head and fell to the ground in a near panic. T and Claire arrived, also distressed.

"We can't find Annie! Fluttershy said she left for here. Have you seen her?"

"No, how are you guys?" Del asked.

"My teeth and tail still glow purple." T said.

"My claws light on fire." Claire said.

"Okay guys, we need to figure this all out. That rock we found has to be behind it."

"Guys!" Prism got up and trotted over to the Dragon siblings. "I keep hearing dreams. What were they?" He asked.

Claire blushed a little. "I was... on a beach made of jewels with Illusion... and were were just walking... then a tidal wave crashed on me and I woke up." She said.

"Okay, and T?"

"Me and Annie were married, and we lived in an animal sanctuary. It was all fine till a bear scratched me and I started bleeding before I woke up."

Del took notes on what they were saying. Annie, then blood. Illusion, then water.

"Okay... uh... Del! What was your dream?" Prism asked.

"Uh... me and Creme were... running through an orchard and laughing before a swarm of bats flew at us."

"Oh! I get what our dreams are!" Candy hopped up, joining them. "We're all with somepony we love before something that scares us wakes us up. I had a dream I was performing with Parry before I realized I was in front of a large crowd. Star said her dream was her being the Captain of the Guard with Fletcher being her Lieutenant before a spider landed on her face. It was funny!" Candy giggled.

"Well we got to find her, she didn't show off her powers when we-"

"Guys!" Annie called to them, running over. T ran up to her.

"Where have you been!? We came by your house and-"

"I saw!"

T stepped back in shock. "You... you saw?"

"Yes, my dream last night. Everything was so clear. You and are were looking over Ponyville on a hilltop, then the sun set and it got really dark before I woke up."

"Eureka! Our dreams all share the same dream." Candy exclaimed. "What about yours Prism?"

"Uhm... I dreamed I did a Sonic Rainboom... then Whirlwind held me before I crashed into the ground."

"Annie, was there anything else unsua-"

"I learned a new spell." She said happily.

"Really... care to show?"

Without hesitation, Annie's horn protruded a purple substance that froze where it was cast before it glowed and was sent towards a tree that was impaled by it like sharp ice.

"Wow..." Prism commented.

Del looked over the others. "Everypony, we need to go find Star. Tell her that her mother needs to warn Ponyville about that rock and find some way to deal with it."

"Alright, lets go!" Candy said as the group ran off.

Starburst stepped out of her house, visibly stressed by the studying and having to deal with her new found magic. It didn't help that she basically admitted her crush to Fletcher to nearly all her friends. Yet the situation called for it.

A small stampede of hooves alerted her of her friends. She looked over at them as they all ran to her.

"Guys, anything new?" She asked.

"Our dreams... were all the same..." Del said, catching his breath.

"We each dreamed with being somepony we loved before our fears woke us up." Claire informed.

"So what do we do about that rock?" She asked.

"Tell your mom to inform the town of a mysterious artifact and to not touch it at all."

"My mom is at Sugarcube corner. Lets go, no time to waste!" Starburst said before running off, the group following. But just as Sugarcube corner was in sight, Prism spoke up.

"Hey guys, is Derpy Hooves handling the weather today?" He asked.

"Prism, that's not nice. She really tries." Claire scolded.

"No, not that, it's just that she let a storm cloud get loose." He pointed down the street.

Sure enough, a storm cloud that cast lightning was floating a few inches above the ground. Ponies gathered and watched it, wondering what it was.

"That doesn't look like a storm clou-" Del cut himself off.

Mysterious, robotic figures appeared from the cloud as it faded away. Ponies looked in awe at the visitors, to scared to approach however.

"What are those things!?" Prism exclaimed a little to loud.

They all turned at once and faced the group of friends. Prism stepped forward.

"Hi there, do you come in peace?" He asked.

They all opened fire at them, causing ponies to panic and scream before running for safety.

Star acted as fast as she could, he wings glowing purple before she swiped them at the lasers.

"What are those things!" Prism yelled as the group ran for cover. Except for Star, her wings still glowed as she swiped them again. This time she sent projectiles at the span of her wings at the creatures, causing them to be consumed in the purple light.

"Our powers..." Claire said. "We have to fight them!" She told the others.

"We do!?" Prism whined.

"Yes, our powers can defeat those things."Annie said as she ran out of the alley way to join Star and Claire.

"Well come on, we got to do this." T said.

"What have we gotten ourselves into..." Prism groaned as he went out.

The group of friends began their assault against the hostile visitor. Prism used his wings to slice the robots away while Claire clawed them, the burning energy causing them to be burn away after every kill.

Del kicked the ground up to make cover before kicking away a few robots. Candy used her magic strikes to blast away one after one while. T stood by Annie as she cast spell after spell. Soon we tore through the remainder of the robots.

Nothing left... such a small group. "That was quick." Prism commented before gray filled his vision.

"Nope!" Del yelled as more of them appeared.

The group wasn't ready for another wave of them. Prism was knocked to the ground as one of them stood over him, pointing his weapon at him. Claire attacked more before she dug her claws into one that was bigger that the rest. It knocked her down and pinned her with it's foot. Candy was surrounded and back up against the wall, to scared to move.

"No... no no no!" Prism groaned, backing away from the threat slowly.

Claire gritted her teeth as she struggled to free herself from the wight of her opponent.

The rest of the group were so caught up in dealing with the others, they couldn't help their friends. Starburst's head zipped between the situation with her friends, desperate for an opening to initiate a plan to get them back ahead of their enemy. That's when the worst happened.


Starburst held a magic shield up, blocking laser fire when she turned around and saw Night Light standing behind her.

"Nighty... go get mom and dad... and tell her to get the Royal guard."

"But... your magic...?"

"It won't defeat these things! Get out of here before you get hurt!" Starburst yelled before her eyes widened to see a lone robot coming up from behind her little brother.

"NIGHTY!" Starburst screamed in fear as she dove down to shield her sibling with her own body.

A loud bang was heard, Starburst looked up to see the robot had fallen over.

"What the..."

Prism watched the robot standing over him fall back with the white stomach exploding, spilling white, burning liquid on his hoof. He yelled in pain as he was sure his fur was scalded off.

Claire watched as another figure who seemed to be made of steel jumped on to the large robot. He held on as the robot tried to swing him off. The figured let out a deep battle cry before it's fist glowed purple and punched the robot until it's body dented and it fell to the ground.

The figure also stood up on two legs, he looked down and saw Claire. He then looked and saw the other ponies.

"Uh..." was all Claire could get out as she stood up.

"It's confirmed, the Vex got here first." He spoke.

"Uhm... excuse me."

It's head turned to the source of her voice. "The population speaks." He noted before kneeling down to Claire. "Hello there. My name is Karas." He greeted.

"Hi there..." Claire said, amazed. "I'm... Crystal Clarity..." She said.

Karas looked over his shoulder, Diamante managed to distract the Vex long enough to let the ponies get the upper hand.

"What... are you?"

"We're Guardians. Your world has a shard of the Traveler and we're here to get it back."

"A shard of the Trav... OH!" Claire sprang up. "We know where that is. We can lead you too it after we... deal with whatever those things are."

"They're called the Vex. they must be here for the Shard also." Both Diamante and Karas explained.

Starburst and T walked over to Karas. "So... you're here to help?" She asked.

"Yes. There's a lot to explain. Gather your friends. We'll tell you all everything." Karas said.

Elsewhere, Prism groaned in pain as the sun was blocked out of his eyes. A hooded figure stood over him.

"Get up, you're fine." He told him. "If you have the light like I saw, you're fine."

Prism felt his hoof, it felt cooled down and fine. Candy walked over to him and checked him.

"Hi there." She greeted the Hunter with her usual smile.

"Greetings." He said, nodding. "I assume you were gifted with the Traveler's light. We were afraid whoever lived on this world would find the shard before we could get here." Mercer said, stepping pass the two and joining his fellows Guardians.

By now, ponies were coming out of their houses, seeing that the area was clear. A few stepped out and went over to talk to one of the seven to ask for an explanation. Several were scared and in a near panic while others seem to celebrate their new guests.

One in particular approached Prism. Her silver mane reflected the sun as she quickly trotted over to the Pegasus who was able to stand finally.

"Uhm Prism?" She asked.

"Oh Whirlwind! Hey." He said.

"So, what's going on?" She asked.

"I'm as confused as you are... but I think those three guys are gonna explain everything." He said.

"I hope." Whirlwind said.

The only place where ponies could gather was Sugarcube corner. There, the Guardians met and introduced themselves to the mane six and their kids.

"Space magic! You have Space magic in y'all now!?" Applejack scolded, very confused.

"Ma'am, please. I'll explain." Karas said, taking off his helmet. "I'll get right to it. These seven inhabitants of this world happens to found a mere shard of something far powerful than this world has ever seen. We call it the Traveler, and it gifted us the Light. The Light granted us powers that we use to fight against the forces of darkness. These seven found that shard and were clearly gifted powers as well."

Diamante spoke up. "Those robots outside were known as the Vex, we're amazed they came in such a small force. Though we doubt that's the last we've seen of them. But we're currently prepared to extract the shard from where it is and leave, but we need to still see if there is something here that can help us with the fight against the Darkness."

Several mutters amongst the small crown were heard. Mostly if they could trust the Guardians and if the "Darkness" would come back.

"We're not asking for volunteers. Don't bother." Mercer addressed the crowd. "But if the Darkness gets their hands on this shard, they'll most likely wipe us out, and then you."

Several scared gasps were heard.

"But we're here to make sure that doesn't happen, which is why I call upon the seven light bearers to help us." Karas spoke, turning to the seven.

"Us...?" Starburst asked.

"Yes, we ask you to assist in combating the Darkness while we're here."

Prism sat next to his family and Whirlwind when they all looked at him upon knowing they were talking about him. Del looked and saw a feared look in his father and mother's eyes while his cousins asked him if he was really going to do it. Starburst was the first one to walk up to them.

"I'll do it."

"Starburst, no!" Twilight scolded.

"Mom, I have to."

T and Claire also stepped up. "We'll do it also." Claire said.

"Yay! My cousin is a hero!" A small filly cheered from the crowd.

Prism eventually stepped up, much to the dismay of Whirlwind, his parents knew he'd do it. "I'm in." He said.

All of them had volunteered, much to the dismay of their family's.

That's when Del's cousin spoke up.

"Excuse me, you said that they can't be Guardians. What makes you different from them?" Red June asked.

"I can answer that."

Mercer's ghost appeared in his palm which took off and flew around the room. Ponies watched as it looked over the crowd, a few fillies and colts reaching for it.

"The Ghost's are our companions. They're also what rebuild us when we fall in battle and they help guide us through our missions."

"Wait, rebuild? You can die and come back but we can't?" Prism complained.

Several complaints filled the air before Karas stomped his foot. "Which is why you'll never leave our side during a mission. We will do our best to guarantee you safety."

"We don't even get armor." Annie said.

"Actually..." Diamante said. "Our Ghosts have the material to give you all armor."

"Wait, really?" Prism perked up.

"Yes, in fact it's best we get you all suited up as soon as possible."

"Well lets do it!" Candy said.

"Alright then."

The three Ghosts went over to the ponies, scanning their bodies. Mercer's ghost went over to Candy and Prism and gave them a ponified set of the Hunters armor. Candy had a normal clock while Prism had a hood with a small strip running in between his wings to keep the free.

Karas's Ghost took care of Del, Claire and Starburst. Each getting their set of Titan armor with their own mark. Del's was a golden one with a sun in the middle. Claire's was a gem on fire and her horns and claws were not armored. Starburst had a shield on hers, her wings were also free on her back.. The marks all hung on their hips.

Diamante's Ghost set T, Annie up with Warlock style armor. Each getting a bond that looked similar to one another. Annie's horn still poked out of her helmet.

They all turned and faced the crowd, which all "ooed" and "awwed" at them. The armor felt like a second skin to them as they moved joints to get a feel for it.

"Fits like a glove." Del commented.

"We're glad." Dia said.

"This helmet helps me see a lot more." Annie said.

"This is so cool!" Prism exclaimed.

The audience began to cheer, seeing how there were now ten braves heroes to protect Equestria.

"Now when do we start?" T asked.

An explosion from outside was their answer. The crowd screamed in fear.

"Right now, everyone stay here and keep your head down." Karas ordered as he pulled out his auto rifle. "Guardians, we have work to do."

Dia kicked the door open to see the Vex had reappeared. The seven ran out and prepared to fight the Vex once more as they're powers once again activated.

Karas lead the charge as Mercer slid to cover and loaded his Handcannon before peaking over the corner to see a Vex Hydra amongst the army.

Author's Note:

And this is the big crossover, I won't be working on this a whole bunch until I finish up some other stories.