• Published 16th Feb 2015
  • 3,277 Views, 134 Comments

My Diamond - Regis-Th3-Lesser

Rarity has had a fulfilling life among her friends and family, but they could not fill the hole left in her heart.

  • ...

Ch.6 The Truth

“Goodbye girls, have fun and stay out of trouble!” Rarity yelled to her little sister and company. “Finally, they're gone.” It was a quarter till nine o'clock, and the sun had just set. Spike lay curled up on the floor while Rarity cleant up after the girls. “Spike, are you alright?” he shifted and groaned.

“I'm fine Rarity, just a little tired,” he yawned.

“Oh...” she stopped. Quickly a debate began. Should she ask him to stay? But where would he sleep? The obvious answer would be with her, but... He's not another casual date, he's an old trusted friend. It would be wrong, right? She sucked in all of her courage. “You could stay here for the night, i-if you'd like...” he didn't respond. She thought he was frozen in awkwardness, so she turned to him and found his large piercing green eyes on her. Her face turned a blazing red, and her heart beat faster than a pulsar.

“I-I would love to.”

“What was that?” she asked, her voice shaking.

“You asked me if I wanted to stay the night, and I would love to.”

“Oh, yes that of course. You can have Sweetie's room I'll be in mine bye!” She hurried off to the kitchen, dumped the dishes in the sink, then ran upstairs. Spike was there wondering what got into her. Upstairs he heard hoofsteps followed by a door slam. He thought nothing of it and followed her up the stairs. He looked around for Sweetie Belle's room but it was too dark, even for his eyes. “You couldn't have left one light on Rarity?” he mumbled to the darkness.

He closed his eyes and formed a bright flame in front of him. As it illuminated the hallway, he found himself in front of Rarity's door. He wanted to peek in to make sure she was okay, but knowing her, she'd want her privacy. So he continued on to Sweetie's room. He stepped through her door and found a bed similar to the one Rarity slept on, bug it was covered in books and magazines, and the walls were lined with posters of singers and bands. “Eugh... I think I'll sleep downstairs.” As he made his way back down the hallway, he heard Rarity talking to someone.

“That all could have gone better. If Sweetie Belle hadn't shown up with her friends then maybe we could have gone further than just talking, but I guess that I always have next time. Still he seems so distant...” He continued down the hallway.

Rarity last awake with an uneasy stomach. Her clock read three a.m. and she hadn't got a single second of sleep. Something put her on edge, either the dragon sleep in the next room or the feelings he brought with him. She should have offered her room, her bed has ample room for him. She looked to the clock. 3:01, and still ticking. Her bed was empty, and so was her stomach. A small snack couldn't hurt. She decided to check on Spike but was shocked to find that he wasn't in Sweetie's room. Did he leave? She trotted down the hallway then stopped when she heard two voices conversing downstairs.

“I dunno... What would they think?”

“I can not tell you that. But if you continue to hold onto the mistakes you made, they can tear you slowly apart. I should know...”

“I know Luna.”

“Luna?” Rarity whispered. She peeked down the stairs and found her standing in front of Spike.

“I don't want them-her to think of me that way...”

“I have been watching your dreams since your return. You are not to blame for what you did.”

“But it was still me...”

“Your problems will soon come to ease,” she looked up at Rarity with a grin.

“Thank you Luna... I...I think I'm going to get some fresh air.”

“Do what you feel will ease your mind. Goodbye Spike, it was a pleasure to see how much you have grown.”

“Thank you...” Spike walked out the door while Luna disappeared. Rarity sat on the top of the steps trying to find the context in their conversation. “What did he do? It couldn't be that horrific, right?”

“The only way to know is to talk to him.”

“Ah! Princess, I-I didn't see you-”

“Go talk to him. He needs somepony to listen.”

“But, it's late and I should be getting back to bed. Also, the moisture in the night air could cause my hair to frizz up and-” Luna looked down on her authoritatively. “You're right, I can't let him suffer alone. He's my friend! I'll leave at once!”

“Thank you Rar-”

“As soon as I grab a jacket.” Luna sighed. “What? It looks chilly out. That and the moisture, I could catch a cold or worse.”

“Goodnight Rarity.” Luna disappeared once again.

“Well, that was rude...”

The cool crisp night air clung to Spike's scales. Night had always been mysterious to him, but it felt so inviting. Looking at the stars so far away filled his head with different worlds like Equestria that would have ponies walking upright, or maybe a world full of people like the one through that mirror he and Twilight used to go through. Night was his release, his lament, his calm fury. He found his way to a small field just outside of town, but little did he know, somepony else found him.

“Rarity?” She was still running towards him. She wore a determined expression with a brown jacket. “Wait, brown?”

“S-Spi...Spike!” she panted. “We need to talk!” She slowed to a gasping halt in front of him. “S-Sorry if I... Startled you...”

“You didn't, I could smell you coming.”

He could smell me? “Out of curiosity, what do I smell like?” she asked, finally catching her breath.

“I can't pinpoint it, but it's warm and sweet.”

“Thank you.”

“Now, I have a question.”

“Oh, what would you like to know?”

“Why are you out here, and since when did you wear anything brown?”

“Oh, I heard you leaving and decided to follow, and this drab thing. I just needed something to keep me warm out here.”

“Didn't you take a whole futon on a camping trip once?”

“That, is besides the point. I followed you because you've been so distant. Is there anything the matter?”

“No, nothing. I just needed some fresh air.”He grinned wildly. Rarity raised an eyebrow. Even after Luna told him to come clean he still insisted on lying. Rarity and lying mix as well as toothpaste and orange juice do. I'm hey live of work honesty is the best and only policy. Lying was not only forbidden, it was a quick way to get on her bad side.

“Are you absolutely certain there is nothing you want to talk about,” she slowly started, trying to hide the malice in her voice. “Nopony else is out here, you can talk to me.”

“Yes there is...” Rarity sat by his side.

“What is it?” tears began to form in his eyes. “Spike?”

“I'm okay, it... It's just hard...”

“Take your time... What happened?” his eyes were now drowning in tears and sorrow.

“Remember my friend?”

“The one who you said that passed?”

“Yes... I never told you how he passed...”

“How did he-”

“I killed him...” Rarity couldn't believe what she just heard. She didn't want to believe it. He couldn't be a murderer. Not Spike. All of her instincts told her to run home and lock her door, but she held out for her love of him.

“W-What are you saying?” she asked in a shaking tone.

“I killed my best friend!” Spike sobbed. The air began to heat up, and Spike's tears turned to steam the moment they left his eyes. “Spike please calm down.”

“I looked him in his eyes!”

“Spike please!”

“He was my brother, and I took his life!” Suddenly he felt two small arms trying to wrap around his belly. He looked down to Rarity. She wept for him and put herself in danger to try and comfort him. Her hugs were always so generous and heartfelt, he felt his anguish wash away. The tears stopped flowing, and he cooled down. Rarity let go, but some of her fur was burnt. “I... I'm sorry, I let my emotions get out of control...”

“Don't worry, I'll always be here for you.” Her smile was contagious. No matter how much he wanted to fight it he couldn't, memories of the time he spent with her came flooding back. The memories that reinforce why he loved her. “You need to let this go.”


“What you did, you need to let it go.”

“Tell me what happened,”she said sternly.

“Get comfortable, it's a long story.”

Author's Note:

Came out qucker than you guys expected huh? Anyways, next chapter will be out hopefully before Monday where we'll give out what Spike did to his friends. Are you excited (prolly not). I m! Thank you for reading...
