• Published 16th Feb 2015
  • 739 Views, 76 Comments

The New Guard Order - colt alchemist

A new program has been launched to help Twilight pick the perfect guards. Can Shira Blitz survive said program and prove she's got what it takes to be a warrior? Or will her mysterious past and the Princesses new rules ruin her chances?

  • ...

Ch. 1

Opening song for the chapter. Because, why not?

Canterlot, the capital of Equestria, home of the royal princesses. A city meant for the finest and most sophisticated ponies. Only the finest guards and soldiers were at Celestia and Luna’s side, always alert and ready for defense. Two ponies were walking through the busy streets of Canterlot one day, one of them being a teenage filly and the other a stallion.

The filly’s name was Shira Blitz, she had grey fur and a long purple mane and tail along with bright green eyes. The older stallion was her brother, Paper Cut. He wore round glasses and had snow white fur along with a long tan mane and tail. His cutiemark was that of pen drawing a star on a piece of paper. The two siblings were walking down the street on their weekly stroll. As they walked, the richer folk couldn’t help but stare at Shira’s appearance.

“Is that her?” one mare said.

“Yeah, I think so,” said another stallion.

“Is it true what they say about her?”

“Sounds like it.”

“Why should somepony like her live in a city like this?”

“Isn’t she dangerous?”

“What’s her baggage?”

“Haven’t you heard the rumors about her?”

Luckily, the filly was in too much of a good mood to listen to what they had to say, but her brother on the other hand was more than disgusted. He disliked how the snooty citizens looked down at his sister and treated her horribly, calling her names and spreading rumors as such. All because she was a little bit “different” than everypony else. The siblings made it to their favorite resting spot, a statue of princess Celestia herself. Shira couldn’t help but gasp in its royal glory, she had always looked up to the princess. Since she was the one who would always protect her subjects from danger. She continued to admire the statue as her brother caught up to her.

“Praising the statue again?” teased Paper.

“How could I not? Isn’t she just beautiful?” she said cheerfully.

“I guess, for someone who’s entirely made of stone,” he replied facetiously.

“Shut up, you know what I mean,” she whined.

“I know I know. Why do you like her so much?” he wondered.

“She’s the one who discovered this amazing land and has always been there to protect her children. We would all be dead without her. After all, she IS the one who saved mommy from that accident.”

“Haha, yeah,” he said as he looked away somberly.

“I swear, I’ll be by her side one day. And who knows, maybe we could be the best of friends?” she hoped.

“Keep dreaming kid, keep dreaming,” he said with a small laugh.


Twilight and her friends were just settling into their new crystalized castle at the edge of Ponyville. They still can’t believe that they’ll be running their own kingdom soon. After all the trials and challenges they’ve been through together, none of them could believe that they achieved this far; and yet it felt like their real duties were only beginning. The six friends and Spike were all settling in the royal throne room, in which all the thrones were all in a circle and had all of the elements cutie marks on them. Pinkie Pie was setting up decorations for an opening castle party, Fluttershy and AJ were moving some boxes, Spike was reading some comics and Twilight was just making sure everything was in check.

“I still can’t believe we got our own castle!” squealed Rainbow Dash.

“I know, it’s truly unbelievable,” agreed Rarity.

“Yeah, who knows what kind of cool things we’ll get to do now,” added Spike.

“Well first, we need to finish making sure this castle in top shape. Although I can’t help but notice something,” said Twilight.

“Notice what?” asked Applejack.

“Other than us, don’t you girls feel like that this place feels a little, empty?” wondered Twilight.

“Sort of,” pointed out Fluttershy. “But we just received this castle so I guess it would makes sense that there isn’t-“


Before she could finish, Spike burped up scroll concealed in his green flames. When the fire died out, Twilight levitated the scroll to her with a confused expression. She opened it up and was surprised at what it said inside.

“A letter from the princess?” Applejack assumed.

“Yeah, I wonder what she needs.” Twilight scrolled her eyes down the paper but was more than surprised at what it had to say. “Oh my.”

“What is it?” asked Dash.

“Take a look.” Twilight replied showing everyone the letter.

Dear Twilight,
I am very proud of you for this incredible accomplishment you and your friends have made. You really have changed since you were my student and I am happy for you. You have your own castle now and have your own royal duties as a princess. Although, I couldn’t help but notice, you and your friends don’t have something that I have. Something that you can’t rule without, you need guards. You can’t protect Equestria by yourselves, you’re going to need some assistance along the way, which is why my sister and I have decided to launch a new program to help decide what kind of guards and officers would fit best for your castle. The New Guard Order. I will explain more in the next letter.

Sincerely Yours,

Princess Celestia

All of their eyes were wide with shock, they didn’t know how to react to this new program that Celestia was talking about. Twilight needed some more assistance, some guards by her side.

“New Guard Order?” asked the puzzled Pinkie Pie.

“What does that mean?” wondered Rarity.

“I have no idea.”

A Few Days Later

The Ponyville express had just pulled into the station on a misty morning. The steam burst and the doors slide open, letting all of the passengers exit. Some were there for work, others for vacation, and some of them for their own reasons. The train was about to close its doors, until three remaining passengers stepped out and onto the platform. These three passengers took a glimpse at their temporary home village and trotted right off the platform.

As the morning mist started to fade, the three figures became a little more visible. One of them was a very tall and bulk Zebra with an oval cut crystal for a cutiemark. He had the usual grey and white striped look on his body with matching design mohawk and tail. He also had bright amber eyes that seem to stood out the most. He also carried, what looked like, heavy supplies on his back covered by a cloak.

In front of him was a stallion much shorter in terms of height, but still looked pretty strong. He was a Pegasus and sported a messy cyan mane and tail, he also had a bright red coat and ocean blue eyes that seemed void of any emotion. His mark was that of a crisscross of a blade and a paint brush. He also carried a long spear-like weapon on him with a silver staff along with a diamond shaped blade.

The last figure that came out was also a Pegasus, but this one was female unlike the latter. She had an artichoke color fur along with a rough cut pitch-black mane and tail that had some grey in it. Her mark was that of three scars made by feathers bearing the same colors as her mane. Lastly, she sported two black arm bands on her front hooves and wore a brown ranger cloak.

The trio roamed through the misty streets of Ponyville as they were trying to find their designated castle. As they were walking, some of them tried to start a conversation with each other.

“Geez,” the mare said with a sigh. “How long has it been since the elements took down Nightmare moon? Chill Wind?”

Name: Chill Wind

Species: Pegasus Stallion

“One year and two months to be exact,” replied the Pegasus stallion named Chill Wind. “But it feels a lot longer than that.”

“So then, that’s also the amount of time that the elements of Harmony have been together,” mentioned the zebra. “Hard to imagine that they’ve come this far.”

“Yeah, it is,” spoke the mare. “I still don’t see why I was transferred here.”

“It’s all part of the program, I’m sure more will be explained once we get there,” answered the zebra.

“Whatever, this place still seems better than the city. I just hope that two-faced back stabber, Discord, doesn’t show up today,” she hissed.

“I never liked Discord,” added Chill stoically. “Why do the elements still trust him?”

“Dunno, maybe it’s because they ‘still have faith in him', or some crap like that,” the mare replied with a shrug.

“We won’t know until we get there, Artemis. So please remain calm so you don’t frighten any newbies,” ordered the zebra.

“You think I’m not capable of controlling myself?” Artemis questioned.

Name: Artemis Featherclaw

Species: Pegasus Mare

“I don’t care if he’s on our side now, if he pulls anything I’ll tear him to shreds. I’ll do whatever is right, don’t underestimate me, Amber.”

Name: Amber Belle

Species: Zebra Stallion

"Call me Crusher," he half growled

“Enough you two,” said Chill stepping in. “It appears, were here.”

Later That Day

It was 4:30 in the evening, and it was still pretty bright out in Ponyville. A passenger train in the distance was only a few miles away from the Ponyville station. On that train was a mare strumming on her acoustic guitar. Shira Blitz, now 20 years old and just passed her final physical exam. Even though she was considered one of the guards, she was still very new and had little to no experience.

So, there she was, a trainee fresh out of the academy and already getting transferred. Her appearance has changed as well, her purple mane was now cut short and the bangs were covering her right eye while her tail remained it’s normal length. She even had a cutiemark now, a blue music note with a large blade coming out of the top. She didn’t know what that meant for her, but she figured she should focus on that later.

The train finally pulled into the station and came to a complete stop. Once the conductor gave the okay, the doors slid open and everyone exited the train. Shira put her guitar away in its case and stepped outside and felt the warm summer breeze.

“So this is it. Ponyville,” she said as she took in her surroundings.

She began walking through the small village and noticed how peaceful and old fashioned it looked, with its cream-colored houses and carts selling a wide variety of fruits and veggies. Her thoughts began buzzing around in her head as she strolled down the road.

So much for being at Celestia’s side. I only wanted to join the guard so I could be near the princess, she thought to herself. Becoming one of Celestia’s royal guards is like, a huge step-forward. It’s like you’ve made it to the top of everything. That, and you have the awesome duty of fighting bad guys and protecting the ones that matter. Why would she tell me to join this New Guard Order? And through a letter?! Then again, why would Celestia want a plain mare like me to be one of her royal soldiers?

Her ears drooped and she began to sulk, as she began to think more of the possible and negative realization of her transfer. She even noticed that almost every pony that walked past her was giving her a cynical look. She felt more discomfort here than back at Canterlot, it’s like the minute she stepped in and already everyone wants to chuck her with stones and rotten fruit. She decided it would be best if she thought more positively the rest of the stroll.

C’mon, don’t think like that! Stay optimistic! Celestia would never do something as cold as sending her new recruits away because they didn't look sophisticated enough for her. I’m sure there was a logically good reason why she transferred me. After all, the princess cares for all of her subjects, right?

Her thoughts came to a stop as found herself standing in front of a pair of huge crystalized doors. She stepped back and got a better view, the crystal castle was unlike anything she had seen before. It looked like a combination between the Crystal Empire castle and Celestia’s castle. It’s blue and purple crystals sparkled and shimmered all around.

“So this is the place,” said Shira in an amazed tone. “The new castle of Princess Twilight and the elements. I’ve heard a lot of stories about these mares. I just hope this princess will be kind and protective like her mentor.”

Shira’s face was now full of determination and nodded to her own confidence. She approached the door and gave a hard knocking. They swiftly swung open, revealing a small purple and green dragon behind.

“Hello, I’m Spike,” he greeted. “You must be here for the New Guard Order?”

“Y-Yes. I’m Shira,” she replied sounding unsure. “Shira Blitz.”

“You alright?” Spike asked concerned.

“It’s just…..I heard this princess had a dragon as an assistant. But I never imagined he would be so……..adorable!” she said with a squeal.

“Aw thanks,” he said with a slight blush. “I get that a lot.”


“Yeah, like five other times today.”

They both shared a laughed, and Spike finally decided to show Shira in. He took through a long crystal hallway that sparkled every time they took a step. They reached the end of the hallway to see another set of doors.

“The rest of the recruits are waiting behind this door. The first meeting will begin soon, so just make yourself comfortable until it starts,” informed Spike as he departed.

“Cool, thanks Spike!” she waved.

“No problem.”

Shira faced the doors and grew even more determined, but a little nervous as well. With that, she put both hooves on the doors and pushed them right open. Behind it, a big wide open area with podiums at the end. It resembled that of a multi-purpose room. There was also a wide variety of different ponies behind the doors. They all turned to her and stared with confused looks. Shira felt stage fright, she didn’t know what to say to her new group members.

“Um….hi,” she greeted awkwardly.

“Yo, you just going to stand there and act all generic or are you going to tell us your name?” asked this one stallion with a big smile on his face.

Name: Spinout

Species: Pegasus Stallion

This stallion looked kind of young, around 19 or 20 years of age. He had a huge wingspan, bigger than anyone else in the room. He had mossy green fur to go along with his short blue two-toned mane and tail. His mark looked like that of a hurricane.

“Nopony likes a staller you know,” he teased.

“C’mon, don’t be rude, Spinout,” said another stallion. “Nopony likes a jerky friend either.”

Name: Tacitus

Species: Unicorn Stallion

Tacitus had a very different look than Spinout. Other than being a unicorn, his mane and tail were pitch black and neat while his fur was brown. He sported a grey flat cap and scarf and his mark had a strange blue eye symbol that looked really confusing.

“I’m Tacitus by the way, it’s a pleasure to make your acquaintance,” he greeted.

“Like-wise,” replied Shira as she shook his hoof.

“Um, excuse me,” said a very meek voice.

It appeared to belong to a very small and very submissive unicorn mare who was barely raising her hoof.

Name: Grassy Fields

Species: Unicorn Mare

The mare was very skinny and short in height, almost like a doll. She had curly grassy green mane and tail along with a light green coat. She also wore a pair of rectangular glasses that had a golden color to it. Her mark looked like a diamond-like eye surrounded by flying grass blades.

“Not to be a bother, but were you also transferred here?” she asked timidly.

“Yes, I was,” Shira answered.

“I see, just like everyone else then,” she replied.

“Hey!” a voice called out. They turned their heads to see another stallion staring at them. This one was an earth pony with a blue fur coat and yellow and red mane and tail that looked like it was on fire. His mark was that of a ruby red heard within a golden star. However the strangest thing about him was that he had a large phoenix on his back.

Name: Terra Lionmane

Species: Earth Pony Stallion

“You were supposed to be here at 4:30 and it’s 4:36. Is this how you want to serve the princess, as well as the elements?” he informed calmly.

“Huh?” asked Shira.

“Hey, we just talked about this. Don’t you want to make her feel welcome?” defended Tacitus.

“Well, at least she’s not like the other two tardy recruits who still aren’t here yet. Anyway, the name is Terra Lionmane and I-“

“Noponycaresaboutyou!” interrupted another energetic voice.

It belonged to yet, another stallion. This one had a short green spikey mane tail along with an orange fur and trio of bombs for a cutiemark. All while rocking a red bowtie.

Name: Short Fuse

Species: Unicorn Stallion

“Hi, I’m Short Fuse. It’s a pleasure to meet you!” he greeted happily.

“You’re name is Short Fuse?” asked Shira worried.

“Yep! Don’t be fooled by the name, I’m actually really laid back,” he admitted.

“Then why are you named like that?” asked Tacitus.

“Because my special talent lies in with my favorite word. I’ll give you a hint, it rhymes with-“

"Short Fuse!” yelled Terra.

“No, it rhymes with Ba-Zoom!” he responded.

“Is it, Ka-boom?” asked Shira.

“Yes! I love destroying things, it’s my passion. Hey, how did you know that was my favorite word? Did someone told you? Was it THAT guy?” he accused Tacitus.

“No, you said it rhymed with….and then you….ah nevermind,” sighed Shira.

“Short Fuse, I do not appreciate you cutting me off during my introduction.” Terra spoke calmly.

“Not my fault you were about to give a boring ass intro. I had to do something,” Fuse said with a laugh.

“Why you little-“

“Ok, you two need to stop this before this gets out of hoof,” stepped in a familiar bulk Zebra.

“He interrupted me during my introduction. It was very rude.”

“Goodie-goodie,” laughed Fuse.

“You can give your intro later,” suggested Crusher.

“Yeah, and do you think it’s worth it to bring damage to a new castle like this? Wouldn’t it be more honorable to give your intro while the elements are in the room?” asked an approaching mare.

Name: Selune Darkeye

Species: Unicorn Mare

This mare had a medium long maroon mane and tail, which had golden bobble on it. Her body had a dark grey color to it but also had white stripes, almost like a zebra. Her mark was a creepy looking eyeball with three tear-like edges underneath it.

“Very well,” he said as he began to walk while his phoenix followed him. “C’mon Fenix.”

“Sorry about that, he can get a little, uptight sometimes,” the mare said with a smile. “I’m Selune Darkeye.”

“Shira Blitz.”

“It's very nice to meet you, let’s be the best of frie-“

“What an eyesore,” spoke another voice. She turned around to see an earth pony mare with sour expression on her face.

Name: Flash Cache

Species: Earth Pony Mare

This mare had a bright yellow coat and a white mane and tail, both had a grey streak in it. The bangs of the mane were curled up above her eyes, revealing her annoyed and grouchy look. Her mark looked like a camera in mid-flash. She was also carrying a broad sword on her back.

“Are you supposed to be a zebra or a unicorn? Because you look like something Discord threw up,” she asked nonchalantly.

“Hey! That’s impolite. I can’t help the way I look, it just happens,” Selune responded.

“Well, I’m not sorry, but it’s the truth. You can’t be both a zebra and a unicorn. That’s just improper,” she complained.

Oh, she’s going to be blast isn’t she? Shira thought sarcastically to herself.

“The hell are you looking at?” Flash growled as she turned to Shira.


“Hey, c’mon, you don’t have to be so blunt about it,” reasoned Tacitus.

“But it’s a matter of fact. I think every pony has the right to hear the veracity of any situation. Besides, honesty is the best policy, shouldn’t a hipster like you be familiar with that?”

“Excuse me!?” he exclaime.

“Oh, come now, there’s no need for conflict,” said a very old voice.

Out of nowhere, an earth pony stallion in a wheelchair rolled right between us. He had brown fur and tan mane and tail along with blue eyes. His mark, however, was covered up by his plaid blanket that draped over his lap.

Name: Iron Sted

Species: Earth Pony Stallion.

“How else are we supposed to cooperate in this program if all we’re going to do is bicker? What kind of team would that make us now?” he pondered.


“What would you know you old geezer?” grumbled Flash.

“Ever heard of the phrase, if you have nothing nice to say don’t say anything at all?”

“Don’t live by it. Only a fool would actually believe in that policy,” she hissed.

“And only a bigger fool would insult their comrades, thus insulting this program, the elements of harmony and the princess herself. Where would that lead you?”

Flash let out a loud grumble and stormed off. Iron then wheels right over to Selune, Shira, and Tacitus.

“I apologize for her crude behavior. I don’t think we’ve been introduced. I am detective Iron Sted.”

“An honor to meet you detective,” replied Tacitus as he shook his hoof.

“Yeah, an honor!” spoke Selune following Tactus’s example.

Shira also shook his hoof as she scanned the area for any other faces she hadn’t met yet. She did spot Artemis and Chill Wind talking to each other in the corner. She couldn't help but become curious as to what the two Pegasai were discussing. She even started getting the idea that they may be spies sent here by some other kingdom to get info on the elements.

“Hmmm, nah,” Shira chuckled waving that idea away.

“What?” asked Tacitus.

“Huh? Oh, it’s nothing. I thought of something weird, but I ignored it.”

“Hey! What’s in the case?” wondered Selune as she examined metal Shira’s guitar case. “Do you have a really fancy guitar in there? Or maybe you actually have a super cool sword hidden in there and you’re just using the case as a cover to conceal your weapon so no pony gets any funny ideas?”

“Do you?” Iron inquired.

“No, it’s just a normal guitar,” she responded as she opened up the case revealing the guitar.

“Oh, it would’ve been super cool if you did have a sword in there,” Selune chirped.

“I’m not sure I’m cut out for sword play,” Shira admitted. Although she did wonder about what kind of weapon or magical ability she could use when she’s in an actual battle.

“Excuse me everypony!” called a familiar voice. Everyone turned to the stage with the podiums to see Spike standing in front of them.

“Hey, it’s the cute dragon kid! He’s so adorable, I want one!” Selune squeaked. “But I already have a pet.”

“Yes yes, it’s me again,” he said sheepishly. “The elements and Princess Twilight will now begin the opening ceremony to the program.”

“Aw yeah! About time! Show us the ladies!” yelled Spinout with much excitement.

“How about you show a little more respect for our rulers,” ordered Terra.

“Mind your own business grandma,” Spinout mocked which made Terra even more cross.

“Quiet you two,” spoke Crusher/Amber. “It’s starting.”

With that said, every looked forward and paid attention to the stage. One by one, each of the Elements of Harmony trotted out onto the stage and took their respected positions in front of their podiums. Everyone’s mouths dropped at the sight of the elements, as if this was their first time viewing them. For most of them, this was the first time meeting the six heroines from all of the stories told throughout Equestria. Finally, the Princess herself, took center podium and smiled down at all of the new recruits.

“Hello everypony. I am Princess Twilight Sparkle, and welcome to the New Guard Order. It’s a pleasure to meet you all,” she greeted with a smile.

Author's Note:

Yet another fic I've started that I plan to make amazing :pinkiesmile:. Again, thanks to all of the members for the wonderful OC's. If you spot anything wrong with the fic, grammar or OC wise, please let me know and I'll be sure to fix the mistake. Also, if your OC was on the list but did not appear in this chapter, that just means that they'll appear in the next one, don't worry. I hope you all enjoyed the chapter and next one is coming out soon. (Thanks to Wolfoftheforest for proofreading and editing this chapter)