• Member Since 21st Jul, 2013
  • offline last seen 16 minutes ago


Princess Luna is the best princess and Nightmare Moon is the best queen.



Colgate is Ponyville's friendly dentist, the one everypony thinks is a sweet, caring pony with that beaming smile. Don't let that smile and those caring eyes fool you though. Deep down Colgate is irritated and holds a lot of resentment towards some of Equestria's residents. While her views may surprise you, she has damn good reasons for harboring them.

Rated Teen due to some profane language.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 20 )

I love all of this. :twilightsmile:

And what is even more irritating is that she claimed that I needed to dress up all fancy like the dentist in Canterlot does,

Relax Colgate, she was just trying to get you to roleplay.

Well I liked it. A bit extreme towards the end but hey it was still good.

I can't tell if this was a troll-fic or a parody... but it made me laugh, so you were doing something right with this!

I'd say I'd love to see a sequel about the patients she likes, but so far, I think the ONLY ones are Maude Pie and Princess Luna. Maybe Derpy if we;re lucky.

5644392 I'll consider that. Of course she does like Sea Swirl and Amethyst, for obvious reasons! It wasn't meant to be a parody or a troll-fic but all that matters is that it made you laugh, which this story was intended to do, make the readers laugh! Glad you enjoyed it.

5644403 And lordie, did I laugh!

Thank the lord I have LunaCare!

5657635 Thanks Limelight02. Glad you loved it.

I slapped her so hard I knocked a few teeth out, adding 100 bits to her bill that day. Best quote ever:rainbowlaugh:.

that fucking rabbit with her. I swear, what I wouldn't do to kill that little piece of shit.

Join the club, my dear Colgate. I really wish that the fanfic I read where he gets turned into rabbit stew becomes cannon some day. Or even barbecue.
Drats now I'm hungry again!

Come on, you can't beat Judas Priest, Metallica, AC/DC and all the other stuff I play.

Yeah metal!!!!!!!!!!
Okay.... don't know what that was. Still that was HIGH-larious. *duck and cover* fFrom what-- (gets hit in the face with a tomato), Oh that :ajbemused:

If any of my friends acted like that I'd rip all their teeth out and then dump them as a friend.

Jeesh, Colgate tone it down (don't actually do what he tells you). Stop interjecting! *can I join the party?* NO! The author is confused enough as it is. So be quiet! (okay) *fine*

I would put her under and then remove those damn wings. Hell I would run them through a rock crusher right in front of her face just to see her reaction.

Looks like somepony has some unresolved anger issues.

Did you know that she has so many fillings that if I was to rip her teeth out and sell them I could probably buy a second house to rent out as an extra source of income?

This might be one of the best, if not the best, dentist one liner that I have ever heard in my life. It's way too funny :rainbowlaugh:

It'll be a nice and sunny day in Tartarus

Actually they have rather nice skies of red smog down there, oh wait, headcanon, sorry. Still freaking hilarious. Pinkie and AJ are such bucking cheepskates it makes want to scream!

Maybe she will dump that non-paying bum Celestia and become our sex toy permanently.

Well hello there sex joke. I thought you were still seeing Eristotle.

ones that I really hate. First we have Flash Sentry


First thing is that he whined, cried and complained about how he thought I was so mean to him

Yup. That's Blandy McNointerestingfeatures for ya. Or as I like to call him 'the worst creation since G3'

Then he decides to go rambling on about how he has a crush on Princess Twilight Sparkle and was crying because he discovered she is a lesbian.

This line brought me so much joy for all the wrong reasons.

She discovered that what I did to her beloved Flash was perfectly legal. After throwing a fit she payed me most of the remaining balance but not all of it. So I cut the other wing off as part of clearing the rest of his balance. I ran it through a wood chipper so she could not reattach it.


Maud Pie came in one day and told me how he was still crying his eyes out because of Twilight being a lesbian.

Get the fuck over it dude. She 's into taffy and not the sausage.

Just let it go.
Let it go.
She's into mares nooowwww.
Get the fuck, over yourself Flash
Stop being such a whiny bitch.

Thank you thank you, I'll never do that again.

I still accept LunaCare but then again it pays a larger percentage of the bill and it really helps that Luna and her guard ALWAYS pay their co-pays.

You know why's that?
Because Luna is DA BOSS!! Best pony ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And with that I have finished one of the funniest fanfics. Seriously I love stories like these and have evn partaken in making on myself *cough* Ponyville confessions *cough* and this was a prime example of what I call 'comedic exploitation'. It was an expertly written fic with a very angry protagonist and very funny scenarios. Although I personally don't think some of these mares would be this irresponsible about their bills, I wouldn't put it past Dummy McYawnfest to do a stupid thing like this. HAve I mentioned that I fucking hate Flash Century. And Angel Bunny. Seriously that rabbit can go and roast on a slow burning fire. Well that's all from for now. For the end I would like to say, Colgate is hilarious, you're an amazing author and Luna is THE BEST PONY EVER! ALL HAIL THE NIGHT REGAL!

Also, i would just hate myself in the morning if I didn't include this:

6285422 I have a feeling that you would like Colgate's Rants 2: The Antagonist Edition

6421655 I've been planning to read it, it's just that lately I had somke personal things I had to sort out. Don't worry I haven't foirgotten about it :raritywink:

Okay, this is freaking hilarious. :rainbowlaugh: But I'm taking this as parody, I mean, I doubt the real Colgate would be this psycho or mean. :twilightoops: Still, it's hilarious as heck, good job! :twilightblush:

7408937 It's supposed to be a parody. I know Minuette would never behave like this, I just put the same spin on her that I did in the "Colgate's Practice" series which started before "Amending Fences" was aired.

Come on, you can't beat Judas Priest, Metallica, AC/DC and all the other stuff I play.

This is true. Especially Metallica. METAL UP YOUR ASS!!! WOOOOO!!!


... The Random tag is very well deserved here.

Why does everybody hate Flash? :rainbowhuh:


Remember the first Equestria Girls movie and how there seemed to be a romantic sub-plot between Twilight and Flash? That is why so many people hate him....I used to be in that crowd but given that he is irrelevant at this point, the Flash hate is gone with me.

Twilight's my fave, but I didn't really care. :rainbowderp:


There are many things I have to say about this.

I like how this was talked in first person. I think it's great to see what goes on in the irritated pony's life. I love the name, Minuette. I also love the picture of this story cover: she looks so cute and dorky.

Anyways, I found her most of her reactions to be quite hilarious, especially the parts when she got mad at payment methods.

The part where she was trolling Flash about Twilight being good in bed with them literally had me dying. Although, I do know the pain emotionally when you figure out that the one that you love happens to be the orientation not for you.

This was greatly entertaining and I'll be looking forward to reading the rest of this series.

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