• Published 18th Feb 2015
  • 13,504 Views, 716 Comments

Nightmare, Nightmare - Admiral Q Ponyform

Twilight's experiament gets out of control and Selene finds herself in another Equestria that has the LAST thing she ever expected to see.

  • ...

Night at Winter Bells Part 3

After caroling and shopping which Selene had a blast doing in rebuying some items knowing what her version of the girls liked. They headed back to the house and Selene noticed that Shining was very interested in going back. She fears he has not taken the lesson she gave to heart. However it did sound that it took a while for Velvet to recover from the hit she took yesterday. Selene got where Twilight got her freak outs from. Anyway they entered the house and Twilight declared.

“Spike, Nyx, we're back!” Spike as usual came from the kitchen.

“So how did it go?” He asked them.

“Great! We got everything off mom's list.”

As if drawn out by the mention of her name, Velvet poked her head out of the kitchen door. A bright smile then flashed onto her face as she quickly trotted up to Twilight.

“Oh, thank you! I was so worried I’d never be able to get around to everything on that list after my late start this afternoon. Now, did you get the right kind of peanut butter for stuffing the celery, Twilight? It has to be chunky, otherwise those little raisins won’t look like ants on a log.”

'Wow, that was a fast recovery.' Selene thought and it seemed to surprise Twilight as she asked Velvet what she was doing out of bed.

“Oh, come now,” Velvet said as she began to rummage through Twilight’s saddlebags. “You honestly didn’t expect me to spend the whole day lying in bed, did you?”

“Yes,” Twilight, Night Light, and Shining all said in unison. That got Selene holding her barrel as she laughed at the answer so she missed the blush on Velvet's face.

“Okay, I'll admit, I probably wouldn't have been able to get going on my own. But when Nyx brought me the lunch Spike had made, I ended up showing her the photo album. It was just the thing to cheer me right up.” Velvet then turned and shouted back towards the kitchen. “Nyx, clear the table!”

“Okay Grandma!”

A smile burst onto Twilight’s and Selene's faces as a hopeful ring entered Twilight's voice. “Mom, does that mean?”

“Don’t get ahead of yourself, Twilight,” Velvet said firmly as she lowered her voice.

'Ah nuts.' Selene thought before Velvet continued.

“I still agree with your father, but...” Velvet let a small smile creep onto her lips. “But she is a sweet filly and I didn’t see any harm in making her feel welcome as long as she is part of our family.”

'Well at least it's a step in the right direction. Now if only a certain pony will get past his issues at least for the holiday.'

“Now,” Velvet barked before quickly turning on her hooves, “We need to get everything put away, especially the groceries. So come, march those flanks into the kitchen. Hup one. Hup two. Hup three.” That got Selene to smile and she helped her family, note as Luna's twin she is family via Cadance.

* * * * * *

Selene would have loved it if the night had gone peaceful and calm as she remembered Christmas in her old life and the Hearth's Warmings she had in her new one but sadly it didn't come to pass. Oh it started normal, well at least normal in the Twilight household. Night Light was wasting time trying to get the logs set just right and Nyx started to get bored. So we went out and lit the small log Nyx got from Lumberjack. They enjoyed the small fire as they heard bells ring throughout the city till they were called back in and enjoyed the actual fire which FINALLY was lit. At least till somepony noticed that a fire started outside. She knew they had put out Nyx's log but somehow it ended up next to the main pile of logs Nightlight got. After some scrambling they manage to put the fire out and save most of the logs but that didn't stop Shining from aiming the blame at Nyx. In full honesty the Shining from her universe she liked. They were great friends till he passed away. This one she wanted to strangle so much. His blind hatred towards Nyx was getting really annoying. It took the other girls arriving to cheer her up.

* * * * * *

Selene sat next to the princesses and Twilight's parents as the girls performed the Hearth's Warming play once again. Though this time they are joined by Cadance and Shining who were playing the Wendigos. She saw them getting ready earlier and she made the comment.

“Why give Shining make up at all? He's perfect for the Windigo as is.” To that Cadance giggled while she and Shining coldly stared at each other. She then heard Nyx call out the time and she looked over to see the filly in the disguise she made for her walking around with a watch causing a smile to form on her lips. She was supposed to look after Nyx during the play but Nyx brought out the CMC cute and was given the useless job of Clock Manager, but it made her happy and that's what's important. So she sits and enjoys the show.

However near the end of the play she saw a flash of light from the catwalks above the stage. She heard Pinkie scream out Twitchy Tail and the girls tried to get everpony off the stage just as the catwalk fell on it. Spotlights focused on the stage looking for movement. One pony did spot something and the light went up to the still hanging moon prop with a terrified Nyx was crying.

* * * * * *

After a small bit of chaos, order started returning to the palace. Celestia was off calming the ponies while Luna and the Royal Guard secured the hall and medics tended to the wounded. Most just scraps and bruises but they did find a stallion buried in the rubble still alive but unconscious. She was with Twilight and Nyx in the front row with the two adults trying to comfort the filly when Luna approached.

“Twilight,” Luna said gently, not wishing to startle her, “How are you two faring?”

“We’re both okay,” she said, trying to quiet the tremor in her voice. “I got clear of the stage before the catwalk fell and Nyx isn’t hurt either.”

“That’s good to hear,” Luna said, though she could not bring herself to smile. “I am relieved neither one of you was harmed. But, I must ask, what happened?”

“There was somepony chasing me on the catwalks!” Nyx half shouted, half cried.


“I don’t know!”Luna lowered her head down and spoke in a calm, sweet voice, like a gentle breeze on a warm summer night. “It’s okay Nyx. I promise, you’re safe now.” Luna then glanced up at Twilight. “Would you mind if I took her for a moment? The guard needs a statement and I think it would be better for everypony if I was the one to speak with her.”

'Smart move, who better to trust then yourself.' Selene thought. She would have offered but in this universe she is just a simple unicorn, not the Alicorn of Shadows and Princess of Defense.

“Can I come with her?” Twilight asked.

“Of course. In fact, I was going to have all of your friends come. I’ve had some of the leftovers from the reception taken to a small servant break room that’s nearby. I imagine everypony will feel much better once you’ve had a chance to eat and drink something, and it will let me get everypony’s side of the story.”

Twilight nodded and Selene agreed that something sweet sounded very good at the moment. Twilight let Nyx climb free of her embrace before standing up herself. Twilight then rallied the rest of her friends. Soon, the group began to follow behind Luna,

Minutes later after a trip to the restroom Selene noticed Cadance and Shining heading for the dressing rooms and the look of Cadance face had a hint of anger and considering Shining's view on Nyx she decided that she would listen in. She closed in and without either seeing her she listened in.

“Ignoring that last little comment you made, how in the world could Nyx have ripped the catwalk down?” Cadence asked, spinning on her hooves to face Armor.

'Ripped the catwalk down?' She frowned and made a quick clone to check and when it returned and merged with her again it did notice the bolts holding it up were stripped or torn off. 'Yeah that would take effort and not a design failure.'

"She could have done it the same way you would have, with her magic," Shining answered. "An alicorn easily has enough strength to rip those bolts off."

“What magic? She had trouble lifting a napkin this morning.”

“Cadence, don’t buy into that routine. That filly is still Nightmare Moon, and she’s been trying to sabotage this Hearth’s Warming since she got here.” Her anger started to build when she heard him say that. It took all her effort not to give herself away.

“When did she try to sabotage anything!?”

“Oh, I don’t know, there was that little screaming match she had with Print Press’s daughter at the banquet. Then Father’s Hearth’s Warming logs went up in smoke after Nyx asked Twilight if she could go outside and burn that little stick she had gotten from Lumberjack. Now this happens, almost killing you and ruining Princess Celestia’s favorite tradition.”

“This is crazy.”

'THANK YOU CADANCE FOR BEING VOICE OF REASON!' Selene thought and she saw Cadence lifting a hoof and resting it on Shining’s shoulder.

“The fire probably started because I didn’t extinguish the wood right.”

“Or because Nyx distracted you two and threw a piece of the burning wood into the log pile.”

“This is completely crazy!” she said firmly before looking back at Shining. “Listen to yourself. Why would Nyx even want to ruin Hearth’s Warming?”

“To get us all under her spell again,” Shining said firmly and She facehoofed at that. “When I saw Dr. Brain Trust for a second time, for my follow up exam, I asked him if there was any way I could protect myself from being brainwashed again. He told me some counterspells, but he also told me how mind control spells work. It’s not easy to influence someone's mind. You have to be a magically talented unicorn to attempt most of them and most spells have symptoms when you try to cast them on somepony who’s mentally sound, like the headaches I was getting because of the changeling queen. But, Dr. Brain Trust also said that there are other spells, ones that work more subtly and don't require as much magic to cast.But to get them to work you have to break a pony.”

“What do you mean by break them?” Cadence asked.

“Break them mentally, like how my mother broke after the banquet. Remember, she was practically bed-ridden when we left for the market. She was mentally vulnerable, and then when we get back she says she’s feeling better because Nyx came and spent time with her. That’s Nightmare Moon’s motivation. She’s trying to ruin Hearth’s Warming in hopes of breaking us down so she can brainwash us again.” That's when she sat down and DOUBLE FACEHOOF. Again Cadence tried to be a voice of reason.

“Shining, think about it. If that was true, then why hasn’t something horrible happened to Twilight these past few months?”

“Because Twilight is already brainwashed. She has been since this whole mess started.”

'It's Want it, Need it, Shining Armor Edition.'

“You think I’m brainwashed?” She jerks at that and with Shining and Cadence turned, she sees Twilight standing in a gap between the curtains that separated the dressing area from the rest of the stage. Her eyebrows were furrowed and her jaw was tight with a frown.

'That is one unhappy mare.' She thought.

“Twily, I thought you were with Princess Luna.”

“I was, but she finished talking with us so we came back to the auditorium.”

“And where’s Nyx?” Cadence asked, craning her neck to look past Twilight. “She didn’t hear―”

“No, I had her sit with Rarity while I came looking for you two,” Twilight replied. “Now, what’s all this about me being brainwashed?”

“Shining thinks Nyx caused the accident,” Cadence explained, turning her own disapproving gaze on her husband.

Twilight stood dumbstruck for a moment before her lips tightened into a snarl. “Are you crazy?!”

'I don't know whether to join Twilight or grab some popcorn. Either way Dis is gonna be good.'

“That’s what I’ve been asking him,” Cadence muttered under her breath.

Shining took a firm step forward, nostrils flaring. “Don’t gang up on me like it hasn’t happened before, or did you forget about the Children of Nightmare?”

“That was Spell Nexus, Shining,” Twilight said.

“That was Spell Nexus being controlled by part of Nightmare Moon.”

“A part that Nyx destroyed!”

“And who can verify that?” Shining asked. “What evidence do we have that it actually happened the way Nightmare Moon said it did? How do we know she didn’t take back that part of her?”

“She saved Ponyville! She released Princess Celestia and Princess Luna! She gave up the throne!” Twilight argued.

“And how do you know that wasn’t part of her plan?” Shining asked before pointing at Cadence. “Nightmare Moon’s forces knew Cadence was rallying a rebellion. The crystal heart blew King Sombra into oblivion; who’s to say it couldn’t do the same to her? Even if it couldn’t, Cadence could have led the entire kingdom in rebellion as soon as she or somepony figured out a way to move the sun and moon. Nightmare Moon’s rule was never going to be accepted.

“But,” Shining continued, “What if Nightmare Moon bided her time? What if she faked her repentance so she could try to take over again, this time with nopony challenging her rule? Who would rebel if she was given the throne by the princesses once she supposedly grows back into her power?”

'Shining, seek therapy now. This is a really insane idea. As Nightmare Moon myself Cadance's army would be an issue but not an unbeatable one and the Crystal Heart requires the love and light of the Crystal Ponies. Giving them nightmares would beat that easily. She already had firm control over the bulk of the nation. She would have no need for this crazy complex plan you are thinking. She willingly gave up her throne and disbanded the Children of Nightmare. She could have waited and recover her strength after the Ponyville attack and leave the world in a sunset for a few days. Survivable till Nyx could recover enough to get them going again.

“Shining, this whole theory of yours hinges on the idea that Nyx has been trying to brainwash us and that she’s already brainwashed Twilight,” Cadence said. “Nothing has happened to Twilight since Nyx gave up the throne. She hasn’t had a mental breakdown of any sort, so how exactly did Nyx brainwash her?”

“Nightmare Moon didn’t brainwash Twilight in the past few months. It was last spring, when Spell Nexus used a drop of Twilight’s blood to bring Nightmare Moon back.”

“What?!” Twilight snapped. She herself dropped a jaw on that remark.

“Think about it!” Shining shouted back. “I’ve read the reports, Twily. You told guards that you took Nightmare Moon into your home because you weren’t sure who she was, that you didn’t want to send her to Celestia unless you were sure she was, in fact, Nightmare Moon. Then, you started taking care of her, and then you started to care for her. What if that was all caused by a brainwashing spell done by Spell Nexus or even Nightmare Moon herself? What if the blood was meant to give Nightmare Moon the power to control you, to influence you? For all we know, the only reason you care for her, the only reason you can’t see the obvious danger, is because of a spell!”

“Shining!” Cadence snapped. Shining's words angered Selene so much that unbeknownst to her, her mane and tail were starting to go ethereal and her fur darken.

“You know it makes sense, Cadence!” he shouted back at her. “When I was brainwashed by the changeling queen I ignored everything that seemed wrong about her. I just thought you were nervous about the wedding.”

“But Twilight couldn’t have been brainwashed into loving Nyx!”

“Says the alicorn who can spread love like it’s cheap, chalky, Hearts and Hooves day candy!” Shining shouted at his wife. “You two just don’t want to admit it. The only reason Twilight took care of Nightmare Moon, the only reason she cares for her now, is because of. A. Spell!”

'WOAH! Did he really just go there? WWWWWWWOOOOOWWW!'


Twilight's horn was glowing, and her mane and tail were floating from the sheer amount of rage driven magic pouring off her. But, before she entered a rage shift, Twilight turned and began to stomp. She stomped in circles. Clearly thinking over everything said before declaring. "No!"she shouted, turning and stomping back up to Shining Armor. "I don't care what you think! I don't care what you say! I still can't forgive myself for letting Princess Celestia convince me that Nyx was a danger, and I'm not going to doubt her now."

“But Twily,” Shining tried to protest as Twilight turned and stomped away from him.

“Don't ‘Twily’ me, Shining!” she shouted as she reached the curtains. “Nyx is my daughter, whether you like it or not. And, until you fix your attitude, I don’t want you anywhere near her or me!” She glanced back, tears streaming from her rage filled eyes. “Nyx and I are going home, back to Ponyville. I hope you have a Happy Hearth’s Warming without us!”

Twilight didn’t look back again. She threw open the curtains, planning to head back onto the stage and, from there, into the auditorium, only to find a very stunned Rarity standing on the other side. There was a moment of silence as the two unicorns registered each other’s presence. Twilight then began to hastily try to wipe away her tears. “R-rarity!? What are you doing here?”

“W-we were coming to get you. The guards have asked everypony to leave so they can secure the hall.”

“We?” Twilight asked, cocking an eyebrow.

Rarity nodded, beginning to look over her shoulder. “Why, yes. Nyx and I―” Rarity froze. Nyx had been just behind her, clinging close after what had happened. But now, she was gone. In the blink of an eye, Rarity and Twilight galloped across the stage. They came to a stop at the very edge of the boards, looking over the auditorium, which was practically empty. The guard was guiding a few final ponies out the far doors. Spike and the rest of their friends were waiting with Twilight Velvet and Night Light in the front row.

But Nyx was nowhere to be seen.

“Rarity,” Twilight began, a tremor in her voice. “How much did you and Nyx hear?”

“She clearly heard enough and so have I.” Selene said as she moved from her hiding spot and charged till she got close enough and decked Shining. Everypony was shocked at the sight but She used that to her advantage.

“I WARNED YOU OF YOUR ATTITUDE AND NOW LOOK WHAT YOU'VE DONE!” She took a deep breath and let it out. “I'm going to look for nyx and once THAT is done. Then I'll deal with YOU. After that Cadance can have her fun with you.”

Selene turned and left, leaving still shocked ponies though for Rarity, Cadence, and Twilight it was their friend's appearance while the words haunted Shining.

Author's Note:

I do have a Q&A on MLP stuff so please leave some questions.