• Published 9th Mar 2015
  • 2,500 Views, 64 Comments

The Lone Survivor - AvidSeason

Hi... The name's Mark Hampton. I've been stuck in the wilderness for a while now. My clothes have literally become torn rags, my phone is now dead as can be, and I have been kidnapped by Twilight Sparkle. May God have mercy upon my soul.

  • ...

The Conversation

"Why?" I spoke with sadness. Twilight began to smile as she spoke once again.

"Perfect! The spell worked, but I need to know for sure! Say something else forest creat--Oh wait I haven't even asked for your name yet have I? Silly me. Anyway the name's Twilight. What's yours?" Twilight stated.

"Why...did it hurt so much?" Twilight's face fell as I mentioned the moment before.

"Well...I don't exactly know what you mean. The book says that the spell is supposed to be completely painless. You also completely ignored my question, but I'll look past that." She said.

"Why did it feel like I was being torn apart and set on fire?" I asked. She put on a look of concentration before she lit her horn once again. The book she brought earlier was once again levitated in front of her face while its pages kept flipping through. The weird part is I could read the book's title. Sure it was still in horse language, but for some reason I could just tell that the book read " The Modern Ways of Mind Magic Guide by G.P. Brainiac"

"I'm sorry. I don't actually know why. From what I can see the *neigh-nicker* is supposed to be keeping you from being in pain during the whole process." She stated. I was slightly confused by regular horse speak got through the "spell", but I put that

"Why would this.....be happening exactly? I mean....How is this happening?" I asked.

"Well, creature that refuses to give his name, I'll sum it up in two words. Mind magic. The actual pain that you've experienced however, the only way I can tell you that is if I study your natural magic pathways." Twilight replied.

I raised a eyebrow at this and shook my head. "I don't want you to be invading my personal space okay. I will let you do it eventually, but I need you to answer a question I have. How did you find me in the middle of that forest?

She raised her eyebrow and replied, "That bonfire you had. I could see it from my window while I was stargazing."

Huh. So I actually saved myself with the bonfire. I tried doing that before when I was still ignorant of where I was. I wonder why it didn't work before. "I've done this kind of thing before. Why has no one tried saving me before?"

Twilight answered my question with a question. "When was the last time you did it?" I was about to reply when the sentence actually entered my mind. When was the last time I had tried any rescue attempts? I thought back to the marks I had made on the cave wall. I silently counted them in my head before I answered back.

"I believe it's been about a year or so." Twilight looked at me thoroughly before her eyes lit up.

"So you were the one that started the Everfree Forest fire. My friend Rainbow Dash had to deal with that all by herself since the weather team was pre-occupied with setting up the weather in the apple orchards." She exclaimed.

"Welll..", I stuttered, "I tried making it as big as possible to get anybody's attention. At least now I know where that rain came from."

"What was that?" Twilight asked.

"Ohh..a nothing..."I replied. I didn't want Twilight to actually know my plans on ultimately pranking Rainbow for ruining past escape attempts. That would just ruin the fun.

"Ookay. Will you please just tell me your name already? I don't really want to call you 'The Creature' anymore." She stated.

"Alright, alright I'll tell you. The name's Mark Hampton." I told her. Her eyes squinted as she looked at me real hard. She shook her head.

"Well, Mr. Hempton, I would very much like to know why you were even out there. The Everfree is a very dangerous place to be around." I sighed and got up and sat on the chair. I would have to ignore the horrible botulism of my name for now since she was demanding a lot of answers. I faced towards silently weighing the consequences of what my actions may cause if I tell her. I finally came up with a way to tell her without involving dangerous information.

"Alright Miss Twilight. I'll tell you why I was in that damn forest." Twilight eyed me before nodding and sitting on the bed nearby.

It was a cool, winter in the middle of July. I had just got off of work and I was heading-----

"What was your job, Mark?" I sighed as Twilight interupted.

"I believe the best thing I have to describe myself would be aaaann.....astronomer. Now can you please let me finish my story?" I stated. Twilight Sparkle nodded silently and laid her head down on the bed.

Anyway I was just getting off work when my pal, Franklin came over and talked to me. Franklin was a nice guy. If by a nice guy you mean a complete narcissist. Anyway he came up to me and said, "Hey Mark! There's going to be an awesome camping trip coming down in about a week or so. Do you want to come man? It'll be so awesome. We'll just be roughing it like the old days!"

Now back when I was a teenager I went on all sorts of trips with Franklin. Now I don't know why for the life of me, but I decided to go with Franklin. Maybe I was looking for the taste of adventure before I got into the tyranny of boredom. Sure, stars and the like are great, but sometimes a man can't really live on stars.

When the day finally came to be, I gathered all of the gear I packed for the occasion. Around nightfall, when I had finally gotten to the campsite, I saw a steady glow that I thought then was the glow of an early campfire. How wrong I was. It was instead -of a portal. It was just there on the ground. Nothing was stirring. No air was being pushed or pulled. There was absolutely no disturbance to the natural wildlife from it, so its perfectly understandable that I didn't notice it until I fell into it. When I did fall into it all I saw was a blur of white until BAM! I landed in a leaf pile out in that forest. Ever since then, I've just been trying not to die.

When I was finished with the short recap, Twilight was mumbling to herself. I looked over towards her to find that somehow she had "conjured" up a notepad and quill and began to furiously write in them. "Umm....Twilight. Can I ask what exactly you're doing?"

Never once taing her eyes off of the notepad she said," Currently I'm trying to figure out what or who made that portal. If I can figure out who cast that and where then maybe I could send you back to where you came from. Now...where are you from?"

Jeez. I don't actually know if I should tell her about Earth. Knowing her it would just end up with hours upon hours of me telling everything I knew about humanity. I knew the right choice to make. it was just going to be very tolling on me.

"To begin with I guess I should start with the name of my country. I am from America. It is located on the continent of North America. On a Planet called Earth. Somewhere in the Milky Way Galaxy. Do you see where I'm going with this?" Twilight was tilting her head slightly confused. Great...She doesn't get rhetoricals.

"So wait...You're an alien?" I nodded at this. She snickered slightly for a while before bursting out laughing. She was doing it for a while and I just decided to let her do it. It was probably god to let her get it out of her system anyway.

When she finally stopped laughing she looked at me and finally noticed my expression. "You're serious?" Once again I confirmed her. She was silent for a moment just standing there. At first I thought I had broken her, but then I heard a very high pitched noise. I couldn't make it out at first ,but then it got louder and louder. Then all of a sudden Twilight exploded into action.

"*SQUUUUUUUUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE*OHMYGOSHOHMYGOSHOHMYGOSH!AREALLIVEALIENISACTUALLYHEREWITHME.FIRSTCONTACTWITHANALIENRACEFROMEQUESTRIAWHATDOISAYWHATDOISAY????" This went on for a while until she abruptly stopped in her tirade of maniacal happiness. She started to just brush herself off, breathe in and out, and sat back down staring at me all the while.

"Sorry about that. I'm just very excited about this. It's not everyday that we get to meet someone entirely new to everything we know. Oh... the questions to the universe you can answer. Hey, can you please tell me everything there is to know about your culture?" That last sentence/question she said was just made up as I wasn't really paying attention to what she was saying at the moment, so I nodded absentmindedly while thinking about how the hell I was going to get out of Twilight Torture. Suddenly Spike came in through the door. Hurray for conveniency!

"WHAT THE HAY IS THAT THING!?!?! WHY DO WE HAVE AN ANIMAL IN HERE?!?!" Owwww. Spike....why with the yelling?

"Now Spike I want you to calm down. This here's a....friend of mine. He's going to be staying in the castle for a while. You're going to have to get used to him. His name's Maaak Heeaamptoone." Twilight was trying to console Spike's little terror fest over here and being the bright guy that I am, I decide to try to too.

"Hey little dude. Don't worry. It's not like I'm some sort of animal. I'm wearing clothes for Pete's sake." Spike's eyes just got wider than dinner plates after I said this.

"SEE! HE'S EVEN GROWLING AT ME! THIS PROVES MY POINT ABOUT THE DANGEROUS ANIMAL RIGHT THERE!" Now Spike that really hurts man. You were like my favorite dragon ever besides that giant black one in the background sky during the dragon migration. Wait....Why was he saying that I was growling?

"Twilight...what is he talking about?" Spike got even more scared and Twilight just sighed as he just went into the corner shivering.

"I'll tell you about it later. For now can you just sit down on the chair and be quiet. If Spike hears you talk anymore he might get a hernia." She motioned towards Spike as he was desperately glancing toward the door. Seeing the logic in her argument, I just sighed and sat in the chair like a good dog. I swear I'm going to get back at her someway. No one puts Mark in the corner. No one. After a while of douchebaggery from Spike, Twilight had calmed him sufficiently down and explained the full situation to him, minus the whole I'm an alien from another planet thing. Spike was still wary of me, but he had sufficiently calmed down enough to just keep it to staring at my figure.

"Now Spike. Let's redo this meeting alright. Mark this is Spike. Spike, Mark. Now you two shake hands." I had no idea why I had to do it since I didn't even fight with him, but I did it anyway since Twilight was technically powerful enough to vaporize me where I stand.

"Alright. Now that you two have shaken claws and paws, we can actually get down to business. Spike! Fetch me more papers, quills, and ink. We're going to be up for a looong time." Twilight was smiling gleefully as Spike just grumbled under his breath and left the room. This left us in silence with Twilight sitting there and staring at me. I was going to hat myself for this, but it was better than the unending silence right now. "Twilight...you may ask away. Just please.......keep things to a minimum." Yep...I hate myself for it.

Author's Note:

Hey guys! Got the chapter out. Just a little update here ,but the next chapter that I'm writing can be skipped if you don't want to see the dumping of information. Then again it is a classic to see Twilight react to Human cynicism and barbarianism, so you few might be missing out on something.