• Published 21st Feb 2015
  • 3,072 Views, 60 Comments

The Snuggle Conspiracy - CategoricalGrant

Your OC is thrust into the hooves of various ponies and snuggled. And as he finds himself brought to the attention of other snuggle-happy ponies and pushed into politics, he must ask himself what he truly values. Now with 90% useless fluff!

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The Mare with the Golden Mane (Derpy Hooves/Flitter/Cloudchaser)

You leave Sweet Apple Acres and walk to town in the snow.
Working off of a tip from Applejack, you have decided that your next destination was Manehattan. There, you’d talk to her Aunt Orange Blossom, who was said to be intimately connected with all sorts of agricultural market commodities. Applejack planned on rallying farmer support for maintaining the peace and forming a negotiating block, but she had sent along word to an old friend of hers that you would be staying with.
Still, you had one piece of business to take care of before you headed out of Ponyville. Your earlier run-in with Flitter and Cloudchaser had raised some alarm bells in your head. The latest in a strange set of occurrences in Ponyville, you decided it was your job to investigate, particularly because a farm was involved. After all, you never know what could be related.

Walking through the town toward Carrot Top’s small outlying farm, you happened to notice a large stallion in an equally large, dark coat behind you as you trudged through the snowy streets. At this point in the night, only the main thoroughfares were lit, leaving the alleyways and side streets pitch black as thick clumps of snow fell from the sky at an almost alarming rate. No matter how far you walked, however, the stallion never turned down any of those dark streets.

Straight, left, right, straight, left…the stallion follows you. He’s far enough back to avoid arousing suspicion from the few other ponies out at this hour, but close enough that you are acutely aware of his presence.

In a state of unease, you continue toward the farm normally until you are struck by an ingenious idea; you take a wrong turn at the next intersection and advance far enough to allow the stallion to take a turn as well. When he does, you act as if you made a mistake and advance in the opposite direction, knowing that you’d be able to confront the pony if he did the same.
Much to your relief, he continues on in the same direction without so much as a glance in your direction. Maybe you were wrong about the stallion. These weird happenings and the stress of the fate of the Equestrian economy resting on your back are more than enough to fry your circuits. Continuing on, Carrot Top’s farm looms in the distance.
The fields are an absolute mess. After explaining your role to Carrot Top, she lets you take a look around while she and the weather twins finish their cleanup.
There are basically no carrots anywhere, and in many places the ground is torn to bits. You notice, however, that the beaver tracks left on the ice-cold, loamy soil are irregular. There was also just the faintest hint of magic in the air. You wonder if perhaps Discord had made a few beavers go absolutely mad again.
You start heading back to the trio in the farmhouse when something fairly heavy rams into your flank at full speed. You’re pushed aside but keep your footing.
Your assailant on the other hoof, does not and goes muzzle first into the dirt. You spin around ready to fight, and instead find a gray Pegasus mare lying face down in the rough, snowy field.

“Derpy?” you ask, suddenly extra curious.
She scrambles to her hooves wildly. “I’m sorry!” she cries. “Sorry, sorry, sorry!”
“Hey, its alright,” you reply, trying to calm her. “No harm done.”
“I need to be sorry anyway!” she says, one eye focused on you while the other looks slightly away. “I shouldn’t have been flying, it’s too dark out.”
“Where were you headed?”
“I’m going to see Carrot Top! Her farm is a mess, I’m guessing you’re here for the same reason I am?” She looks visibly distraught.
“I sure am. You look...uh, are you doing okay?”
She lets out a hard breath. “Is it that obvious? I’ve had the worst day. I misdelivered a whole bunch of mail, got in an argument with The Doctor, and now my best friend lost most of her livelihood for the year!”
You nod quietly. All these strange happenings- break-ins, crop losses, and the trade war, hurt a lot of ponies. Carrot Top seemed to be holding up fairly well, but if Applejack’s reaction had any takeaways, it was that losing crops was serious, serious business. You wouldn’t be surprised if Carrot Top was really falling apart inside and called Derpy for support.
“Hey,” you say, brushing some snow and dirt out of her mane with a hoof. “It’ll all be all right. You’re Ponyville’s best mailmare, The Doctor is a friend who would never leave you, and I’m working on fixing Carrot Top’s issue. These problems will pass.”
Derpy gives you a big hug in response to your encouragement, nuzzling into your neck. “Thanks,” she says before letting out a long hum. “mmmmm… you’re nice and warm.”
You let out a deep chuckle, and stroke her mane.
After thirty seconds more, you speak up. “Well, you’re really warm too, but that might just be because we’re freezing to death in subzero temperatures. Let’s head inside.”
She gives you a big squeeze before letting go. “Okay. Wow! A tight hug really brightens up your day!” she chirps, throwing a wing around you as you both begin the walk to the farmhouse.
You smile softly but deeply. “It sure does.”
Carrot Top stands next to you and her new machine while the twins and Derpy look on. You scour her machine over, looking for anything out of the ordinary.
“What are you doing?” she asks.
“Something struck me as odd about your field,” you say. “I just want to check a few things.”
Carrot Top shuffles uncomfortably. “Okay, but be careful! That hunk of metal is expensive.”
Your eyes narrow. “Is this drive belt supposed to be, you know, cut?”
“Huh?” Carrot Top says, tilting her head.
“And what about the missing screw on the motor casing? You could blow out half the machinery on this if you ran it now.”
“That’s impossible. The machine is brand new! I ran it over a few carrots just to make sure it was working!”
You groan. “Then I guess my suspicions were correct. The loss of your harvest was no freak of nature, it’s an act of sabotage.”
Gasps come from all over the room.
“The strange ‘Beaver Tracks’, the leftover magic residue, the deliberate removal or breakage of these machine parts… someone is working against you. Derpy, stay here tonight and make sure you’re both safe. Go get the police in the morning, tell them an inquisitor demands they launch an investigation.”
Carrot Top speaks up, “I only harvested maybe a tenth of my crop before today, and insurance might not cover this if we can’t prove that it’s vandalism.”
“Don’t worry,” you say. “I’ve got you covered. Expect a check in the mail.”
After wrapping up a few more loose ends, you turn to Flitter and Cloudchaser. “I’m headed home, will you guys walk with me?”
You trudge through the snow with the twins, headed in the direction of your respective homes. Flitter walks close to you. Once in a while you will shift over a foot or two to give her room, causing her to shift over even closer to you. Eventually you realize it’s a lost cause.
Cloudchaser and you discuss Carrot Top’s farm and the incident at some length. “Why did you even suspect sabotage at first?” she asks.
“Well, to be honest, it was you guys. A break in at your place with almost nothing stolen, and then vandalism on a farm in which you two have an investment? Too weird, especially in a zero-crime area like Ponyville.”
“Do you think someone is after us?” Flitter asks, fearfully.
You scrunch up your muzzle in thought. “Maybe,” you say. “But then again, maybe everything is unrelated. Who knows?”
“Well, I hope nothing happens to any of our other investments,” Cloudchaser says as an afterthought.
“…Other investments?” you ask. Where were they getting this money? The weather team doesn’t pay THAT well.
“Sure, we have a few other farming investments around town. We also own a 15% stake in the stuffed animal store downtown.”
Flitter clears her throat.
“Okay,” Cloudchaser corrects herself, “Flitter owns a 15% stake in the stuffed animal store. We were thinking about putting some money into one or two more farms, but we weren’t sure. With what’s been happening, I think we might put that off.”
That’s it. That’s what you needed. “Guys, I think some of the striking associations- bakers, general stores and whatnot- are doing this. Or, at least one disgruntled pony is. All because of your farming investments.”
Instead of the reaction you expected, the twins seemed to chew this information over quietly as you approach your house.
You immediately push them both behind a wall. “Ah!” Cloudchaser yelps. What was that fo-“
“SHHHHH!” you shush, looking around the corner. You couldn’t believe this.
On the far corner of the next intersection, standing rock still, eyes facing toward your house, stood the stallion from earlier in his long, dark coat. You had barely noticed him, and probably wouldn’t have if it wasn’t for the lull in the conversation.
“That stallion over on the corner was following me earlier. Now he’s watching my house.”
The twins poked their heads around the corner. Flitter let out an audible ‘eep’ of terror, as well.
“Are you okay Flitter?” you whisper.
“She’s fine,” Cloudchaser quickly interjects. “She gets spooked real easily, is all.”
“Well,” you continue, “I can’t stay at my home tonight. No way. I’ve made too many enemies in the past week for me to think that that guy’s got my best intentions in mind. I’ve got a train to Manehattan to catch tomorrow morning, can I stay at your guys’ place?”
Flitter lets out another ‘eep’, this one much happier.
As soon as you stumble out of the howling wind and snow into the twins’ home, Flitter throws off her winter gear and immediately flings herself onto you. Cloudchaser rolls her eyes. “I’ll go make a quick dinner for us.”
Flitter and you sit down on the couch next to the living room table, with Flitter refusing to remove her wing from its position wrapped around you. She snuggles up to you and nuzzles you happily. Suddenly, a parchment with Princess Luna’s seal pops into existence in front of your face. You unroll it and begin to read,
Most Loyal Inquisitor and Dear Friend,
We have received thine request for aide from the royal coffers and shall grant it post-haste directly to Applejack. We are pleased that thou art not afraid to utilize the many resources at thine disposal in the completion of thine daunting mission.
We are also pleased that thou hast a plan for the days ahead. Making contact with the First Estate in the East and rubbing muzzles with the patricians with the knowledge to help us is undoubtedly an excellent step.
However, we recently hath received a most worrying communication from our sister’s dear student and pet scholar, the Princess Twilight Sparkle. Although we trust thou hast good reasons for bucking the fair dragon knight Spike, it would be best not to anger royalty. Thou art lucky she prostesteth to us and not to our dear sister. That, certainly, would make thine task insurmountable.
A final concern of ours is that of your methods. We have seen the dreams of your compatriots Applejack and Derpy Hooves, and noted that thou hast shown them affection. Although we recognize that utilizing snuggles was the best way to extract information from these ponies, we also must remind thou that any snuggling you do is only because we allow it. At any point, we can sayeth, ‘thou canst only snuggle thine Princess’, and thou must do it. Just letting thou knoweth so that thou canst use discretion in thine dealings.
Verily, we art not jealous.
We expect another progress report from thou tomorrow.
Her Highness, the Most Royal Luna, Princess of Equestria
P.S. XOXOXOXO, *nuzzle* *nuzzle*
P.P.S. We hath named Tiberius as our Social Services advisor and brought him with to various official meetings. His presence unnerves the officials and we receive great joy from watching their squirming. Just thought thou wouldst like to know.
P.P.P.S. We art NOT jealous.
You roll your eyes as Cloudchaser brings dinner out to the table.
After eating, you feel it is best to go to sleep so that you can get the first train out of town in the morning. Naturally, Flitter clings to you and makes her demand “We’re going to share my bed, M’kay?”
“Flitter,” Cloudchaser starts, “that’s unreasonable. Let him use the Guest Bedroom.”
“What? No! He definitely wants to snuggle me tonight.” She directs her next question at you. “Do you hate me or do you want to snuggle me?”
“Uh,” you respond.
“See!” Flitter says. “It’s fine.”
“Flitter,” Cloudchaser says, more stern this time, “stop it and leave him alone, okay?”
Flitter whispers to you, just loud enough for Cloudchaser to hear, “she’s just jealous because she doesn’t get to snuggle much.”
“I AM NOT JEALOUS!” Cloudchaser yells, pouting as she stomps her hoof on the floor.
Silence reigns for a few moments as Cloudchaser’s face turns bright red. “Okay, goodnight,” she squeaks, running into the kitchen. Flitter pulls you upstairs.
You manage to remove yourself from her embrace in order to use the restroom, but before you head back to bed you sneak downstairs into the kitchen to talk to Cloudchaser.
“’Chaser?” you ask as you turn the corner.
She looks up from cleaning the counter. “Hi. Uh, listen, I’m really sorry tha-“
You pull her into a big hug. She’s surprised at first but returns it in full. “Thanks for letting me stay here and being a wonderful host. I owe you a dinner sometime.”
“Okay,” she says into your coat. “Flitter and I can come over when you get back.”
“Well, I only owe you a dinner. You’re the one who made dinner tonight. All Flitter did is choke me with her affection. Don’t get me wrong, I love it, but everyone deserves my undivided attention. Have to warn you though, it’s going to be really cold when you come over, and we might have to snuggle by the fireplace to stay warm.”
She pulls away and gives you a gigantic smile. “Well, I guess I’ll just have to make that sacrifice.”
You give her a wink and head back upstairs to Flitter. Opening the door, you notice that she’s sitting on the floor. She looks up at you awkwardly. “Hey, um…I’m sorry if I made you uncomfortable. You can stay in the guest bedroom if you want.”
You sit down on the floor next to her. “Why would I want to do that?”
“Because you don’t want to snuggle me.”
“Not wanting to snuggle you? Ridiculous.” You put a hoof around her. “I adore the way you snuggle. Full of determination and affection.”
“I got carried away though. Ever since you came and helped us, you’ve been my hero, but I guess being around a hero was too much for me to act normally.”
“Well, I’m no hero. But you’re mine for adding so much happiness to my life.” You boop her on the nose, causing her to giggle. “But you should really be nicer to your sister.”
“I know.” She says, sighing. “You sound like my Mom.”
“Your Mom? I thought I was your hero?”
“Oh, shut up,” she says playfully, sticking her tongue out at you. You share a big laugh and a wonderful cuddle.

Author's Note:

There it is, the next chapter! Only three or four left to go. If you want to see a pony that hasn't been in the story yet, let me know and I'll work them in (the next one is Coco Pommel).