• Published 22nd Feb 2015
  • 11,286 Views, 192 Comments

Dying Flame - Kaptein

After sending reports to Celestia, Spike falls into a coma. Fearing it's her own fault, Twilight goes to the Princesses and eventually ends up before an Elder dragon and realises she may have failed as a caretaker, a friend and as an older siste

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And Those Consequences Will Carry Forth

Contrary to popular belief, Princess Celestia was actually far more fond of coffee than tea. It was usually down to the fact that foreign dignitaries and nobles were constantly trying their best to impress her with new varieties of the latter.

More often than not, she strongly suspected that some of them had just plucked random leaves off of bushes and tried to pass it off as an exotic new flavor.

Still, there were some that she really enjoyed. For example, some Zebrafrican dignitaries had brought in a tea made from a fine-leafed plant, the specific variety producing a rather red beverage.

With a spot of honey, it had proven quite enjoyable.

Taking another sip before her magic levitated it down onto her nightstand, she pulled out a rolled up scroll.

A fire crackled warmly in the hearth, set into the wall opposite from her bed. The evening was still relatively cool, the skies clear outside to allow her a full view of Luna’s stars and moon.

Celestia’s regalia hung on a specialised stand, displaying it prominently in the corner of her room - although, to her it more resembled a coat hanger and hat rack.

With a faint hint of a smile touch the corner of her lips, she unfurled the scroll. Every now and then, she enjoyed re-reading Twilight’s friendship reports. They were always a pleasant reminder of the path she had taken, leading her to where she was.

She was so proud of the young pony.

Her lips curled into a full smile, as she read a second report. This was one written by Spike, many moons ago. In many ways, she was equally proud of the little drake - always loyal and putting the needs of others above himself.

Even when confronted with his dragon heritage, Spike had chosen his friends and family over it.

A knock at her door pulled her away from the friendship reports. Who could it be at this hour? All of the solar palace staff had retired for the evening, and generally the lunar staff never interfered or interacted with her.

Celestia stretched her wings and legs slightly, before sliding off of her bed. Very quickly, she levitated her crown back on, but decided against the rest of her regalia. It was too late in the evening to be a princess, anyways.

“Come in,” she said gently, wearing a motherly smile.

The door opened, with only the slightest of creaks. The maids at one stage were desperate to try and eliminate it, but Celestia had told them she wanted it there on purpose, in case anypony tried sneaking up on her. More than once, a young Twilight Sparkle had tried just that - and had been thwarted each time.

A powerfully built pegasus stallion, adorned in full Royal Guard armour strode in. Celestia’s smile faltered at the stoic expression he wore.

“Captain Stone Craft, “ she greeted. “To what do I owe the pleasure?”

He snapped off a salute with his right wing. “An urgent letter has just arrived, ma’am,” he said, pulling it out from under his left wing. Celestia picked it up with her magic. “Sent Pegasus Priority from Princess Twilight Sparkle.”

Celestia was thankful that she had had millennia of experience to help hide the growing sense of unease in her stomach. Twilight had never sent letters via normal post, or even using military channels. She had always used Spike’s dragon-fire.

She faltered ever so slightly as the scroll was unfurled. Normally, she wouldn’t have allowed herself to show such weakness, but here, she was in her bed chamber - her most inner sanctum, with the only witness her most trusted guard and friend.

Despite the script being rough and hastily written, it was definitely Twilight’s writing. A few splotches of dried dampness were on the letter, but it was still legible.

“C - Captain… can you please excuse me for a minute?” Celestia asked.

“Ma’am?” His gaze was still straight ahead, his expression as stoic as ever, but the princess knew from experience that the aged pegasus was worried about her.

“You are dismissed, Captain,” she said, a little firmer than she had intended. “You may return to your post.”

He saluted firmly before turning around and marching out of the room at a military-like pace, closing the door behind him. Celestia detested pulling rank like that but…

She needed to be alone for a moment.

Pulling the letter out again, she sat by her desk.

‘Dear Princess Celestia.

I failed.

I failed Spike. I failed my family and I failed my friends.’

Eight days ago Spike fell into a coma, the single most important organ in his body shutting down: his furnace.

Celestia paused for a moment. She took a shuddering breath, trying to calm the growing pit of ice spreading inside her stomach. She knew. She knew about the furnace, but had never said anything to Twilight. How could se have made that mistake?

She rubbed away an itch in the corner of her eye, before continuing to read Twilight’s letter.

‘In my desperation, I teleported to the castle where Princess Luna was able to assist me in taking Spike’s cold body to the mighty dragon called Al’Mal’Gorath.

I had no choice but to promise to leave him with the Elder Dragon for a year, for a slim hope of saving Spike’s life.’

The white alicorn set the scroll down on her table. She had felt the magic surges from that night, but Luna had assured her everything had been taken care of. Perhaps ‘taken care of’ was subjective.

“Oh… Twilight, what have you done?” she half-whispered, half-croaked to herself. The icy pit in her stomach was rolling around in the shadows of despair. Many times, she had considered Spike like her own child…

The ancient dragon was proud, but merciful - but despite this she couldn’t squash the sheer worry and fear she felt. Not just for Spike, but for her former student as well.

Her magic shakily brought up her half-empty teacup, before she downed the rest of it. As she turned her eyes to the rest of Twilight’s letter, she noticed the writing had become incredibly more unsteady.

‘I’m lost, Princess. I don’t know what to do. I’ve lost my little brother and I can’t even hold a funeral or a get well party for him. I have my friends supported me and I would never had the strength to write this if it weren’t for them.

I’m so lost and I’m so scared, Princess. I don’t know what to do. I just want my little brother back so badly.

I’m so sorry for everything. I’m not good enough to be his big sister. I’m not good enough to be his friend.’

The letter ended there, tear stains the only signature on the scroll.

There was a lump in her throat. She tried rubbing away the itch in her eye only to find her hoof wet with moisture as she pulled it away. Crying…?

She pulled out a quill and a fresh piece of parchment.

‘My Dearest Twilight Sparkle.

I am so deeply sorry to hear what has befallen Spike. Please do not be harsh on yourself - I am equally at fault for not sharing this information with you sooner.

Al’Gorath is a noble dragon yet is is old and cynical in his ways.

Spike is in good care.

Please understand that he may not return to us. I am so sorry, but we must prepare for the worst. Should Spike not make it, we can prepare a funeral fit for the greatest of heroes.

Please do not blame yourself. You didn’t know. It’s not your fault.

I am here, always, for you Twilight. If you need a shoulder to cry on, or a face to hate, I will be here for you. And your friends will be there for you, too, Twilight.

Please, keep safe.

Princess Celestia.’

Author's Note:

Yeah, yeah. I know.

This chapter is actually kind of needed, as it relates to the still-being-written chapter for One Year Later.

I also had always wanted to and planned to write a chapter with Celestia.

Comments ( 14 )

I wonder how common sense it would be in this world to assume that a dragon can die if it uses it's fire too much.



Excuse me while I curl into a ball and sob hysterically. My heart breaks for Twilight.

NO NO NO. really, a year pases by and this while we still have a cliff hanger, well its time to set my calendar for next year

7303227 You're welcome to read the sequel (Link is in the story's summary :derpytongue2:)

7303240 thats what im talking about

Dear Princess Celestia: You done goofed.

I assume the reasons why Celestia knew this could, or rather would, happen but chose to say nothing regardless will be explained in greater detail at a later date in the sister story.

Other than that, I concur, this was indeed a needed chapter, and otherwise well executed as usual. :twilightsmile:

could se have


Good idea.:moustache:

More backstory. Is gud.

For example, some Zebrafrican dignitaries had brought in a tea made from a fine-leafed plant, the specific variety producing a rather red beverage.

Roobios, AKA red bush tea. If it's fresh it reminds me of hackberries, which is a very good thing. Sadly, most of it sold these days is old and stale and tastes like nothing at all.

7702258 You, good reader, are awarded 10 imaginary internet points!

I'm from South Africa myself, and as such Rooibos is a staple tea in most households :pinkiehappy:

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