• Published 13th Sep 2015
  • 9,406 Views, 486 Comments

The 7th Element. Season 1: The Magi-Tech Pony - Rojack79

Follow Gadget, a changeling who is actually a human, as he sets out on a quest to live his new life in Equestria to it's fullest.

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Act III Chapter 4: Just Another Day in Ponyville.

4, 29, 1000, C.E.

It had been several weeks since Midnight helped Gadget get over his nightmare's. The two had been spending more time together, going to the park, hanging out and even sharing dream's with one another. A little over a week ago Princess Celestia had sent him and his family ticket's to the Grand Galloping Gala. It was only a few week's away and Gadget was still trying to get up the nerve to ask Midnight to the ball.

Come on! You can do this! You faced her down when she was trying to kill you for crying out loud! This should be cake walk! No matter how much his brain screamed at him to go on and ask he always found some reason not to. What if she says no! What if she doesn't want to go! What if she already found somepony else! What if--- SLAP!! His mom had come up to him and gave him a good whack on the head.

"Oh stop it already." She said a smile spreading across her face. Gadget looked at her with a confused look. She still had her smile.

"You've already made it to first base. So you have nothing to worry about." She trotted to the kitchen and came back with a sandwich.

"Here. You look like your about to pass out." She said handing the sandwich to him. He didn't seem to notice it. So Ruby took the sandwich in her magic and then she began to nudge him in the mouth with it.

"Here come's to chew chew train." Gadget brought a hoof up and swatted at the sandwich. It zoomed around his hoof and nudged him in the mouth once more. He swatted at the sandwich and then it stopped. Gadget starred at his mom. She starred at him. Gadget leapt up from the sofa and grabbed a broom from off the floor.

"So you can have fun?" His mother jested with the sandwich.

"Well what can i say. My family has a way of getting me out of a funk." He said as he brought the broom up ready to swat the sandwich out of the air. His mother smirked.

"Your magic is nothing compared to mine." His mother said in a deep voice. Gadget nearly busted a gut trying not to laugh. He knew what she was trying to do. Ever since he told his parents about one of the best movie's in his planet's history they had been doing there best to mimic curtain part's of it. While he wasn't the best person at telling story's he was sure that his parents got the concept of star war's mostly because his mom was trying to act like Darth Vader. So he might as well join in on the fun.

"Your magic come's from the darkness. Mine come's from the light. You will never defeat me." His mother darted the sandwich around his guard but Gadget's broom was there to intercept it.

"Ha little foal. If your light is only that strong then you have a lot to worry about. My power's are limitless." His mom said as Gadget batted the sandwich out of the way and trusted the broom at his mom's exposed chest. She dodged the attack and brought the sandwich up to defend herself from a flurry of slash's from Gadget's broom. Now that he had the offensive he was pushing his advantage to it's fullest.

"Well well what do we have here?" Both combatant's looked up to see Sky descending the stair's. Ruby got a smug look on her face.

"Do not interfere old man." Sky looked hurt, but the twinkle in his eye told them he knew exactly what they were doing. Sky scoped out a flyswatter hanging on the wall. As he jumped off the stair's into the thick of the 'fight' he used his magic to grab the flyswatter off the wall.

"So young Knight do you think you stand a chance against two dark master's?" He said wielding the flyswatter like a rapier. Gadget shook his head.

"Now that is not fare." He wined a small grin appearing on his face. "Beside's dad your supposed to be on my side." Sky thought about it.

"Sorry son but the dark side is way hotter than you." He said smirking. Gadget chuckled and there two way fight became a three way. Gadget would attack with his long reach but sky's swatter would be there to intercept. Then Ruby would counter attack with the sandwich. She landed a few good hit's to striking Gadget on the head and neck a few time's. Midnight came down the stair's to see the family hopping around all over the place looking like fool's waving there make shift weapon's around. She just calmly trotted past them and into the kitchen.

Why do they insist on acting like such juvenile's? She thought as she came back with a sandwich and began to munch on it watching the spectacle with mirth. Gadget was now cornered at the edge of the second floor balcony.

"Any last word's son?" Ruby asked as she pushed Gadget closer to the edge.

"You'll never take me alive!" He said as he hopped onto the ledge and jumped. Midnight spat out the last bit of her sandwich and jumped to the rescue.

"What were you thinking?" She shouted as she grasped Gadget in her magic. He slowly descended to the floor. When he was a few inch's above it his little bubble popped.

"Ouch." He looked at Midnight.

"What was that for?" He wined putting on a fake face of child like pain. Midnight starred at him.

"What exactly were you thinking to just jump off the second story like that?" She scolded him. He looked back to see his parents just standing there amused look's upon there face. He looked back at Midnight a solemn expression on his face.

"Your right Midnight. It was not to smart of me to just jump off like that." He hung his head and started to trot up the stair's, a single tear dropped onto the floor. A fact that Midnight had picked up on.

"Oh horse apple's." She thought as she huffed and went to go comfort Gadget.

"Look Gadget i'm sorry." She said as she rushed up the stair's after him. Sky and Rose just looked on at the two.

"How long till she catch's on to the act?" Sky thought about it.

"I'd say all of five second's. Unless our son has been practicing his acting since we last saw him in canterlot." Rose snickered.

"I don't know. That prank we pulled on you was pretty convincing to say the least." She said busting out in laughter at her husband's wild blush. He began to stammer like a mad pony. Finally he gave up and just left his wife standing there laughing her flank off.

Upstairs Gadget was giggling like a clown as his ruse was found out by Midnight.

"You tricked me?" She said a small smile creeping it's way across her face. Already she was thinking of how to get revenge.

"Well can you blame me?" He asked as he shrugged. He sent and sat down on a spare bed. Midnight soon joined him later. They just sat there looking up at the wooden construction of there home.

"We should go for a walk."Gadget said as he rolled off of the bed and onto his hooves.

"Yes that sound's nice." Midnight agreed as she to rolled onto the floor.

"Hey mom, pop's were going out for a little while."

"Have fun sweety."

"Be sure to use protection son!" Gadget quickly closed the door. He looked at Midnight and chuckled nervously.

"So the park as usual?" He asked. Midnight thought about it.

"How about we head into town. See what the girl's are up to." Gadget nodded.

"Sound's like a plan. Let's be on our way madam." He said bowing and waving his hooves in the direction of town.

"Lady's first." He said in a posh accent. Midnight giggled at his antic's but she bowed and accepted his gentalcolt behavior.

Up in the sky Swift Wing spotted the two lover's as they made there way into town. He could see them talking laughing and just in general having a great time.

"How cute." He said a smile spreading on his face. He had been away on duty looking for an escaped fugitive. The crazy part was that said fugitive was supposed to be dead. He had heard that the Princess's themselves had presided over the execution. He was as dead as a doorknob. His burnt up corpse was proof enough of that. But somehow they had gotten report's that he was in the area. So Control called back all field agent's to do a sweep of each grid sector. They came up empty. Now he was stationed back in ponyville. This town was the best assignment he had ever had. He wouldn't give it up for anything in the whole wide world. As he watched the two go over to sugar cube corner, his mouth drooled at the thought, he noticed out of the corner of his eye that the two were being fallowed, again.

"Ok this has got to stop." He swooped down to ground level and watched as the stalker, Hot Shot made his way to the unsuspecting couple. Swift was as silent as a cat stalking a mouse. But before he could get to Hot Shot, he had darted out from his cover and tackled Gadget to the ground.

Gadget and Midnight were on there way to sugar cube corner when Gadget stopped. He felt somepony watching them. He turned around and was blind sided by a body slamming into him taking him to the ground.

"Wow!" He screamed as he was pummeled by a flurry of blow's to his chest and head. God can i please just have a normal day out! He put up his hooves to protect his face but the pressure on him was suddenly lifted as he saw Hot Shot get levitated into the air. He looked around to see Midnight using her magic.

"How dare you!" Midnight said as she brought Hot Shot over to her face. As he looked at her his face softened.

"Eclipse!" He said as he began to cry.

"Don't worry love. We'll be back together soon. I just have to take care of HIM!" He said struggling to get out of Midnight's grasp. Midnight looked from Hot Shot to Gadget who was just as dumbfounded as she was.

"Oh good you caught him." Came a voice from behind them. Both pony's looked back to see a pegasus standing there. He was white with gray wing tip's. Gadget noticed he had an earpiece on. Ooh a MK 3 Special operation's Com system with satellite up link capability's! As Gadget was starring at the earpiece having a nerdgasm, Midnight was studying the pony before them.

"If you'll excuse me your majesty i'll be taking him into custody." He said pointing a hoof at Hot Shot. Midnight starred at the pony even more.

"What is your name citizen?" She asked. He froze for a sec. He weighed the option's. Denying a princess was never a smart thing. But to give out his name could compromise the mission. As it was he was going to be in serious hot water with Control.

"Well your majesty i can't give you that info at this time." Midnight squinted. If there was one thing she did not like it was being disobeyed. Just as she was about to pull out her royal canterlot voice however a soft voice of reason had gotten up from the ground and put in it's two cents.

"It's ok Midnight." Gadget said as he limp over to her. She dropped Hot Shot in a hurry and went over to Gadget.

"Are you ok?" She asked. He smiled.

"Pff i have been through a lot worse than that dipstick." He said waving to Hot Shot. He in turn growled at Gadget and leapt at him. Only to stop mid leap as he was zapped by a lightning bolt. Gadget shielded Midnight from the attack but found that it wasn't aimed at them. He looked down to see Hot Shot unconscious and twitching as smoke rose form his prone form. He looked up to The pegasus to see him holding a box shaped item in his hoof. OMG! A THUNDER CANNON! Gadget had another geek out moment as Swift went and cuffed Hot Shot. He then strapped a strange contraption onto his back. To Gadget it looked like a parachute.

"What is that?" he asked. Swift just pushed a button and Hot Shot was whisked into the air by a giant weather balloon. Well now I've seen everything. Midnight thought.

"Wow!" Gadget said looking up as Hot Shot was suspended in mid air.

"Were can i get one or two of those?" He asked. Swift just laughed.

"Sorry Sir but those are a little secret." Gadget thought about it. Actually i could probably just build my own. He shrugged.

"Ow well. Thanks for the assist." He said as went up to Swift to shake hooves. Swift hesitated. He knew that getting close to target's was not a good thing. But then again this was ponyville. The professional in him told him no, but the Rational side of him said go for it. In the end he settled for a firm hoof shake.

"No problem." He said as he gave them a salute and took off into the sky. He did small loop around before coming back and grabbing the weather balloon and sailing off into the distance.

"Well...that...was...intriguing?" Midnight said as she and Gadget continued there walk to the bakery.

"Yes very much so." He said. His mind was now abuzz with several thousand question's.

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